Avatar of Salroka
  • Last Seen: 2 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: Beta
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1219 ( / day)
  • VMs: 2


Recent Statuses

2 yrs ago
Current Floop
7 yrs ago
I play a lot of Pokémon Ultra Moon. If you have any requests for specific eggs/babies, let me know and I will see what I can do.
7 yrs ago
Lot of old folks I knew in the past are checking me out. I wonder what they are plotting. :3
7 yrs ago
I wonder how I should address all the shade people have thrown at me during my time away. My mind says to let it go, but my heart says "with a chainsaw". Decisions.


Oh, you want to know about me? Not sure why, but ok.

A long time ago, in a bedroom far far away... my mommy met my daddy... and they did it.

What? Not that far back? Oh. Ok.

I'm a mechanic by trade, though a work-related injury nearly a decade ago has really hampered my life since. I'm what some would call a folkish heathen, if matters of spirituality interest you... though I lean more toward tribal rather than folkish. I live in Cleveland, have a nice little apartment in a decent neighborhood, and have two cats.

As far as RP? I like things with anime elements to them, as well as modern and traditional fantasy. Not interested in romance or furry or anything like that. Miss me with that stuff.

I'm brash. I do not sugar coat things. I will call people out on things. I will likely frustrate you at some point. ... however, I am one hell of a loyal person, should I ever decide you are a friend.

So there it is, I guess.
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