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Leon had been watching the small Pokemon for a while, not really paying attention to what Rasca had been saying at first. However, at her question, he smiled a bit. “No. I didn't want to just capture it,” he stated. “This is a test above all else. Though, another thing I had to test. Female Nidorans are extremely gullible. This is made up for in the fact that the males stick very close to their mates. Together, it is said they have a perfect union. The caring and protective side...” He gestured to the blue Pokemon before them. “And the skeptical and powerful side. Two sides to the same coin.”

There was rustling behind Nidoran as he continued speaking. The boy went quiet, focusing on it, his looking growing more serious. It seemed he had been waiting for this. With a cry, a purple blur shot out, lunging for Leon's hand. The young boy swept it away quickly, diving into his pocket quickly to produce another pellet. Playing with it in his hand for the moment, he placed it down in front of the other one. “No need to be scared, little guy,” he said softly. “I was only giving her a treat. You can have one too.”

The Nidoran bristled in response, seeming suspicious of the offered food. However, the blue one let out a soft cry, seeming to talk to the purple one. After a moment, the purple one snorted, turning its head away in annoyance. Though, it did settle down and nibble at the small treat offered to it. That made Leon smile again. “Hey, guys. I want you to meet my friend, Rasca,” he said softly, placing his hand on Rasca's back. The blue Nidoran chirped happily before going back to its pellet. The purple one made a soft sound, though it sounded less happy about it.

He was about to keep going, but he paused as a small growl was heard. With a cry, a white furred body popped out from the surrounding grass. Leon was already moving without thinking as it shot towards the smaller Nidoran. He moved in the way, raising his arm and taking the initial kick from the Mankey that had jumped out to attack. He crashed backwards from the force, clutching his arm quickly. It wasn't too much of a surprise. Leon was well known to valuing the well-being of Pokemon over himself. He just never had much chance to display that.

The two Nidorans instantly went into action. The blue one backed off, retreating to Leon's side, while the purple one launched forward, ramming into the Mankey with full force. The two Pokemon clashed and went down, fighting amongst each other while the blue Nidoran stayed by Leon, making sure the one who protected it was alright. Despite the situation, it seemed he had one her over.
Leon simply smiled in response to her worry, placing a hand on her shoulder and pointing out towards the grass. “Since when have you been so scared?” he asked. “Besides, this is the adventure I've been wanting to take you on.” He retracted his hand, dipping it into the pocket of his jacket for a moment before taking out two small red and white orbs, Pokeballs. It seemed he had been paying attention to where they were going. It just happened to be in a direction he normally avoided.

He decided he should probably explain to Rasca. After all, he doubted she'd simply take the fact that he had gotten Pokeballs as reason enough to go search for Pokemon. “It goes back to the two species of Nidorans I was telling you about,” he explained. “The male gender of Nidoran is a rather violent, angry species. Unless it trusts you, it'll more soon poison you than let you capture it. They're known for their attack power and are quick to aggression. They are also rather common Route 22.” The route they were headed towards. That wasn't very reassuring.

“The female Nidoran, however...” he continued without pause. “They are rather docile. They trust more easily and are more known for their loyalty than aggression. In fact, their evolution, Nidoqueen, is known for being a very protective Pokemon, taking damage to protect its friends and, in some cases, its trainer.” He was walking towards the grass, pocketing the two Pokeballs and, instead, pulling out a small pellet. She would recognize it as a type of food for Pokemon. “In fact, they are so trusting that they typically forage for food very close to human civilization.” He knelt down, placing the pellet on the ground lightly. Going back to his pocket, he shook the container lightly, making just enough noise to be heard on the outskirts of Viridian City.

It didn't take more than a few minutes for the grass to begin rustling. Despite this, Leon seemed calm. “Along with this, Pokemon are generally a very calm species, except for a few outliers. Nidorans especially have little reason to fear us as their poisonous nature keeps us away from them. Of course, the female variant is rather empathetic. If you were to be agitated, they would become agitated. Thus, if you are calm, you have very little to actually fear.” The small blue head poked out of the grass, looking curiously up at the boy. He just smiled in return and nudged the pellet towards it. It let out a small cry and came out fully to nibble at it. After tasting it, it let out a happy cry, clearly enjoying it.

