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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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How am I being passive aggressive? I was just trying to address the issue I saw. We haven't really talked about how the meeting would go. You're right, I don't know your characters, but that's why I brought up this concern. My characters would react by refusing her proposal. However, I didn't know if your character's threats would be legitimate and just screw up the entire guild from there.

I'm sorry if I came off as rude. The attitude just came as a surprise to me. I was just trying to address the issue I had with it so we could talk about it. Nothing more.
Ok. Slight problem here. I feel like you're trying to undermine my characters, first of all. Second of all, why would my guys ever accept her terms? Guilds need job money to get by. I have a feeling if they refuse, though, you're just going to steam roll it to the point of the guild being worthless.
Leo returned her scowl. This girl was going to jeapordize their mission if she kept things up like that. "A few points," Leo retorted. "We've been searching for four days. Just because the bandits are more likely to come out to a seemingly harmless lady over two mage doesn't mean you were here first. Second, who gives a crap? People are being hurt. We're going to stop it. You said it yourself. You stepped in because the guilds wouldn't. Well, our's is willing to." Leo didn't drop the thug during his rant, holding the body towards Ricard. "Do your thing."

Ricard hesitated, looking between the two. "Why do we need to fight about this? We could work together," he suggested. Even as he spoke, he touched the thug's face, a spark coming from his fingertips. Slowly, his own features began to change, shifting until he looked exactly like the man he was touching.

"We're going to trick the bandits to lead us to their hideout. Leo's our only fighter, so we could use the help." Ricard's voice had shifted as well, matching that of the unconscious goon.

Leo's frown deepened. "We don't need her help," he replied. "These bandits are worthless. Besides, it's our jobs. The villagers submitted it to us themselves."
Leo snorted in response to her comments about the Guilds. It was true that no one had done anything, but it was likely the large name guilds writing off each of these incidents as beneath them. Villagers wouldn't find help with mundane tasks, especially those that didn't pay well, unless they lowered themselves to the smaller guilds. "It probably helps that our guild isn't very...large," he commented. "We only received this job..." He paused a moment, considering it. "Four days ago? This was the first sighting we had." He shrugged after his explanation, glancing towards his partner before regarding the woman before him again. "My name is Leo. The idiot is Ricard. We're both from Fairy's Blossom." The guild was not very well known. It only had a handful of people in it, not enough to take the major missions that large, well known guilds would take. In this area, though, it was known a little bit. They were trustworthy in their sincerity to help, just not in their abilities to get the job done.

Ricard didn't help matters on that end, harassing any woman who came in to make a request. "These words are very hurtful, Leo," Ricard said, crossing his arms. "You know very well that I would have been useful if we followed through with our plan."

"A plan that can't work with a group of four here." Leo paused in his retort, looking down at the four men. "Mm...maybe it can still work." He grinned a bit, looking over at Saya. "This isn't the full group of bandits. We'll finish up the mission from here, though. You can rest assured that the guilds are taking this seriously now." He reached down to lift up one of the thugs, hoisting the large body effortlessly in his one glowing arm, seeming to dismiss the girl in order to continue with their mission. After all, it wasn't her job to do this. It was their's.
"Brave or foolish," Nathe pointed out with a small smile. "After all, this is my reward." He patted the wound at his side, thankful for the numbing effect of the medicine now as he sat there. "At least your people don't grow violent with those beliefs. I just have to prove to them that we're not all bad. Nothing will get solved without an example of peace. I just don't want to let this sit until it grows into actual conflict." He leaned back again into his seat, stifling a yawn as he explained. "Honestly, I'm surprised you're willing to give me the benefit of the doubt without any proof give of my sincerity."
Ricard's smile didn't falter, placing a hand to his chest as he bowed his head slightly to the woman. “Oh, but I beg to differ. I distracted him so my colleague could take him out with ease!” he said, though it wasn't clear if he was joking or not. He sounded serious, as if it were a real contribution.

“Though, you could have clearly taken them yourself,” Leo cut in, giving his partner an exasperated sigh. “I apologize for my partner. He likes to think he's more important than he is.”

“On the contrary!” Ricard turned to Leo. “I like to put the people we intend to save as the most important.”

Leo just shook his head in response. “You can ignore him, miss,” he stated. “He's an idiot.”

“Your words hurt, Leo,” Ricard said, a mock look of pain on his face as he clutched his chest, though it was clearly all for show. “You cannot slander me so in front of the beautiful maiden. You'll ruin my stellar reputation.”

