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My form-
Name: Hayley Potter
Age: 16
Species: Ocean Kitsune
Powers (explain): The kitsune of the ocean are usually stormy and tempestuous in nature; at one point calm and placid, and at another, raging and furious. They're usually quite the natural warriors. The oceandwellers, like those of the rivers, control water, but to a larger, often more violent scale – they can cause strong storms, floods, and tsunamis, and summon creatures from the depths of the oceans. When they feed from the oceans and waves, flat and still water is left behind, with the sea breezes and fishy creatures dying or leaving the area.
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Name: Jordyn Hale
Age: 16
Species: Fire Kitsune
Powers (explain): The kitsune of fire were known as the tenku under our old system. Those of fire are apt to be quick tempered, constantly moving, and can be somewhat emotional and prone to fits of pique or even rage. Angering a fire kitsune would likely not be such a good idea, ehe. Many stories attribute fiery powers to all sorts of kitsune, and it's not too hard to imagine what the fiery ones' abilities center around! They create fire, control it, and have all sorts of fun with it – fox-fire is particularly easy for these kitsune to create. Manipulating heat could also lie within their range of abilities. Feeding from flames results in snuffage, and probably leaves behind something of a coat of ash.
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Name: Finn Potter
Age: 17
Species: Forest/Time Kitsune
Powers (explain): Those of the forest were once known as the monoshenki. The kitsune of the forest are a mixed batch; some are apt to be quiet and serene, strong as the trees about them, while others are more playful and mischievous, enjoying their frolics. Most of them, however, do end up quite attached to the places they haunt. The forest kitsune are adept at manipulating wood, trees, and other plants and creatures of the forest, and are well-known for their abilities at surviving in and blending into the woodlands. Many of them are quite good at working with herbs and roots in the form of salves and potions. While feeding, the forest kitsune wither trees and plants about them, and weaken animals in the vicinity. // Once known as the tien-tin within Paradise. The kitsune of time are often quite contemplative and quiet, and are known for their abilities as oracles and seers. Some have a sometimes-irritating habit of being mysterious and tight-lipped. While they cannot travel through time, per se, kitsune of this element are able to speed up and slow down time at will, age and youthen targets, and predict future events. This is not the mastery of reality, but rather, the perception and manipulation of time. Time kitsune feed from the lifespan of things about them, aging them or otherwise shortening their time in the world. Time might also slow around them as they feed, making tasks seem longer or harder than expected.
Shapeshifted looks (optional):
Name: Amalia Potter
Age: 15
Species: Shapeshifting/Illusion Kitsune
Powers (explain): Kitsune are capable of transforming themselves into anything found in nature. Trees, rocks, forests, water, other creatures... You name it, they probably can do it. They do not, however, gain the innate abilities of the form they take – transforming into a dragon wouldn't give them dragon-like powers, for example – and are vulnerable to whatever can harm the form they choose. (Tree shaped kitsune are warned to beware of axes.) When possessing someone, the kitsune cannot shapeshift, but is capable of using illusions to 'approximate' shifting. // Kitsune are innate illusionists, and can create people, objects, and animals out of thin air that are indistinguishable from the real thing in all senses. More powerful kitsune are generally capable of seeing through the illusions of a weaker one. The more kitsune that gather to create an illusion, the more complex it can be – while one alone could create an illusionary figure, or a stack of weaponry, etc, many together could create an entire illusionary city.
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