Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sheffield


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hey folks!

Couldn't resist throwing in a sheet. He's kinda' a half-villain, I suppose. Finished!

Edgar Wyatt


Also Known As
Agent Wyatt

Federal Bureau of Investigation - Special Agent (Mutant Enforcement Division)

  • Gun/Weapon Training

  • Unarmed Training

  • Investigative Abilities

  • Leadership

Views on Mutants
Working for a special mutant enforcement division of the FBI, Edgar has assisted governments enforce the tracking and tagging of mutants globally for years. He has, more than anything else, a fearful view of mutants. He is well aware that many mutants see themselves as 'human evolution', and such a prospect scares him. He expects the worst from mutants, and his treatment of them is certainly questionable, often opting to 'neutralise' the target before it becomes a threat.

Edgar has been hardened by his experiences at the FBI, and he has developed a resolute. stalwart attitude and dedication towards his work. He often assumes the worst in people, having grown to be distrusting and generally distant from those around him due to a specific incident at the FBI. Yet Edgar will always firmly maintain that he is a man of the law, and views his sole purpose as to catch and deal with the worst in society, in order to protect the rest of us.
It just so happens that the 'rest of us' doesn't include mutants, with the 'worst' in society, often tending to be the mutants themselves..

Born into a 'normal' family, with a lawyer for a father and doctor for a mother, Edgar has never been one to experience the hardships of life. He was an only-child, and recieved a private education. His childhood passed by, being relatively uneventful compared to any other child of the same social-status and age.

His life truly began when he joined the local police department at the age of 20. Despite his top-tier education, his grades were significantly lower than expected and many opportunities previously open to him, were now closed. Not to mention the dissapointment of his parents, who had the highest of hopes for their only child. Yet here he was, as a bog-standard police officer. He lived in a relatively large city, which as a consequence meant there was always crime to be handled, and it was through experience he began to demonstrate his proficiency in the field, rather than through academic results. He remained at the police department for four years, albeit he always had a thirst for something else, something more fulfilling. Despite the high numbers of solved crimes in his city, Edgar couldn't help but feel he was failing to deal with the 'bigger picture', instead dealing with low-level crime that would merely repeat itself in the cycle of crime.
He was aware of the FBI, albeit had never truly given a thought of a career in the agency any serious thought. Yet in his fourth year at the academy, the agency began a new programe that enabled serving police officers to take an aptitude test, that the FBI would use should the corresponding officer ever consider a career in the FBI. Edgar decided to take the test, out of curiosity more than anything else. As it would happen, he scored above-average, and this newfound information only further encouraged him to make the leap to a new career.

After encouragement from his department chief, and other work colleagues, Edgar decided to attempt to make the move. The application process was particularly grueling, and almost off-putting in itself with the number of background checks required, albeit the training was even more so. He spent near enough a year getting through the application and initial training, becomming a fully fledged agent in 2021, at the age of 29.
His time at the Bureau was far more fulfilling, with his attention focused more towards the 'big fish' of the criminal world. Yet only a year into his time as an agent at the bureau, at the age of 30 in 2022, a case came to his attention that would never leave him the same. There was a case concerning a mexican drug-cartel that had begun to expand across the border, and make inroads into america. Naturally, the bureau would have to take measures to prevent this. As Edgars investigation trudged onwards, more and more discoveries were made. Corrupt officals arrested, poiliticians were called-out and police departments were brought into scrutiny. It was clear the cartel had been planning the move for years, and as they slowly watched it unravel, they became even more desperate and unhinged. Edgar soon found his own colleagues working against him, being taken in by the cartels lucrative promises of pay and other methods of blackmail. After two years of one of the largest and dangerous investigations to face the buraeu, Edgar had come out on top. What came as a consequence was the arrest of his colleagues, bosses, colleagues from his old police department, and even friends from out of work. After this case, he has never quite trusted anybody, and always tends to expect the worse in everybody he meets.

Only months after the investigation reached its conclusion, the discovery of mutants was made. The FBI scrambled to ensure the safety of the population after the death of the innocent six year-old, and a 'Mutant Enfocement' branch was set up. Edgar, having grown to expect the worse, immediately put his name down to join the branch. Since then, he has assisted governments across the world in the tagging and monitoring of mutants, whilst also assisting in dealing with 'rogue' mutants, He continues to do so to this day, and has become well-respected within the branch, which has become infamous for its treatment of mutants and discrimination against them.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by SaraRPs


Member Offline since relaunch

Is there gunna be a set time of starting the whole shebang?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

can I leave this here as a WIP?
everything will be finished shortly after a few hours....hopefully ;)

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Cloudy Nights

Cloudy Nights

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name: Xavier Vasquez


Also Known As: Vasquez

Appearance:(won't allow me to upload the photo for some peculiar reason)

Abilities: Xavier can read peoples minds. Sometimes its a good thing. Other times however, because of the hate towards mutants, he wishes he could get rid of his ability. Xavier can read people who are within 35 yards from him. He can pick and choose who he wants to read so his head doesn't combust with everyones thoughts. Although he can read minds, he cant communicate back with them. Well he can, but that'll blow his cover. Vasquez tries to zone out the bad thoughts people say. He's all about positivity. His power is restricted however. If a person is a full on anti-mutant pledger their minds are blocked from him. That can only happen if they hate mutants with a burning passion. Otherwise Vasquez can just read whoever he wants whenever he wants.

