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    1. Sanbe 10 yrs ago


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I have no objections to moving forward. In fact, I encourage it.
As Vi entered the shop, Pearl pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, and attempted to pat away the dog slobber on his face. “Good morning Vivienne, how may I be of service?” The young girl responded by presenting a carton of eggs upon the counter, which Pearl began investigating immediately. Each egg was plump and looked appetizing. Though Pearl’s eyes are fixated on the eggs, his ears focused on Vi. He occasionally offers a hum of acknowledgement as she spoke to reassure her that he was paying attention.

Content with his survey of the eggs, Pearl turned his glance to Vi with a smile. “I’ll happily purchase fifteen of these fine eggs.” Opening up his register, Pearl collects and counts some money, and then hands it to Vi. With the register still open, Pearl then counts out more money and hands it G’s way to ensure the blacksmith is properly compensated for his work too. Focusing back to Vi, Pearl noticed a sparkle in her eyes as she asks about the new boots that arrived a short time ago.

Vi’s enthusiasm rubbed off on Pearl as he let out a chuckle. “Give a moment,” the shopkeeper stepped away from the counter for a moment, and retrieved a fine pair of boots. Returning to the counter, Pearl remembered the soot on his station, so he abruptly turned and placed the boots on a shelf near a tag that reads ‘Peck’. “Here they are Vivienne, these will stay here until you’re ready to trade for them. Feel free to come by later with anything you’re willing to exchange and I’m certain we will come to an arrangement.” He gave Vi a friendly wave, “pleasure doing business with you… oh, and when you see Leon, please tell him that his order arrived.”
My hope is that Demmy Ted Grin will have the chance to post before the day advances forward. However, in the effort of not promoting stagnation, I'll bring closure to the scenarios I'm involved in if Raddum or the Lady Captain give me the command.
If I may offer my thoughts.

We are in the early hours of an exciting day in Mineral Town. A new farmer has arrived, and I imagine the townsfolk are overjoyed to have the farm working again, as well as have a new resident. I'm sure we are all still excited to be diving into this new roleplay, so I think this first day is the perfect excuse for all of us to take advantage of our character's enthusiasm, and get to know our fellow roleplayers and their characters. Ending the day so soon could affect our efforts and abruptly end the interactions some characters are currently seeking or engaged in.

Personally, I think this first day is a swell opportunity for us to experiment and get some knowledge under our belts. When the day eventually passes and our characters excitement over meeting the new farmer has passed, they will likely behave in a more "normal" fashion, and it will take time and consideration for some of us to define what "normalcy" is for our creations. Then there is the factor of determining how all the townsfolk feel about one another, and that requires some familiarity.

Heck, just by messing about, I now know I can pester Alex frequently due to his housewife/butler comment. Have fun with that you poor soul.

However, moving forward in the day, such as the afternoon, may be an option worth considering soon, so tired characters (Leon, Lyra, Alex, and Nuka) can get energized and jump back in.
Happy to meet you StOpossum.

Beggar, plaguer, egger, scager, Jaeger, Attack on Mineral Town, and crosshatching Hoo Haa.
The poor youth was clearly taking La Rosa and Joel’s words in earnest, which alarmed him. Vi exclaimed a request for everyone to scatter from her ranch, indicating that she was overwhelmed too. Joel decided it would be best to allow the two some peace. Noticing Vi’s wave goodbye, Joel bowed his head to her with a simple smile as acknowledgement. Now noticing Leon was among them, the priest dipped his head again in recognition of the additional company before turning his attention back to the young man locked in La Rosa’s arms. Finally seizing his opportunity to speak, the youth clumsily excused himself from the situation, focusing his efforts upon La Rosa, and mostly ignoring Joel.

This was Joel’s opening.

Exercising his sleight of hand, Joel placed a few wrapped articles of food and spices into the young man’s poop covered basket in the hope of giving the young man some untarnished meals. The sound of a small chick nipping at Joel intrusive hand nearly gave him away, but fortunately the effort was executed without notice. To hide his sneaky hands, Joel bowed and gestured toward the farm, granting the youth passage away from the two. “Have a peaceful and productive day friend,” Joel softly mentioned to the young man as farewell.

As the young man wandered toward the farm, Joel looked to La Rosa, and put a finger over his lips gesturing for her silence, for she likely saw Joel’s deposit. The lumberjack was a perceptive one, and Joel was far too familiar to her artful eyes. In a hushed tone, Joel surmised, “I just behaved like a buffoon to our newest resident again haven’t I?” The question was one for Joel to answer himself, and not anyone else, but that may not stop La Rosa from lashing out a witticism. In hope of interrupting her before she does, Joel decided to offer her something else to think of. “You have the aroma of a hard day’s work Rosa, have you created a new marvel that I may admire?”


Zeke rushed into the shop, and poor Pearl could only utter a yelp of surprise before he was planted on the ground by the large dog. Knowing G must be nearby, Pearl desperately tried to yell for assistance, but his attempted cries were replaced by laughter as Zeke’s tongue tickled the shopkeeper's face. Only the sound of shattering glass gave Pearl the strength to escape the dog’s strong hold over him. Forgetting his manners for a moment, the shopkeeper scrambled to find what had broken. Fortunately, it appeared to only be a low value item. With G’s order already nearby him, Pearl began to examine the contents of the bag, and as expected, G’s work was of pristine quality. “Oh, don’t worry about this little glass Gordeu. Your masterwork here is more than enough to replace it.” Rising to his feet to meet the blacksmith, Pearl wore a gentle smile, which persisted even after noticing the black ash strewn about his shop.

“Thank you for the fine work as always Gordeu, have a look around if it pleases you.”

