Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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As soon as they entered Eve started acting more like what you'd expect from an android with a simple brain chimp. And even more so than before she listened to everything Jurgen would want from her. It was annoying, but it was only for a short while. So Eve didn't really mind. Not when she had a fight that would hopefully be good to look forward to. A hundred to one on her. That would make them 6000 credits. It sounded like it would be enough for not just this month, but the next one as well. They could only pull this stunt off once though, as after that people would most likely know about her. "I'll follow you then. Just take me to the ring when it's the right time. And then with a slight grin she added "with any luck this guy won't go down as quickly as those other guys." After that it was back to acting like a normal android.

(Meh...next post will be bigger!)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen smiled. They were going to get rich. He figured he could cut the organizer out of half, claiming a finder's fee, and that would make him eleven thousand credits richer. That was certainly appealing. That was a few months of rent, and food and smokes aplenty. He had to mostly ignore what Eve had to say, though, not wanting to draw any attention to them. The cyborg was confident he had subtly acknowledged her words, however, and hoped she wouldn't be too offended, had she missed it. It didn't matter for long, though, he was grinning as he nearly bumped into a bookie. "Do you know something I don't, kid?" the man asked, looking very shrewd, and slightly hopeful.

"I'm just feeling lucky." Jurgen replied, and the other man shook his head.

"You placing a bet, or what?" he asked, obviously wanting to get on with business.

"One hundred and sixty credits, and six chips on my robot, here." the cyborg said confidently. The bookie looked a bit surprised.

"Seriously, kid? You're fucked." he muttered to himself. "All right, but when's it fightin'?" he asked in a voice that could be heard properly.

"Should be soon. I got a match against Big Jim." Jurgen said, looking excited, and hoping it didn't sound like he knew a whole lot about this place.

"All right... I'll give you a hundred-to-one odds, kid. I hope you're feeling lucky as fuck. Homemade bots never last against Big Jim." the bookie held out his hand, and the cyborg handed over his money. After counting it, the man scribbled on his note pad. Bets were harder to fake when using real paper. Any two-bit hacker could fudge electronic records. "Better get it down there, kid, you need to be ready to fight." the bookie said, gesturing toward the ring. There was a fight in progress, but it looked like it would be over soon. Big Jim was nowhere to be found, though.

"Let's go." Jurgen said to Eve, gesturing to her to follow before heading off toward the ring. There were other fighters waiting ringside, so he figured that was the place to go. And then he spotted Big Jim. An eight foot tall robot, he was built like a tank, and looked ten times as mean. He was tough, obviously, but a bit outdated. He held up in the arena thanks to his durability, and relentlessness. But with Eve's advanced systems and adaptability, Jurgen had no fear. They were going to do well...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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Eve had to stop herself from grinning. These guys were idiots if they allowed such high odds in a first fight. Even if it was against a champion. Or was it really good business for them too? Jurgen had said something about the bookie making quite a bit of money if she won. The two headed to the arena, where fighting was already happening. Not Big Jim but some other guy. And already Eve saw that the fighting here was on a higher level than in the bar. It was probably to be expected.

Finally Big Jim came out. An 8 foot tall robot, not even an android. Though he did seem to have a brain chip, as he wasn't being remote controlled or anything. "If it wasn't for the money we wouldn't even be out here right now..." The robot's owner muttered as he followed the bot to the ring. "And up next we have a highly unlikely match-up!" The announcer spoke through a mic. "Big Jim will be fighting a newcomer! A...home made training droid? Well anyway, here he is...Biiiiigg Jiiiimm!" The bot stepped into the arena, and the crowd started cheering for it. "Big Jim! Big Jim! Big Jim!"

Eve just smirked, this was going to be fun it seemed. Next she stepped into the cage. And once again people were cheering for Jim. "Smash her to bits!" "Show 'er why you're number one Big Jim!" And other things like that. "Target acquired. Small humanoid android. You're only getting out in pieces, android." The big robot spoke in a semi-electronic sounding voice. "As always, since this is Big Jim, the fight will be broken up into 5 minute rounds, where the challenger has 2 minutes to recover between rounds! Fighters, are you ready?" "Affirmative." Big Jim answered. "Ready." Eve replied with a monotone voice.

