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    1. SajeW 11 yrs ago


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Well I was going to volunteer for warrior x princess...If you'd like to play another version of that pairing please let me know.
Hello everyone!

I'm Saje and welcome to my hopeful topic...

-About Me-
I have been roleplaying for about 10 years now and writing fiction all my life. I have similar standards to everyone else.
-1 Paragraph minumum, 4 Paragraph maximum. I commend you if you can write a novel per post, but I don't have that kind of time...
-Post at least once every 3 days. I will make every effort to post at least once a day.
-Mature content allowed and appreciated, but not expected. I don't care for smut but I believe romance, violence, sex, and darkness are integral to a "real" story.
-Detail, detail, detail! I love details. It's crucial to have a good time. "Bob kicked open the door." is boring. "Gritting his teeth, Bob slammed his size twelve boot into the shoddy wooden door, sending it crashing open and splinters flying." is awesome.
-Character development is my bread and butter. I want our characters to grow together, suffer together, and become awesome together.
-NO GOD MODDING. You are wasting your time with over-powered characters. Challenge yourself!
-Balance is key in my stories, you may be a little better at one thing or alot better at most things, but we should be even across the spectrum of strengths (Powerful magic user played by you, warrior immune to magic played by me etc...)

I enjoy playing all types of RPs and can adapt to almost anything. Please feel free to pitch any ideas you may have my way and we can work something out.

I love Sci Fi and Fantasy more than any other genre but also play Slice of Life, Modern Supernatural, Modern Crime, Wester, Historical, and Post-Apocalyptic stories.

I never play canon characters and don't want to play with a canon character, but I am open to fandom stories (Wheel of Time anyone? *hopeful grin*)

That's all I've got. Please let me know if you think we could build an awesome story together!

I'm in. Do I apply/post my character here?
Nation Application

Nation Name: Argin Dominion

Population: 10,000,000(+/-)

Year it was founded: United barbaric tribes Year 58 – Officialized Dominion Year 72 after many civil wars


Where is it on the map?:

Capitol: Warilin Hall

Capitol location in country: Centered in the narrow strip connecting the east & west and surrounded by mountains (if approved)

Society: The people of Agrin are a hardy and simple lot, keeping their clothing heavy and dark to handle the frigid climate of the north. Each man is expected to master combat to a certain degree, peasent boys learning the axe and spear while the sons of Chiefs and under-chiefs master horse and sword. Women are regarded with respect as the “keepers of the land” and do all of the farming, cooking, and artisan work. Do not put it past an Agrin woman to take to the field of combat however, as any Agrinian would give their life in defense of their homeland. It was an army of mostly women peasents that lead the first queen to victory after all…

Clan Warilin maintains a sophisticated army of 300,000 regulars as well as the Proudspear Band of 20,000 elite troops.
Organization of Clan Warilin
3 Warbands of 100,000
Each warband consists of 10 Fists (10,000 troops)
Each fist is divided among Raiders (light cavalry), Spear Bands, Rangers, and Axe Bands
Proudspear Band
Each troop of the Proudspear Band is an elite ranger specializing in Spearmanship, swordsmanship, archery, and horsemanship. The skill among the disciplines is varied but each individual may serve as any given capability.
Clans Osrin & Alcarin command retainer forces of 100,000 regulars with a Honor Band of 5,000 elite troops each.
Retainers orgainized into Fists and Honor Band is organized like the Proudspears
Clan Borik commands a fleet of 300 warships and 50,000 regulars with an Reduced Honor Band of 500 elite troops.
Troops of Clan Borik are akin the the Vikings in our world, seaborn raiders and heavy cavalry while the Honor Band are berserker axe-infantry

Government: Matriarchy – Ruled by a single queen with a council of retaining Clan Chiefs. Two Clans are given responsibility over the two regions, East & West, while Clan Warilin (the ruling Clan by birthright) administers the fertile center. There are many under-clans with under-chiefs that support the Clan Chiefs and the Queen.

- People of Importance:
Queen Magali Warilin – The rightful Queen and unopposed ruler of Agrin. She is young but clever, famously beautiful, an expert politician, and a legendary tactician/strategist.
Clan Chief Cain Alcarin – A heavy-set, calm warrior with a deep loyalty to the Queen and the dominion. He has four sons, each of which carry his banners into battle and is the closest advisor to the Queen.
Clan Chief Willem Osrin – A tall, grim faced man with an incredible ability for economic administration. While he lacks the loyalist fervor of Alcarin, he and his Clan are dedicated to the progressive growth of Agrin as a nation and believed the Queen and traditions of Warilin leadership are the only way to achieve prosperity.
Clan Chief Chansen Borik – A massive, rowdy bastard of a man whose brutality in battle is both admirable and revolting. While he has sworn loyalty to the Queen he has frequently been the subject of her ire of his raids on miner clans within the realm. It has taken a great deal of effort on behalf of the Queen to keep him in check as his ambitions push him toward raiding Agrin’s mysterious neighbors.

