I didn't put Kristya in cuz I was afraid of floodgate penalties, probably should have asked to clarify that stuff in hindsight, any chance I could add it in now?
Also, that whole Light stuff is just crap I made up. I think of it as a somewhat newly-formed religion, mainly talking about the Sun and how it gives light to sustain life and stuff, with the stars serving as servants of the Sun, yadda yadda.
I didn't put Kristya in cuz I was afraid of floodgate penalties, probably should have asked to clarify that stuff in hindsight, any chance I could add it in now?
Also, that whole Light stuff is just crap I made up. I think of it as a somewhat newly-formed religion, mainly talking about the Sun and how it gives light to sustain life and stuff, with the stars serving as servants of the Sun, yadda yadda.
Duel Disk: The Duel Disk, when not active, is shaped like the Sun, complete with a yellow center body and five orange rays. The Disk, when active, resembles a typical Duel Disk with the rays of the sun rearranging themselves to form the blade. All S/T slots are present and usable, and functions like a typical Duel Disk.
Speed Duel Skill: Call of the Light: You can Special Summon one LIGHT monster from your hand.
Ace Monster: Master Hyperion
Deck Master: Master Hyperion Deck Master Ability: Once per turn: You can banish 1 LIGHT Fairy-Type monster from your Graveyard, then target 1 card on the field; destroy that target. While "The Sanctuary in the Sky" is on the field, you can activate this effect up to twice per turn.
Personality: Gin is a kind and collected fellow, keeping faith in his religion, the Glory of Light, and spreading the word of it to those around him. He believes that through the Light will people find salvation and peace for their everyday lives, and will joyfully spend hours upon hours talking about it. He also finds womens' company enjoyable, and will spend much time trying to flirt with them. His passion for Light is what guides him through each Duel, and he always prays for the Light to guide the loser through their mistakes and find salvation, whether that be his opponent or himself.
History: Gin was abandoned at an early age, having to grow up on the streets. He would find whatever scraps of food and money he could, whether it was just lying around in the open or from peoples' pockets. It was a hard life, but he got by. One day, he had found a card on the ground. He looked at the front, then put in a pocket, figuring he could probably sell it off for some easy change. He had a more pressing matter to attend to, though, as he was following a man in black clothing. He looked rich, and seemed like an easy target. Gin made his move, but his outstretched arm was quickly grasped by the wrist. He tried to pull back, but the man's grip was firm. In Gin's struggles, the card Gin had picked up fell out of his pocket. Curious, the man bent down to pick it up, and looked surprised when he saw what that card was. The man handed Gin back his card and identified himself as a priest of the Glory of Light, then invited him to the church he was headed to. Gin was reluctant, but with an offer of food and a growling stomach, he couldn't refuse any longer.
As Gin tore through the contents of his plate, the priest revealed that he took an interest in Gin after seeing his card, revealed to be a Master Hyperion. The priest explained that he believed that it was fate that the Light guided Gin to him, and Gin was meant to be something great. Of course, Gin did not care one bit; he just wanted to get the heck out once he was done. With an offer of food and shelter in exchange of giving his faith a chance, though, Gin found his offer too good to pass up. And so, Gin found himself learning to be an upstanding member of society, from simple things like reading and writing to more complex topics like the Glory of Light's history and purposes. Of course, Gin also began learning how to play Duel Monsters. Gin learned many things about the priest, like how he was a retired pro Duelist Things were looking up for Gin, and while his new life was full of ups and downs, he was more or less content.
Time continued to move, though, and Gin couldn't stay at the church forever. The priest was one step ahead, however, and had already planned for one final test. He gave the news of a large tournament being held, and the two would enter it together. The one who won against the other would be worthy of the Light's guidance. While Gin was not exactly a firm believer of the Glory of Light, he saw no reason to turn down an invitation to beat the old man for once. The two made their way through the rankings, beating every opponent they faced, until they finally faced each other at the finals. Their Duel was filled with suspense and action, but Gin soon found himself getting overwhelmed. Just when the final blow was to be struck, Gin countered, turned it around, and delivered a surprise comeback on his next turn.
The priest and Gin parted ways after the tournament ended, and Gin was free to live his life. It wasn't long, though, before an invitation for Kaiba World™ came to him.
Monsters: 30 Master Hyperion x 2 Splendid Venus x 1 Archlord Kristya x 1 Athena x 1 Tethys, Goddess of Light x 1 Airknight Parshath x 2 The Agent of Entropy - Uranus x 2 The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter x 3 The Agent of Mystery - Earth x 1 The Agent of Creation - Venus x 2 The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury x 1 Mystical Shine Ball x 3 Nova Summoner x 3 Gellenduo x 2 Honest x 1 Freya, Spirit of Victory x 1 Hecatrice x 2 Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x 1
Spells: 11 The Sanctuary in the Sky x 3 Terraforming x 1 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x 2 Court of Justice x 1 Cestus of Dagla x 1 Fountain of the Sky x 1 Mystical Space Typhoon x 1 Field Barrier x 1
Traps: 7 Divine Punishment x 2 Miraculous Descent x 2 Divine Wrath x 1 A Hero Emerges x 1 Beckoning Light x 1
Extra: Airknight Parshath x 1 Angel of Zera x 1 Ancient Sacred Wyvern x 1 Fairy Cheer Girl x 1 Shining Superstar* x 1
Monsters: 24 Master Hyperion x 2 Splendid Venus x 1 Archlord Kristya x 1 Athena x 1 Tethys, Goddess of Light x 1 Airknight Parshath x 1 The Agent of Entropy - Uranus x 2 The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter x 2 The Agent of Mystery - Earth x 1 The Agent of Creation - Venus x 1 The Agent of Wisdom - Mercury x 1 Mystical Shine Ball x 3 Nova Summoner x 2 Gellenduo x 1 Honest x 1 Freya, Spirit of Victory x 1 Hecatrice x 1 Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x 1
Spells: 9 The Sanctuary in the Sky x 3 Terraforming x 1 Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x 2 Court of Justice x 1 Cestus of Dagla x 1 Fountain of the Sky x 1
Traps: 5 Divine Punishment x 2 Miraculous Descent x 2 A Hero Emerges x 1
Extra: 5 Airknight Parshath x 1 Angel of Zera x 1 Ancient Sacred Wyvern x 1 Fairy Cheer Girl x 1 Shining Superstar* x 1
Leander had not been expecting the sudden retaliation from Joshua, and was slammed against the wall before he even realized it, letting out a choked grunt from the impact on his throat. After being released, Leander rubbed his throat. "Heck yeah that hurt, man," Leander replied, the slight pain evident in his tone of voice. "It's cool, though, I'm fine," Leander added, moving his right hand as if to wave the issue aside.
"Anyway, what's goin' on here?" Leander asked, curious. He leaned to the side to peek around Joshua and saw Ben with some girl, who had handed over a card to him. His curiosity only continuing to grow, Leander quickly zipped over to Ben, and saw that the card had been an Honest. "Oooo, Honest. Nice card," Leander said to Ben, still staring at his card. "By the way, who was that girl?"
Michelle listened to Amelia's woes. She pondered Amelia's issue, trying to figure out the best way to deal with it, and quickly decided that it was useless to do so without knowing what was in Amelia's deck first. "Need me to help?" Michelle offered. "I don't know how much I can do, though." As a fellow Duelist and a friend, no way could Michelle turn away from Amelia now.