The countdown started, and once it reached zero Big Jim started on the offense right away. His arms seemed to work with large, heavy pistons. So they would be a bit slower, but pack one hell of a punch. So once again Eve figured this wouldn't be too hard of a fight. However the bot was faster than she had expected. Much faster than the guys in the bar. She tried to dodge, but the punch still grazed her shoulder. Which threw her off balance. "What--" She muttered, being caught off guard to say the least. Another punch quickly followed, which Eve managed to block with her arm. Still the sheer force of it threw her back against the fences. The crowd cheered loudly, liking that the fight wasn't over just yet, but that their favourite was winning either way.

Eve only had a cracked armor plate at her shoulder now, so nothing bad yet. But it was time to do some damage of her own. She charged right in, wanting to use the bot's height to her advantage, and trying to duck below his arms. She made it, but when her punch connected with it's gut, only a small dent was made. Big Jim grabbed her and threw her right into the fence again. Then something weird happened. The owner of Big Jim called for a time-out. He turned to Jurgen with a smug grin on his lips. "I'm gonna win this, but your droid's tough. The fights not fun this way...the crowd needs to be pleased. So I'll give for a minute to make some last minute adjustments if you want."

(I imagine the pit looking like this, but in a warehouse instead of a parking lot: http://seijimei.deviantart.com/art/The-Fight-Pit-96040981 )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen was shaking with excitement, but most people would assume it was nervousness. The crowd was going wild, hoping to see this new robot stomped to bits. Big Jim was announced, and stepped into the cage. The crowd continued to cheer wildly. Then Eve stepped up, and the crowd went even crazier, screaming for blood. Then the countdown started, and the two robots got into their fighting stances. The cyborg was probably dangerously close to the cage, but he was too excited to care. This was the beginning of the future for him, all Eve had to do was win. And then the countdown ended, and Big Jim started going ape. The fight seemed almost even, and that wasn't good. The worst part, was that Eve was struggling. He was starting to get worried when a time-out was called. He looked around, confused, when Big Jim's owner appeared, offering him a minute to make some adjustments. Big Jim had retreated to his corner, and Jurgen called Eve over to hers. He climbed up on the fence, and pretended to be adjusting something on her.

"All right, I've only got a minute, so listen good. You're too small, and too light, to be going toe-to-toe with Big Jim. But you're a hell of a lot faster, and you can beat him. His pneumatic piston joints are your targets. Take out his legs, take out his arms, and he's helpless, then you win. Don't kill him, we won't have the money to deal with that, even if you win." Jurgen said. He spoke quickly, and quietly, but was careful to make sure that all of his words were intelligible. They needed to win this fight, and it wasn't working Eve's way. Hopefully his insight would help. And if not, well, he had tried, he supposed. Then the time-out was announced to be over, and the timer started again. Jurgen gave Eve two thumbs up and climbed down off the cage, moving away so he could see her fight. The countdown started again, and proceeded rapidly toward a fight restart...

((I'd thought of it as round, but that works too.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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Jurgen came to Eve's aid. Not with adjustments but with some advice. During this time Eve hadn't moved from her spot on the ground. She was actually calculating how strong this guy was from what she had experienced so far. When Jurgen was half finished she started to grin, giving a beastly stare towards Big Jim. "Don't worry Jurgen." She replied, keeping quiet enough so the crowd and such wouldn't hear. "This time I get to fight more seriously it seems. He's strong, but if I keep my balance I can beat him even in strength." She chuckled softly when time was up, slowly getting up from the ground and facing her opponent once again.

When the fight started it started the same as the first time. Big Jim moved in for the kill right away, and Eve dashed forwards. But from that point on everything changed. Instead of trying to hit the bot, Eve turned towards the arm that was coming for her left side. Then, instead of taking the blow head on she let it slide past her, using the friction to give herself spinning momentum. With that momentum she kicked the robot right in the face, destroying one of it's two 'eyes'.