Leo just placed his head in his hands, clearly not wanting any part of this behavior that Ricard seemed insistant on putting forth. “You ruin my reputation with your behavior,” he mumbled, deciding to heed his own advice and ignore him after this. He looked up at the woman. “I apologize for our intrusion. We did not realize that the people of this village offered this job to another guild.”
Ricard kept moving, despite the hesitance in Leo's steps. Though, it did make him wonder. Dark Make? Most dark related abilities were taught to those who decided to join Dark Guilds. Of course Ricard didn't care. A woman was involved, evil or no. He would go to hell and back if it was for a woman's affection. Leo, however, was more cautious, specifically because of this. All the easier for her to get the jump on them if one of the two were smitten with her.

Leo picked up the pace even as Ricard grabbed hold of one of the remaining two by the arm. "This...is no way to treat a lady," he said, slightly winded from the run. The man, having been prepared to attack the girl in revenge for his two cohorts, spun around, fist primed to punch him. The lithe man ducked under the first punch, landing one of his own to the man's stomach. The man grunted, but it didn't seem to have much effect. This was going to be a problem. He had no offensive magic and he had charged straight in without thinking. At least, hopefully, it looked cool enough to the maiden he was currently trying to save. Despite the fact that she clearly needed no saving.

As the man threw a second punch at Ricard, his wrist was grabbed, Leo finally having caught up. With a swift punch to the man's side with the mage's glowing arm, he crumbled, collapsing to the ground in pain. Another swift punch to the face knocked him out entirely.

Ricard grinned at the pink haired woman, the disruption being plenty of a distraction for her to finish off the last goon. "Are you alright, m'lady?" he asked with a more grandiose expression, as if he had been the one to take out all four. "I came as quickly as I could to your aid! I hope these fools haven't hurt you at all."
“So, what's the point of this again?” a chestnut haired man questioned his shorter companion. The taller of the two was slim, dressed in nicely tailored cloth; a blue tunic with black pants. It wasn't the fanciest clothing, but it still spoke of an attempt to look nice. After all, what if he met a beautiful girl that needed saving? He couldn't look sloppy. He had a reputation to uphold. The playful glint in his hazel eyes never seemed to go away, despite the frown that currently marred his features.

His companion was much different, his darker brown hair falling just slightly over his forest green eyes. He had a loosely fitted white jacket with a black stripe reaching up from the middle, all the way up to the hood. A black tank top was worn beneath the opened front of his jacket, matching black sweatpants worn to complete his outfit. It was distasteful, in Ricard's opinion, to go out in such a manner, but Leo always dressed for comfort and maneuverability, especially when out on a mission. “I told you this five times already,” the younger man said with an exhausted sigh. “There are bandits out here and the bigger guilds are too good for such a small group. Will you shut up and keep looking?”

Ricard rolled his eyes in response. “Oh, come off it. You're just as bored as I am,” he complained, letting out a small yawn as he placed both hands behind his head. “Our skills would be better suited at home with the lovely ladies. I can introduce you to-”

“No,” Leo cut him off harshly, rolling his eyes just as Ricard had moments ago. “I'm not like you. Can we focus on the mission now?”

Ricard let out a sigh as he gazed out at the landscape. It didn't seem all that out of the ordinary. A small walk from their city displayed farmlands and plains for miles, only a few smattering of trees around the area. Well, in this direction at least. Nothing was different, though. Plants growing. Animals scurrying about. Large thugs cornering a young woman.

His eyes darted back to the last bit. Several large men had surrounded a young woman. They did not seem at all friendly, the lecherous smiles being clear from Ricard's position down the road. The pink haired maiden was alone with no weapon in sight.

Well, he couldn't have that. Raising his voice, he picked up his pace. “Come along, Leo! Duty calls!” he shouted, causing his partner to roll his eyes again. Of course Ricard would get serious when a woman was involved.

Regardless, he had the right idea. These were probably the bandits they were looking for. Placing his left hand over his right, he let out a small breath as he picked up the pace. “Enhance.” Red lines trailed over the man's right arm, shining dully in the sunlight, but forming intricate circuits from his finger tips to his shoulder, most of them hidden beneath the sweatshirt he wore.

Alright. We can use this thread for chatting about the RP and keeping track of new characters that we bring in.
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