Hey folks!
Couldn't resist throwing in a sheet. He's kinda' a half-villain, I suppose. Finished!
Edgar Wyatt

Also Known As
Agent Wyatt
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Special Agent (Mutant Enforcement Division)
Views on Mutants
Working for a special mutant enforcement division of the FBI, Edgar has assisted governments enforce the tracking and tagging of mutants globally for years. He has, more than anything else, a fearful view of mutants. He is well aware that many mutants see themselves as 'human evolution', and such a prospect scares him. He expects the worst from mutants, and his treatment of them is certainly questionable, often opting to 'neutralise' the target before it becomes a threat.
Edgar has been hardened by his experiences at the FBI, and he has developed a resolute. stalwart attitude and dedication towards his work. He often assumes the worst in people, having grown to be distrusting and generally distant from those around him due to a specific incident at the FBI. Yet Edgar will always firmly maintain that he is a man of the law, and views his sole purpose as to catch and deal with the worst in society, in order to protect the rest of us.
Born into a 'normal' family, with a lawyer for a father and doctor for a mother, Edgar has never been one to experience the hardships of life. He was an only-child, and recieved a private education. His childhood passed by, being relatively uneventful compared to any other child of the same social-status and age.
His life truly began when he joined the local police department at the age of 20. Despite his top-tier education, his grades were significantly lower than expected and many opportunities previously open to him, were now closed. Not to mention the dissapointment of his parents, who had the highest of hopes for their only child. Yet here he was, as a bog-standard police officer. He lived in a relatively large city, which as a consequence meant there was always crime to be handled, and it was through experience he began to demonstrate his proficiency in the field, rather than through academic results. He remained at the police department for four years, albeit he always had a thirst for something else, something more fulfilling. Despite the high numbers of solved crimes in his city, Edgar couldn't help but feel he was failing to deal with the 'bigger picture', instead dealing with low-level crime that would merely repeat itself in the cycle of crime.
After encouragement from his department chief, and other work colleagues, Edgar decided to attempt to make the move. The application process was particularly grueling, and almost off-putting in itself with the number of background checks required, albeit the training was even more so. He spent near enough a year getting through the application and initial training, becomming a fully fledged agent in 2021, at the age of 29.
Only months after the investigation reached its conclusion, the discovery of mutants was made. The FBI scrambled to ensure the safety of the population after the death of the innocent six year-old, and a 'Mutant Enfocement' branch was set up. Edgar, having grown to expect the worse, immediately put his name down to join the branch. Since then, he has assisted governments across the world in the tagging and monitoring of mutants, whilst also assisting in dealing with 'rogue' mutants, He continues to do so to this day, and has become well-respected within the branch, which has become infamous for its treatment of mutants and discrimination against them.
Couldn't resist throwing in a sheet. He's kinda' a half-villain, I suppose. Finished!
Edgar Wyatt

Also Known As
Agent Wyatt
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Special Agent (Mutant Enforcement Division)
- Gun/Weapon Training
- Unarmed Training
- Investigative Abilities
- Leadership
Views on Mutants
Working for a special mutant enforcement division of the FBI, Edgar has assisted governments enforce the tracking and tagging of mutants globally for years. He has, more than anything else, a fearful view of mutants. He is well aware that many mutants see themselves as 'human evolution', and such a prospect scares him. He expects the worst from mutants, and his treatment of them is certainly questionable, often opting to 'neutralise' the target before it becomes a threat.
Edgar has been hardened by his experiences at the FBI, and he has developed a resolute. stalwart attitude and dedication towards his work. He often assumes the worst in people, having grown to be distrusting and generally distant from those around him due to a specific incident at the FBI. Yet Edgar will always firmly maintain that he is a man of the law, and views his sole purpose as to catch and deal with the worst in society, in order to protect the rest of us.
It just so happens that the 'rest of us' doesn't include mutants, with the 'worst' in society, often tending to be the mutants themselves..
Born into a 'normal' family, with a lawyer for a father and doctor for a mother, Edgar has never been one to experience the hardships of life. He was an only-child, and recieved a private education. His childhood passed by, being relatively uneventful compared to any other child of the same social-status and age.
His life truly began when he joined the local police department at the age of 20. Despite his top-tier education, his grades were significantly lower than expected and many opportunities previously open to him, were now closed. Not to mention the dissapointment of his parents, who had the highest of hopes for their only child. Yet here he was, as a bog-standard police officer. He lived in a relatively large city, which as a consequence meant there was always crime to be handled, and it was through experience he began to demonstrate his proficiency in the field, rather than through academic results. He remained at the police department for four years, albeit he always had a thirst for something else, something more fulfilling. Despite the high numbers of solved crimes in his city, Edgar couldn't help but feel he was failing to deal with the 'bigger picture', instead dealing with low-level crime that would merely repeat itself in the cycle of crime.
He was aware of the FBI, albeit had never truly given a thought of a career in the agency any serious thought. Yet in his fourth year at the academy, the agency began a new programe that enabled serving police officers to take an aptitude test, that the FBI would use should the corresponding officer ever consider a career in the FBI. Edgar decided to take the test, out of curiosity more than anything else. As it would happen, he scored above-average, and this newfound information only further encouraged him to make the leap to a new career.
After encouragement from his department chief, and other work colleagues, Edgar decided to attempt to make the move. The application process was particularly grueling, and almost off-putting in itself with the number of background checks required, albeit the training was even more so. He spent near enough a year getting through the application and initial training, becomming a fully fledged agent in 2021, at the age of 29.
His time at the Bureau was far more fulfilling, with his attention focused more towards the 'big fish' of the criminal world. Yet only a year into his time as an agent at the bureau, at the age of 30 in 2022, a case came to his attention that would never leave him the same. There was a case concerning a mexican drug-cartel that had begun to expand across the border, and make inroads into america. Naturally, the bureau would have to take measures to prevent this. As Edgars investigation trudged onwards, more and more discoveries were made. Corrupt officals arrested, poiliticians were called-out and police departments were brought into scrutiny. It was clear the cartel had been planning the move for years, and as they slowly watched it unravel, they became even more desperate and unhinged. Edgar soon found his own colleagues working against him, being taken in by the cartels lucrative promises of pay and other methods of blackmail. After two years of one of the largest and dangerous investigations to face the buraeu, Edgar had come out on top. What came as a consequence was the arrest of his colleagues, bosses, colleagues from his old police department, and even friends from out of work. After this case, he has never quite trusted anybody, and always tends to expect the worse in everybody he meets.
Only months after the investigation reached its conclusion, the discovery of mutants was made. The FBI scrambled to ensure the safety of the population after the death of the innocent six year-old, and a 'Mutant Enfocement' branch was set up. Edgar, having grown to expect the worse, immediately put his name down to join the branch. Since then, he has assisted governments across the world in the tagging and monitoring of mutants, whilst also assisting in dealing with 'rogue' mutants, He continues to do so to this day, and has become well-respected within the branch, which has become infamous for its treatment of mutants and discrimination against them.