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    1. Salsacookies 11 yrs ago


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A poor town in the middle of nowhere is besieged by all manner Slashers! (And Zombies). This is a game of Killers vs Sheep, with one side taking up the side of the Slashers (and Zombies) who attack at Dusk, while the other side plays as people from separate parts of the town (The Cops, The Civilians, The Highscool, etc.), and attempt to fend off the invading hordes, in a last ditch effort to live Until Dawn,(and not suffer Death by Dawn!)!

Very well, here are the Slashers!

The Mask: Juggernauts in masks, these humanoid monstrosities kill people, One by One, very SLOWLY! These guys would never win a marathon, but they have a nasty habit of teleporting when no ones looking.

The Supernatural: These guys have super powerful powers, and are like ghosts, nearly impossible to kill. They tend to have rather specific conditions to use their powers, however, and the way TO kill them, however, almost always kills them outright.

The Psycho: Normal people who happen to be killers, you won't know these guys are around until they strike. They die just like a normal person if they're caught, however.

The Pack: A group of killers, these people work best besieging the populace, intimidating their prey into staying in one place, and picking them off slowly and steadily. They aren't much tougher than Psychos, however, and a rather brave group can fight them toe to toe, if they're well equipped.

The Trapper: Masters of indirect death, there specialty is directing their prey to exactly where they want, and putting them through all manner of indirect pain, all while laughing at them through the TV. If confronted directly, they are screwed, unless they planned for that to happen. Want to Play a Game?

The Zombies: These hordes of undead are dumb, slow, and are second only to Masks in toughness. One bite, and you're done, however, one shot to the brain, and their done. It's all a matter of reach vs. accuracy with the guys.

The Ragers: Take the infectiousness, numbers, and idiocy of Zombies, and put them in super fast glass shells, and you have these little bustards. Now they're only a little tougher than a Psycho, but can you get the shot out before they get you?

Now that we have our Slasher (And Zombie) classes, what about the Town classes? That's unnecessary, because townies are mostly the same, with the only difference being the equipment you get from the outset and minor skill difference, based on your part of Town.

Now, who's interested in a little "Slashfest"?
Story: The Shadows Behind the Stars.
Genre: Lovecraftion/Gothic Horror (Cthulhu meets Dracula)
Point of View: Frankenstein's Monster

I wake up. I feel jittery, and I feel like I've been cut into pieces. I look around. I am in a dark room, filled with wierd colored fluids in containers and lights dancing on poles. I notice the light dancing on me, and that there seem to be borders between my skin, with raised dark lines separating different colored skins, curious. It seems underneath I'm fine, I just seem more like stained glass than a clear pane. I then begin to have pain in my head, like fingers scratching at my brain, and many voices arguing over who's who. Who am I? What am I? Where am I?
A cooperative storytelling Role-playing game. It will be a drop-in, drop-out game, so you don't have to worry about commitment. You can post whenever you want, though I would prefer you wait for another user to post after you before you post.

The way it works is this. The person posts, then you post continuing there story, or take a different point of view in the same story, or you start an entirely new story, which you then post your stories title, and continue the same process as before. Both stories will be continuing as normal, just put the stories name on top and point of view being used to keep confusion fairly low.

Unless there's anything I missed or things I need to clear up, I will begin
Plot wise, it's a cooperative story telling thing. You can post as much as you want, though I'd prefer that you wait until another person posted after you before you posted, unless it was getting slow. I was doing a post zombie apocalypse research story, though for this, I'd like to do a Lovecraft (Cthulu) and gothic monsters (Dracula, Frankenstein, Nosferatu) type story if that sounds cool.
Tried this on bay12, but had too little interest. I start a story, and you write posts to fill in the rest. Basic, but I thought it'd be fun. If you wanted to start a new story, just put down your story title and opening text, and we'd have both stories going at once. If you know a way to keep things organized, please tell me your idea, I am having trouble thinking of one. It's drop-in drop-out, if you have a story part thought out, just type it in.
I'd like to do an Occult/Lovecraftian setting with you. I'm an aspiring game designer, and enjoy making up stories, so I'm plenty creative. I'm the new guy here, but I've been at bay12 for a month, if it means anything. I really don't have a setting per-se, but I am obsessed with a frankenstein setting right now, because I recently watched I, Frankenstein, and I've been listening to Iron by Woodkid, which seems like the theme for him to me. No plot ideas, but I've an idea of a creepy monster and a setting area. I may have to skimp on writing, because my ps3 doesn't handle many words. Enjoy your block of text :)
I really don't have anything planned, it's just an idea I had (Wanted to do a Frankenstein RPG), and I want to see what others do with it. Feel free to do whatever.

Theme: Iron by Woodkid
In Hello 11 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Neat to find this. Hopefully I may be able to entertain with some campaigns. As an aspiring game designer, please tell me what needs working on, to make it fun for all. I'm most used to Bay12 RTD, though I will try to make new systems, and I will try to develop a new poker-like system to play in as my new project.
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