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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Even better." Eve replied when he told her she wouldn't have to hide all the time. She stayed with him at first, not even sure where to go in a place like this. Though when he suggested she go and find the cereals she wasn't about to admit she was lost at the moment. "Sure." She told him before heading off into the store on her own. Luckily the place wasn't big, so after searching for a while she finally found the right aisle. After that it was just a matter of scanning the backsides for their nutritional value. Which...seemed to amount to only listing the amount of sugar and fat in the box. Apparently a food's nutritional value wasn't exactly high on the priority list in this area. But at least it listed sugar, so it was still easy to find the one she wanted. A cereal called "twinkies cereal" or something. It was about average in price. Three boxes should be enough for about a week.

Then once again Eve had to search each aisle for a bit before she spotted Jurgen. She put the boxes in the cart, figuring she might as well stick with him now. "Well, I'm done here. So...guess I'll follow you around until you're done." She told him, though her idle mood suggested she was pretty disinterested in this whole supermarket thing. Eve did say something about wishing she didn't have to eat earlier that day. Once he was done with everything too Eve wanted to go get some clothes. Maybe her female design rubbed off on her a little or something, as she did seem more interested in clothes than the grocery store.

(See, twinkies will survive the apocalypse! :P)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpdeon


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Jurgen got most of his shopping done while Eve was searching for cereal. She didn't know where things were, so it took her a bit, and the cyborg was doing things the long way, so that took a bit, and it all evened out, as the pair met up again just as Jurgen was picking out the last of the groceries. "You're done? Cool!" the cyborg said, smiling, "I'm just about done myself..." he trailed off as he compared the pros and cons of two different brands, before realizing what Eve had picked for cereal. "Oh, you got that twinkie stuff? That's cool. You can grab some more if you like, that stuff lasts forever, and it's cheap too." he suggested. He could probably get a whole case of the stuff for cheap, but the problem was actually finding someone to sell him a case. Wholesale prices were nice, but vendors wanted volume, one case wasn't going to cut it.

But whether she wanted more or not, it was pretty obvious that they were done here. Jurgen selected a brand almost at random, and then headed toward the registers. Thankfully, this store had finally implemented the cart-scanner system. The scanners just checked the whole cart, double-checked for sale items, and then told you how much you owed, so checking out was a breeze. Even during rush times, there was no waiting in line, since the slowest part of the process was collecting money, and just about everyone had automatic electronic bank accounts, so they could pay for their purchases with a single click. Even here in the junkyard, things were advancing rapidly. That, or the rich people were falling apart faster now, no one was sure.

The two checked out, and the cyborg paid for everything. That took but a moment before they were off to home once more. "I figger we go home and put the groceries away, and then we'll go get you some clothes and a repair kit, and what not." Jurgen suggested. That would be easier than trying to lug everything around a clothing store, and the cyborg figured he could use the exercise. And even if he couldn't, it was good for him. If Eve seriously objected, he supposed they could do it her way, but he was going to want some good reasons for not putting the groceries away first...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eve sighed. She wanted to see what passed for fashion in these parts, but putting the groceries away would probably be better. "Sure sure, we'll go to your apartment first then." She spoke, following him back to his home. As they walked Eve looked up for the first time, and right away noticed something off. Or rather, there was something you wouldn't expect to be in the sky. "A sky city? What's that all about?" She asked Jurgen. Her eyes scanned for a way up, but there didn't seem to be one. So...was it separated from the world down here?

