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That could work. Yeah. Wasn't sure what direction you wanted to go for the crew. Obviously we have the captain and his firstmate. I assume we'll go in the direction of D being somewhere in their heritages. Also wasn't sure about potential romances among the crew. Just trying to get an idea of what we should be focusing on for future crew members.

For learning about Mitsuki, I think he's gonna hold to that secret for quite a while. At the least, til the Grand Line.
Okay, so I don't know how much you remember. I had to re-read our posts to catch myself up. Ryu asked Mitsuki to come earlier and Mitsuki decline. He wanted to be taught how to fight better. He also Told him that he studied Devil Fruits in reference to him mentioning his power was strong when he saw him transform. So, I'm referencing that in my post.

Anyway, do you have any ideas for where to go next? The two escape the island after taking out the Captain and his two Lieutenants. Then what? I assume they're gonan need to start building a crew, but I wasn't sure what direction we wanted to go in yet.
Mitsuki raised an eyebrow. "Your Devil Fruit is unusual," he replied. "I told you, I study them. Zoans aren't all that uncommon, but something along the lines of a dragon? Your transformation was strong. A normal lizard Zoan wouldn't have scales that tough. Not at your stage of experience, at least. That's entirely different. Even if that wasn't the case...you just knocked out the one in command of this island." He pointed to the Captain. "The natural course of action would be to send someone to subdue the troublemakers. Albeit...he's a weak one...but there are stronger Captains in the Marines. If they think you're a threat...which, they might, considering your Fruit's power, it might draw the attention of even a Vice Admiral. Far above your grade right now." He didn't need the boy to know his true intentions or his position for the time being.

Instead, he gestured towards the harbor. "I don't know what brought you to this island, but I suggest we leave. Now," he continued. "The Marines won't be able to leave for some time, but if we wait long enough for reinforcements to come in, the ports will be closed off. I'll need to teach you the way the Marines work if we don't want to get cornered by them. This'll be a good first lesson." It almost sounded like he was changing his mind on whether or not to come with Ryu at this point.
Mitsuki watched the boy move, knew what was coming from it. He had potential. He had a lot of potential. He was still green, though. He was a one trick pony, trying the same move repeatedly from different angles. He wouldn't be able to last on his own. Despite his misgivings, he knew what he needed to do as he watched the dragon child fight.

The swordsman launched himself forward as he watched the boy twist, seeing the tail grow just as he had expected. He pivoted in place, slamming the hilt of his sword into the Captain's face as the same moment that Ryu brought his tail down on the back. The combination of both of their strengths crushing his skull between them was enough to end it. The sickening crack of the man's nose was heard as he slumped forward, crashing to the ground as Mitsuki stepped to the side. The Captain's body crashed with a resounding sound as he laid on the ground, his arm bleeding profusely. The villagers were gone at this point. The fight had scattered them. Even if the Marines had cleared out. If the Captain and the Commanders couldn't handle these two, there was no way the foot soldiers would be able to.

Mitsuki flicked his sword lazily, blood splattering across the ground. The sword found its way back into his sheathe as the man let out a small sigh. "Kid, we should leave. Reinforcements will be coming for you soon. There might be someone more competent among them."
"Now, get the hell out of here," Mitsuki stated, turning away from the broken Marine. He was just in time to see Baku smash down at the prone Ryu. Luckily, the boy was still quick on his feet. He managed to get away, but Baku wasn't going to let up. Gritting his teeth, Mitsuki shot forward, dashing towards the two in a flash.

~ ~ ~

Baku growled in annoyance as his cannon fire seemed to do nothing to his adversary. He wasn't armored anymore. The claw slammed into his chest and he felt the sharp edges dig into his flesh. That was what he wanted, though. He brought his arm up and grabbed the boy's arm, slamming the end of the gun into his stomach. He grinned. "Game over, kid," he stated, readying to fire...just before a blade sunk into the man's wrist.

He let go of the cannon in pain, the metal figure crashing to the ground haphazardly as he whirled around to face his new annoyance. He swung the dragon boy, attempting to use the boy's body to bludgeon the swordsman. Mitsuki was ready for it, though, sliding underneath the swing. He grabbed his sword on his way through, slicing clean through the man's arm.

Baku let go of Ryu at that moment, roaring in pain even as Mitsuki leapt away from him, creating distance when he tried to swing blindly at him. "Kid, knock him out!" the swordsman yelled over the cries of pain.
Eh. I see it as a dangerous match up. Marine captain against a relative newbie. The only reason I make Mitsuki out to be superior is because, technically, he outranks them. I'll give him a slight boost. I see their relationship being similar to Luffy and Zoro. Zoro seems to have more raw strength to him, easily the strongest out of the crew in that regard, but Luffy has more drive and learns surprisingly quick for being an idiot. He almost evolves during the battles he has. Picture Mitsuki being a bit stronger for a while, but Ryu can easily surpass him once he gains full control over his powers.
It's fine. I just appreciate some heads up if there's gonna be a long string of no replies.

Dunno if you want Mitsuki to step in at all. Seems his battle is wrapping up so, if you don't want him, you can go ahead and wrap up Baku's battle. He's just physically strong. He'll go down if Ryu lands a couple of a good hits. He's gonna get sloppy. Trying to speed things up since he's due for an inspection with his superiors. Had it in my head that that was the reason Mitsuki was on the island to begin with. So we can either end it quickly because he got sloppy or Mitsuki can intervene, though I was gonna keep his connection to the Marines secret for a while yet.
Mitsuki lowered the blade slightly. "Another thing. If you bother the kind citizens of this town again...I won't let you off this easily," he said, his voice lowering into a growl as his eyes narrowed. "I don't want to have to have this talk again. I can assure you. If I do, it will be your last. Am I understood?"

~ ~ ~

Baku's arm had already lifted as Ryu got his bearings. The cannon was now pointed directly at the boy. Without giving him a chance to recover too fully, he let the cannon launch, intending to break the boy quickly before he could recover. He refused to let this upstart have his way out here. It was already a travesty that anyone would dare defy him, a captain of the Marines. He would snuff this upstart out and regain full control of this island. He had to in a hurry. This would be an embarrassment if the Admiral's agent arrived to inspect the port during this issue.
Mitsuki offered a calm look at Hibiki, not even watching the swordsman fall to the ground. One down. He flicked his wrist up quickly and his sword left his hands, shooting out at Hibiki. He wasn't aiming for the man, though, letting the blade stick into the ground right in front of him. He was hoping the attack would throw him off even more.

Regardless, the shooter had to reload. He shot forward, closing the distance in only a few strides. Almost instantaneously, he lunged forward, landing lightly on the hilt of his sword. He swept his other foot up, striking the barrel of the rifle in the crook of his ankle and dragging it down so it would point at the ground. In the same movement, he leapt from his sword, spinning back to plant his other foot into the man's face. He grabbed the hilt of his sword as he passed, slashing down as he finished his spin to slice the gun in two.

As he landed, his sword came up, resting lightly against the neck of his foe. "Surrender and you can get medical attention for your friend," he stated. "Don't and you'll regret your choice."

~ ~ ~

Baku lifted his arm up, the cannon coming up with it. "This is the power of the Marines, boy. You would do well to remember that," he growled out, slamming the metal form down on the boy's stomach if Ryu didn't attempt to escape.
I guess. It's been a while. I'm not really sure at this point. XD

Either way, I found some exciting news. IX was re-released onto the Playstation 4. So that'll likely be the next game after Witcher 3. :D
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