Views on Mutants: Vasquez is a mutant himself. He is startled at the amount of hate towards them. He thinks that just because he's different doesn't mean he should be outcasted. Xavier thinks of it like this. People are born with genetic diseases like down syndrome, autism, etc. They were never outcasted they were simply humans but they had a problem. Mutants are no different. They never asked to become a mutant. Hell he hates that he has his ability. However, he accepted the fact he is a mutant. He believes that the government should too.

Personality: Xavier is a comical person. Since he can read minds he likes messing with people. He enjoys making people laugh and he makes himself laugh as well. Although Vasquez is funny, he is also very sensitive. He hates having to lay low and act human. Every time he passes a anti-mutant activist and reads their mind, he just wants to go far away. He tends to hide the fact he's a mutant and has this "X-Gene". Vasquez even tells himself sometimes that he's normal. Xavier is a lovable character and has little to no enemies. He uses his ability to screw with other people (only if he knows you and if you know of his ability). Otherwise people get mad at him and if you screw with him, it'll be the last thing you do.

History: When Xavier was a child in school he was always more intelligent than his peers. He graduated at the age of 14. By the time he was 18 he began to realize that he's a mutant. It all started when he was with his girlfriend at the bar when someone passed. The person didn't say a word to Vasquez or his girlfriend…well not out loud. When the guy passed Xavier, Xavier (not willingly) read his mind. What he heard was directed to his girlfriend and it was so sick and disgusting that Xavier actually turned around and hit him. Vasquez hit him so hard the guy was in a coma for weeks. Now Xavier's reputation with the people of his town is the so called "Badass" of the community.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Can I reserve a spot? I must warn you that I take my time when I make a CS, so it might be a while.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FiroIV
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FiroIV The Wandering Recluse

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Seems good enough of a premise. I'll be making a CS soon.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Name:Tony Jaa


Gender: Female

Also Known As:The copy monk

Appearance: http://www.diablo-3.net/wp-content/gallery/artworks_2010/aw-20100209_02.jpg


Combat Chameleon- This mutation allows Tony to copy any fighting style she witnesses. This could be through eyewitness viewing and even from movies. It also allows her to perfectly replicate said fighting style, and mix it with others she has 'copied'. While this is highly useful it has limits, if Tony lacks the physical ability to preform the feat it will not work; and will likely cause great self harm.

360 degree vision- this allows Tony to have a full 360 degree field of vision around herself, this isn't a constant ability and extended use is highly strenuous leading to temporary blindness.

Slowing of heart rate- this ability is natural from Tonys regular meditation and martial arts allowing her to focus on her breathing and slow it till she appears dead with no detectable pulse.

Views on Mutants: Tony views her mutation as a gift, she also sees it as her responsibility to protect non-mutants from other criminal or dangerous mutants.

Personality: Tony is a serious stone cold fighter, that being said Tony isn't one to start a fight over petty words or gestures. The only time Tony will start a fight is, if someone else or herself is in imminent danger. While she was a monk Tony is adapting to more western traditions and ways of life, she is a kind hearted person and is easy to become friends with.

History: Tony was born near Nepal, and left upon the steps of a monastery high in the mountains. The monks there took her in and raised her their way, her entire life she trained and lived just as a monk child would. As Tony got older and her training progressed, she was discovered to be a natural prodigy of martial arts and philosophical thought. One day Tony awoke to a loud explosion and the sound of screams, she rushed out to see what was happening. It was a private army working for a wealthy corporation, they killed everyone but Tony. They took Tony to a research laboratory where they genetically modified humans, trying to make the perfect super soldiers. Tony was subjected to rigorous tests of strength and will, as well as near constant fight demos. Tony wouldn't be controlled the corporation knew that, when they discovered the drug worked they planned to kill tony. However they underestimated her she quickly killed those sent to destroy her and escaped the lab.

Other: Obviously as a monk Tony was already highly talented in combat and knows many styles of martial arts. It's also evident she would be highly balanced and flexible, these are not additional powers they are natural and are simply amazing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright, My CS is done. I apologize for the lengthy bio but I guess it would be fun to wrap up a story before I could actually start writing my character ;)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Metronome Tick Box

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Would anyone like to have any sort of attachments to either Isaiah (pre-assassination) or 32?

Like maybe they were friends with Isaiah at one point, or worked with him on one of his project.

Or maybe someone they know has been killed by 32.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Sheffield, So good, so far...