(So short, but I wanted to at least throw her question in first. ^^;; )
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen smiled as Eve agreed to his suggestion. She was a very co-operative robot, and he appreciated that. None of this would have worked out if the android was any more independent. Those experiments never worked out. But that wasn't something to worry about now. They were just going home to deal with groceries. Then Eve started asking about the sky city. The cyborg was confused for a moment until he realized what she was talking about. "Oh, yeah, that... The rich bastards that ruined the earth and made it look like this built their own floating city to get away from all of us poor folk." he explained. "Even if you make it big down here, it's almost impossible to get up there." he explained. "Only a handful of the most powerful every got up there once it took off. And half of them came back. It must be pretty fucked up there or something..." he shrugged, "I don't really care, though. They're probably all assholes anyway." he shook his head as they kept walking. He didn't even like thinking about it. Partly because he was jealous of what they had, but mostly because he was angry with them, for thinking they were any better than anyone else. And everyone up there now wouldn't even have earned their privileges. By now it was almost certain that everyone who lived there, had been born there. None of them had earned a god-damned thing. But that didn't matter. He shrugged it off and thought about other things. He had some money now, and he had his rent paid, and food in his hover-cart on the way to the table. Things were good enough...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eve wasn't so much cooperative as just agreeing with his idea's. As they were better than what she had planned. Heck, part of the time she didn't have any plans so just following his seemed easier. And hey, being someone's android wasn't so terrible. She got to fight and smoke, and if he really pissed her off she could still say no or do her own thing if that time came right? What she didn't realize was that a disposition to listen to her owner was also programmed into her. It wasn't anything forced though. Just the inclination to do so, so she wouldn't notice it herself.

The explanation of the sky city was good enough for now. A bunch of rich people shutting themselves off from the world below completely sounded boring to be around anyway. The rest of the walk was mostly quiet. There was one guy that tried to do a run by from behind, to take some things out of the cart. But Eve quickly held out her arm just as he wanted to pass her, making him slam against the ground instead. "If you want to steal you should be less obvious about it..." Eve mumbled, not even really caring if the would be thief heard her. Once back at the apartment she only grabbed her boxes of cereal from the cart. She opened one, then grabbed two handfuls of corn-flakes and stuff them into her mouth. As she did so she raised a brow. The android had figured she didn't have taste buds, being completely synthetic and such. But she did taste something. A taste that made her tongue tingle a little bit, and made her want to eat more. Sugar was supposed to be sweet, so was this what 'sweet' tasted like? "Huh...I know I was supposed to be designed as realistically as possible, but...I never expected this much detail was even possible." She mused after the second handful of corn flakes. "Apparently I even have receptors on my tongue similar to taste buds. Though I'm not sure how accurate they are..." The weird part was that this kind of technology definitely didn't exist on the planet's surface. Heck, the same probably went for whatever her skin was made of.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen jumped when Eve stopped a runner. He hadn't even realized that the guy was trying to steal from them until it was too late. Obviously his android knew what was up, though, as she clotheslined the man viciously. It looked to the cyborg like the man was unconscious, so there was no way he had heard the android's advice. "Holy shit..." he muttered as they kept walking. "Thanks, Eve. I didn't even see that guy." he added louder, figuring the robot deserved to be praised every time she did well, then she'd figure out what was good, and what was bad much more quickly. Though he wouldn't be surprised if she had programming complex enough to let her know the difference before hand.

The rest of the trip was thankfully uneventful. And when they got back to the apartment, Jurgen steered the cart right into his home, figuring it would be easier than hauling things in from outside. Eve grabbed her food, which was understandable. She would want to know where it was, and didn't know where anything else went. He started putting things away, figuring that she would figure it out eventually. The cyborg chuckled as his companion tried her cereal. Apparently it was pretty good. "Anything is possible, Eve. You just saved me from a year of homelessness. You just earned me more money than I've seen in my whole life. Literally anything is possible." he told her as she went on about her construction. "As for accuracy, I couldn't tell you." he added with a shrug. Then a moment later, he grinned.

"All right, Eve. It's your turn. We're going clothes shopping." he announced. The groceries were put away, and every cupboard was full. The fridge was fully stocked, and the pair were not likely to run out of food anytime soon. "What kind of clothes do you like? Do you wanna just go see all of the stores?" he asked as he steered the cart out of their apartment. He supposed that made sense. She could get a feel for the styles she liked, and they could get her what she wanted. Unless she knew what she wanted, in which case she probably wouldn't want to go wandering around to stores that didn't have what she wanted. Then again, who could fathom the minds of females? Even the programmed, robotic minds of females could be mind-blowingly hard to comprehend, so Jurgen wasn't even going to try, he would just lead the way, and pay for whatever the woman wanted...

((I thought they were twinkies? so like... twinkie flakes? that sounds like it would be kinda gross...))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Well, yes and no. They're twinkie brand cornflakes. As in, the company making twinkies survived for all these years somehow , and now 'expanded' to also making twinkie flavoured cornflakes or something. :P Imagine )

"Didn't see him? He was pretty obvious, the way he was following us for the last 30 seconds or so, and was constantly eyeing your cart." She replied, not realizing that she had only seen the guy because of her expert eyes when it came to spotting danger or something alike.

