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In Squad 14 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Kazuho listened quietly for a few moments before nodding. “Then those three will be considered first,” he stated, reaching into his robes to produce another stack of folders. He pulled out three folders and sifted through for a single piece of paper each. It seemed he had been considering those three before Inari had even mentioned it. “First off, Kiso Nanasei.” He slid one of the papers to Inari. “Fifth seat of the Ninth Division. She could easily be a candidate for Vice Captain if not for the same unlucky streak you've had. Though, from what I understand, it'd be a fight between you two for who is better. Of course, I've done my research. You've got the better mind for Vice Captain. She's a smart fighter, but that's not what I was looking for in a Vice Captain.”

The boy stopped at that, looking down at the sheet before him. Tapping the paper, he looked to Inari. “I believe you will be a better choice to unite our ragtag group. Third seat is a good position for her role in this organization.” He offered a small smile, the first Inari had seen since starting this meeting. “Besides, rivalry could prove good for you. Don't want you to get comfortable just because you made it to Vice Captain.”

Sliding the paper to the side, he pushed the next one forth. “Taki Kusamori. Eighth seat of the Eleventh Division. A powerful fighter, indeed,” he commented. “Some of the selections I've made are less like fighters and more like supporters. I can't have a group of supporters, though. If they get separated from the fighters, we will need them to hold their own. He would do well to help further their training. He will also doubtlessly be a man we can rely on to hold the front if need be. He truly lives up to Kenpachi-sama's legacy. Fifth seat.”

Kazuho slid the paper to the side. “Lastly, Sai Setsuna. Sixth seat of the Sixth Division. I believe their division is known for being the 'model' Shinigami. Before I go on to rate him, tell me. What about him is so undesirable? I can only gauge his power and usefulness. I would like to know how he will interact with our team.”
In Squad 14 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Kazuho gave a small nod to his new Vice Captain. “At ease, Inari-san,” the boy said, sliding his chair out to stand. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you formally.” He held his hand out to the chair across from him, offering the other man a seat.

Kyouraku smiled a bit at seeing the new Shinigami. “Inari-kun, I have heard great things about your work,” he stated. The two had never met, but it was clear that Kazuho had at least known about him. “It's rare for a Captain to handpick his Vice Captain. It seems Kazuho-kun has great hopes for you.”

For his part, the boy just shook his head. “We'll see how things go once our squad begins our duty.” Returning to his seat, he tapped the table lightly, looking to his Vice Captain. “Getting right to the point, though, this meeting is to establish our squad. As things stand, I was chosen as Captain and you are chosen as Vice Captain. We have no other members. I have been given permission to select a group of elites evenly from the Gotei 13, with the exception of other Vice Captains and Captains themselves. Along with that, we should get to know each other better since we will be running this group together.”

He leaned back in his seat, placing down a folder, full of papers. “To begin, I want our group to be small, but elite. We have no need for a lot of Shinigami. Just enough to keep the peace within Hueco Mundo. We will pick three from each squad of the Gotei 13. That gives us 39 Shinigami to assist us in our mission. After that, we will recruit normally as each of the other squads do.” It was a fair number. No squad would miss three members. However, for a squad to be made up of only 41 Shinigami was almost suicide, especially with the mission they were given.

It seemed the new Captain had no concern for that, though.

“I have files on several Shinigami that I've had an eye on, enough to give us a selection in each squad. I want your input, though. As my Vice Captain, I will take your recommendation into consideration and give it priority in my choices. You're a strong warriors who deserves the rank of Vice Captain even if you never had a chance to attain it. I trust your ability to spot others in that same position. Do you have any recommendations?”
In Squad 14 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Kazuho had stepped away from the battle, moving on past the gathered Shinigami, heading towards where the Captain Commander was positioned. Even as he moved, he heard the man's voice boom over the crowd. “As it has been witnessed, the victory goes to Sasami Kazuho. The new Captain of Squad 14.”

There were murmurs from around him. He knew the doubts. Squad 14, the “Hollow Guard,” was to be stationed in Hueco Mundo. It was a huge risk to the Shinigami involved. If there were ever an uprising, they would be alone against a horde of Hollows within their own domain. With the tentative peace they had with the Arrancar, though, there were hopes that Squad 14 would be little more than a diplomatic tool.

Either way, the danger was exactly why Kazuho had taken command of choosing his own squad. Kyouraku had offered one of his seated officers to become his vice captain originally. The boy, on the other hand, set out to investigate rumors instead. What he stumbled across was a lowly third seat, like himself, but one with the power to challenge a Vice Captain. He could tell from the few training drills and spars he had seen.

With that decision made, Kazuho had sent notice to Abe Inari with instructions to be present for the match against Hitsugaya. With this done, Inari had instructions to meet with him and the Captain Commander to discuss the new future the two of them had in store.

As Kazuho made it to Kyouraku's meeting chamber, he bowed to the man slightly before moving to take a seat at the table. It was a large table, six seats on either side with one at the head for the Captain Commander. He knew this set up would change with the fourteenth squad being introduced. “You did well today, Kazuho-kun,” Kyouraku commended him.