@Scoundrel, Accepted

@Cloudy Nights, Good...but I would like a little more detail on his abilities, e.g. what is the range of his telepathy? What are the limitations? Can he communicate through thought or is it a 'one way system' (he can read their minds, but can't send anything back), etc

@RockKilljoy, Accepted

DaDrummer676 said
Can I reserve a spot? I must warn you that I take my time when I make a CS, so it might be a while.


FiroIV said
Seems good enough of a premise. I'll be making a CS soon.

Okay - I will reserve you a place.

SaraRPs said
Is there gunna be a set time of starting the whole shebang?

Yes - as soon as everyone has submitted their CSs and edited any relevant details! But don't worry; I won't wait forever. If the reserved people don't sign up/edit CSs, I will give them a warning before just ploughing on with the IC, anyway. It's unfair to keep people waiting too long.

Warning to anyone else considering signing up; there are no more spaces left!
I originally only planned to have ten characters, but considering I wasn't around to update the list of accepted characters, I feel it is only fair to accept the extra people (plus they all seem pretty good).
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Rock Killjoy

Rock Killjoy

Member Seen 10 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Going to grab breakfast soon, then watch a movie.

So expect my CS which was reserved spacefor in a couple of hours.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Metronome said
Would anyone like to have any sort of attachments to either Isaiah (pre-assassination) or 32?Like maybe they were friends with Isaiah at one point, or worked with him on one of his project.Or maybe someone they know has been killed by 32.

I think I could incorporate this into my own CS...
Perhaps they knew each other as teenagers (e.g. she helped him through his mother's death and he helped her when she was struggling to deal with being a mutant) but argued over the fact that Izzy wanted to actively fight for mutant rights whilst Angela only wanted to passively support the cause (even though Angela was the one with the mutant ability), before Angela then moved away to University. This could be explanation for why 32's appearance would unnerve her - not only would it be a dead past friend, but someone who could potentially give away her mutant secret.
I will wait for your ideas before editing my CS, in case this was not the sort of thing you had in mind.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm guessing Danny and Prof. Douglas has this Professor X view towards mutants and humans. Perhaps they might be having some dynamics in the future?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MissAddler


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Scoundrel said
I'm guessing Danny and Prof. Douglas has this Professor X view towards mutants and humans. Perhaps they might be having some dynamics in the future?

I agree!
Perhaps Danny's been on her secure website 'FreeGenes'...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Metronome
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

MissAddler said
I think I could incorporate this into my own CS...Perhaps they knew each other as teenagers (e.g. she helped him through his mother's death and he helped her when she was struggling to deal with being a mutant) but argued over the fact that Izzy wanted to actively fight for mutant rights whilst Angela only wanted to passively support the cause (even though Angela was the one with the mutant ability), before Angela then moved away to University. This could be explanation for why 32's appearance would unnerve her - not only would it be a dead past friend, but someone who could potentially give away her mutant secret.I will wait for your ideas before editing my CS, in case this was not the sort of thing you had in mind.

I like this :3
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

MissAddler said
I agree!Perhaps Danny's been on her secure website 'FreeGenes'...

Yes. I suppose before the IC starts, Danny is already an active member of the said website and often spends his time there debating about his own ambitions of peace towards mutants and humans. He doesn't reveal himself (of course) nor does he go with a codename of his own. Pretty much, he stays anonymous all the time.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I added a paragraph to Kevin's bio to explain how he ended up in the Weapon X lab for a while.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Drake Baku
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Drake Baku The Draconian Dragon Prince

Member Seen 5 days ago

From what I can tell I guess this is pretty much an x-men based rp?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Scoundrel
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Scoundrel potentially demented

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Metronome said
Would anyone like to have any sort of attachments to either Isaiah (pre-assassination) or 32?Like maybe they were friends with Isaiah at one point, or worked with him on one of his project.Or maybe someone they know has been killed by 32.

I think I may also have Danny to get involved with Izzy/32's shenanigans. I'll put it this way: Back in 2024(in which Danny and his wife were still in the dating phase therefore, he haven't yet developed a stable view on mutant rights and peace between them and humans), shortly after the assassination of Isaiah Holman, Danny was aroused by the sudden news of an activist's demise even though it was insignificant to most people. Unlike the incident of Javier Mikelson, which didn't give awareness towards Danny in any sort of way, he was somehow curiously driven on determining whether Isaiah Holman was a mutant or not. Why? Because Danny would think that if Isaiah Holman was a mutant, there might be connections on his assassination in which is suspiciously linked towards the chain of events that opened the gates for mutants to run rampant. Also, Danny was skeptical about the information printed on the newspapers saying that his death was not planned by the government and to even top up his skepticism towards the case, there were rumors (I don't know if this would be possible) running around the city that his body wasn't actually seen for forensic purposes.

And once Danny meets 32, he might determine some shocking resemblances from what he feared to know way back from his small 'investigations'. These are all suggestions by the way and might subject to change.
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