Avatar of Sam12435
  • Last Seen: 1 mo ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 714 (0.19 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. Sam12435 10 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current So I have a photo shoot planned for tomorrow. Im not going to sleep because I'm catching a train at 2AM to then sit and wait for a few hours for the sun to rise. Its all about the perfect shot though!
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8 yrs ago
Finishing uni for the year and looking at a break till late Febuary. What the hell am I meant to do for 5 months? The answer is a looooooot more RP
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8 yrs ago
I am somewhat bored, and also a little more bored. So yup, someone entertain me.
8 yrs ago
New RP has just started. Really excited :P
8 yrs ago
No idea whats going on, my brain is pretty frazzled right now. But if anyone remembered me from the old days message me, I like meeting old friends :P


Im 20, a university student who keeps switching his degree, a guy, I live next to my uni, I'm in Australia, I play a lot of video games, and I forget everything else about me :P

Oh yea, and I sleep a lot, like 12 hours a day.

Oh yeeea, and I do stupid things like take a train at 3 in the morning to take photos of the sunrise.

Most Recent Posts

Hey people! I have made a character sheet, let me know if anything needs editing. I meant to find a photo, but I didn't have the time sadly. I'll look for one eventually though

@Wind Wild sorry, not given up yet!! Just had a few totally full on days at university and barely got any sleep. But I'm finally well rested so I will work on a character tonight :D
Deffinatly interested.
Haha I have wanted to try Presona 5 for ages, I will have to get it and binge it when I am on brake

But my postarino is up! Sorry if it's not amazing quality, turns out typing posts on my phone is pretty hard :P

Location: Barracks
Interacting With: Sala & Vala, Guthrie, Spencer, Nevan, Zara

Vamon looked quite surprised as Spencer addressed him. She defiantly seemed… off. It almost seemed as though she had a fair few too many drinks at the tavern. She didn’t seem like that type of person, but granted Vamon had only met her once before.

“Uh- yes, I’m quite goodie- Good. I’m good, I’m fine” The whole situation had really caught him off guard, leaving him a little flustered. He thought for a moment about the situation. Was it possible that the woman had drugged Spencer? It didn’t seem likely, especially since she had come straight to the barracks with her.

“Ah, well that’s good to hear, I suppose.” He said, glancing at Spencer who seemed to be rather enjoying the situation. He decided to ask her exactly what was going on once she calmed down a little. He turned to see that the Captain and the twins had followed him out. He smiled a little as he glanced over the blade that she presented to Guthrie. He had seen some research in his book a while ago about the topic of silver, a small debate on whether its properties against creatures of undeath was alchemical or magical, and if one then was the property able to be reproduced. But that was one of the first entries in the book so it could very well be outdated information. Either way, having a silver blade in the party was near invaluable considering their journey. But something soon caught his eye as the woman threw it to the Captain. It was a crystal as black as the caves themselves that seemed to emanate an inky aura. For a moment Vamon was speechless, simply left wondering what the item could possibly be. Before he could say a work though, the Captain made her way back into the building, the crystal firmly in hand. He turned to the woman who had given the stone over and waited for Guthrie to address her.

“Yes, as much as I would like to stay behind to assist your fight, I don’t think I would be of much use in combat” He offered a shrug to the woman. “So as crazy as it might seem, we have decided to venture off on our own. But that aside, I was wondering… What exactly was that crystal you gave the Captain?” He knew that getting ready to go was a more pressing matter for the moment, but he couldn’t just ignore something like this. He had been so intensely interested in the sun shards for many years, so something like this peaked his interests rather intently. “I don’t mean to pry, but I have been rather interested in the study of crystals for some time and I don’t think I have seen one like that before.” His interest in the topic was apparent from his tone. Part of him thought that perhaps it was simply a common crystal that he was unaware of, a simple misunderstanding, but he knew it couldn’t be that simple. Or at least he hoped it was.
Sorry for the delay guys! The internet has been totally off for the past few days at home, but I will try to get something written up at uni asap :D
Sorry for the delay!! A bunch happened and I went and saw Guardians of the Galaxy 2. It was good :3

Location: Barracks
Interacting With: Sala & Vala, Guthrie, Spencer, Nevan, Zara

“It defiantly is an interesting place” Vamon said with a smirk as the door swung open. Vamon admired the captain’s strength, as well as her generosity as he inspected the goods. There was plenty here that he could put to good use. He looked up to thank the captain to see that his companions had already begun changing their clothes. He felt his cheeks redden a little as he glanced away, but the girls had donned their new clothes just as quickly.

“Yes, well that is a- a very good skill” Vamon said, still a little flustered. He liked to think of himself as more composed, but he never was very good with situations like these. That said, the girls didn’t seem bothered at all. He let out a quiet cough before turning to answer the captain’s question. “He went outside to get some air. I’ll fetch him for you” He said, quickly standing and making his way through the barracks. He let out a small sigh as he passed through the busy room. Weaving in between the soldiers, he quickly made his way out to the front of the barracks to see his companion standing with a woman who appeared to be carrying a child.

“Guthrie, there you are. The Capitan wanted to give…” He stopped for a moment as he took a better look at the woman. Or more specifically the woman that appeared to be riding her. It seemed to be Spencer, but something appeared to be a little off about her. It might be something about the way she was being piggybacked through town, or perhaps the fact that she seemed to be enjoying it far more than one would expect. Never the less, it was an odd sight to say the least.

“Well, Spencer, it’s- uh- good to see you again” He said with a small wave. He suddenly remembered his initial reason for coming out and turned his attention back to his companion. “Aah yes, the Captain mentioned she had something to present you with personally. I believe she is still in the study” He said, glancing up at his companion. He eventually glanced down at the hound near his feet. He slowly reached out a hand and petted the dog for just a moment. He always had liked animals, but found the idea of keeping one for himself too distracting. If he had to worry about feeding and taking care of a creature other than himself, it would cut too deeply into his study time.


Zzz- Gah- wa? Oh man I totally slept late! I gotta get to work!!

Post coming later tonight, after I get home :3

Location: Barracks
Interacting With: Sala & Vala, Guthrie

Vamon felt at ease as he heard his companions discussing light. It felt oddly calming to be planning a journey before attempting it. He opened his journal again for a moment and flipped to a blank page. He began writing the details of their experience and began a rough sketch of the creature they had fought. He made sure to write in large letters “Doesn’t like fire”. The world was often unexpected so he made sure to keep a note of any potential danger. But he was caught off guard by one of his companions. He had been listening, but it hadn’t occurred to him what had happened. He watched as the man left the room, unsure what to say.

“Seems as though a chord was struck…” Vamon said, in an attempt to break the silence. He never did deal with these situations well, but tension was to be expected in a new group like this. No one knew each other properly, so it was natural to step on each other’s toes a little. “I’m sure he just needs a little air” Vamon said in a reassuring tone. But he wasn’t sure what could have set him off though, they were just talking about the journal. “Well at least we are fairly well prepared. Can’t say I have been this confident about a journey in a while.” He smiled, trying to lighten the mood with the girls. Since they were alone, he saw a small opportunity to speak with the girls.

“I was surprised to hear you were both from Belizarius though. I don’t often meet anyone else from there. To find three people in one day, the world is a smaller place than one would think” He said with a light-hearted tone. He might be digging his own grave by pretending not to know, but he didn’t want to let them know about his history just yet. That said, he felt that if he could make a connection to them it would be significantly easier to talk. That said, he did feel a little worried about Guthrie. He didn’t know the man too well, but he didn’t seem like the type to stay mad though.
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