At the apartment Eve just sat down after having had a few bites, and having put the opened box away with the other two. After a while he called her again, as now it was time to go shopping for some extra clothes for her. The question he asked was a difficult one though. "Hmm...what I like...well, what I'm wearing now is pretty comfortable, but I guess I'd have to see some different styles first." She mused. "So going to a few stores and seeing what they have standing in their display window would be a good start."

The way back to the stores was pretty much uneventful. A fight was going on between 3 guys, but that was none of their business in the end. Once at the stores again the two visited 3 different stores before Eve decided that she had found the right one to buy her clothes at. It was actually one of the cheaper stores as well. This one sold pretty standard Junkyard wear. Synthesized leather clothes, baggy clothes, military-looking designs, things like that. Eve was quick to head to the section that had the military-looking clothes. For some reason she found those the most appealing, so she wanted at least one set. After that she went to the leather section to grab a leather jacket. And then she finally headed to the 'misc' section that held baggy clothes and just other things they had managed to get their hands on.

After about half an hour of browsing Eve found Jurgen again. She now had 3 sets of clothes. Two tank tops, a very baggy shirt that would probably easily slip over her shoulder if she wasn't careful, cargo pants with a camo design, jeans, a pair of shorts, 3 panties, 3 pairs of socks, and a cap with a camo design. "Guess that's about all I want." She told him, holding up the stack for a moment. "The only thing I might still want is an extra supply of cigarettes, but those can wait. Anything you still need?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen nodded when Eve answered his question. She wanted to go look at stores, but she wasn't necessarily going to want to go into all of them. So they set off once more, hopefully for the last time that day. The cyborg led the way, as usual, and the pair made a relatively event-free trip to where they had just been. They passed a fight on the way, but that wasn't a big deal, people fought all the time. After ignoring them, the duo continued to their destination, reaching it in decent time, before settling into a pace more appropriate for shopping. They strolled by three places before finding the budget clothing store. Whether it was a like of the style, or a desire to curb Jurgen's expenses, Eve declared she wanted to go into this place.

That was fine by the cyborg, who hadn't been looking forward to getting his robot fashionable clothing at sky-rocketing prices. So they went inside, and Jurgen poked around a little. Eve went off to find herself some outfits, and thankfully she didn't take very long about it, either. It only took half an hour for the android to pick out three outfits, which seemed pretty good to the cyborg, who had heard awful tales of women shopping for days to find just one outfit. Half an hour seemed pretty good to him, then. Ten minutes per outfit was so far ahead of the pack, the man couldn't help but smile. "Sounds good to me." he said, having glanced at a couple of price tags. Nothing was terribly expensive. "Let's go pay for that, then. And I'll show you where you can buy cigarettes on our way back." he added, leading the way to the checkout.

As he had expected, the prices here were very reasonable, and Jurgen had no problem paying for anything. Then, handing Eve her bags of clothing, he led the way once again. The cyborg obviously wasn't used to so much leading, but he treated it just like walking someplace and it didn't seem too bad. And now they were off to their apartment to chill for a while. If there was one thing he was looking forward to, it was relaxing. Now that he had money, he could just relax. Not just yet, but very soon. Right now he had to pay attention so he could show Eve where to buy cigarettes. The cyborg pointed out a building, about half-way between the stores and their apartment. There were bars on the windows, and the door was obviously solid. "Right in there. They only sell smokes by the case, but they are a decent deal, and they don't cut their tobacco with anything. you'll pay more, but you get the quality you want." he said. That explained the security, since such a valuable commodity had to be protected. And now they could go home and just hang out. Or do whatever it was that technically unemployed people did when they had lots of money...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(And here comes a sexy surprise for Jurgen! :P)

By the case was fine with Eve. And with the money she could make, price wouldn't be a problem either. She saw it as a stroke of luck that she was made for combat, as it seemed like one of the few ways you could become wealthy in a relatively easy way. She definitely preferred this over store work or junkyard scavenging. Even bookkeeping. There were probably other ways to get plenty of money too, but she didn't know about those yet, and didn't really care either.

