Avatar of Sadko
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    1. Sadko 11 yrs ago


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gowia, that's fuckin unfortunate. Atleast can you make a sort of resolution so the plot kind of ends up somewhere? What happened to each country and etc. and the overall position of the world after those events.
(Well, my nation is more of Ottoman-ish)

I claim Bashi-bozouks and their reckless raids.
Bobek grunted as he stared into the map scattered over the table. The tent's colour, red, was driving him insane. Never liked blood, but it is home to me. He thought. Just now he received orders from the high command stationed in Cheahattro, led by Efendi himself. Verun had a couple of ships readied over at the coast, just in case, while a couple thousand men were directed over to Bobek's command. The gruff, scarred man quickly appointed several advisers to help him out. Most were young and unexperienced, but held quite a potential he was aware of. "Agha Bobek! All neccessary preparations are made. We are ready to be deployed into Terheridon." A man spoke up, then took a couple steps left and withdrew into the corner of the room as to give his senior a bit of room to march around adding an aura of the other soldiers' insignificance. Bobek touched his nose, scoffed at the idea he had to leave the comfort of his tent, and then spoke up. "Very well! Send in recruits first, seize villages and small houses and farms, not harm the civilians unless they dare to attack us out of the blue, and then when met with the military, move back as to alert the regular regiments, which will storm in. Is it understood, everyone?" Everyone nodded.

Bolukbashi Diseni moved in, quickly taking position and tackling people who jumped at them with weapons. "Stay down!" Somi, their translator, shouted at the bartender as they confiscated every knife and possible thing from each person in the tavern. Diseni moved out. "Secure that fence! Look out for Terheridonian militia!" He shouted at the top of his lungs in Kamali. Several recruits moved out and began to construct a cover under the fences. Then he sent a couple over to the border, to Agha Bobek and others. The Regulars slowly began to step on the partially burned and stomped grass, now outside of their homeland. Diseni greeted another Bolukbashi and they jotted down their movements. For some time they would have to be cut off from Kamalao only receiving when in need. They'd need to secure a thin path where they would get notificiations of orders and so on. As the regular troops began to march in the secured settlements, the recruits left along with them to occupy the thin line cutting Terheridon off.

Walking along coastal towns, they began to build fortifications in the marked areas on the map.


How the hell would I deliver letters if not by emissaries and messengers?
Actually we should progress and make documents and statements like the Recognition of Human Rights to actually prevent such horrible things from happening to anybody.
im lovin it~
In the light of recent events, Thanat Shamash recognized Khan as a threat, not a possible way out. Sending word of the serious attack on Arbassian colony in Aventia, he looked out of his tent, sighing, frightened of what was to come.

As soon as the letter arrived, Kamm Kutuk threw himself to tear apart the convert and reveal it. "Pashtar Sen be damned!" He swore under his breath as he began to write the letter back.

The basic, appropriate, adequate reaction to such actions. Of course, Khan started a what he believed to be another meaningless war, but it sparked sudden emotions of how Khan was a ray of sunshine in the middle of a storm. A drop of water in a desert. Even though terribly exaggerated and superstitious as it was, Kutuk found an opportunity he is not to miss.

Thanat Shamash received the letter from Kutuk as quickly as in ten hours, even though long for such a man to wait, extremely quick from Edoniras to Aventia. An emissary sent to Khan? An alliance proposal? "What a bloody strange thing indeed, but who the fock am I to judge?" "A governor of a colony in the newly found lands, of course." "And who is he to do it?" "A focking ruler of an Edoniran nation, of course, so shut up." Thanat played around with his tongue until bitterly finding himself staring at the confused emissary. He handed him a letter and sent him off cautiously to Khan.

Darthpaul lmao look up, i'm regretting my ass insult. Would you want a defensive alliance btw?
Holy fucking shit I'm taking my words back. DONT HURT ME KHAN.
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