Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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Yeah, let's just get your reactions to the war.
Tired, exhausted, void of breath and energy. TRT released a terrified gasp, somehow maintaining his calmness, but inside of his head, bugs crawled, snakes hissed. His mind dived headfirst into terror as his eyes scanned through the machines which littered the corridor. The light was crippling, it was making his sanity try to jump out of him. Such somber sight was never good for TRT, he knew it. He wondered if all his imaginary friends would suddenly appear, start a celebration. Maybe then he would be capable of ignoring the light which turned up as he walked through the corridors. He never liked walking alone in the darkness. He never liked walking alone. He never liked walking. A mechanic limb fell over from the table, scraping against the floor. A surge of cold flew through him, he shrugged, rubbing his hands together. A turn here, a turn there. He disdained the Mechanus. Trying as hard as possible not to brush against the repair robots, he dug in fatally damaged robots so he could get over to the other side.

The robots began to remind him of some things he acknowledged. He woke up, but somehow as if he was a grave stone, things were already engraved into his mind, things that shaped him, no matter how much he was being controlled or picked on. He's had the sort of unique twist to himself, instead of the other, security guards. Sometimes he feared beneath the layer of meat and skin still there was a machine controlling them, the algorithms. Or was it because he never did anything right? Because of those people happens bad things. Remembered the cataclysm, a big war between two tribes, nobody knows what started it, but it ended in an utter disaster. The faces, faces of victims of that conflict, fit in with the damaged bots that surrounded him.

An uneasy aura as almost never left him the whole patrol, it was about to be finished, he would go back, but suddenly he decided to talk some giggle poetry, as to, brighten up the mood.

"Dickory hickor- No, Hickory Dickory Dock,"

"A goat just-" he stopped. The tile he stepped made a loud noise, a bot turned back to him, it's red eyes blinking in bewilderment and menace.

"A goat just ate my sock." He began to walk, locking his nervous eyes on the bot.

"Then took my shirt, for his dessert." the bot began to edge towards him. He began to feel a sense of panic arouse inside him. He fastened up his walk, trying to finish the patrol as soon as possible, good god, this place is haunted! I shall never patrol in here again. He thought. The bot fell off the bench on which it lied on, sending a shocking noise throughout the corridors.

"Hickory Dickory Dock."
I'll get a post up soon.

EDIT: Posted, sorry if it is too small, I don't know what to write other than a wall of text of his feelings and his actions, it's just a patrol, right?
Yeah, so, when we awaken, is there any other "people" in the ship, or we are all lost in the darkness?
Wait, what about my character? Where will he start off?
Eww you're such a dishonorable person ;(
INDEED, but really, Terheridon should be condemned.
Kutuk slowly overlooked from his balcony, the booming city of Cheahattro. It was a couple of days since the barbaric Terheridon's invasion of Bennipolis, and things weren't going too good. All armies were to be mobilised to protect their ally in need. He desperately called for the international community to condemn the attacker.

"People of Cheahattro!" he boomed, standing up. "Our ally, Bennipolis, stood strong and just, while Terheridon greedily ate away and armed themselves, to attempt to invade Bennipolis for no justifiable reason." He showed towards the entrance as a little, exhausted, barely alive girl stepped up on the stage. "Her name is Amelia, she is Bennipolitan and lived alongside the Terheridon border. She had to endure pain, witness the death of her mother, father, her brothers! Ssh, don't cry. You're a heroine to us today. You have walked through places we have never walked through, you have shown us the savageness of Terheridon." Guards gently led her over to her room. The crowd applauded the Kamm, soldiers roared, youths stormed the recruitment office, and Kamm humbly walked away.

As he walked inside his room, he found a man clothed in dark robes sitting atop his balcony. "I am glad you have come." He sat down on his bed, and spoke up; "I want to buy your services. Assassinate all prominent generals and influential figures as well as King Dearheart. Sabotage all things that could be sabotaged, and you will have a good reward." The dark man nodded, and jumped on the neighboring rooftops, running off stealthily.

Admiral Efendi stepped on the dock, to find himself staring at a privateer. He hated those men, but his opinions mattered not, he would be unceremoniously kicked out if he dared lift a hand against those bastards. He grimly threw a bag of coins at the man, and nodded. They did everything with style, knew all the things they needed to know. Do not attack Bennipolitan nor Kamalao ships, but always attack and raid the Terheridon's ships and allies. Efendi sighed, and emerged back into his ship's cabin.

-Kamalao Republi is urging the international community to condemn the attacker.
-The whole military and navy is mobilised
-A declaration of war is issued to Terheridon, either give up and pay reparations and disarm or face the fury of Kamalao.

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