“And, once it's enjoying its food, not thinking about the odd human with it, you should be able to gain its trust,” he murmured to himself, reaching out slowly. His finger reached behind Nidoran's ear and scratched lightly. It made another happy cry, smiling up at the boy before going back to its small meal. This made him turn back, grinning up at Rasca.
Leon gestured back towards the bench, a small bag with a pull string sitting there. Walking back to it, he grabbed it and slung it over his shoulders, grinning happily at his friend. “We better get going,” he stated. “It might take a while to get things set up.” He started walking down the street, letting her follow after him. It really didn't take long for the boy to start talking about Pokemon. Though, he was very vague on what they would actually be doing. He wanted it to be a surprise, but that's all he'd really say about it.

However, Viridian was a small city. It wouldn't take long for Rasca to realize where they were heading. As they approached the edge of the city, the path leading out to the west was clear enough. Go far enough and you'd reach Victory Road and, eventually, the Indigo Plateau. Of course, that wasn't the concerning part. Many kids wanted to see Victory Road and the Indigo Plateau. The problem came in the tall grass that littered the place. Pokemon thrived out there. Two kids had absolutely nothing to defend themselves with.

Leon, though, didn't seem to be concerned. He just continued to talk to her about his latest studies on Pokemon; most recently, those on the two species of Nidorans. He almost seemed unaware of the possible dangers. After all, he was normally the one to warn her of them if they drifted too far to the edge of town.
A yawn escaped the young boy's throat as he continued his wait for his friend. Leon knew he could have easily gone to bother Rasca and get her up. He didn't want to wake her up too early, though,worrying she might get annoyed with him. Of course, that led to the problem of how early was too early? He didn't know. Thus, he waited, reading his book outside his house as he was prone to do when he was procrastinating or trying to hold off until he had to go some place. His messy brown hair fell over his eyes, masking the light blue from view.

Truth be told, he was really excited about the prospects for today. He knew Rasca would enjoy it too, which thrilled him even more. The two were let off from school for the moment, having entered their summer break. Thus, they had the opportunity to leave for a while and try their hand at something they both wanted to do. Raise Pokemon. It had taken months of research and preparation, but Leon felt adequately prepared now to do this, even without the help of Pallet Town's Professor Oak.

It wasn't long before he noticed Rasca on her way to him. His face lit up in a smile and he waved to her, shutting his book quickly to stand up. He opened the flap of his red jacket, sticking the book into a pocket on the inside, before heading towards her. “Great, you're finally here,” he said, barely masking his excitement, a rare display for the usually shy and quiet boy. “Did you pack your bag like I asked you to? I think you're gonna enjoy my idea for our new adventure.”
Minoru shook his head, smiling innocently. "I think we can trust her," he stated. "Though...I can't say why...never met her before." He looked puzzled at his own explanation, turning to look at the girl again.

"My name is Shiro. You have nothing to worry about. I just want to make sure Minoru-kun gets to safety," she explained.

"How...do I know you?" Minoru asked hesitantly, unsure of how to respond to this. He didn't know where or why he knew the girl. She just seemed familiar to him. He felt like he could trust her. Then again, given his situation, Keiko was right. Trusting to easily would be dangerous.

"You don't recognize me?" Shiro simply smiled and slowly morphed back into the white dog, barking happily up at them.

The boy's eyes instantly lit up in understanding, seeming surprised for a moment. "I've seen the dog around. I always assumed it was just some stray...but it showed up from time to time when I needed help..." he explained hesitantly.
As the group made it around the corner, they found the dog already forcing its way through a small hole in the fenced off area of the academy. It was large enough for the two to squeeze in after it, but it was already bounding down the hill, heading towards a patch of grass beneath the bridge. Minoru, not really thinking on it, went after it, jogging to keep up with the mutt.

Once at the bottom, he noticed something odd. The dog was no where to be seen. A woman was standing there with the same white hair as the dog's fur had been. She was wearing a loose robe around her body, gesturing for the boy to hurry and follow her. Beside her, a small boat was pulled up on shore. "You guys seemed like you were in a hurry," she stated in a happy manner. "We'll get you back to the city, alright?"
Minoru let her drag him along around the academy, but it didn't take long before he had slowed, trying to decide on the best direction to head in. The academy itself was located on an island, not far off the coast of the mainland. The only way in and out was along the bridge, where it was manned 24/7 to make sure the more unsavory characters stayed out. That being said, they'd probably know his face at this point. That meant that the only way out would be blocked from them. The tram into the city would be a good idea, but it wasn't very applicable, given the circumstances.

