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Will's eyebrow rose in curiosity as he took note of her powers. Spider based powers? If he remembered correctly, the boss had been working on something based around those powers. That's an interesting predicament.

He withdrew his phone, looking down at it for a moment as he contemplated his next move. The boss would want to know...especially if there was a chance that this new super was using his tech. It was expected for him to call. In the end, though, he pocketed the phone. Screw him. He should have been more careful with security.

Will began to walk again, but he followed an unseen trail, tracking the new spider girl. He wanted to learn more.
Will had left the cafe, though he paused as he seemed to hear something. He was passing the alleyway beside the cafe, but turned in time to see the would-be robber slammed back into the wall. The girl who had been drawing seemed to...stick to the wall?

He let out a frustrated sigh. You could barely go about your day without being in the presence of one of these kinds of people. He could do without it, if he were being honest. Still, he let his curiosity get the better of him. He stepped around the corner, keeping himself hidden, but wanting to watch what unfolded. It was good to know who to avoid in this town and he wanted to understand what her powers were. So, for the time being, he hid and allowed her to handle herself.
Mitsuki yawned, looking bored at the whole situation. He made his way towards the seat and flopped back into it, crossing his leg over his knee as he leaned back. "Captain isn't available?" he asked before clucking his tongue disapproval. "Well, that's a problem. I needed to speak with him."

"Shut it," a Marine growled from behind him, smacking him in the back of the head.

The blow jarred the swordsman's head forward, but he simply let out a sigh. "Such an unruly bunch," he replied. "You're a disgrace to your post."

The Marine fumed. He raised his hand to strike him again, but Mitsuki tilted himself away this time, rocking the chair with him. It spun back, balanced on one of its four legs. The white haired man's leg caught the Marine's arm this time, wrenching it painfully to the side as it was dragged by the force of his movement. His other leg struck the Marine's back, dragging him fully to the floor.

The chair finally dropped to all four again, Mitsuki's legs resting on the Marine's back as a foot rest now. "Hurry it up. I want to get this over with," he demanded to the Marines in the room.
That could work, sure. Maybe the giant, in the way that he's designed, could have some robotics. I was thinking, perhaps, a chain attached to a grapple. I dunno how this works with the physics of it, but he could swing the dwarf around like a flail at times.
"There won't be any trouble," Mitsuki replied. He shot the girl a warning look, hoping she would stay quiet. "I just got tired of the way they treat the staff." He held up his hands, the sword loose in his hands. "I surrender. I'd like to talk to your Captain anyway."

The Marine blinked for a second, but only let out a snarl of annoyance. "You think you would get away with that?" he asked. "We'll bring you before him, but only after having our fun."

Mitsuki tilted his head to the side curiously. "You think you can?" he asked. His eyes flashed again, the Marine taking a step back nervously as the aura exuded from him.

"I..." The Marine paused and swallowed hard, eyes narrowed. He shook his head. "The Captain will make an example of you."

"Good. Finally, some sense." He tossed his sword over, the man fumbling for a moment before grasping it firmly in his hands. Mitsuki was already making his way out of the bar, the Marines forced to hurry after him to keep up. Even the one in charged rushed out, not sparing any words for the other two in the bar with their target apprehended.
That's fair, yeah. I think each of the villains had Fruits outside of the Black Cat or whatever his name was. Maybe that guy in the gold armor. I think the Marines are different in that regard. They designate. Captains would be chosen because they're powerful. Could be like Morgan with just some hefty weapon, but theres actually been pretty few "normal" villains.
Mm. Might not be a bad idea to figure out power sets. What you thinking?
Will was just starting to leave when he was shoved past by another in a black hoody, the hood pulled up to cover his face. A thin black cloth was pulled up to cover his mouth and nose, masking the rest of his face from view. Will paused briefly to glance back at him in annoyance, but hesitated again when he saw the glint of metal in his hand.

The man pulled out a gun, pointing at Will. "Get back in here," he demanded. "I'll be wanting what's in your wallet. Along with anything the rest of you have. Do I make myself clear?"

The barista backed off immediately, ready to start taking whatever was left in the cash register for the man to take. Will, however, didn't budge. "No, I don't think I will," he replied, turning away to leave all the same. He took a single step before a shot was fired off, the bullet striking the door frame just to the right of the man's head.

"I said, come back in," the robber demanded once more. "And empty your pockets. Now. The next shot won't be a warning."

Will glanced back, but there wasn't fear in his eyes. Only annoyance. He let out a sigh. "I think you'll be putting that gun down. Now," he stated. The robber frowned beneath his mask, about to retort...but his hand was lowering all the same. His own anger turned to confusion as he placed the gun on the counter and let go of it. "Take it. Call the cops. He won't go anywhere." He turned away and left, not paying the robber any mind and leaving the onlookers with the now disarmed robber.
The white haired man watched the scene play out, amusement in his eyes as he saw the distress of the Marines. There was only another girl there in the tavern. Mitsuki recognized the Devil's power when he saw it. He hadn't lifted a finger, so it had to be her.

At the demand, Mitsuki snorted. "I believe you did it to yourself, you oaf," he commented drily. "Try to have some class."

"What was that?" The Marine's face was bright red, now from anger rather than exertion. He stomped towards where the man was sipping his drink, reaching out for his collar.

"I wouldn't do that." The man's eyes flashed momentarily, barely susceptible to the onlookers. The Marine hesitated, though, staggering a moment as though he had been hit. His eyes narrowed and he lashed out anyway, reaching for his collar again.

In a quick movement, his sword came up, the sheathed blade arcing up to strike the Marine's chin. His face jerked up and Mitsuki planted his foot in the man's stomach. The force sent his chair back even as the Marine staggered away.

"I suggest you stand down while you only have a few bruises and wounded pride." The swordsman was now standing, clutching his still sheathed blade in his hand, but not intending to back down.
Yeah, I suppose so. Captain and Lieutenant combo that Mitsuki and Abbygail could face together.
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