Once they were back at the apartment Eve asked Jurgen where she should put the clothes. Then she put everything away apart from one thing. The shirt that was several sizes too large for her. Jurgen was still in line of sight as she started to undress. First her tank top. She had her back turned to him, but it was clear that even beneath the clothes everything had been made as realistic as possible. She put the baggy shirt on, it reaching about halfway between her hips and knees. Then the shoes and pants also came off, leaving her in just the shirt, panties, and socks.

Eve grabbed her cigarettes and headed to the couch and sat on one side, leaning backwards as much as possible. The cigarettes and lighter were put on the table for now. "Ahh, android or not, wearing just this while relaxing feels much better~" She thought out loud, now kind of wishing she could just smoke inside. Obviously wearing barely anything would be inappropriate when outside. But now that they had everything done for today, she wanted to relax to the fullest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((the best kind of surprise :) ))

Jurgen directed his android to a closet where she could hang her clothes up once they got home, and then he headed into the kitchen to make himself something to eat. he was looking forward to enjoying a nice meal on the couch, and maybe he'd watch a movie or something. That sounded good to him. He wasn't really paying attention as he worked away at getting himself some food, so it wasn't until Eve started talking that he realized what was going on. He looked over, about to say something, and then didn't. What could he say? She looked hot. Incredibly hot. His brain just about exploded as he realized this. Then he started wondering exactly how realistic she was. At least until he burned himself.

"Fuck! Goddamn, motherfucker. Son of a bitch." he declared vehemently, as he rushed to the sink to run his hand under cold water. That had hurt, a lot. Thankfully, it had snapped him out of that train of thought, and prevented his food from getting ruined. Burning himself was one thing, but wasting food was unacceptable. The cyborg pulled it together long enough to finish cooking, keeping anything else from getting burned. Then he did a quick clean-up, just enough to keep things from getting impossible to clean later, before grabbing his food and descending on the couch.

But now he was sitting right next to Eve. And while he knew it shouldn't be awkward, she was just a robot, he couldn't help but feel kind of weird. Mostly because she was a robot. Were androids supposed to be attractive? Did that even make sense? He tried to push those thoughts away, but he couldn't help himself, he was going to have to know sooner or later. He ate slowly, considering things, wondering how to even bring up a subject like that. She was a robot, so he should just be able to start talking, but she was realistic enough that he didn't know if she'd get offended or something. What if she got pissed off and attacked him? That left him confused and he did his best to just focus on his food. Once he had some energy, then he'd be able to focus on how to broach the subject with his automated companion...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Commercials came on. The first one was immediately about the next professional arena fight that would be held. Eve decided to pay attention to it as in the future she might have to deal with this kind of thing as well. Though at the same time she noticed that Jurgen also had his focus divided. Between his food and her, to be exact. The commercial gave a date. 2 days from now the fight would be held. Eve took note of that, deciding that it could be a good idea to buy tickets for that fight.

But then she turned her attention to Jurgen. "So~ I noticed you took quite some interest in my clothing choice." She started, a playful grin on her lips. "Well, you are a man after all right? And this body is very realistic, right?" She reached up, tugging on the shirt's collar to pull it down. "Wanna take a peek?" She pulled her shirt a little further down, but then pulled it all the way back up again. "Made you look~" She laughed, you'll have to work for it if you want to see me naked~" She was teasing, but at the same time also kind of serious. It wasn't like she was a prude or anything. And if she was basically 'stuck' to him, whether she liked it or not, why not find a way to like it? Which was actually going quite well so far. She got to fight, had a place to stay, and even got a cut, albeit small, from the money she earned him. Plus Jurgen was a nice guy so far. So life looked to be quite good for the near future.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jurgen had trouble watching the commercial. As much as he wanted to know the details, there were other details right next to him that were more appealing. And then he got noticed. He looked a little embarrassed, having been caught staring. But Eve seemed like she was going to be fairly reasonable about it all, offering him a peek and everything. She started to pull her shirt down for him to see, and then the android revealed that she was just teasing him, and promised that he was going to have to work for it if he wanted to see her naked. That left the cyborg feeling very disappointed. He sighed and went back to his sandwich, his hopes dashed brutally against the cruel shoals of a teasing robot. How did one convince a robot to get naked anyway? Could he treat her like a real person, or was this something different? Was it a robot thing, or was this part of her complex human programming?

