Avatar of samakama
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    1. samakama 7 yrs ago


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<Snipped quote by Blu>

So.... which side is Mandi on?

Yvaine’s side, duh. She and Sophiel already think that Mandi’s a girl anyway.

And I’m sure Eris has totally wholesome reasons for wanting a public bath. Looks like Ankaa will have a lot of skinship to look forward to, being in the same room as her. Eris is only one letter removed from Eros after all.

Wait a minute, the mythological Eris is sometimes said to be daughter of Nyx…
How far out can we bail before Nyx just disqualifies us? Thinking of stealing Kress’ special move.

Nyx began to speak, and Misaiya at once understood why Avalice had such an atrocious attrition rate.

It appeared that each class was the personal fief of their professor. The students were akin to serfs, subject to arbitrary dismissal at the professor’s whim. The headmaster was no doubt complicit — no, he was the ringleader, the overlord in this feudal analogy.

It was inane. Was this the norm in Genelogia? Or were Suanneipuan schools the outliers? Either way, Avalice was in dire need of pedagogical reform — but that was a goal for the long term. There were more pressing matters to attend to now.

Avalice was a school that placed as much (if not more) emphasis on combat. Well cognizant of this, Misaiya had prepared and brought both his stationery and his equipment. Put all together, it was quite heavy and awkward to lug around concealed despite all the pockets his robes had, and made him yearn for the backpack that he had left back in the dormitories along with his luggage. There was no more cause for regret now, though.

His rifle made up over half of both the weight and the awkwardness, spare air reservoir and a tube of extra ammunition included. On the opposite extreme was the sling that he had earlier tried to turn into a noose, folded up neatly and tucked away somewhere safe, which was so light he had half-forgotten where exactly in his robes it was now. A machete and a walking stick which doubled as a laundry pole rounded out his melee options. Of course, Misaiya had very little real experience with most of these ‘weapons’.

Thankfully, this wasn’t meant to be a deathmatch, and he didn’t intend for it to become one.

Misaiya pointed his (unloaded) rifle at the ground and squeezed the trigger a couple dozen times. Each harmless puff of air reduced the pressure in the rifle’s reservoir and hence the danger it posed, should he end up using it during the bout. After firing a few live test shots into the ground, he seemed satisfied and slung the rifle his shoulder. Next, he collected a handful of pebbles lying around the arena — but slings could be very fatal, and even though he took the lightest practical bullets he could find, Misaiya was loathe to actually use them for that reason. The machete and pole didn't need any prep work, unless he planned on combining…

Nah. He’d kept his sparring partners waiting enough, and the sling still had its uses. Lastly, he stripped off his robes and placed them far away from the arena in a neatly folded stack, leaving him wearing a white short-sleeved shirt and khaki bermuda shorts.

As he jogged back, he began considering his options. Nyx had announced that ‘over half’ the class would be expelled, which implied that neither victory nor defeat were the ultimate factor informing his decisions. No-one had to win in order to stay, and no-one was guaranteed to stay just because they had won. Now, that was all well and good, but either way he was still rather screwed. His odds of victory were… questionable. His ability to control mana was next to non-existent. Things were looking pretty good.

Misaiya was back at the section of the field where his fellow sparrers were. He took a good look at Yvaine, who he hadn’t previously met — a sylphlike girl, with an air of naïveté and gentle eyes, like a novice straight out of the nunnery. A magic-user much like Kress, most likely. But both of them seemed so harmless that he doubted either would initiate the three-way.

His apprehension wasn’t so apparent as he greeted them. “Hello again, Kress — and you must be Yvaine.” Misaiya gave each of them a nod in turn. Checklist time. Machete: on his hip, ready to be drawn. Rifle: slung and loaded. The stick he held with his left hand, and he slipped a stone into the sling in his right. Honestly, Misaiya probably looked like some sort of super-shepherd.

Appearances aside, he was ready to get this done and over with. ”I am not much in favour of it, but it looks like we’ll have to fight each other.” To win without fighting is the greatest victory, but Misaiya was no general. He would have to settle for something lesser.
@Chezka@samakama Ya wanna do this collab style or just post things down?

collab sounds good.

Misaiya had not spoken much today. He hadn’t any problems with that, though, content as he was to lie back and let Ankaa talk. It was soothing to listen.

The sudden sound of an unfamiliar voice reverberating in his head, in a manner that could only be accurately described as ‘magic’, gave Misaiya quite the shock. It was a little relieving to see that Ankaa and Kress were similarly startled by what he concluded to be the teacher employing telepathy. Only Camellia had been called back to class, it seemed, as no-one else had reacted in the slightest. The paints club had just finished off a solo portrait of their mascot, and Misaiya and his two companions would have been able to take the next slot had the circumstances been in their favour. They were so close…

Ankaa’s words of complaint echoed his own thoughts.

Another thought came to mind. The teacher - Nyx, was it? - had sent a magic message targeting only the Camellians. Which meant that he definitely knew all his students, and most likely had a way to tell where everyone was. The conclusion: Misaiya had probably been found out.

Ah well. He would come clean if Nyx were to probe him in class. It wouldn’t make for a spectacular first impression, but Misaiya did have somewhat of a legitimate excuse, it being the first day and whatnot. Nyx would have to be quite the hypocrite to grill him that much over it, late as he himself was — and as the teacher no less!

Now it was Kress who had begun to share his wisdom.
Maybe Misaiya was overthinking once more, but Kress had seemed a tad more disappointed upon hearing the news than he and Ankaa were. But looking now at the other first-year as he began to explain the workings of the Arcane Paints, that upset mood was no longer apparent.

Misaiya felt a slight pang of envy. He wasn’t a total muggle, but his knowledge of magic was probably below average for a student of Avalice, especially with regard to its more artisanal applications. The less said about his ability to actually use magic the better. Kress was no older than him, but clearly much more experienced in the arcane arts.

Those improper thoughts were quickly deconstructed and dismissed. Each crop has its season. There was no point in envy, perhaps save for being motivation to improve. Most would never be able to so much as manipulate mana; Misaiya had little reason to go about whining. Enough of that.

Thinking about Kress’s invitation… there wasn’t much cause to decline, Ankaa had already accepted, and Misaiya was interested in learning more. There wasn’t really another option.

”I will be looking forward to it.” He may have been a big fish in Suanneipua, but this was truly a place filled with peers and far greater people. ”I hope we’ll learn a lot here in Avalice.”
I volunteer Misaiya for the threeway. It's the only scenario where he's got even the slightest chance of not dying instantly.
I wanna see Eris v Kiara
Eris: "He wouldn't do this if he knows what's good for his health."

Hm, Hana’O has no surname. I guess the Reinhardts will be adopting another sister for our resident siscon…
Allrighty, so technically Lanza could get knocked out without being challenged in person by challenging seat 6 xD Go for it Ty! Add insult to injury and give Lanza the indirect kick by beating 6th seat!

If Ty as a non-Seven beat Hana’O (the Sixth) then she would be removed from the Seven, Ty would become the new Sixth, and Lanza would remain as the Seventh. The moving down by 1 thing is for internal challenges between members of the Seven, if I’ve understood this right.

Bypassing Lanza completely and going straight for higher-ranked seats would be an insult to him still though. Admittedly, it’s like anyone in Camellia is going to be beating any of the Seven any time soon.

Also @Blu can I have a modern-style bicycle (as opposed to a penny farthing or velocipede) or is that too anachronistic? Nyx gets to teleport around campus with shadows…

Is there a discord for this?
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