Big Jim staggered backwards. But Eve didn't let up. This was the perfect chance to do some real damage. Once she was firmly on the ground with both feet she turned to the bot and prepared for a punch. "Hraaaa!" She screamed, hitting Big Jim against one of it's two legs. The joint connecting it to the torso snapped in half like it was made of wood. And down the bot went, falling to the ground. He wasn't down and out yet, but this was certainly a huge change in Eve's favour.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen was hopeful when Eve reassured him, but when the fight actually started again, he was grinning. His android knew what she was doing, and he could see that. Big Jim did his usual thing, but Eve had changed up her tactics, and the android smoked her opponent in the face, and then destroyed one of the robot's legs with a single, vicious punch. "How's that for an adjustment?" Jurgen asked Big Jim's owner. The man was shocked. No one had ever done such a thing to Big Jim. No one had a robot good enough to do so much damage so quickly.

"What... The fuck?" the other man whispered to himself, shocked, appalled, and utterly powerless. The crowd had gasped as one, and everyone was equally confused. How was this happening? What was going on? Was this a trick? Jurgen knew it wasn't a trick. He was giddy with excitement. This fight was Eve's to win or lose, now. Hopefully she would be kind enough to win it. But then time started to slow down. Jurgen was watching everything happen in slow motion, now. He heard the crowd start up again, in the background, starting to cheer, to roar, obviously unsure who they were cheering for, but also obviously hungry for blood. They wanted to see one of these robots die, at the very least.

The cyborg was silently hoping, rooting for his new automaton with all his might. He needed this win. With such a swift and decisive victory, his near-future would be secure. With so much money, he would be good to go. And with a way to keep making that money, life would only get better. He was eager, and anxious to see the results of the fight. But his body was running in overdrive now, and things had slowed down, leaving him straining to see how things were going...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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The cheering of the crowd had changed a little. Were they angry that she was winning, or cheering for her? She didn't know which, though it didn't really matter either. They were just here for the cash, nothing else. Big Jim got up again, using one of his arms as a second leg. He was still quite mobile considering his condition. He was known for his durability after all. Still, that left his attacking possibilities cut in half.

However this time Big Jim was also more careful. He didn't charge in head on any more. Eve liked that. An enemy should be able to adapt, or they weren't worth much as a fighter. So Eve decided to do the same, not dashing in immediately. But also not staying in place. While in a semi-defensive position she moved closer to the giant. Until finally they were only a foot or so apart. Then they both attacked at the same time, Eve ducking low while Big Jim tried a punch from above to pound her against the arena floor. Eve was faster though, and managed to get within range to grab the arm that he had been using as a leg. Then, with a kick against the bot's elbow joint she bent it enough out of place for it to jam. To finish it off she pulled the same arm out from under her opponent, making him fall once again.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen watched with more excitement as things started to speed up again. He had managed to get his brain chip to calm down, so he could see the world in real time once more. Big Jim was surprisingly adaptable, But that wasn't going to save it, the cyborg was sure. And when the robot didn't attack Eve immediately, just about everyone knew that the reigning champion was out of his own league. It was Big Jim's style to rush headlong into battle, and when he couldn't do that, what was he to do? With no experience fighting on the back foot, the robot had no chance. But the cheering didn't stop, and Jurgen didn't understand why.

The cyborg did understand that he was about to win, though. Eve closed with Big Jim, and then ended the fight with a brilliant flourish. She ducked under a last-ditch effort to end the fight, and did the deed herself, taking out a second of her opponent's limbs and sending the robot crashing to the ground. The ground went wild, and the match was declared to be over, when Big Jim's owner threw in the towel. He looked dazed and confused as he walked away. Such a crushing defeat was entirely unexpected, and very exciting for all involved, with some obvious exceptions.

Jurgen was not one of those exceptions, however. He had been hopeful, but not entirely sure. But now he knew that things were looking up. He cheered harder than anyone else, and continued to do so, all the way to the bookie who had collected his money. The other cyborg was smiling, and forked over sixteen thousand and sixty credits. "There you go, kid. I guess you really were lucky." the man said, shaking his head. The fight organizer appeared suddenly, obviously looking for his cut. The cyborg handed over two thousand credits, and the man looked suspicious.