Kazuho gave a simple nod. “Thank you, sir. Hitsugaya-sama went easy on me, though,” he mentioned. “It may have gone differently otherwise. He didn't realize how powerful I really was.”

“Well, regardless, you are now Captain of Squad 14,” the Commander continued kindly with a big grin on his face. “Now, where is that Vice Captain of your's? I look forward to seeing the one you chose for such an honor.”

“He should be here shortly,” the boy responded. “I requested his presence here once the match had concluded.”
In Squad 14 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The young boy let out a sigh as he stood in the center of a large group of people. The other Shinigami had formed a circle around the small section of the training area, watching anxiously as the Captain stepped in to join the boy. He stood a full head shorter than the other, but he was already well proven. What he lacked in size, he made up for tenfold in renown.

Sasami Kazuho simply watched Captain Hitsugaya enter the stage set for them, dull eyes keeping track of his every move. He glanced up at Kyouraku, his mentor from the early days within the Gotei 13, and sighed again. He didn't really feel like fighting this Captain. The only reason he was was because the Captain Commander thought it was time already for him to have his own squad. What more, he wanted to make a squad for him? It was unheard of in recent times. He supposed he couldn't be that surprised, though. Given what had happened only a few centuries previously, this might have been longer than they should have waited.

Captain Hitsugaya gave a small nod to the boy. “I'm sorry for this, but you are still too young to become a Captain. Too inexperienced. I will show your inexperience here,” he stated.

Kazuho didn't answer. He simply bowed before drawing his blade. “Absolve, Kuroi Karite.” The only response that was given as the blade seemed to grow, turning into a large scythe, a black blade adorning the end. He slowly shifted into a stance, waiting for the match to begin.

As Kyouraku announced the start of the match, Kazuho shot forward. Hitsugaya drew his blade, blocking the first strike. But the boy had moved behind him already, twisting the blade away with his scythe. Hitsugaya followed him easily enough, turning his body with him, keeping him engaged. Kazuho had stepped back, swinging wide, but Hitsugaya swayed his head to the side, dodging it and moving in. The blow that followed was blocked just as easily by the scythe's hilt. The younger Shinigami was on the retreat now, blocking moves here and there.

However, after a few exchanges with no hits given, both backed off. Hitsugaya slid into his stance a little more deeply and smiled. “You're skilled. But I'll end this now,” he said. “Sit upon the frozen heavens, Hyorinmaru!”

Kazuho's mouth moved but no words came out as he watched Hitsugaya begin to swing. “Vanquish.” He swiped the scythe quickly and...Hitsugaya froze. There didn't seem to be any effect to his attack until...

Several cuts opened up along Hitsugaya's body. He cried out in pain as dozens of slashes tore open, rendering him motionless as he fell to the ground. The scythe slowly returned back to its former state, Kazuho sheathing the blade and turning to head back into the crowd, the Shinigami gathered having been shocked into silence by the quick and brutal victory. Kazuho had been spoken about from time to time as a new prodigy...but he had defeated Hitsugaya, a rather powerful Captain from as far back as the battle against the infamous traitor, Sosuke Aizen. Even among Captains, Toshiro Hitsugaya was a name to be respected.

Sasami Kazuho, however, had just defeated him with little more than a few scratches after their few exchanges.
In Squad 14 11 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The young boy let out a sigh as he stood in the center of a large group of people. The other Shinigami had formed a circle around the small section of the training area, watching anxiously as the Captain stepped in to join the boy. He stood a full head shorter than the other, but he was already well proven. What he lacked in size, he made up for tenfold in renown.

Sasami Kazuho simply watched Captain Hitsugaya enter the stage set for them, dull eyes keeping track of his every move. He glanced up at Kyouraku, his mentor from the early days within the Gotei 13, and sighed again. He didn't really feel like fighting this Captain. The only reason he was was because the Captain Commander thought it was time already for him to have his own squad. What more, he wanted to make a squad for him? It was unheard of in recent times. He supposed he couldn't be that surprised, though. Given what had happened only a few centuries previously, this might have been longer than they should have waited.

Captain Hitsugaya gave a small nod to the boy. “I'm sorry for this, but you are still too young to become a Captain. Too inexperienced. I will show your inexperience here,” he stated.

Kazuho didn't answer. He simply bowed before drawing his blade. “Absolve, Kuroi Karite.” The only response that was given as the blade seemed to grow, turning into a large scythe, a black blade adorning the end. He slowly shifted into a stance, waiting for the match to begin.

As Kyouraku announced the start of the match, Kazuho shot forward. Hitsugaya drew his blade, blocking the first strike. But the boy had moved behind him already, twisting the blade away with his scythe. Hitsugaya followed him easily enough, turning his body with him, keeping him engaged. Kazuho had stepped back, swinging wide, but Hitsugaya swayed his head to the side, dodging it and moving in. The blow that followed was blocked just as easily by the scythe's hilt. The younger Shinigami was on the retreat now, blocking moves here and there.

