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I do about the same. Usually, just name, age, and appearance. Figure the rest can come out in the RP easily enough.
In RICHE CITY 5 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Jackie grinned a bit. "It's good to see you, man," he said, lifting his arm in return. He hugged him tightly before letting him go and patting him on the shoulder. "Now, how about that drink? I'll be around for a while, so we'll have a chance to get piss drunk some other time. Much rather catch up after just getting in."
Sounds good. Do we want to make up character sheets?
In RICHE CITY 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
The sun was high in the sky, just past noon, as the black sedan pulled up in front of a non-descript bar. The streets were just as he expected. It was nothing great, nothing like what was aspired to. It was the kind of street that evoked the nervous glances his Uber driver was offering. You would sooner be mugged walking down these streets unprotected.

It was the perfect place for Jackie. He grinned widely as he saw the bar, opening the door. "Thanks for the ride, mate." He slipped a ten up front, placing it in the cup holder as he moved to get out of the car. It was a generous tip, but then...well, he was in a generous mood. "Have a good one." He stood up, straightening out his black zip up sweatshirt as best he could. He took the sunglasses off to admire the bar properly, gazing up at the dimly lit 'open' sign in the window.

He placed the glasses on the top of his head, striding over to the front door. He opened the door, the musky smell of the bar hitting him almost simultaneously with the tunes coming from the barkeep, a man he was well acquainted with. "Shit, Sal. No wonder the bar's empty. You're supposed to be attracting customers, not scaring them away with that voice of yours," he called out with the usual jibes he would give his buddy back when they were younger.
In RICHE CITY 6 yrs ago Forum: 1x1 Roleplay
Character Full Name: Jackie Renolds

Gender: Male

Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian

Height: 5'8"

: Flaxen blond hair, left a bit messy, and icy blue eyes. Medium build with good amount of muscle on him. Preferred outfit is a black t-shirt over his jacket with plain jeans and black boots. A few scars from previous fights along his body.

Personality Description: Jackie is cocky with high aspirations. He'll do what he needs to do to reach the top and doesn't care who he has to step over to get there. There are very few who enter his inner circle that will make him change that attitude. He's very sociable, though, and has an charismatic personality, one that he hopes to use to reach the heights he aspires to.

Short Biography: Jackie grew up in a shitty neighborhood to a drug addled mother and an abusive father. He dealt with the situation for years, never lifting a finger as he watched his father come home drunk day after day in a violent stupor. His mother took to drugs to avoid the abuse. Jackie held off for only one reason. His sister needed someone to take care of her. He tried to do so for the first few years, but he couldn't protect her from his father.

One night, while she was crying, his father took out his violence on her. It was the first time Jackie tried to fight back. He was knocked unconscious and, when he came to, he found his sister dead and his mother sobbing. His father was no where to be seen, but the police soon arrived. His mother was taken in, found to be an unfit parent for her addiction.

Jackie passed from foster home to foster home, causing more trouble in each one than the last. He fell in with bad crowds, got into plenty of scraps, always causing more trouble than good where ever he ended up. He eventually took up his mother's addiction, but kicked it a few years back after entering rehab. Since, he's been clean, but with no real talents and his track record, work is hard to come back. So, he brought himself into Riche City, hoping he could strike it big with what talents he does possess.

Character Nationality: American

Skills: Lockpicking, pickpocketing, brawler

Weaknesses/Detriments: Cocky, uneducated

Likes: Sushi, fighting, dogs, money

Dislikes: Authority, cowards
Mitsuki shook his head. "Baku is the strongest on this island. A Vice Admiral and his Captain were doing an inspection, though. The Vice Admiral and his Captain should be busy overseeing the training and supplies of the base, so they're preoccupied. It wasn't something the higher ups needed to be around to oversee," the swordsman explained. "At least, I wouldn't think so. They likely sent the best they had to quickly subjugate us before the higher ups heard about it. Once they do hear, though...they'll be sure to come for us. Luckily, I heard the Captain has his hands full. The Vice Admiral is newly appointed. Likes to wander off on his own. Not very organized. With any lucky, they'll be a bit disorganized in trying to rally a counterattack. Which is how we'll make our escape."

As he finished explaining, the two broke from the buildings to the large docking area of the village. Ships lined the harbor, but Mitsuki ignored them, making his way with purpose towards their destination. "We'll subdue the crew and take the ship before they realize we're gone. By the time they realize we've left the island, we'll be a good hour out."
Based off the last couple of chapters? They're both pretty damn powerful. XD Fishmen are only really strong for the fact that they're physically superior to the average human. Which our humans are regardless. And they can breath underwater and all that. Jinbei is kind of an outlier in the fact that he was just a monster among Fishmen. So...if we chose a weaker race of fish, then maybe it'd be acceptable. A Mink seems to be massively powerful during certain phases of the month. Similar to Tony's rage mode, won't distinguish friend from foe but can do some serious damage. A Mink would likely wreck any early pirate crew we face.

I have a Devil's Fruit user that might be acceptable. He kind of comes with regular humans on the side of that from his backstory. Other than that, no one comes to mind right off the bat for me.
Iunno. Good question. I have some ideas for new crew mates. Any ideas on your end?
Perhaps as a means to control those of D? They're said to be able to overthrow the Tenryubito.
"Ah...something like that," Mitsuki replied with a small smile to himself. He was already moving, though, preventing a reply. He moved swiftly, cutting through the abandoned streets until they reached the more crowded areas, far from the site of their battle.

He looked around the crowds and, satisfied they weren't being followed, continued towards the docks. "You're lucky, you know," he commented. "The Marines have an inspection today. Most of the troops are tied up with that. Captain Baku likely came to stop you from making a bad name for them. We'll have a small window. They'll find out soon and call for reinforcements. They'll block the ports and we'll be stuck. We won't be able to hold that many off. Also lucky for us, a ship is currently being inspected to potentially be sold to Captain Baku. It is being prepped to set off as we speak. That is our way out."
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