[hider=Nation Sheet]

Alba is a nation filled with large barbaric individuals known mainly for pillaging and conquering land without remorse. In recent decades the wave of chaos have slowed as raiding parties have begun to settle down to create settlements. This is partly due to the centralisation of the original clans of Alba that have now joined together under one flag.
Alba society is divided into three socio-economic classes of Thralls, Karls and Jarls.
Thralls are the lowest ranking class and are slaves, used for everything from chores to large scale construction. New Thralls are supplied by either the sons and daughters of thralls or enemies captured.
Karls are free peasants. They own farms,land and cattle and engage in daily chores. They employ Thralls if they can afford to buy them to do the more manual aspects of farming life.
Jarls are the Aristocracy of Alba society, owning most of the wealth and living in excess. Jarls involve themselves in administration, politics, hunting, sports and expeditions. Jarls will have many Thralls tend to them, and receive offerings of allegiance from Karls. Jarls rule over Karls, a beneficial agreement for both parties as Jarls receive food and minerals from the land of the Karl's of which they trade with other Jarls. Karls receive protection from the Jarls in exchange for this, and also can buy food and minerals from other settlements that the Jarls trade with.
At the top is a King, a recent addition to the classes, this man or woman is the main connecting force between the Jarls and calls upon them when diplomatic manners must be attended.
Albians are tall and bulky individuals, men standing at an average of 6’ 5”, and woman standing at 5’ 7”. They speak Branter, a mix of Old Norse and Gaelic languages. The Albians deem non-Albians lesser to themselves, seeing those south as weaker and feeble.

The climate of Alba is that of frozen tundra, the further north the worse the conditions are, despite this many settlements reside all over, surviving however they can. Despite this most settlements are to the southeast, as the climate is better and allows more opportunity for farming.
Albians are a hardy people that take pleasure in the simplest things. Fighting, sex, money and eating, because of this many festivals occur all year around in Alba culture. Power is deemed the most important and impressive aspect, and an individual who can show they have power, be it through physical strength or through the subjugation of others, will earn respect with the Alba people.
What are your people like? What is notable about their culture and how they do things? History may play a large role in this section, and vice-versa. Include a religion here if you want! There is no official dogma, so have fun.
Alba is rather technically challenged and so must import firearms and gunpowder from other nations, as well as any machinery.
The mines in the mountains of Alba produce many minerals including copper, iron and gold. This, plus the large amount of vegetables such as potatoes and turnips that are produced provides an excess of possible export goods. The large furry animals of Alba also produce a large fur trade.
The military consists of all aspects of Alba society. Thralls are used mostly to carry and care for animals whilst traveling, but can rise to become true Alba Warriors. Karls are expected to fight at the request of a Jarl, and most will gladly take up arms to prove their worth. Due to the large population of Alba, this creates a large military force.
The general equipment of the Alba military is varied between the different clans and Jarls.A large axe or sword is the most common weapon, paired with a shield. Muskets have become more common but many factions will fire off only a single volley of musket fire then throw their guns to charge at the enemy. This technique is used effectively due to the size of the Alba forces, as well as the intense fear it creates in the enemy that is traditionally used to volley tactics.
Alba forces are adored with many furs, covering the body from head to toe. This armour is a necessity in the cold, but has also known to deflect a sword slash or bayonet lunge.
The Alba are also master seamen, the longboats they hand craft light enough to be some of the fastest ships on the continent, and able to transport many men and women over large areas.

Started off on one of the islands to the north then expanded. IM BAD AT HISTORY OK.
The Trade Union of Isang Tribes.
Many raids in past.
Hired by them sometimes
Hundi Skurfasson
Sigvid Snækolsson
Thorarin Kolbeinsson
Griotgard Finnleiksson
Vikar Tostisson
Svein Arnorsson
Gnupa Onämsson
Bjalfi Steinkelsson
Osvald Wengosson
Vandrad Hjorvarthsson
Vigdis Kætilmundottir
Holmfrid Jorundottir
Freygerd Blanndottir
Jarngerd Cnutdottir
Ormhild Krakidottir
Thjodhild Thorfrethrdottir
Thorhalla Arnlaugdottir
Holmfrid Sveindottir
Hervor Havardottir
Thyre Kardottir

