Avatar of Sadko
  • Last Seen: 1 yr ago
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 340 (0.09 / day)
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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Yes, I'll put the map up the OP.
There shall be a couple NPC states. Some could be small countries, city-states, petty kingdoms, while others may be intimidating empires.
You're accepted.
Holy shit, that map's great. I say yes to that map. Great job, man.
Sure, Nexerus. I'd just like some map that's preferably blank and easy to edit through paint yet still have it look nice. The cultural equivalents are simply made so that Arabian kingdoms aren't neighboring with norse ones.
Right. Your complaints are noted. Also, yes, all traits cost one point unless specified otherwise.

EDIT: New map, everybody. Sorry for my glorious cartography skills.

Blue's water, by the way. The black outlines the land.

Yes, it's still open until we have eight applications in.

Yes, it's absolutely fine to choose an unmarked spot in the map and make it something how you like. UK? Sure.


Name of the Kingdom:
Current Ruler:
Flag: (You can put an image or describe it here, the coat of arms too, if you'd like.)
Claim on the map: (Please supply an image, don't try to describe that stuff.)
Additional things to fill in: (Culture, Traditions, Customs, Et Cetera.)

You have 10 points to spend on all traits. You must have two flaws. You can get more flaws in exchange for more points. Feel free to get some Special Traits and Flaws, and I'll see them over.

Do not take Flaws which are completely opposite of the traits you took. For an example, it's better not to take a flaw about bad ships when you chose many traits for good ships.

Map's scale is - Chernogravia and Astieb form about the entirety of europe. Ibali'mma and Wund form another continent. Chalewiel is probably a smaller Australia.

I'm pondering about having three trait sections.
Kingdom Section, where the traits are about the government and the country.
Military Section, where the traits are based around the military of the kingdom.
And finally the Trade Section, where the economics, resources, and trade is covered.
Then the flaws.

I'd love to get some trait suggestions.
Bah. Had a bunch of traits done until I accidentally closed the tab. I'll put them up tomorrow.
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