Well I was planning on joining but by some stroke of luck you need more girl characters, well luck for me that is. That being said, I'm really going to try to make her not an ass but she is very different from most everyone, other than being a slightly delusional ball of sunshine she grew up in basically the spirit realm, god knows what goes on there but it definitely isn't normal by any standards.
Human Name: Mei
Age: 160, so about 16
Human Appearance:
Bio: Having spent most of her life in the realm of her father and the other celestial dragons, Mei jumped at the opportunity to train in the outer world. If she was to bring the loving glow and harmony of light as well as divine knowledge she would have to be able to connect with her followers and show them she would lead them to the promised land. Mei is very old fashioned, she holds honor and integrity in the highest regards. Mei has a great respect for her father as well as her mother, who she was never able to meet. She plans to allow her father to finally retire among the other Great Old Ones by taking up his responsibilities as Celestial Light Dragon. Mei tries to be like her father, a lawful neutralist but she tends to have more forgiveness and love than her father.
Parents: Zhulong (Celestial dragon of light) and the Nameless Goddess of Languages and Knowledge
God Name: Shia-mei
God Appearance:
Symbols: Light, Stars, Writing utensils and scrolls
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Staff of the Daylight Dragon- Powerful staff that allows her to manipulate light and create things at her will, does not destroy and is extremely dangerous as well as hard to control. Using it until she reaches a higher status would be idiotic. (Explosive ace in the hole)
The Shia Blade- Forged and created with the help of her father, it is perfectly suited for her. It allows a range of godly attacks but the safest route is to do them separate from the blade, there is a back fire if the godly energy is not discharged properly through the blade. (Main weapon)
Mother's Scroll- Will answer any question, however the answer will only make sense when the time for it is right. The question asked must be one the asker truly wants the answer to. Answers even questions of emotional matters but only for Mei, it is suspected that part of her mothers spirit is housed in this scroll
Dragon form- Hard to go back and forth, but she is literally a dragon in this form so she can do all the dragony things
Animal: Dragons, Animals associated with light (Dove, white horses ect), Animals associated with intelligence
Followers: Optimists, People who prefer light to darkness, People who love to learn, Writers