Nation Overview & Government
Alba is a nation filled with large barbaric individuals known mainly for pillaging and conquering land without remorse. In recent decades the wave of chaos have slowed as raiding parties have begun to settle down to create settlements. This is partly due to the centralisation of the original clans of Alba that have now joined together under one flag.
Alba society is divided into three socio-economic classes of Thralls, Karls and Jarls.
Thralls are the lowest ranking class and are slaves, used for everything from chores to large scale construction. New Thralls are supplied by either the sons and daughters of thralls or enemies captured.
Karls are free peasants. They own farms,land and cattle and engage in daily chores. They employ Thralls if they can afford to buy them to do the more manual aspects of farming life.
Jarls are the Aristocracy of Alba society, owning most of the wealth and living in excess. Jarls involve themselves in administration, politics, hunting, sports and expeditions. Jarls will have many Thralls tend to them, and receive offerings of allegiance from Karls. Jarls rule over Karls, a beneficial agreement for both parties as Jarls receive food and minerals from the land of the Karl's of which they trade with other Jarls. Karls receive protection from the Jarls in exchange for this, and also can buy food and minerals from other settlements that the Jarls trade with.
At the top is a King, a recent addition to the classes, this man or woman is the main connecting force between the Jarls and calls upon them when diplomatic manners must be attended.
Albians are tall and bulky individuals, men standing at an average of 6’ 5”, and woman standing at 5’ 7”. They speak Branter, a mix of Old Norse and Gaelic languages. The Albians deem non-Albians lesser to themselves, seeing those south as weaker and feeble.

The climate of Alba is that of frozen tundra, the further north the worse the conditions are, despite this many settlements reside all over, surviving however they can. Despite this most settlements are to the southeast, as the climate is better and allows more opportunity for farming.
[/b]Albians are a hardy people that take pleasure in the simplest things. Fighting, sex, money and eating, because of this many festivals occur all year around in Alba culture. Power is deemed the most important and impressive aspect, and an individual who can show they have power, be it through physical strength or through the subjugation of others, will earn respect with the Alba people.
What are your people like? What is notable about their culture and how they do things? History may play a large role in this section, and vice-versa. Include a religion here if you want! There is no official dogma, so have fun.
Alba is rather technically challenged and so must import firearms and gunpowder from other nations, as well as any machinery.
The mines in the mountains of Alba produce many minerals including copper, iron and gold. This, plus the large amount of vegetables such as potatoes and turnips that are produced provides an excess of possible export goods. The large furry animals of Alba also produce a large fur trade.
The military consists of all aspects of Alba society. Thralls are used mostly to carry and care for animals whilst traveling, but can rise to become true Alba Warriors. Karls are expected to fight at the request of a Jarl, and most will gladly take up arms to prove their worth. Due to the large population of Alba, this creates a large military force.
The general equipment of the Alba military is varied between the different clans and Jarls.A large axe or sword is the most common weapon, paired with a shield. Muskets have become more common but many factions will fire off only a single volley of musket fire then throw their guns to charge at the enemy. This technique is used effectively due to the size of the Alba forces, as well as the intense fear it creates in the enemy that is traditionally used to volley tactics.
Alba forces are adored with many furs, covering the body from head to toe. This armour is a necessity in the cold, but has also known to deflect a sword slash or bayonet lunge.
The Alba are also master seamen, the longboats they hand craft light enough to be some of the fastest ships on the continent, and able to transport many men and women over large areas.

Started off on one of the islands to the north then expanded. IM BAD AT HISTORY OK.
The Trade Union of Isang Tribes.
Many raids in past.
Hired by them sometimes
Hundi Skurfasson
Sigvid Snækolsson
Thorarin Kolbeinsson
Griotgard Finnleiksson
Vikar Tostisson
Svein Arnorsson
Gnupa Onämsson
Bjalfi Steinkelsson
Osvald Wengosson
Vandrad Hjorvarthsson
Vigdis Kætilmundottir
Holmfrid Jorundottir
Freygerd Blanndottir
Jarngerd Cnutdottir
Ormhild Krakidottir
Thjodhild Thorfrethrdottir
Thorhalla Arnlaugdottir
Holmfrid Sveindottir
Hervor Havardottir
Thyre Kardottir