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Once the pair were outside, the real celebrating began. Both of them cheered. Eve was clearly pleased that she had beaten the reigning champ, but Jurgen was more excited that his rent was now paid for a while. Well, it wasn't, not quite yet, but it would be. "Sounds like it might be worth a shot..." the cyborg agreed after a moment. He would need actual training if he was going to step into the ring himself, though. He nodded, that could be all right. Then he made a face as Eve suggested they go buy things. "I'd like to go get my rent taken care of first, actually." he said, "Once I know I've got that done, then we can go buy food and smokes. What do you want matches for?" Jurgen knew for a fact that his robot would not need lighters for a very long while, they just had to clean up his apartment and collect all of the lighters that still worked, and then she'd see. And he really didn't care if she was a purist or whatever. She was a robot, and probably couldn't even appreciate a proper cigarette. "Why do you even smoke? Aren't you a robot?" he figured now was a good time to start questioning things. He had money for a while, so looking this gift horse in the mouth wouldn't mangle his hands too badly.

Things were looking way, way up, and it felt good. Gone were those feelings of dread, the gripping terror of his looming homelessness was no more. He felt free. The cyborg was going to go home and pay his rent for a whole year, and he'd still have plenty of money. If he was careful, he turn that money into even more money, and soon he'd have his own house, and wear suits everywhere, and carry a pimp cane, and he wouldn't have to take shit from anyone. He had pretty simple dreams for his life, but to know that they could come true sooner, rather than later, was a mind-blowing feeling. He just had to hold on, keep things under control, and not lose sight of the ultimate goal, like too many people did...
Jurgen watched with more excitement as things started to speed up again. He had managed to get his brain chip to calm down, so he could see the world in real time once more. Big Jim was surprisingly adaptable, But that wasn't going to save it, the cyborg was sure. And when the robot didn't attack Eve immediately, just about everyone knew that the reigning champion was out of his own league. It was Big Jim's style to rush headlong into battle, and when he couldn't do that, what was he to do? With no experience fighting on the back foot, the robot had no chance. But the cheering didn't stop, and Jurgen didn't understand why.

The cyborg did understand that he was about to win, though. Eve closed with Big Jim, and then ended the fight with a brilliant flourish. She ducked under a last-ditch effort to end the fight, and did the deed herself, taking out a second of her opponent's limbs and sending the robot crashing to the ground. The ground went wild, and the match was declared to be over, when Big Jim's owner threw in the towel. He looked dazed and confused as he walked away. Such a crushing defeat was entirely unexpected, and very exciting for all involved, with some obvious exceptions.

Jurgen was not one of those exceptions, however. He had been hopeful, but not entirely sure. But now he knew that things were looking up. He cheered harder than anyone else, and continued to do so, all the way to the bookie who had collected his money. The other cyborg was smiling, and forked over sixteen thousand and sixty credits. "There you go, kid. I guess you really were lucky." the man said, shaking his head. The fight organizer appeared suddenly, obviously looking for his cut. The cyborg handed over two thousand credits, and the man looked suspicious.

"I got twenty-to-one. That's your cut." he said firmly, daring the other man to question him. Jurgen was prepared to back up his lie with a knife to the face, but the other man backed down. The man had just made nineteen hundred credits that he didn't have this morning. And if this guy was full of shit, well, it was nineteen hundred free credits. He forced a smile, and walked off. That had gone better than expected, was Jurgen's thought on the matter, and the cyborg headed off to find Eve, so they could head home and see how they were doing.
Jurgen was hopeful when Eve reassured him, but when the fight actually started again, he was grinning. His android knew what she was doing, and he could see that. Big Jim did his usual thing, but Eve had changed up her tactics, and the android smoked her opponent in the face, and then destroyed one of the robot's legs with a single, vicious punch. "How's that for an adjustment?" Jurgen asked Big Jim's owner. The man was shocked. No one had ever done such a thing to Big Jim. No one had a robot good enough to do so much damage so quickly.