"I got twenty-to-one. That's your cut." he said firmly, daring the other man to question him. Jurgen was prepared to back up his lie with a knife to the face, but the other man backed down. The man had just made nineteen hundred credits that he didn't have this morning. And if this guy was full of shit, well, it was nineteen hundred free credits. He forced a smile, and walked off. That had gone better than expected, was Jurgen's thought on the matter, and the cyborg headed off to find Eve, so they could head home and see how they were doing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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(I figured 10 chips was worth 1 credit. So 600 chips would just be an extra 60 credits. :P)

A towel was thrown into the arena, and at first Eve didn't know what that meant. She was still focused on fighting more. But then the crowd started to cheer as the referee came onto the field. "We have our...surprising winner! Give it up for Eve, the new champion of this arena!" The people mostly cheered, a few booed. Probably the ones that had lost the most money, thinking betting on Big Jim would earn them some easy cash. Eve wanted to cheer too. The thrill of your victory as the crowd cheered for you was quite amazing. But she couldn't...since she had to still act like a normal droid. So she stoically walked out of the arena to where the bookies were.

Underway there she found Jurgen, whom had come into her direction as well. She remained stoic as they walked outside. Then once they were out of sight of the place she did a small jump into the air with a "Whoo!" "That was amazing...you should try it sometime, Jurgen. The crowd cheering for you after your victory made me feel alive for a bit." That was definitely something weird...androids couldn't feel such things as being alive. At least...none in the past could. Maybe she was just that much more advanced? "But before we go anywhere, why not head to some store first? You know, to buy food...and cigarettes and matches of course." She added that last part a bit more softly. "Speaking of which..." She took the pack out and lit one up, puffing out some smoke later. For a droid she seemed pretty attracted to smoking. Though at least with the money she had earned him, there would be no problem paying for such a habit.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Once the pair were outside, the real celebrating began. Both of them cheered. Eve was clearly pleased that she had beaten the reigning champ, but Jurgen was more excited that his rent was now paid for a while. Well, it wasn't, not quite yet, but it would be. "Sounds like it might be worth a shot..." the cyborg agreed after a moment. He would need actual training if he was going to step into the ring himself, though. He nodded, that could be all right. Then he made a face as Eve suggested they go buy things. "I'd like to go get my rent taken care of first, actually." he said, "Once I know I've got that done, then we can go buy food and smokes. What do you want matches for?" Jurgen knew for a fact that his robot would not need lighters for a very long while, they just had to clean up his apartment and collect all of the lighters that still worked, and then she'd see. And he really didn't care if she was a purist or whatever. She was a robot, and probably couldn't even appreciate a proper cigarette. "Why do you even smoke? Aren't you a robot?" he figured now was a good time to start questioning things. He had money for a while, so looking this gift horse in the mouth wouldn't mangle his hands too badly.

Things were looking way, way up, and it felt good. Gone were those feelings of dread, the gripping terror of his looming homelessness was no more. He felt free. The cyborg was going to go home and pay his rent for a whole year, and he'd still have plenty of money. If he was careful, he turn that money into even more money, and soon he'd have his own house, and wear suits everywhere, and carry a pimp cane, and he wouldn't have to take shit from anyone. He had pretty simple dreams for his life, but to know that they could come true sooner, rather than later, was a mind-blowing feeling. He just had to hold on, keep things under control, and not lose sight of the ultimate goal, like too many people did...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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"To light the cigarettes of course...unless you still have more lighters where this one came from. Then it won't be needed for a while. I prefer matches though." So they went to pay the rent first, that was fine. It wasn't like her systems needed biomatter immediately to recuperate the energy she had used, and repair the few scrapes she had suffered. Then Jurgen asked a question that had been bothering Eve herself for a while too. "You know...I have no idea. I figure whomever programmed me programmed that into me as well. No idea what he was thinking though. In fact...I can't even tell you a name. Only that he was almost bald, but had large sideburns. That, and a small black dot on his forehead." She shrugged. "Maybe we'll find out whom he is later." She didn't give it much thought. As right now neither of them could do much about the secrecy of her creator.

