Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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Uh, he has noble blood, because he's a son of a 'Lord of Therral' who is a vassal to the Overlord.
Great, I guess.
No farewells, no goodbyes. Domund silently sharpened his dirk, in the company of burning candles, the rest was a deep darkness. It was here he grew and pondered, while his brother bathed in luxuries, and his sister had been quietly isolated from near everybody, resigning only to her teachers and her mother. The poor girl will grow surrounded by calvous men with bollocks to their knees and her 'lady mother', who sends her children off to spill blood without even meeting them in person.

"Domund, raise a thousand men and rush to the aid of Lord Solterra Behringer."

He frowned. Rushing to aid a man who was brave enough to call his mother a whore an annum afore, not as if he was protecting his mother, the Behringer fellow seemed to be half correct. And yet.

He stepped out to the courtyard, the dusk slowly showing its' hideous physionomy at this time of the day, and the sight of bare, crying dead trees outside the fortress hadn't made it better, everich of them screaming of inconstancy, the death of life. He pulled on his black gloves, repulsed by his skin. Many times had the healers come to him when he was a toddler. And even now he grimaced as he saw it; red open sores covering the surface, no matter how much herbal oinments and emmolients were rubbed on it, sometimes it eased the disease, but it will never heal.

So is The Wound, rotting and dying.


Finally, she could rest when she arrived back at her court. She could enjoy the sight of her lands, magnificient and dark at the same time, and even if the dreary grey walls of her keep weren't much distinguishable from the one of Jarl Haraldr's hall, it was still a welcome sight. Her guard had also became tired from the way back from Jorvik, and rested. I am back. She thought. I shall begin my way south, to the lands of House Trisch.
I'm up for it. Seems a nice idea, and you seem a swell guy.
Kamalao is a rather small country relying on trade and less on military, not well versed in the prospect of air travel because of several conservative figures in the country (Cough, Lord Byral Dendorine) but also steadily moving towards progress (Lord Cleuer Peresynnian, Prince Orest, Lady Vilynda Anromytan) and of course, a nice rocky relationship with Valm.
I'd like Kamalao on the southwest of Edoniras. Quite small, smaller than the last time.
Nations Name: The Principality of Kamalao.


Form of Government:
The Prince is a head of state chosen by an assembly of several influential families of Kamalao, who can be invited - and exiled by them if they so wish.

Describe the System:
To become a Prince you may be anyone - A strong general, a powerful merchant, even a talanted bard (Although, least likely), but only as long as the families see worth and potential in you. While the title of the prince is quite prestigious, has much power, and mayhaps a bit of land attached to it, is a rather unstable one. A clever prince needs to please all the families and their much conflicting interests, and yet keep them in line, somehow, and many are unsure on how to do that.

Location on Map Desired: WIP

Capital: (As soon as the map comes out.) Entarro Cansova

Important Settlements:
-Fys Dendoro, Seat of The Dendorines.

-Trylas Peres, Seat of The Peresynnians

-Edmé Anromes, Seat of The Anromytans.

Seaten betwixt fertile southern plains and beautiful rivers, no one can deny the supreme scenery of Kamalao. Lovely forests, fantastic donjons on dazzling isles and great bazaars is only a few mentioned luxuries and pleasures of a Kamale life. To be precise, a life of somebody above a filthy serf in the servitude to some nobleman bathing in Celestial Dimes, the currency of the Kamalao. With the great contrasting lifestyles of Kamale, with one full of narrow streets and meagre wages, another full of sweet wine riches, and even sweeter women, all pay homage to the gods; Suarme, Mereu, and Astwytan.

Important Characters:

Prince Orest Seryar, the recently crowned son of a merchant, now a young man with much great responsibilities and great risks, and even more greater rewards.

Professional Army. (4-3=1)
Small Army. (1+2=3)
Ambitious Generals. (3+1=4)
Never been out of the village. (4+1=5)

Sealegs. (5-1=4)

Scared of Air (4+3=7)

Trading Hub (7-3=4)
Strong Industry (4-2=2)
Fertile Fields (2-2=0)
Empowered Companies (+/-)

Serfs. (+/-)

Army: (I will roll this, navy, GDP and stability.)
No Valm? I'm going to go for an edited version of Kamalao.
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