The Hellions find themselves thrown off balance. Flanked, wounded and uncoordinated to top it off. It would require a bit more waiting to find out if, and how much, they would pay for it. Between the theurg's pained spiel pushing them to action and the red bastard's gaze warning them to stay put, Lyun defaulted to simple offense.
He runs ahead, positioning himself behind Siris as he tussles with the massive Yeek ahead. His battle axe sheathed, one hand goes to move the young Hellion out of the way while the other one lobs his hand axe straight for the Yeek's midsection.
He runs ahead, positioning himself behind Siris as he tussles with the massive Yeek ahead. His battle axe sheathed, one hand goes to move the young Hellion out of the way while the other one lobs his hand axe straight for the Yeek's midsection.
Lyun moves 6 tiles to 10-28. He equips his hand axe and attacks Red Yeek, dealing 14 damage and killing it, gaining 52 EXP.