"What... The fuck?" the other man whispered to himself, shocked, appalled, and utterly powerless. The crowd had gasped as one, and everyone was equally confused. How was this happening? What was going on? Was this a trick? Jurgen knew it wasn't a trick. He was giddy with excitement. This fight was Eve's to win or lose, now. Hopefully she would be kind enough to win it. But then time started to slow down. Jurgen was watching everything happen in slow motion, now. He heard the crowd start up again, in the background, starting to cheer, to roar, obviously unsure who they were cheering for, but also obviously hungry for blood. They wanted to see one of these robots die, at the very least.

The cyborg was silently hoping, rooting for his new automaton with all his might. He needed this win. With such a swift and decisive victory, his near-future would be secure. With so much money, he would be good to go. And with a way to keep making that money, life would only get better. He was eager, and anxious to see the results of the fight. But his body was running in overdrive now, and things had slowed down, leaving him straining to see how things were going...
Jurgen was shaking with excitement, but most people would assume it was nervousness. The crowd was going wild, hoping to see this new robot stomped to bits. Big Jim was announced, and stepped into the cage. The crowd continued to cheer wildly. Then Eve stepped up, and the crowd went even crazier, screaming for blood. Then the countdown started, and the two robots got into their fighting stances. The cyborg was probably dangerously close to the cage, but he was too excited to care. This was the beginning of the future for him, all Eve had to do was win. And then the countdown ended, and Big Jim started going ape. The fight seemed almost even, and that wasn't good. The worst part, was that Eve was struggling. He was starting to get worried when a time-out was called. He looked around, confused, when Big Jim's owner appeared, offering him a minute to make some adjustments. Big Jim had retreated to his corner, and Jurgen called Eve over to hers. He climbed up on the fence, and pretended to be adjusting something on her.

"All right, I've only got a minute, so listen good. You're too small, and too light, to be going toe-to-toe with Big Jim. But you're a hell of a lot faster, and you can beat him. His pneumatic piston joints are your targets. Take out his legs, take out his arms, and he's helpless, then you win. Don't kill him, we won't have the money to deal with that, even if you win." Jurgen said. He spoke quickly, and quietly, but was careful to make sure that all of his words were intelligible. They needed to win this fight, and it wasn't working Eve's way. Hopefully his insight would help. And if not, well, he had tried, he supposed. Then the time-out was announced to be over, and the timer started again. Jurgen gave Eve two thumbs up and climbed down off the cage, moving away so he could see her fight. The countdown started again, and proceeded rapidly toward a fight restart...

((I'd thought of it as round, but that works too.))
Jurgen smiled. They were going to get rich. He figured he could cut the organizer out of half, claiming a finder's fee, and that would make him eleven thousand credits richer. That was certainly appealing. That was a few months of rent, and food and smokes aplenty. He had to mostly ignore what Eve had to say, though, not wanting to draw any attention to them. The cyborg was confident he had subtly acknowledged her words, however, and hoped she wouldn't be too offended, had she missed it. It didn't matter for long, though, he was grinning as he nearly bumped into a bookie. "Do you know something I don't, kid?" the man asked, looking very shrewd, and slightly hopeful.

"I'm just feeling lucky." Jurgen replied, and the other man shook his head.

"You placing a bet, or what?" he asked, obviously wanting to get on with business.

"One hundred and sixty credits, and six chips on my robot, here." the cyborg said confidently. The bookie looked a bit surprised.

"Seriously, kid? You're fucked." he muttered to himself. "All right, but when's it fightin'?" he asked in a voice that could be heard properly.

"Should be soon. I got a match against Big Jim." Jurgen said, looking excited, and hoping it didn't sound like he knew a whole lot about this place.

