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    1. Sarpdeon 11 yrs ago


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Jurgen got most of his shopping done while Eve was searching for cereal. She didn't know where things were, so it took her a bit, and the cyborg was doing things the long way, so that took a bit, and it all evened out, as the pair met up again just as Jurgen was picking out the last of the groceries. "You're done? Cool!" the cyborg said, smiling, "I'm just about done myself..." he trailed off as he compared the pros and cons of two different brands, before realizing what Eve had picked for cereal. "Oh, you got that twinkie stuff? That's cool. You can grab some more if you like, that stuff lasts forever, and it's cheap too." he suggested. He could probably get a whole case of the stuff for cheap, but the problem was actually finding someone to sell him a case. Wholesale prices were nice, but vendors wanted volume, one case wasn't going to cut it.

But whether she wanted more or not, it was pretty obvious that they were done here. Jurgen selected a brand almost at random, and then headed toward the registers. Thankfully, this store had finally implemented the cart-scanner system. The scanners just checked the whole cart, double-checked for sale items, and then told you how much you owed, so checking out was a breeze. Even during rush times, there was no waiting in line, since the slowest part of the process was collecting money, and just about everyone had automatic electronic bank accounts, so they could pay for their purchases with a single click. Even here in the junkyard, things were advancing rapidly. That, or the rich people were falling apart faster now, no one was sure.

The two checked out, and the cyborg paid for everything. That took but a moment before they were off to home once more. "I figger we go home and put the groceries away, and then we'll go get you some clothes and a repair kit, and what not." Jurgen suggested. That would be easier than trying to lug everything around a clothing store, and the cyborg figured he could use the exercise. And even if he couldn't, it was good for him. If Eve seriously objected, he supposed they could do it her way, but he was going to want some good reasons for not putting the groceries away first...
no worries bro, it's not a rush. I can't even have an avatar yet, so I'm not worried. take your time and all that jazz.
Jurgen smiled and nodded as Eve promised to do her best. He appreciated the effort, since trying to explain away such an expensive android was going to be impossible. And then they headed out. The cyborg snagged a hovercart on their way, not wanting to carry their groceries home by hand. He figured it would be just as easy to re-steal this cart and use it to get their groceries home. And then they were properly on their way to the nearest shopping block. It didn't take too long to get there, and then Eve was asking about bars. He looked a bit confused at that, and then shrugged, "Dunno, honestly. I'm not much for the bar scene. I suppose it doesn't help that I've spent the past while scraping to get by." he told his robot, now wondering about that himself.

"You don't actually have to hide that you're an android all the time. Just while shopping for clothes. People get weird when robots shop." he added as they wandered into the grocery store. The cyborg headed for the stuff on the top of his list, and just worked his way down. some people got all crazy and divided things up into sections of the store to shop efficiently or some crap like that. He didn't roll that way, he just wanted to get everything on his list. "You wanna pick out a cereal or something? If you don't care about taste, go for the stuff with the most of what you need." Jurgen suggested. Eve didn't need to follow him around, he figured she was smart enough to select an suitable cereal that wouldn't break the bank. And if she couldn't do that, well, this was a good time to teach her such a skill...
Users list is fine imo. Just ctrl-f your buddies and away you go.
Fuckin' eh! I'm still around. good to see you back. hit me up for an rp sometime!
Jurgen just wrote down "clothes", having no idea what Eve would want to wear. He looked around again, nodding to himself, and was just about ready to declare them ready to go, when Eve spoke up again. She decided she needed a maintenance kit. He could do that, too. "Anything else?" he asked, just in case, and then shrugged, putting the list and the pen in his pocket. "Doesn't matter. If you think of something, let me know." he corrected himself. If there was anything else, he could write it down, but it didn't look to him like there would be anything else, at least not yet. So now it was time to go, he supposed.

"All right, you do your best to look perfectly human, and then we'll go." he decided, "As much as androids are part of life, most people don't see them shopping for clothes. Trust me, it'll just be less weird if you go with it." he added, figuring that his companion would want to know why. She was good at following directions, but he had no doubt she was intelligent enough to desire reasons for these things. And that was reasonable, the cyborg decided. She was smart enough to almost be human, she might as well understand things. Then he chuckled as they headed out. She would be able to pass as human pretty soon. Once the robot got the hang of local customs and social interaction, there would be literally nothing stopping her from running off and doing things on her own. That was a scary thought. What if she left? Just up and abandoned him to try and scrape out a living on his own once more. She'd at least pay him back, right? He couldn't be sure. Jurgen didn't let his terrified thoughts show, but he was just as scared, nonetheless...
Jurgen smiled to himself as they headed back to the apartment. Eve wanted to know about prices and such. He shook his head, "Don't worry about food. I'll take care of that. But I'm not buying you smokes. That's what your start-up is for. You make money in the ring, and you can have all the smokes you can afford." he explained, "But it sounds like you'll want cereal. Kid's cereal is pretty cheap, tastes fine, I guess, and is loaded with carbs and sugar. That stuff is kinda awful for anyone who wants to eat healthy, but if you just need carbs and sugar, that stuff is a good way to get a lot of it." he added, opening the door to his home and motioning for Eve to go in first. Then he locked the door behind them and started opening cupboards, noting what he figured they needed.