However suddenly a man grabbed Jurgen from one of the alleys, and pulled him in. He had a greedy grin on his lips. "You're the kid that had his droid win in the arena. Hand over the cash, now!" If Jurgen decided to look for Eve though, she was already gone from where they had been walking before. But she wasn't anywhere directly in sight either...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen shook his head. Of course Eve preferred matches. "I'm not buying you matches, Eve. Those things are fucking expensive. If you want matches, buy them yourself." he said, and then the cyborg counted out two hundred credits and handed it off to his android companion. "Don't spend it all, that's your start-up. Turn that into a million bucks." he told her as encouragingly as he could. And then Jurgen laughed as Eve admitted that she understood no more than he did. That was all well and good, then. They kept walking, and the cyborg wondered who would send him a robot just out of the blue. He rode that train of thought longer than he should have, and was lost inside his mind when someone grabbed him, yanking him into an alley quite suddenly, and demanding his money.

"You wanna play, motherfucker?" Jurgen asked, responding to the man's demands by grabbing his knife off of his arm, and using his mechanical arm to stop his opponent from sticking a blade in his gut. He snapped the cheap knife his attacker had probably stolen, and tried to stab the guy in the face. It didn't work so well, and the man skipped away a bit, leaving Jurgen's knife to stick into the wall. The mugger had grabbed a bit of pipe laying on the ground and looked about ready to attack again, but the cyborg wasn't having any of it. He didn't know where Eve was, but that was okay, he didn't want to develop a reliance on her. He wrenched his knife free of the wall, flipped it over, so he was holding the blade, and whipped it the ten or so feet to his opponent. The man swung with the pipe, hoping to block the flying blade, but only succeeded in getting about a foot of steel stuck between his left radius and ulna.

With a chuckle, Jurgen feinted forward with a right hook, using his left arm to block, but then bitch-slapped the mugger onto his ass with his metal arm, He was ready to curb-stomp the poor bastard, but he was kind of hoping Eve would show up. This was all happening so fast, it would be nice to know that he had back-up. "You still want my money, bitch?" he asked, doing his best to look mean. He stomped toward the mugger, grabbing the man's left arm, and ripping his knife out. He made a face at the blood all over the place and glared at the now-rather pitiful sight. "Get the fuck out of here." he said scornfully. His attacker quickly retreated, probably to the nearest medical centre. The man had been relying on surprise, but even with that, the barely-functioning chip in Jurgen's head let him react appropriately seventy-two percent of the time, every time. Then the cyborg turned to look for his android. Had she kept walking? He looked around and headed back to the sidewalk, wondering if she had even noticed his absence...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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Eve had jumped up to a fire escape at the front of the alley, and had thought to jump right on top of the guy once she was on the roof. Which was within seconds, with her speed. However when she saw the situation it was clear that her help wasn't needed. Or not yet at least. Jurgen wasn't even fazed it looked like. And with relative ease he took care of his assailant himself.

And then he started to walk off again, without even noticing her... "Yo, up here!" She called out, jumping down to the ground and landing with a soft thud. She may be nimble, but her cybernetic body was still a bit on the heavy side compared to a human. "I thought I'd give that man a surprise of my own, but since you were able to handle it I decided to just watch instead." She threw the bud of her cig away since it was finished, then joined Jurgen on his walk back to the apartment. At first Eve had thought that she might have to also act as bodyguard. But clearly at least against the usual muggers and burglars he would be perfectly fine on his own.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen was surprised by Eve's call, and jumped a little as he looked around. A mugger couldn't shake him, but his friend had him jumping. He chuckled at that, and smiled when she explained her intentions. "Cool, thanks for that. Muggers are pretty common around here, so I'm used to them." he offered, "That's what this is for." he waved his arm, showing off the knife he kept mag-locked to it. It was quite the weapon, and did the job well, obviously. Once the robot had tossed the remains of her cigarette, the pair went back to going home. "Just to be clear, please don't hesitate to assist me." he added as they walked, "Even if I have things under control, an extra hand is always a good thing. Showing solidarity in the face of our enemies is the best way to get them to fuck off." he chuckled, knowing that most people weren't desperate to attack him anyway. With a partner by his side, attempted muggings should drop like boulders through an atmosphere.