"All right... I'll give you a hundred-to-one odds, kid. I hope you're feeling lucky as fuck. Homemade bots never last against Big Jim." the bookie held out his hand, and the cyborg handed over his money. After counting it, the man scribbled on his note pad. Bets were harder to fake when using real paper. Any two-bit hacker could fudge electronic records. "Better get it down there, kid, you need to be ready to fight." the bookie said, gesturing toward the ring. There was a fight in progress, but it looked like it would be over soon. Big Jim was nowhere to be found, though.

"Let's go." Jurgen said to Eve, gesturing to her to follow before heading off toward the ring. There were other fighters waiting ringside, so he figured that was the place to go. And then he spotted Big Jim. An eight foot tall robot, he was built like a tank, and looked ten times as mean. He was tough, obviously, but a bit outdated. He held up in the arena thanks to his durability, and relentlessness. But with Eve's advanced systems and adaptability, Jurgen had no fear. They were going to do well...
Jurgen liked Eve's willingness to comply. It made things a lot easier. This was a lot different from trying to get a friend to just co-operate on a scheme. And she even had some good ideas on how to improve the plan. Whoever had sent him this robot was obviously looking out for him. "That sounds good. Good thinking." he said, agreeing with the android's suggestion. She did the transforming thing, and quickly looked like a robot that had been recently put together. "Looks great." the cyborg agreed when asked for an opinion. She really did appear to be a cobbled-together fighting machine, and that was definitely going to sell it for the people in charge.

The pair headed into the arena not long after, and Jurgen lead the way to where the man in charge of scheduling fights was. He signaled for Eve to just wait, and pulled the man aside. "You wanna make some cash?" he asked, and the man raised an eyebrow. Everyone in here wanted to make some quick cash. "I've got a sure thing standing over there. Give me a fight with Big Jim, you won't be disappointed." the cyborg wasn't here to waste time, he needed to know if this guy was in.

"How do I get this past the bookies?" the guy asked, clearly thinking he was smarter than this new guy.

"Tell them it's a new practice bot. They give one-point-five on Big Jim, and a hundred-to-one on the bot. When the bot wins, they pay us, and keep the rest, they won't care." Jurgen insisted. He didn't care what happened to any one of these people, as long as he got some money.

"I'll give it a shot..." the man said, and then he forked over a hundred credits. Obviously this was for Jurgen to bet along with his own cash. It didn't look good when the staff were betting too.

Jurgen headed back over to Eve with a grin on his face. "I think we're in." he told her, "Now we just have to place our bet, and get you into the ring on time." he then began leading the way, hoping to find a bookie who could help them with that...
Jurgen sighed. Eve clearly didn't understand. She went on about pleasing the block and crap. He didn't care about that, he needed money. "No. Look, I need money. We need money. We don't need crowds to be happy, we don't need people betting with us. We need money. The more people we have betting against you, the more money we make when you win." he took a deep breath and looked at his chronometer. They had just enough time. "No throwing matches. Just win us money." he said, and then he started to lead the way. "We're going to a different arena for today. I don't need those guys fucking up our odds." the cyborg declared, "We've got sixty credits, and I need you to turn that into as many as you possibly can." And with that, Jurgen set a brisk pace toward the arena on the other side of this particular section of the junkyard.

The place they were headed was a lot less pleasant than most. It was run by a gang, and crewed by vicious bookies who would happily take bets against a newcomer. And when it turned out that Eve was so much better than anyone else in the arena, the gang's bosses would be pleasantly surprised by their take. "Try to look small and weak, when we get in there." Jurgen suggested when they got closer. "The more they'll give us in odds, the less leg-work we'll have to do." He really didn't want to have to go someplace else today. If he could get the money he needed to pay rent and buy food, he'd be more than happy. If he couldn't, well, he and Eve would both wind up "deactivated" quite quickly...
Jurgen smiled. He liked watching Eve thrash the drunks like they were moving in slow motion and she was on Hype. Now they had sixty credits, that was pretty good for ten or so minutes of "work". And then the automaton started talking to the guy who yelled "Fight!". It didn't take long for her to start tooting her own horn, promising all kinds of money to the people that bet on her. But the cyborg had seen enough movies to see where this was going. There was only one direction this really could go in, now. Eve was going to take a fall. He smiled to himself. This would be easy. He could safely make a decent bet, and win all kinds of money on the ridiculous odds that were going to be put out when the bookies found out how many people were betting on her. And then, when people went back to betting against her, he'd bet on her, and make even more money. Then it was just a matter of switching circuits so that no one got suspicious.