Economic: At the moment Agrin is perfecting internal self-sufficiency which has been its way since the tribes were young. Recently however Queen Magali has begun contemplating breaking the time-hardened tradition of isolationism and establish contacts with their southern neighbor, Anika.
Industry – Mining, timber, agriculture, and hunting are the backbone of the economy. Agriculture is their weakest as the hard, frozen soil is tedious and the weather destroys crops. But the farmers of Agrin are a stubborn lot and produce a sufficient amount of grains. As a result, bread is seen as a luxury in Agrin.
Resources native to Agrin – Iron, Copper, Stone, Wood, Furs, Ice, Salt, Coal

-Tariff: Currently none, this is a foreign concept to Agrin

Religions: Animism – The people of Agrin see life and power in all things, living and non living, and thus believed they are surrounded by gods at all times. The Chief of the Gods is Agrinor who gave the region its name. A warrior is the closest to Agrinor and as a result veterans are regarded as a priest would be. However the religion holds to a natural chaos philosophy in which the gods will do as they please no matter the action of mortals. As a resulted, morality comes from a need of family honor rather than divine punishment.

Technology: Previously barabaric, they have made great strides in revolutionizing but are still underway. They have paved roads, carts, plows, iron weapons and steel for the elites, but lack siege equipment. The most recent discovery was the windmill for civilians and War-Sleds (similar to chariots) for the military.

Domestic Issues: Clan Borik’s desire to raid Agrin’s neighbors has become an increasingly troublesome issue for the Queen. Currently it is under debate whether or not to remove Borik from power and replace him with a trustworthy undercheif.

Issues Abroad: Long term isolationism has left Agrin unaware and (mostly) unaffected by the outside world. Now Queen Magali seeks to end the isolationism in order to strengthen Agrin and gain a new perspective for her people.

World Influence: Currently 1 due to isolationism with the strength to reach 4/5 once involved in the world.
-Relations with Neighbors: Suspicious and isolated for now but growing curious

Major Cities:
Warilin Hold is a stark and grim fortress city and the capital of the dominion.
Tobin’s Reach is the furthest north city and home to a variety of mines and prison camps
Alcarin Hold is the stronghold that keeps the peace in the East, controlled by the loyal clan Alcarin
Osrin Hold is the stronghold that keeps the peace in the West, controlled by the loyal clan Osrin
Broken-Rock Hold is the only true port city of Agrin and controlled by the troublesome clan Borik

Landscape: Deep forests and icy tundras mixed with rocky highlands and mountains. The winters are long and hard and the summers crisp and lovely. A key terrain feature is Warilin’s Shield, a ring of mountains that surrounds the fortress capital of Warilin Hold.

History: The people of the dominion once belonged to many barbaric tribes with their own cultures and customs. However, in the year 24, a man was born to the Clan Chief of Clan Warilin. Saje was his name. As all men of most clans did, he was raised a warrior-hunter and there were none finer than him in battle. However his true strength was his mind. A military genius, and the first of his intellect among the tribes, Saje revolutionized the way Clan Warilin conducted itself in combat. His tactics and grand strategy skyrocketed the influence and power of Clan Warilin beyond any other clan. By the time he had become a man he was feared and regarded amongst all surrounding tribes.
Upon his father’s death he took the seat as Clan Chief and sent warbands and diplomats to the East and West. Any who refused to swear allegiance to Clan Warilin faced a deceptive and devious foe. With brutality and wickedness he crushed his enemies and with compassion and unheard of reformation he fostered his allies. By the year 58 there were none who did not love him and none alive who still bore hate for him. Clan Warilin had dominated the tribes of the north.
During the winter of 62, Chief Saje fell ill and died weeks later in his bed. While the people mourned his death, his Sons began to plot for control of the Dominion. Civil war erupted across the land, tearing apart the fragile kingdom built by Saje and once more blood turned the icy rivers of the north a wicked crimson. As the realm burned, Mara, Saje’s only daughter and youngest child, wept for the people. It was her compassion that saved the dominion. Raising an army of outraged citizens and loyalist soldiers, she took the fight to her brothers and revealed once again the military prowess of the Warilin bloodline.
Upon her eldest brother’s death in 72 at Tobin’s Reach she became the sole remaining heir to the Dominion and the first High Queen of Argin. From then it was declared men were too aggressive to rule and the long tradition of matriarchy began.
Now in this present year, her descendent, Magali Warilin, sits upon the throne.

Strengths: The people of Agrin are her greatest strength. Each is willing to fight and die for the Queen and the vast majority of the population is trained in combat to some degree. They are a stubborn people who are experts at making the most of what they have. Their leadership is also very intelligent and cunning in the way of military and economic strategy.

Weaknesses: Isolated and suspicious, Agrin has missed out on many technological and philospophical advances of the world. This is something they seek to remedy soon, but as it stands they remain ignorant of the world.

Summary: A collection of barbaric tribes united and hardened through prolonged warfare. They remain hardy and strong, capable of great victory on the field of battle. However they are isolated and ignorant of the outside world. As the new era dawns, Queen Magali seeks to bring Agrin into the world scene so her people may know the prosperity of other nations.
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