Name: Elena Johnson
Age: 18
Also Known As: NA

Basic Overview: Elena has the ability to control and manipulate forms of water.
Limitations: It is difficult for her to generate liquid water out of H2O molecules in the air. Controlling and manipulating large bodies of water is physically and mentally exhausting over a short period of time. The distance she is able to project water is sometimes unpredictable due to her lack of skill. Her abilities are in tune with her emotions, causing random bursts of involuntary actions during moments of emotional venerability.
Specific Abilities: Using her hand gestures Elena is able to move liquid water at her will, even able jet high-pressured water towards her target. She can freeze water and bend them into any shape she can muster; sometimes if she concentrates hard enough the ice will not melt for a long period of time. Elena is able to control the liquid in another human’s body but only able to make them move subtlety. She can clean out cuts and wounds with her water, but has not developed any sort of healing ability.
Views on Mutants: Elena is not a mutant activist, she very much hates her own mutation wishing to conceal herself as much as possible and avoid detection. She has got nothing against other mutants, they simply mean nothing to her, though she cannot stand those who flaunt their abilities and have god complexes, feeling as if they should save the people who hunt them down, because it is their,
“Duty as the evolved members of their species.” As her brother and his band of vigilantes say.
Personality: Once people would have said that Elena was an intelligent, friendly child with a bright future. Her politeness and consideration of others before herself was admired throughout her family and she was everyone’s friend and shoulder to cry on. But now to say that she has a chip on her shoulder is an understatement. Due to the recent history, she has distanced herself from others and cut all ties from her family. She’s developed a cold demeanor with an attitude of nonchalance that makes everyone shiver. Basically, she acts as though she doesn’t care about anything and anyone but secretly, cries herself to sleep every night.
History: Elena was born to a privileged life, her mother a doctor and her father a well-known lawyer, needless to say everyone knew the Johnsons. Elena was raised with all the best that money could buy. The best schools, tutors, music lessons, where she thrived in but, despite all of that her family still had time for each other, they still had time for love in their hearts for each other and for their daughter.
Then, when Elena was four, her brother Julian was born. Their parents, who had wanted a son from the start, showered him with love and support just as much as they had with her. All of a sudden the spotlight was no longer on her all the time. Her parents still cared about her, but Julian was a sickly baby and stole much of their attention. That was fine by Elena she just spent more time alone. One day she was out alone by the creek near their home, she was skipping around the tall grass there her arms out twirling around with her, and from what she can remember she a wave of calm pass over her before a wave of water began twirling around with her. She stopped and the water fell to the ground. Of course her child like mind didn’t think of it strange so she twirled her arms around again and the water rose from the creek twirling with her before it fell to the ground. After ten minutes of this she couldn’t do it anymore and had a bad headache so she went home. She couldn’t wait to tell her parents but, it was around that time that mutants were manifesting and the world was in a panic and her parents were not shy to share their negative opinion about them. In a nutshell they hated mutants and everything to do with them. Something told her deep inside that she shouldn’t tell her parents.
Years passed and she managed to keep her abilities a secret even when the government officials came knocking on every door wanting to test everyone for the X gene and tag any mutants. Even though they were getting harder to control she managed to fool everyone. Well except her brother who caught her in the act when he was five, he watched her twirl the water around and he giggled and clapped at it then showing her what he could do. He raised his toy dog in the air and let it float. Her brother was just like her, he had the X gene. Elena then, as much as a nine year old could explain to a five year old how he should never show anyone besides her his ability. He surprisingly understood.
Over time, the two kept deceiving their parents without a hitch, also the fact that their work became busier and busier helped some. All was good until the day Elena and her mother got into the hugest argument they had ever had. It was about Elena taking the music scholarship she had received and not going to business school like her mother wanted. One thing led after the next and Elena couldn’t control it anymore; vases began to break, faucets burst open and sprayed hot water everywhere, Elena tried to stop it but only seemed to make it worse. Her parents then knew it was from her and became hysterical, her mother reached her phone to call the police but Julian knocked it out of her hand taking Elena by the hand and left the house. They went into hiding fearing the worst from kidnapping to mutant crimes, but nothing came. Just a new bank account in their names and money pouring into every few weeks, they got the message, as long as they stayed away they would be taken care of. Elena then shut herself off from the world but Julian became angry at all who opposed mutants and wanted to prove to their parents that they were good and joined a vigilante group despite his sister’s warnings solving crime without the polices authority.
Other: Was so musically gifted that she received a Scholarship. Can play the piano and flute.