In the end, he decided not to bother. Obviously if Eve was complex enough to tease him, she was complex enough to get offended if he tried something, and the last thing he needed was his robot getting mad at him. She was his only real source of income. Speaking of which, he hoped she had noted the details from that commercial. If he could get her an "also starring" slot at that title fight, they could make some money there, and that was always good. Right now he wasn't up to much, though, his brain stuck on the way Eve had just shut him down so completely. He finished his sandwich and then got up, deciding he didn't want another one. And since relaxing hadn't worked out the first time, he decided to clean up the kitchen while he tried to figure out what to do about Eve...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Aww, poor Jurgen. xD I almost feel sorry for him now...almost.)

Jurgen seemed pretty disappointed and confused now. Nothing she could do about that. So she decided she wasn't going to worry about it either. "I wonder if that's normal though, a human and an android as couple...heh." She thought to herself as she focused her eyes on the TV again. Some show about how tough the job of a junkyard scavenger was. "After so many years they still show reality TV..." She spoke to herself. Though that brought about a weird thought. "Wait...so many years? But...I was only activ-- No wait...I was activated a previous time. So...my brain chip was recycled? Or maybe data downloaded into a new brain chip? Huh...that's odd." She thought to herself, noticing that she seemed to find more and more 'odd' things about herself, or things that had to do with her.

"Anyway, there was some commercial on the TV a minute ago. Something about an arena tournament. How about we get tickets and watch how the big guys fight? Could get me some valuable data for the future, right?" Well, she planned on going with or without him. Apart from a certain set of laws that were programmed into her, like staying with her owner and never intentionally harming him, she did have free will programmed into her as well. But going without even asking him sounded like it would ruin the mood between them a little.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

(He's just confused. robots aren't supposed to be confusing.)

Jurgen went to work on the kitchen cleaning all the dishes he'd dirtied and then wiping down the surfaces he'd used. Once everything was clean and put away, he'd try the relaxing thing again, and this time he wouldn't stare at Eve. He was still scrubbing dishes when his robot mentioned the commercial he had missed. "I figured we might be able to sign you up for an 'also starring' spot." he suggested, "Then you could get some practice in before watching the big guys fight. We could earn some more cash, too." that was his main motivation for that. More money was always good. As much as they had, it wouldn't last forever.

He supposed he wouldn't make her fight, but the cyborg was pretty sure that taking advantage of every opportunity was probably the best way to do things, considering that a steady job was not exactly a thing in this industry. And then, suddenly, everything was done. He'd been considering such things so much that Jurgen had barely noticed all the work being done. And that wasn't too bad, at least he had something to focus on. And since the cleaning was done, he worked on getting Eve a spot in the pre-match fights. Not having any strings to pull would make things hard, but he was hoping something might work out. More fights could only be good for Eve, who needed to get recognized in the industry so that she could actually make some progress...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"A pre-match fight huh? Sure why not. Is it okay if I tell those guys in the bar to bet on me separate from each other? I mean, about 25 guys betting on me shouldn't make the odds go down that much right? And this time you can bet more money as well, so more return." She figured they still had a good few thousand left. Or at least a thousand or so. "I really suck at math..." She thought as she awaited his answer. If he said no, well...one bar's clients being pissed at her wasn't that much of a problem.

After a minute or so she spoke up again. "Say...I plan to scout out a bar this evening. Want to come with, or?" He had said he wasn't the bar type, but going with someone made things different right? Plus, she planned on finding a good bar. One that had a friendly bartender and customers at least. Or, if that wasn't possible, the bar with the least amount of thugs.

