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Ah, okay. I just wanted to check since it had been close to a week. Was worried you lost interest. ^^;
Nathe couldn't hide the interest from his eyes as he looked upon their homes. The drow had managed to convert the stone caves into homes just as well, creating catacombs of buildings beneath the earth, very similar to the way the dwarves set themselves up. This, though...it required an artistry that the drow simply did not possess. He looked up at the houses perched among the trees, seeing figures flit between branches from time to time. It seldom happened with the current entourage, but once was enough to paint an idea of how the elves traveled among their tree dwellings. It was rather interesting to think about.

However, noticing that this was the majority of their buildings, the drow hesitated before speaking out. "I hope your taking me somewhere on solid ground," he commented. "No way I'd be able to climb that like this." Not only was his hands tied behind his back, but his wound would make it difficult for him to take part in such a rigorous activity.
No, no, it makes sense. xD Okay, so that actually sounds good. He'll convince them to walk around and Mel will become his personal guard since she's the one who patched him up after "injuring" him. How did we want to approach the drow/elf conflict? Is it open combat or are they just very tense with each other? I was assuming the latter, but wanted your take on it.
True, true. Alright. Then that'll be our plan for those. Where do you want the RP to go from here? With Nathe being imprisoned and all, figured it'd be up to you with the elves. xD
Works for me. I'll just assume any major players we introduce will be kept under our own control as secondary characters. xD
Nathe listened to the conversation between the two for a short while. He snorted as the comment about the drow, but didn't return with his own comment until they had agreed to take him. "Don't speak like you know us, elf," he stated. His demeanor had entirely changed from when he was talking to Mel, becoming more arrogant and demeaning as he gazed at the patrol leader. "We don't need strength of numbers to survive, unlike some..." He glanced over the other elves before letting out a sigh. He had been peaceful with Mel one-on-one, but he knew he'd get no where with the soldiers. They were trained to hate the drow. He would have sooner been shot in the head than allowed to come back if the woman hadn't spoken up. He may as well play the part of these hateful drow.

Once he got them to sit down and talk with him, he could continue more complacently.
Nah, it's fine. I actually wanted to ask. How do we want to divvy up secondary characters? I'm all for us having characters of the other races as major characters in the plot, Mel and Nathe being our mains, but wasn't sure how we wanted to divvy up our minor characters, like the patrols and stuff. We could either split it by race, you control the forest elves and I control the drow, or we could just take them as we need to. I don't mind either way. xD
Nathe let her bind his hands, staying quiet as she spoke. When he heard the snap of the twig, he offered a small nod. "Then, I guess you should present me," he suggested, already expecting the rough treatment from the soldiers. Despite her kindness, the woman had a clear disdain for his kind. He couldn't rightly blame her. The drow were uncouth and violent compared to the isolationists in the forest. If what the elder said was true, they abhorred violence, but would be rather fierce if their livelihood was threatened. His presence threatened that, he was sure.

Bowing his head, he let her lead him forward, stumbling slightly from his wound, unable to put his full weight on his right leg. He looked the proper prisoner, despite it being his plan. He needed it to be believable. He didn't want suspicion cast upon the only soul who showed him any sort of kindness.
The drow wasn't surprised she accepted. It was the best choice for her right now. If she continued helping him, she'd be seen as a traitor, just as he was already. After all her kindness, he wanted to prevent that.

A hand reached back to his side, holding the wound as he slowly tried to push himself up. He grunted in pain from the movement, but he managed to get to his feet. He clearly favored his left foot, the wound in to his right preventing much pressure from being put on it. However, he could stand without assistance. "I...should be fine," he mumbled. "It's not far from your village, right?" He paused a moment as he looked down at his weapons. "If...you don't mind, could you bring my weapons? I doubt I'll convince you guys to trust me with them, but I don't want them to just rust away out in the woods. You can bind my hands so I can't do anything tricky." Hesitantly, he removed the hand cradling his wound, bringing both behind his back for her to tie together, should she choose to. He was very compliant for one of the 'violent' drow that the forest elves knew of.
Nathe watched as the woman turned uncertain. She clearly acted out of the kindness of her heart, but it seemed her people would be just as harsh with her. He couldn't ignore that. She shouldn't be punished simply for keeping him alive. It's what any decent person should strive towards, as far as he was concerned. Especially in their situation. His estranged brothers and sisters just hadn't realized how similar the drow really are to their fair skinned counterparts.

With that thought in mind, he made his mind up. Letting out another hiss of pain as he readjusted himself to sit cross legged in front of his savior, he closed his eyes, a small frown coming to his face. "I see you put yourself under a lot of risk just to care for me," he stated, bowing his head in thanks once more. "I truly am grateful for that. I shall return the favor." He pointed to the sword at her side. "Claim that you injured me and drag me to your village as a prisoner. My wound was treated, but only so you could have me questioned." As a sign of good faith, his hands reached down to his blades, unlatching them from his belt and placing them on the ground at either side of him. He then pulled his bow's string over his head, removing that and placing it alongside his blades. A knife was discarded from his leather boots, followed by his quiver of arrows. Each piece of equipment showed the difference between their races. The metal was finely made, having more minerals and forges below the surface, but the woodworking of his bow and arrows were shoddy at best, some of the tips made of solid stone instead of the steel that would normally be seen.

"I present myself before your mercy, miss. Do with me as you please," he declared, folding his hands behind his back. He was clearly expecting her to take his offer. It worked best for both of them. He got into the village and she was released of any blame for his presence.
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