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  • Old Guild Username: RyuHll
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Do you have a preference on who you face? I'm prone to having my character face the Captain, given his position with the Marines. But going by the typical One Piece routine, the Captain of our little crew should get the top dog. So what do you think?

Also, do we want to control our own characters' opponents to better display the individual skills or play against each other?
A belch escaped one of the uniformed men a few tables away. The white haired man frowned in his direction, momentarily distracted from his companion's prattling. Both were dressed casually, though the talking one was clearly less comfortable, constantly adjusting himself as he talked to settled the blue button up right on his body. The low brimmed cap was tugged down to hide his dark green hair and sea blue eyes. The white haired man, by comparison, were a plain black t-shirt beneath a white jacket, matched with loose fitted black pants. His light blue eyes stayed on the Marine he had heard, his annoyance barely contained.

"...sir? Uh...sir!" His companion was quick to draw him back. "Were you listen? What is our plan, sir?"

The other man shook his head. "First of all, we've been over this, Lee," he said with a small sigh. "Not sir. I'm not your superior here. We're equals. Mitsuki is fine. We need to stay quiet." He glanced back to the Marines sitting at the table. The one who had drawn his ire earlier was now harassing one of the tavern wenches, unconcerned with the annoyed looks he would receive. Not that he received many. Most of the people here were too afraid to do more than avert their gaze. "First step, we observe. I'll have you check around town. Once I'm satisfied, I'll meet with the Captain here, but not before. I want a clear idea of how these people operate."

Lee's eyes followed Mitsuki's gaze, finding the group just as the Marine reached over to grab the woman's behind. This was met with a roar of laughter from his compatriots, but only earned a low, almost inaudible growl from Mitsuki. "Sir...you won't do anything we'll regret, will you?"

Mitsuki rolled his eyes. "Mitsuki," he reiterated. "And no. Now, off with you. We have work to do." Lee let out a soft sigh, but nodded, obeying his commander as he slowly got up from his seat to leave.
Okay. So do we have any idea what we want for the first villain? I figure we have a Captain/Lieutenant combo to force our characters to work together.
Will sipped at his drink quietly, enjoying the brief moment to himself. The cafe was quiet. There were only a handful of other patrons enjoying the food and drink. There had not been much opportunity to sit by himself as he would have liked, but he opted for the quietest looking of the group; a young woman drawing in her sketchbook. At least there was little chance to be bothered with her absorbed in her own work.

He glanced up at the TV, listening to the new prattle on. The main story, though, caught his attention. He sighed. "Vigilantes," he muttered to himself, the tone of disgust clear in his voice. "Such a thankless, pointless profession." He clicked his tongue gently in disapproval. He took another small sip from his coffee before starting to get up to leave. He did not have the luxury for spending too much time just sitting and watching the news.
The grey clouds that hung overhead did nothing for his mood. The man had left his office, taking a half day to go over paperwork. Like anyone of importance in this small little town, he worked for the technological giant, Alp Tech. Unlike most of those people, though, he had made his way up in the world, if his finely tailored suit was anything to judge by. He had only been there a short time and it hadn't been long enough to truly become known throughout the company, but that was fine with him. He didn't care for the attention.

Tired blue eyes caught the coffee shop as he was walking past. He paused only for a moment before deciding to head inside. Maybe the coffee would perk him up and help him get ready for the rest of his day.

His hand brushed through his messy brown hair as he made his way to the counter. He gave his order, ignoring the raised eyebrow he earned from the barista. An exhausted suit was probably not the typical clientele he would deal with on a day to day basis. "Do you have a name for the order?"

"Will," the man replied, stifling a yawn on the back of his hand. "Thank you." He took his number and stepped away, finding his own table to sit at, awaiting his order to be ready.
I'll probably add to this over time, or I'll forget about it. A little about me. I've been RPing for as long as I can remember. At least ten plus years. I wouldn't say I'm a grammar nazi or anything, but I do prefer some legibility. I stick to casual, at the minimum, but can write up to advanced. The only big deal breaker for me is that I would like some notice if you want to stop RPing.

So, I've had a craving for a handful of fandom based RPs. So, figured I'd put it here and see if I can garner interest. These ideas can all be adapted to either a one-on-one setting or a small group setting. I prefer to avoid large groups. So, we'll see how things go. I'll include a plot if I have one in mind. Otherwise, I'm going to just have the fandom in general listed. Open to suggestions on any of these.




Fullmetal Alchemist

Code Geass

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

My Hero Academia

Final Fantasy

I'll add more as I think of them. Feel free to PM me about any ideas you might have.
It's still good. I like it.
Huh. You drew that?
Sounds good to me.
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