Eve took the remote and switched to a different channel. After going through a few she found one that looked pretty interesting. One about history's wars. Specifically one about a war that started 76 years ago. The war was mostly fought with robots and some androids. Only the small strike teams called 'Panzer Abteilung' were cyborgs. "Huh..." She mused. "Panzer Abteilung...sounds familiar. Say Jurgen, you wouldn't know anything about me being activated in the past before by any chance?" She asked the man, wondering if it was just her imagination...if she even had such a thing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Why do you keep trying to make other people money? I thought you were my android? What the hell?" Jurgen asked when Eve asked if she could tell guys to bet on her. "I get that you're a pro fighter and you wanna have fans and stuff, but we need to take advantage of your underdog status while we can, and make as much money as we can. Once your odds go down, we stop making so much money." he explained. Then he sighed. "What am I saying. You're practically alive. Fuck... Do whatever the hell you want, I guess. I couldn't stop you if I tried." the cyborg didn't like that Eve was so powerful and also rather willful. That combination was going to get someone in trouble, and that someone was going to be him, because androids were just things, not people.

"A bar? What's your name, Bender?" he asked with a laugh. "What would a robot even do at a bar?" he added, figuring she probably would not get that reference, considering how old the show was and how new she was. If they starting going out and doing things regularly, he was going to run out of money really quickly. And drinking probably wasn't something he wanted to start doing. Then again, one celebration couldn't hurt, right? "Fuck it, we'll go to a bar." he decided after a moment. He could at least keep an eye on Eve, and make sure the two of them stayed out of trouble. And hopefully they wouldn't be broke in the morning.

Then the robot turned on the history channel. Jurgen took a seat to see what was on, and pretty quickly things started to get weird. "I don't know anything about you, other than what you've told me. I suppose someone might have reused your memory unit or something. Do you have flashes? Are their images? Is it like deja vu, or something else?" it was always possible to accidentally transfer memories. If the hard drive wasn't properly formatted, anything buried in it could get pulled back up by certain triggers, but only if it didn't get overwritten first. Or, maybe she was just crazy. Robots with complex programming could have tiny bugs in the code, or even create them themselves, and then go crazy. Such things were hard to fix, and often quickly became untreatable, hopefully that was not the case...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"Geez it was just a question..." Eve sneered back. "No need to get all worked up about it. I just though having some fans would be nice. And if this thing kicks off I doubt it will matter how high the odds are. I mean, pro fighters get prize money right?" She was quite confident that she would be able to win in pro arena fights as well. And that was what she was aiming for. Not to just make some money. But to climb higher and higher to challenge stronger and stronger opponents. The money was a nice extra to her, and and absolute necessity to him. So everyone won.

Jurgen decided to accompany her to the bar. Indeed there was no 'real' need for androids to go to bars. But hey, in this day and age surely there was something even androids could drink at bars right? Plus, she clearly had some form of taste receptors so who knows what else this body had in terms of realism? Especially considering how many of them seemed to be in Junkyard city. Jurgen came to sit next to her when she asked about her past. And he was apparently just as clueless as her. "None of them. Just...a feeling of familiarity I guess. I just read 'Panzer Abteilung' and find it sounding familiar. Which, I thought, would be odd if this was my first activation ever." She shrugged, deciding to deal with that later. She could maybe find some information about this Panzer Abteilung somewhere.

And now it was time for a cigarette! Eve didn't want to wait any more. So she headed back to the closet and quickly put on her pants again. After that she grabbed her cigarettes from the living room table. "I'll be out back for a little bit again." She told Jurgen before heading to the fire escape door. In the mean time the documentary kept on going. It explained about how the Panzer Abteilung were a highly elite group of cyborgs during that war, fighting not with guns but with a special martial arts called 'Panzer Kunst'. It was specifically developed for that division.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"We have to get to the pro circuit first." Jurgen reminded Eve. He liked her confidence, but one could not simply step into the ring and decide they were going pro. They would have to keep going to fights, and hope they could find someone willing to get them into the ring on a pay-per-view event. Maybe they could find someone at the up-coming fight. That would be nice, a rapid breakthrough could have them raking in money. If Eve managed to remain an unknown fighter capable of serious upsets, the rewards would be huge. A slower introduction to the pro circuit would mean they would have to rely on prize money, and that sounded like a bad idea.

The cyborg shrugged when his robot went on about weird things about her memory. It didn't sound like a prior activation to him, it sounded like she was just a bit crazy. So he promptly forgot about it and just tried to relax, wondering what the hell he was going to do. This robot was essentially a woman, and women could be so hard to deal with sometimes. This one didn't seem to be an exception. And that was disappointing. He supposed he could deal with it, though. She was paying all the bills, so he figured it would be okay if she wanted to be crazy when she wasn't on the clock. While she put her pants on, Jurgen figured he would see about getting them a fight.