It didn't take them too long to reach the apartment after that, but this time, Jurgen didn't lead them to his apartment. First the cyborg headed to the landlord's part of the building, since the rent needed to be paid, and cash was just easier. He knocked politely on the door, and waited. It didn't take long, though, so obviously the man inside was expecting someone else. This theory was confirmed when the man answered the door with a smile, that quickly turned into a confused look, as he looked at Jurgen, and then the android that was with him.

"What's going on here?" he asked, looking suspicious.

"I've got the rent I owe you." Jurgen replied, looking cheerful. He then pulled out a handful of credits and started forking them over. He offered his landlord a year's rent, plus the rent he owed him for the time he had been allowed to stay for free. "That gets us paid up until this time next year." the cyborg said firmly, still smiling. The owner of the building looked down amazed.

"How did you get all this?" he asked, obviously skeptical.

"I found Eve in my apartment this morning. Someone broke in and left her there. So I took her down to Big Jim's stomping grounds and put the last of my money on her. She stomped Big Jim, and I've paid the rent." Jurgen explained. "It sounds crazy, I know. You really had to be there." he added, before turning to go. He ignored the quiet, confused questions of the landlord, who sighed and closed his door. He had a year's worth of rent, he wasn't going to complain. "All right, that's taken care of. Let's do an inventory, and make a list. Then we'll go shopping." the cyborg suggested. Unless Eve had a better idea, he figured that buying things they needed was next on the list. He figured they could have a bite to eat before they went out again, and then relax for the rest of the day once they got home with the groceries...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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Eve only gave a quick "Yo~" with a greeting gesture to the apartment's landlord. She didn't want to go through the trouble of introduction and explaining everything in detail. Jurgen's explanation was good enough really, as they didn't know much more either. Plus, the landlord didn't seem to be interested in the details much. He just got a year's worth of rent in a single day, who would complain right?

"So ah...about going to the stores..." She spoke as they exited the building again. "I did say I will need biological substances to replenish my energy reserves and such. But I have no idea what to get..." She took out the money Jurgen had given her and shifted it through her fingers for a bit. "I'll need food with a lot of sugar or carbohydrates in it, taste doesn't matter since I don't have taste buds. Any suggestions on what I can get with this while leaving enough for smokes?" 200 credits sounded like it would be enough for a while, but really she had no clue on how much food would cost. Or cigarettes for that matter.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen smiled to himself as they headed back to the apartment. Eve wanted to know about prices and such. He shook his head, "Don't worry about food. I'll take care of that. But I'm not buying you smokes. That's what your start-up is for. You make money in the ring, and you can have all the smokes you can afford." he explained, "But it sounds like you'll want cereal. Kid's cereal is pretty cheap, tastes fine, I guess, and is loaded with carbs and sugar. That stuff is kinda awful for anyone who wants to eat healthy, but if you just need carbs and sugar, that stuff is a good way to get a lot of it." he added, opening the door to his home and motioning for Eve to go in first. Then he locked the door behind them and started opening cupboards, noting what he figured they needed.

The list was quite long, notably because the house was pretty well cleaned out. Jurgen had been eating just about everything left in the place while trying to make some money to get his rent paid. But now, thanks to this morning's windfall, he could re-fill his cupboards, and keep them that way. He smiled the whole time he worked, clearly pleased that he was able to do this. Once he had finished listing the things that he needed, the cyborg turned to his android companion, "Is there anything you need that isn't cereal or smokes?" he asked, figuring that they could pick up anything else she might need as well. They had a great deal of money right now, and he figured they were looking to make plenty more in the future, but just in case, now was the time to get anything important...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

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"Cereal eh? Sounds good." She mused, figuring she could function on just cereal without a problem. Health wasn't exactly a problem for her after all. She just had a 'pocket' in her body that collected bio-matter and turned it into energy over the course of about a day. Which could then power her for that same amount of time. Unless there was a lot of fighting of course, then she needed more.