The list was quite long, notably because the house was pretty well cleaned out. Jurgen had been eating just about everything left in the place while trying to make some money to get his rent paid. But now, thanks to this morning's windfall, he could re-fill his cupboards, and keep them that way. He smiled the whole time he worked, clearly pleased that he was able to do this. Once he had finished listing the things that he needed, the cyborg turned to his android companion, "Is there anything you need that isn't cereal or smokes?" he asked, figuring that they could pick up anything else she might need as well. They had a great deal of money right now, and he figured they were looking to make plenty more in the future, but just in case, now was the time to get anything important...
Lost my old set in the wipe :( I guess this is a good time to get a new set! And you seem to be the person to do it!

Request Type: Standard Set
Size: Max! or as large as artistically required.
Resolution: n/a
Images: here
Text: "Cold and Fast, Soul Drinkers!" just like that, minus the quotes, can be divided up if artistically necessary
Theme: gritty and ott
Other Info: no rush on this one, take your time. and if you could focus more on the right side of the image, that'd be great, throw in some blood splatters and brain matter *shrugs* I dunno, you're the artist, and you look to be pretty good at this stuff. I appreciate the effort, regardless.
Jurgen was surprised by Eve's call, and jumped a little as he looked around. A mugger couldn't shake him, but his friend had him jumping. He chuckled at that, and smiled when she explained her intentions. "Cool, thanks for that. Muggers are pretty common around here, so I'm used to them." he offered, "That's what this is for." he waved his arm, showing off the knife he kept mag-locked to it. It was quite the weapon, and did the job well, obviously. Once the robot had tossed the remains of her cigarette, the pair went back to going home. "Just to be clear, please don't hesitate to assist me." he added as they walked, "Even if I have things under control, an extra hand is always a good thing. Showing solidarity in the face of our enemies is the best way to get them to fuck off." he chuckled, knowing that most people weren't desperate to attack him anyway. With a partner by his side, attempted muggings should drop like boulders through an atmosphere.

It didn't take them too long to reach the apartment after that, but this time, Jurgen didn't lead them to his apartment. First the cyborg headed to the landlord's part of the building, since the rent needed to be paid, and cash was just easier. He knocked politely on the door, and waited. It didn't take long, though, so obviously the man inside was expecting someone else. This theory was confirmed when the man answered the door with a smile, that quickly turned into a confused look, as he looked at Jurgen, and then the android that was with him.

"What's going on here?" he asked, looking suspicious.

"I've got the rent I owe you." Jurgen replied, looking cheerful. He then pulled out a handful of credits and started forking them over. He offered his landlord a year's rent, plus the rent he owed him for the time he had been allowed to stay for free. "That gets us paid up until this time next year." the cyborg said firmly, still smiling. The owner of the building looked down amazed.

"How did you get all this?" he asked, obviously skeptical.

"I found Eve in my apartment this morning. Someone broke in and left her there. So I took her down to Big Jim's stomping grounds and put the last of my money on her. She stomped Big Jim, and I've paid the rent." Jurgen explained. "It sounds crazy, I know. You really had to be there." he added, before turning to go. He ignored the quiet, confused questions of the landlord, who sighed and closed his door. He had a year's worth of rent, he wasn't going to complain. "All right, that's taken care of. Let's do an inventory, and make a list. Then we'll go shopping." the cyborg suggested. Unless Eve had a better idea, he figured that buying things they needed was next on the list. He figured they could have a bite to eat before they went out again, and then relax for the rest of the day once they got home with the groceries...
Jurgen shook his head. Of course Eve preferred matches. "I'm not buying you matches, Eve. Those things are fucking expensive. If you want matches, buy them yourself." he said, and then the cyborg counted out two hundred credits and handed it off to his android companion. "Don't spend it all, that's your start-up. Turn that into a million bucks." he told her as encouragingly as he could. And then Jurgen laughed as Eve admitted that she understood no more than he did. That was all well and good, then. They kept walking, and the cyborg wondered who would send him a robot just out of the blue. He rode that train of thought longer than he should have, and was lost inside his mind when someone grabbed him, yanking him into an alley quite suddenly, and demanding his money.

"You wanna play, motherfucker?" Jurgen asked, responding to the man's demands by grabbing his knife off of his arm, and using his mechanical arm to stop his opponent from sticking a blade in his gut. He snapped the cheap knife his attacker had probably stolen, and tried to stab the guy in the face. It didn't work so well, and the man skipped away a bit, leaving Jurgen's knife to stick into the wall. The mugger had grabbed a bit of pipe laying on the ground and looked about ready to attack again, but the cyborg wasn't having any of it. He didn't know where Eve was, but that was okay, he didn't want to develop a reliance on her. He wrenched his knife free of the wall, flipped it over, so he was holding the blade, and whipped it the ten or so feet to his opponent. The man swung with the pipe, hoping to block the flying blade, but only succeeded in getting about a foot of steel stuck between his left radius and ulna.

With a chuckle, Jurgen feinted forward with a right hook, using his left arm to block, but then bitch-slapped the mugger onto his ass with his metal arm, He was ready to curb-stomp the poor bastard, but he was kind of hoping Eve would show up. This was all happening so fast, it would be nice to know that he had back-up. "You still want my money, bitch?" he asked, doing his best to look mean. He stomped toward the mugger, grabbing the man's left arm, and ripping his knife out. He made a face at the blood all over the place and glared at the now-rather pitiful sight. "Get the fuck out of here." he said scornfully. His attacker quickly retreated, probably to the nearest medical centre. The man had been relying on surprise, but even with that, the barely-functioning chip in Jurgen's head let him react appropriately seventy-two percent of the time, every time. Then the cyborg turned to look for his android. Had she kept walking? He looked around and headed back to the sidewalk, wondering if she had even noticed his absence...
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