He found his phone, and called up a couple of different fighting venues, looking for a pay-per-view match to get in on. The first place didn't have any openings, but said they could swing something if he wanted to pay, but the point was to make money, not spend it, so he declined. The second place had an opening, but weren't sure they wanted to fill it with a new fighter. They promised to call back if they couldn't get anyone else. And then, by coincidence, rather than memory, Jurgen called the place that had been advertising on television. The man who answered the phone sounded kind of frantic, as the cyborg asked about getting a spot in the match. The moment the question was out of his mouth, though, the man on the other end of the line seemed to calm right down. Obviously there were some issues on his end of things, but it seemed like filling that slot made everything better. Now Eve had at least one fight, and an opportunity to make more money. Someday, he hoped money wouldn't be an issue. But until then, he'd just have to hope that Eve didn't get broken, or decide to quit...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by sanquin
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sanquin Metalhead Hippy

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(Funny thing is, Eve is actually pretty easy to deal with. For now at least. >:) The only problems are the ones he makes in his mind. :P )

Two guys were fighting in the alley nearby. Great...couldn't she have some peace and quiet while she was having her smoke? "Quiet down down there!" She yelled, though didn't get a reaction. Maybe they hadn't heard her. After a sigh she decided to just forget about it. It wasn't worth her trouble. Five minutes later and she headed back inside again. "So...figured out how to get me into pro fighting yet?" She asked, being quick to pull her pants off again. After he told her she smiled. "Good. It's a start to get me some recognition." She sat down again and leaned back, going into full relaxation mode again.

Evening came soon enough, since they had already spent a few hours on the fights and shopping. Eve grabbed the box of twinkie cereal again to get some more energy reserves. She'd rather grab a bit every now and then than actually sit down and have a full meal. And after that she wanted to go and find a bar. It was still early, but who knows how long it would take to find a bar she liked? She want to the closet and put on her normal clothes again, since they were going outside. Then checked to see if Jurgen was ready too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Sarpedon
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Sarpedon Chapter Master

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

((yes, well, those mind-y problems are the worst.))

Jurgen looked up when Eve returned. He was pleased with the progress he had managed on her introduction to the big leagues, and he shared his accomplishments with her when she asked. Obviously it wasn't much, but it was more than they'd had before she went out for a smoke. The cyborg then got up and got himself a snack to enjoy while relaxing. Mostly just to have something to do while he did nothing. But all that time doing nothing seemed to go by pretty quickly. Soon enough it was approximately dinner time. Considering they had the next couple of days to do whatever, Jurgen figured they didn't have to be too specific about meal times. At the same time, he did want to eat something before he went out with his robot to check out bars and whatnot. That was going to be weird, he was sure.

So, while the android munched on her twinkie flakes, the cyborg put together a quick meal. He figured he would do up a bunch of casseroles and things the next day, and then he could just reheat his meals for the next month or so. For now, though, he'd have to actually make something. He did his usual thing and just picked out a few things he wanted to eat, and then kind of mashed them together, in a figurative sense, to create a grouping of food on a plate that one might be capable of calling a meal. Then he sat down on the couch to eat it. It was all right, he decided when he was finished. After all, it had been a collection of things he liked. They didn't go together very well, which was a shame, but it was good enough, Jurgen figured.

And then, of course, Eve wanted to go out and find a bar. It was kind of early for that, but the cyborg didn't have any way to justify not going. So he got ready to go with only a little reluctance, wondering what weird crap he was going to get into tonight. He shrugged when his robot asked if he was ready to go. "I guess so. Fuck. I dunno, you lead the way, I'm just tagging along." he said, shaking his head, "This is going to be interesting..." he added as they stepped out the door. Then he locked it behind them before the pair headed out. They had to walk, of course, so they set off once again, toward the market area of the part of the junkyard they lived in. On the way, Jurgen wondered how bad of an idea this was going to be. The likelihood of being attacked on their way home was very high, all things considered. And if Eve was capable of getting drunk, that sounded bad. So he decided he wouldn't start drinking until he was positive that his companion wasn't capable of getting hammered and blacking out. If that could happen, well, he'd have to get them home somehow. For now he was just left to worry about things...
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