"So anything else I'd need...well, some extra clothes would help. I'd rather not walk around naked while this one set's being washed." She answered. And that was about all she could think of really. Even a bed wasn't needed, since her artificial joints wouldn't start to hurt from a bad position. At most she might need to do some maintenance every now and then. "Oh! I do know something else. A maintenance set for cybernetics. I don't know much about what I'm made of, but I do seem to have enough knowledge for basic self maintenance." Such sets cost around 50 for a normal set, or triple that for a high quality one. In her case, she'd probably need the high quality one, since she would be doing a lot more fighting in the future.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen just wrote down "clothes", having no idea what Eve would want to wear. He looked around again, nodding to himself, and was just about ready to declare them ready to go, when Eve spoke up again. She decided she needed a maintenance kit. He could do that, too. "Anything else?" he asked, just in case, and then shrugged, putting the list and the pen in his pocket. "Doesn't matter. If you think of something, let me know." he corrected himself. If there was anything else, he could write it down, but it didn't look to him like there would be anything else, at least not yet. So now it was time to go, he supposed.

"All right, you do your best to look perfectly human, and then we'll go." he decided, "As much as androids are part of life, most people don't see them shopping for clothes. Trust me, it'll just be less weird if you go with it." he added, figuring that his companion would want to know why. She was good at following directions, but he had no doubt she was intelligent enough to desire reasons for these things. And that was reasonable, the cyborg decided. She was smart enough to almost be human, she might as well understand things. Then he chuckled as they headed out. She would be able to pass as human pretty soon. Once the robot got the hang of local customs and social interaction, there would be literally nothing stopping her from running off and doing things on her own. That was a scary thought. What if she left? Just up and abandoned him to try and scrape out a living on his own once more. She'd at least pay him back, right? He couldn't be sure. Jurgen didn't let his terrified thoughts show, but he was just as scared, nonetheless...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"To look perfectly human huh? Well, I guess I'm already 90% there since my design was to look and act as human as possible." She mused, looking her body over, even pulling her shirt away to look down her blouse and see if anything needed changing there. "I guess I should be fine as I am now. The flexibility grooves can easily be passed off as normal enhancements." She shrugged. "What I lack in data on the human world I can gain quickly through experience." She thought it a bit of a bother to have to deal with such things are pretending to be something she wasn't. But then again, Jurgen was probably right that it would create more problems than it would solve if she came out as a full android.

And then they were off to the nearest store block. They were usually made up of a few relatively high-end bars and clubs (For this poor area of the city at least), together with the local bounty hunter hangout, half a dozen stores, and any number of peddlers that tried to sell anything they owned or had found in the junkyard to get money for food. Which gave her an idea...why not find a bar to hang out at every now and then as well? Between fighting and possibly some other things, why not also go to a bar to just chill for a while?

"Hey Jurgen, any bars that have something both humans and androids? Like, something special androids can drink for instance, to help with their cybernetics. How I'll hide what I am...well, I'll get to that when the need arises." Eve was a pretty decent planner, even if she sucked at explaining her plants to others.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


Member Offline since relaunch

Jurgen smiled and nodded as Eve promised to do her best. He appreciated the effort, since trying to explain away such an expensive android was going to be impossible. And then they headed out. The cyborg snagged a hovercart on their way, not wanting to carry their groceries home by hand. He figured it would be just as easy to re-steal this cart and use it to get their groceries home. And then they were properly on their way to the nearest shopping block. It didn't take too long to get there, and then Eve was asking about bars. He looked a bit confused at that, and then shrugged, "Dunno, honestly. I'm not much for the bar scene. I suppose it doesn't help that I've spent the past while scraping to get by." he told his robot, now wondering about that himself.

"You don't actually have to hide that you're an android all the time. Just while shopping for clothes. People get weird when robots shop." he added as they wandered into the grocery store. The cyborg headed for the stuff on the top of his list, and just worked his way down. some people got all crazy and divided things up into sections of the store to shop efficiently or some crap like that. He didn't roll that way, he just wanted to get everything on his list. "You wanna pick out a cereal or something? If you don't care about taste, go for the stuff with the most of what you need." Jurgen suggested. Eve didn't need to follow him around, he figured she was smart enough to select an suitable cereal that wouldn't break the bank. And if she couldn't do that, well, this was a good time to teach her such a skill...
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