Pearl began to assort the blacksmith’s goods in their respective places in the shop, and discarded the broken glass item. He was not going to comment on the soot and ash that now littered the shop, the fact that G acknowledged and attempted to prevent it was sufficient for him, also he did not want to insult the blacksmith in fear of possible repercussions. As Pearl worked, he noticed Zeke still sitting idly near him.

“Would Zeke like a treat? I have some snacks he may enjoy.”
The instant I began writing a description of La Rosa in my post, this song began to play on my Pandora.

I share Spawnling's sentiment regarding accessible characters, which is one reason why I expressed interest in the role of priest and store owner.
Arriving at the destitute farmland, Joel paused for a moment of contemplation as his eyes surveyed the abandoned landscape for any sign of activity. Surely, the deteriorating lot was a somber sight, but the priest’s mind instead occupied itself with the exciting thought of new opportunity. A mysterious new farmer arriving to renovate the decay into a prosperous plot of land is a romantic notion that swept Joel’s attention away from the tomfoolery playing out within earshot of him. However, Vi’s shouting swiftly demanded Joel return to reality.

“You two go get married, I’ll worry about getting my chores done today!”

Perplexed by the unusual statement, Joel turned his head to the situation that spurred the exclamation; noticing the vibrant red figure of La Rosa alleviated all confusion. An unfamiliar fellow was locked in the impish lady’s arms, with an expression that screamed for salvation. Not wasting a moment, Joel quickly but casually strolled to join the two’s company. Joel wore a playful smile as he greeted the two, but it was gentle and warm in comparison to La Rosa’s.

“I hurried over upon hearing wedding bells; shall I proclaim your union now, or would you prefer to make an event of it?” Joel locked eyes with La Rosa as he made this comment, but then unsubtly scanned the young man in her arms. He was a young soul, and terribly overwhelmed by what was happening. The bird poop covered basket and Vi’s earlier outburst indicated that the youth had obviously met her too. Vi could be a handful herself, and the addition of La Rosa could make for a deadly concoction if unfamiliar with them, which the poor youth surely was. Assuming this was the new farmer, Joel addressed him in an effort to provide the youth with an opportunity to speak. “You have a knack for attracting the affections of the fairer sex friend.” It was not unusual for La Rosa to act provocatively around folks, or for Vi to provide for others, but Joel knew that the boy might not know that.


Pearl let out an audible sigh of relief as he collapsed down onto a stool. Several collections of assembled items lay upon a shelf near the shop’s counter, each labeled with the name of a Mineral Town resident. Waking early this morning, Pearl had been assembling orders and supplies for pick-up, and only now managed to find a minute of ease. A minute is all he allowed as well, as almost exactly sixty seconds later, Pearl stood up and opened the doors to his shop. It was seven o’clock, and the store had opened precisely on time, which was late in the shopkeeper’s mind.

Stepping outside with a broom in hand, the hurried shopkeeper frantically swept the store’s entryway until pristine, and placed a welcome sign upon it. Pearl turned outside to face the town and triumphantly announced, “Phalen’s General Goods is open for business, hunt around and maybe find a shimmering pearl!” Exhausting all his enthusiasm in one statement, a meek expression washed over Pearl’s face as he wandered back into his shop, and planted himself behind his desk.

Investigating his “To Do” list, Pearl realized he had accomplished all necessary tasks for the moment. All that is currently required of him is to conduct business when a customer walked in. In light of his freedom, Pearl pulled out a decadent ukulele, and began to tinker and tune the strings of his favorite instrument. The intermittent sound of a soft chord occasionally echoed outside the shop. After each pluck of a string, Pearl glanced through his doorway to see if any customers were approaching, so he could offer them his immediate attention upon entry.
Thank you. I'm off to bed folks, you'll suffer Joel and Pearl's antics sometime tomorrow.
Raddum said
Though I am interested in seeing what Sanbe has in mind for the store owner...

Well, ask and you shall recieve.

Name: Pearl Phalen

Gender: Male

Age: 31

Appearance: Pearl/ Flizzo

Birthday: Fall 9

Role: General Store Owner

Personality: Compliant, Cautious, Dependable, Mild, Honest, and Reserved.

Likes: Tinkering, Performances, Collecting, Organization, Fine Clothing, and Satisfied Customers.

Dislikes: Competitive Games, Change, Physical Contact, Urgency, and Alcohol.

History: A native of Mineral town, Pearl was born later in his parents’ lives; consequently, they named him in reference to the proverb “pearl from an old oyster.” Pearl was encouraged to play around and explore his father’s General store as a child. Being around (sometimes playing with) the store’s inventory taught Pearl how to identify, handle, and appreciate resources. Additionally, watching his father conduct business during his impressionable years also influenced Pearl’s business acumen. After a long day’s work, Pearl’s father would spend his evenings watching television with his son. Together, the two would watch exuberant musicians perform, and enjoyed emulating the artists’ quirks.

As Pearl grew older, he would spend his spare time using spare clothing to create costumes and attempting to play an old ukulele. He dreamed of becoming a musical star like the fabulous folks he saw on television. Unfortunately, Pearl’s father passes away on the boy’s 16th birthday, and the young man willingly took the responsibility of running the shop in his father’s place as well as care for his mother. Enlisting the help and guidance of fellow townsfolk, Pearl quickly became a capable shopkeeper.

Dismissing his fantasy of becoming a musician, Pearl began to live a predictable and modest life with little recreation. However, when his store would close down for the night, the sounds of a strumming instrument could be heard. During a Fall music festival one year, Pearl unveiled a new persona to the town: The Fabulous Flizzo Saucer. Putting his practice and passion to work, Pearl tickled his audience as Flizzo. Now, when Mineral Town holds a celebration, or when the General Store is close, Flizzo Saucer may be occasionally found about town.
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