He was drawn from his thoughts as he felt a tug on his leg. A small dog stood at his feet, mouth clamped down on the boy's pant leg. The dog was tugging on him before letting go and bounding away a bit, barking a little to get their attention. Minoru was puzzled by this for a moment, but then slowly looked up to Keiko. "Uh...I think he wants us to follow him..." he said slowly, unsure of what to do in this situation. After a moment, though, he sighed and started walking towards the dog, figuring it couldn't hurt. It'd give him time to think of a way out of here in the mean time.
Minoru looked confused for a short moment, but then smiled again, shrugging as he went back packing away the necessities. It didn't take long. He lived in a rather small dorm room. It wasn't like he could have all that much to pack. As he went through his things, he gathered everything he thought he might need. Extra pairs of clothes, his cellphone, his laptop...however, as he reached into his drawer to grab whatever else he thought was necessary, his hand froze, feeling cold metal against his hand. Gripping his hand around it, he realize he was holding the end of a handgun.

What the hell? He didn't remember having this. He let go quickly, but did his best to seem natural about it. No point having Keiko suspicious of him again. Shutting the drawer, he grabbed his back and zipped it up quickly. "I'm ready whenever you are," he stated.
In Squad 14 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Kazuho offered a nod, smiling a bit. He was starting to figure things out. He could tell. If this group went as well as it was supposed to, they might just be able to survive in what is most commonly known as the most treacherous areas in the realm. “Very good. Tenth seat it is. As for the three...Saido will be placed at ninth seat, tenuously. As the only specialist on our team, he'll be working closely with me for special missions. So, he's ninth seat, but he'll be working closely with us as our very own Onmitsukido. His skill ranks him higher, but his purpose keeps him lower on the scale.”

He tapped the other two forms. “Sei is an impressive healer. I want him at eighth seat. He's definitely one of the best healers we can ask for in terms of quick wounds. He can also gather the reiatsu for larger wounds. A very special Shinigami in terms of reiatsu and his abilities.” He and the Captain Commander shared a look, seeming to know more about it than they were letting on. However, he immediately went back to his task. “Aya will be sixth seat. She is an exceptional fighter, even with her healing arts. In fact, she's one of the first to use these healing arts to enhance her fighting. She is worth at least sixth seat. Acceptable?”

Once that was done, he slid a few of the packets towards Inari. “The seventh seat will be left open. I have a spot saved, but I need to...arrange it. Other than that, let's keep going with our recruits. None of these will really be seated. We can order them, but the top ten is going to be the real backbone for this division. Sound fair?”
In Squad 14 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The boy bowed his head, thinking over what he had heard. Then he gave a nod. “Fourth seat,” Kazuho stated. “He gets better with each bout, it'll give you both something to stay ahead of.” Sliding the papers to the side, he left them in three separate piles, separating them by division. “Our first five seats are filled. I trust these three will be allowed?” He glanced towards the Captain Commander at the question.

Kyouraku, who had stayed quiet during the discussion, offered a nod. “Yes. Anything below the second seat is fair game to you two. A Captain and Vice Captain have a special bond, I like to think. It'd do poorly to separate them for this new squad,” he explained. “I'll make sure the ones chosen are accepted in the transfer.”

“Thank you, sir,” Kazuho responded, bowing his head to the man before turning back to Inari. “Then we continue. My suggestions come from the Second and Fourth Division. First is Masaru Saido of the Second Division. I believe he is part of the special ops under the direct command of the Captain of the Second Division. His skills could be invaluable, though. Fourth Division, I request both Shinosuke Aya and Sanaru Sei. Both have exceptional abilities when it comes to the healing arts. With where we are stationed, I believe they would be extraordinarily useful.”

The Captain Commander could only raise an eyebrow at this, looking concerned now. “An Onmitsukido specialist and two high ranking Fourth Division Shinigami? Kazuho-kun, I know I give you free reign past the Vice Captain seat, but even you must realize what you're doing here.”

“We will be in enemy territory, for all intensive purposes, sir,” Kazuho responded respectfully. “A specialist who can gather information and has the ruthless resolve to finish the mission at whatever cost will be helpful to our cause. Along with that, the abilities of Aya and Sei are well known. Aya is one of the only Fourth Division members who is both gifted in the healing arts as well as lethal with those same arts. Sei has a special control to him that makes him invaluable on our healing squad. We will only have three healers, going with the format we set for Division 14. If we're only to have three for 41 people, I want them to be exceptionally talented.”

At that logic, the Captain Commander could only sigh and offered a brief nod. He'd have to try and figure a way to explain this to the Captains, but Kazuho raised good points. Despite his youth and some of the odd ways he was going about it, he seemed to have a handle on what was needed for them to work efficiently. “Inari-san, any input on these three?”
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