However, after a few exchanges with no hits given, both backed off. Hitsugaya slid into his stance a little more deeply and smiled. “You're skilled. But I'll end this now,” he said. “Sit upon the frozen heavens, Hyorinmaru!”

Kazuho's mouth moved but no words came out as he watched Hitsugaya begin to swing. “Vanquish.” He swiped the scythe quickly and...Hitsugaya froze. There didn't seem to be any effect to his attack until...

Several cuts opened up along Hitsugaya's body. He cried out in pain as dozens of slashes tore open, rendering him motionless as he fell to the ground. The scythe slowly returned back to its former state, Kazuho sheathing the blade and turning to head back into the crowd, the Shinigami gathered having been shocked into silence by the quick and brutal victory. Kazuho had been spoken about from time to time as a new prodigy...but he had defeated Hitsugaya, a rather powerful Captain from as far back as the battle against the infamous traitor, Sosuke Aizen. Even among Captains, Toshiro Hitsugaya was a name to be respected.

Sasami Kazuho, however, had just defeated him with little more than a few scratches after their few exchanges.
The boy offered a small smile. "I appreciate it, but do you really want to keep following me around? If I'm wanted for murder, it's not exactly a stigma you're gonna want to have following you. You could have Sceptor 4 coming after you, let alone that gang after beating their one member." He let out a sigh. "You might be better off leaving me out to get caught whether than bothering with it." He offered a weak smile to her, knowing that this alternative would most likely leave him either dead or captured before long. It wasn't like he could fight.
Minoru offered a shrug, pointing towards the television. "With an announcement like that, it's not really going to matter," he replied softly. While he was confused by this whole situation, his mind had been going, making sense of what would happen from now on. If this was on the news, he was positive most people in the city would know about it within the day. Not just that, his image was clear, killing another man. That would attract the police or, worse, the special police force that had been set up for the Homura case. He'd have about as much success against them as he would have against the skateboarding kid.

After a moment, he shook his head. "With that on the news, anyone who wants a reward will turn me in. Half the city probably saw it. The other half will know of it by the end of the day," he explained with a small sigh. "You might take me at my word, but I can't explain that. If I were you, I'd have either left me to die or killed me yourself for my crimes. I can't tell you why I was on that screen and I can almost assure you that no one in the police force will believe that I'm just a confused boy with evidence like that." Lowering his head a bit, he thought over his options. "I give it an hour...two at most before the police come to my apartment. If they decide not to, that boy works for that gang. They know I'm a student here and that narrows down their search. I'm not safe anywhere I go. At least I might get some answers if they find me again."
Minoru seemed nervous, but he was still staring intently at the screen. He didn't know what to make of the news program. He didn't remember the video. He didn't know what was going on. After a few moments, he sighed, bowing his head. "I...think I'm gonna go for a walk," he stated. "You're welcome to make yourself something to eat while I'm gone. Make yourself at home." He pushed off from the table, walking towards the doorway now. He needed time to think. He didn't know what else he could do in this situation and...well, he wasn't sure if it'd be a good idea to stay with Keiko if she decided not to trust him.
Minoru's eyes were wide, but he looked more shocked than anything. "What the..." he murmured under his breath. Then he snapped out of it, seeing Keiko's hard stare in his direction. "I...don't know what to tell you." He truly didn't. He had no idea what the video was and didn't remember being part of it. The more he tried to remember, the less sure he was of himself. "I...I don't remember. I haven't killed anyone!" He brought his hand up to his hair, looking incredibly nervous and worried. "I don't know what to say. I've never held a gun in my life, let alone shot one. I don't know what that video was...but I don't remember it."

While there was a lot of evidence against him at this point, he seemed incredibly confused by all this. Though, even with that, he could just be a good actor, for all she knew.

However, there was a distraction again as the image of Minoru firing the gun came on screen. The new caster was talking again, seeming rather confused himself by the interruption. "It seems there is a cash reward for anyone who finds this man and brings him to justice," he stated, unsure if he should keep going with the report.

Minoru just lowered his head into his palms, trying to fight off an impending headache. "Gods...what is going on here...?"
Minoru offered a shrug. "It's not like it's your fault. I'm sure there's a reason for it," he explained with a smile. He walked over to the table set up beside a very small kitchen area. The room wasn't overtly small, but the entire place was the size of little more than a dorm room. He picked up a remote, pointing it at the small television past the futon.

As the screen switched on, the news was running. It was talking over the incident at the school. A dramatized image of Keiko flashed over the screen. Then it cycled through, showing the boy and then Minoru. This caused him to frown lately. "I hope this is settled soon," he commented.

Before he could say any more, the screen seemed to get messed up, static drowning the newscaster. A video began playing and Minoru's eyes widened as he recognized himself. He was laughing as he leaned on a iron bar, talking to the cameraman. "Do you realize who you talk to?" he asked in a malice filled voice. The boy said something incomprehensible, but Minoru just smitked, pointing a gun at him. The shot rang out and the camera was dropped. One last thing was heard before the video was cut.

"I am the Colorless King."
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