Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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( Unfinished )
Alright, I'll write up the OOC ASAP. And guys, for heaven's sake, let's be friendly to each other. The Kingdom of Kaarelian is accepted, welcome aboard! So, Golem, I want you to add a kingdom called 'Saint-Domnilor' in the spot right in the middle between Oren, Arlais, and Lythos. The plot hook is that there is a new, rather decisive Grand Cardinal. The OOC will be up quick.
Lythos' vassals. The Crowstein Family. The Crowstein lord is quite young, and is unable to lead men in battle, nor present a case in diplomacy. At the very moment, two powerful men are vying for the young Duke Eric of Crowstein Hills' friendship and influence over him. One is his uncle, Sir Franklyn of Glearnsagg Keep - a gregarious, but fairly dull man, and another an eccentric Cardinal named Elias. Crowsteins have been a family of minor nobles, its' head the royal physician. Having masterfully saved a prince's life, he was awarded a land of his to govern. His son had made a dynastic marriage with another family and prospered over the years. Duke Eric has three sisters; Helga, fourteen years of age, Anne, twelve years old, and Maria, aged six. --------------------------- The Foxners A cadet branch off the Southmanns three centuries ago, Lord Southmann has given his favorite son, who was the third in line, a castle and lands to rule in what is today's Lythos. Ten years later, the Foxners turned on his family and joined the Kingdom of Lythos, capturing many Southmann knights and slaughtering their levies in combat. After that, he has gotten two thirds of the Southmann domain. Thomas Foxner is an old man enjoying the company of his grandchildren as he reads them fairytales. The plump, merry lord is only one side of the coin. He's an extraordinary schemer, well-versed in the etiquettes of cloak and dagger. His chapellan, Cardinal Samuel d'Morgille is a freakishly huge man, less a priest and more a champion of faith. His children are Gabriela, married to an Arlaisian knight, aged forty. Their children are Joseph, aged twelve, rumored to be cruel, and Anastasia, aged five, whom Joseph reportedly torments. Another child of Duke Thomas is from another marriage, a young man named Patrick. He's been betrothed to a wundish lady, but she is also young.
Yep, these are your most important vassals.
Yes, Rare, you can join. Anyone can join when there is space on the map. Alright, gorgenmast and everybody else. You can PM me your house concepts and I'll probably allow them. Feel free to be creative with names, history, characters, except I dictate these houses' actions and their personalities and opinions of their suzerains. I'll have to cut back on putting in coats of arms and portraits, but the Affadyqid's vassals are done. ------------------- The glorious and wealthy house of Hurtai is one subject for songs be sung; these hardy corsairs landed on the Sestani coast several decades afore, carving out a rich piece of land for themselves from another and plundering it till there was almost nothing left. Fierce retribution came upon the proud pirate-king Kacheeba, as he was chased down and arrested. He had been forced to pay back all he could, before his execution. His eldest son, however, Murad the Shark, offered Sultan of Affadyqid to betray the location of all the pirate islands along with the pirate-backing merchant guilds in the Sultanate if he was given vassalage, landed title, and a fief to govern. He did his job splendidly, winning back prestige of his family and settling down in the plains. Alas, he suddenly died of an illness, childless. His younger brother had become head of the Hurtai, and in an instant converted to Ularism. He's been fervently religious ever since, but has done nothing of note aside from donating money to mosques and offering patronage to holy men. ------------------- Karayas are a family of minor nobles, yet their names seem to be written in every contract, every pact. That is because they are in fact a conglomerate of merchant families. Their lands have always been a haven for trade and their keep a place for a rendezvous. The clan of Karaya, while providing substantial financial contributions for the greater good of your realm, as well as the most of their elite levies, aren't always seen to be supporting you in terms of diplomacy with merchant guilds. Abdul Karaya is a thin, gaunt man. He is of pale skin even in the punishing suns of Astieb, and his passionless eyes are bleak, his face always unreadable. He has been known as a patient, temperate, and diligent man. His uncles however are old, calvous men who amuse others at feasts with tales of drunken orgies and other such filth. Abdul has set his sights on marrying into the Affadyqid family, however. Time will tell what shall happen.
Yep, I am. I'd love if you gimme some interesting coats of arms and random character portraits if you have CK2

This is a vassal for the Northern Reaches. The vassal generator's a bit scary sometimes. I figure he's a very capable commander and champion for all the battles, trials-in-battle and etc. but rather controversial with the religion of the east, because he's a very cruel and horrible bastard.

I've thought up a religion which is something like Christendom with the exception that Angels are like a rather big family and they change turns ruling the world during each century. Its' symbol is a white rose. The current God is Cherubim, ruling in the era of Sagittarius. Oh, and there's something about the lines of papacy but with a worldwide brotherhood of Cardinals under the Seniority succession. They wield some formidable power and can annul marriages, excommunicate rulers, and call for crusades.

There's probably some paganism in Wund, but I'll hand it over to the Wundish nation-roleplayers for thinking it up.

Ibali'mmans are ruled by the vengeful god of sea and sand Vohamanah, who is eternally at war with the cursed rose of snow and stone of the east heathens.

Astiebese roleplayers can also think up some religion based on Islam or paganism.

ALL of you guys can add something new to the religion/lore canon. Don't restrict yourselves.
No, your ships can still do trading operations without any of those traits. Those that did not choose the 'Ships' traits or any other ship related trait will still have a fleet: alas, not as numerous or powerful as those who took the naval traits. There will be, however, naval mercenary companies.

I would loathe to see somebody scrap an entire nation concept because of a map issue. I say you and Conquistador manage the thing and divide the disputed land over a convo and add Golem to it, and add an additional piece of information about possible territorial conflicts about it.

@Spot near Arlais, Lythos, and Oren
I'll make up an ideal tiny principality for you guys to horribly humiliate and divide. <3

@Rohango and Lythos are accepted, welcome aboard!

@Golem I appreciate your map updating, but the next couple apps please don't add to the map before I accept them. I trust Boerd however with a good app because I've roleplayed with him a couple times before.
I'm blessed with lovely players <3 Golem, your vassals are done.

Guys, I'm thinking after I do the vassals, I generate numbers and statistics of peoples' militaries depending on the traits and flaws they chose. Good enough?
This is lookin' good, man. Culture and all that is simply if you want to. Your history's really nice, and Amenoi reminds me of Petyr Baelish. Fabulous motherfucker. Overall, you're accepted, just change the claim and you're in.

Going to start working on vassals now, trying to generate them. May the odds be ever in your favor huehuehue

Vassals of Arlais

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