But the cyborg wanted to confirm this before he started anything, so he pulled the android aside, grabbing her hand and tugging the robot out the door so they could talk quietly in peace. "So what's the plan, here, why are you hyping yourself up? You're gunna take a fall, right?" Jurgen needed to know. Otherwise he needed her to cut that shit out. They were here to make money, not build a career. And if they were here to build a career, he needed to get another job...

((ugh... sorry...))
Jurgen watched the beatdown with interest. It was simple, brutal, and effective. Eve had blocked the man's first strike without even trying, and then she dismantled him completely with a pair of vicious blows. Someone whistled, but mostly the reaction was negative. Jurgen was amazed. She would have no problem in a ring. But practice was never bad. He caught the credits that the android tossed to him, and tucked them away. Then he looked around, and caught the eye of a pair of tough-looking drunkards. "Double down, folks! Twenty credits says you can't best the lady!" he shouted, and the pair stood up. Ten obviously wasn't good enough, but they looked ready to kick ass for twenty. Unfortunately for them, Jurgen only had twenty credits. And there was also the issue of Eve being a talented, and slightly unorthodox fighter. The two drunk cyborgs stood no chance.

They obviously didn't know that, though, since they were so ready for a fight. another forty credits sounded good to Jurgen, and Eve looked like she didn't mind earning them. The pair of drunks squared off opposite the automaton and the same voice from before yelled "Fight!" again. Jurgen wondered if this was such a regular thing that they actually had someone to do that. But then he got distracted by the fight starting ,and forgot. These two hadn't been paying attention, clearly. They rushed Eve just like the first man. Just because there were two of them, didn't mean they could win...
Jurgen was glad when Eve seemed to have things well in hand, he didn't want to get caught in the crossfire. She challenged a whole table of cyborgs to a fight, but only one of them had accepted so far. Not wanting to get in the way, Jurgen took a seat at a table near the entrance, figuring he would be mostly safe there. Then he just had to wait, and watch the magic happen. His android companion seemed very confident, and that was good. Her opponent was already mad, so she probably wouldn't have much of a problem. But then the robot turned to him, suddenly needing to know the limits. "Don't kill him." he blurted, wanting her attention on the fight, and not on the rules. And that was really the only rule in this part of town. The authorities couldn't be bothered to sort out a brawl. Unless there was serious gang activity, or murdering, they never came down this way. As long as no one died, no one really seemed to care. Hell, sometimes people did die, and no one cared. In the slightly better off parts of the city, the police presence was almost palpable, but out here, it seemed like they couldn't be bothered.

The cyborg was practically shaking now. Eve was clearly ready to go, and her opponent was chomping at the bit. And then, probably as a joke, someone shouted "Fight!" and the cyborg who had taken offense to the robot's brazen display rushed headlong into the fray, eager to break something or someone. He probably didn't much care for the law, and Jurgen suspected he had enough respect around here that no one would talk if he killed someone and the police did show up. It occurred to him that this was probably the reason the cops were never around. No one would tell them anything, so they didn't bother trying any more. It did make sense, considering the attitudes that abounded in such a place. To many, authority was worse that poverty, which didn't always make sense. Jurgen just wanted to be able to eat and pay rent. He couldn't be bothered to worry about authority when he had more pressing issues, like survival, to fret over. But he was beginning to think he might have time to start worrying about authority when Eve was done thrashing people around here...
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