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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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It may be too fantasy for this roleplay, I guess, but I'd love if it can still be allowed- sort of like a special country amongst crazy big empires and stuff.

Nation's Name: Dziakir Yazm, the Matriarkhate of Fanged Women.

Nation's History:

The Matriarkhate came to be born like it shall come to die: In a sudden flash, and a terrific show. Peculiar tales of bonny adventurers discovering the sphinx kingdom left many people puzzled and alarmed, for the reports were of most disturbing nature; from the rumored blood magic that they come to know, to the enslaving of anybody who offends them, the truth is cloaked under a miserable shade of uncertainty. Albeit, without any doubt, no traveler wishes to meet, let alone journey to the heart of Dziakir badlands if he doesn't desire to be eaten by these half-lion, half-eagle women.

Most preach that these monstrous maidens were a distorted angel, Yazma rejected from the heavens, and, at the mercy of the merciless deserts, she whored herself out to the two kings of the badlands - the lion and the eagle, eating both afterwards to absorb their power. Very soon, she had given birth to litters of her foul daughters, and those daughters tricked the adventurers they met to copulating with them, shortly before eating the poor men and taking their riches.

They became known for their slyness, avarice, capriciousness and voraciousness. Their cruelty knew no limits and they invented the most sickening ways of torture and torment. They began to live in caves, adorned themselves with crowns and rings, slept on jewels and gold coins. Guarding their treasure and flying above the lands, they developed a passion for gruesomely bathing and drinking the blood of their victims, they always enjoyed flirting with evil.

Over the years they have developed a hierarchy amongst themselves, with Yazma being the Matriarch and the leader, and her firstborn children being the nobles of the land. Yazma is considered the most powerful, and is rumored to live for centuries for she is the most pure sphinx, and the ranks go on with her firstborn, then their children, and then their grandchildren, and so on.

They have not yet made contact with other empires, but are always hostile. They however, can speak and are by all means intelligent and educated.

They are a race of sphinx. They possess a body that of a lion, and the wings of an eagle, and a head of a beautiful woman. They are strong, fast, and can fly, although their armor slow and weigh them down, and you can easily kill one with a well-placed shot.

They become stronger and full of energy if they come to eat human flesh and drink its' blood, absorbing power from it. As such they do not regain strength from resting nor drinking water, which is replaced by blood. They usually come as capricious, greedy, cruel, and arrogant. They are very much confident in their abilities, and even though they are bound by blood as a big family, the Dziakir Yazm often come to disputes with their parents, sisters, children: often ending in vicious, deathly fights.

They live in caves and protect their treasure there, and do not connect into settlements, often living solitary lifestyles with mayhaps teaming up with other sphinxes to take down armed adventuring parties that one cannot take on by themselves.

They are without exception exceling at combat, and are undoubtedly a martial race, with no skills in constructing, arts, nor trade. As such, they have nothing to contribute to the world economy or culture, they only snatch what they want. That does not mean they are stupid. In fact, they are rather clever.

Form of Government: Matriarchy, Yazma is their queen. Her firstborns are her vassals, their offspring is their armies. Alas, they have no constitution and can do whatever they want, thinking the world their playground.

Current Leader: Yazma'Va'qeroris, the Matriarkh of Fanged Women. Demon of Dziakir Badlands.

Notable Figures:
Vajma'Va'buhakir, the Lady of the Dziak'mo'khatri.

Sirel'Va'caoriv, the Lady of the Dziak'vo'berikhi.

Lehja'Va'ziekh, the Lady of the Dziak'vo'pahjgut.

Total Population:
Two million descendants of the Great Dziakir'Yazm.

Nation's Location:

Nation's Geography:
Mainly badlands; dry, scorched, infertile, hard soil inhabited by snakes, scorpions, lions, eagles, and others, seldom do the rains visit these places. The biggest predators reside in caverns and pits, sleeping upon the treasures they have robbed.

The sphinxes love gold. They export bones and tears. This is my way of saying their economy is unexistent and that they're a society of horrid man-eating seductresses.

Technology Overview:
The Dziakir Yazm favor tradition over technology, but the fields they excel at are terrifying, gruesome torture devices (which also end up being used as weapons) and poisons in which they coat their claws and weapons. Other than that, they are utterly terrible at doing anything else than doing something nasty. They are creatures of destruction.

Military Overview
Two million creatures possessing wit and strength, capable of flight, also. They seem to be split between letting loose volleys of poisoned arrows from the skies or waging carnage on the ground. They can also be said to be cavalry. They lack discipline and tactics, however.

"I read that mess, can we start already!?"
pls not the vanjanajanajanjan empire
Kamalao is going to become reborn. My culture of swashbuckling, portugal aristocrat daredevils shall emerge once more.

Βασίλειον τῆς Ἑλλάδος

Kingdom of Greece

"In the light of the recent events, we must stand strong. Anatolia is slowly falling and soon we shall crush our enemies, for our realm has seen much war. Men with great potential dying in hundreds. A horrifying thought. But for the sake of our great honor, for the sake of our country, a future - Greece shall emerge as a victor. But in the midst of chaotic battle, one in the field is not a warrior. And for that, unexpected as it may be, we have allies, friends, and a helping hand. Italy has agreed to assist us in the Greco-Turkish war and contribute to the war efforts.

Our country has echoed the cry of freedom and liberty for the Greek-speaking provinces of the Ottoman Empire, and even when they had slaughtered and massacred us, we shall not stoop to their level, we shall not commit atrocities, for we shall win cleanly, like true, chivalrous knights."
- Speech by King Alexander in Central Athens.

I'm cool with my stats, Rare.
Alright, got it. Going to learn to play the game the tough way right at the start, but hey, it's all cool!
Hey Rare, I've got a tiny question. The Greco-Turkish war lasted from 1919 until 1922. So, when the game starts with someone who has chosen the Ottomans, there is automatically going to be a war?

Hey, this is interesting.

Hell yes, I'm quite up for such an interesting idea.
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