Our characters are all either 15 or 16. I probably wouldn't suggest 14 unless you wanna go the whole "skipped grade in school" part in the backstory or something like that.
Personality: Megumi usually gives off the impression that she is emotionless, complete with a rarely-changing facial expression and quiet voice. However, that is not really the case; she is simply not very expressive. She is actually quite friendly, and will try to strike up a conversation with someone, though only opening up with a few words. She also finds comfort and happiness in food, and one can often find her munching away on some kind of sweet food. Duels are pretty much the only time she will raise her voice, either when she's trying to play aggressively or so that her opponent can hear her.
Bio: Megumi grew up in a fairly standard family of three. There were little to no money troubles, and Megumi received a relatively normal education at a normal school. However, Megumi was a quiet and shy girl. She could barely put together a sentence when speaking to someone else. As a result, she had no friends. One day, Duel Monsters was introduced to her when she was curious enough to enter a card shop. As Megumi entered the world of Duel Monsters, she was fascinated by the multitude of cards and their synergies with each other. Through Duel Monsters, she slowly began to come out of her shell and talk to people more easily. While she retained her expressionless face, it was certainly better than nothing. As for Duel Monsters itself, Megumi proved to be quite decent at it, being able to defeat quite a few of her opponents, both for fun and in local tournaments in various card shops.
In one tournament, however, there was one Duelist that appeared, easily crushing opponent after opponent. Megumi put up a good fight, but even she proved to be no match against this Duelist, who was using a multitude of Xyz and Synchro monsters. The Duelist scoffed at his opponents, saying that Extra Deck monsters were the future of Duel Monsters and all other monsters had no place other than to be Materials for them, and that was why everyone there was so weak. In Megumi's eyes, such a speech was unforgivable. She had grown to love Duel Monsters and all the cards ever printed, and was determined to prove him wrong. Even after that Duelist left town, Megumi spent a long time collecting cards and building decks without Extra Deck monsters, determined to make a deck that would blow that Duelist's pants off next time they faced.
Time passed, and Megumi never did see that Duelist again, but she still kept her resolve to never use an Extra Deck monster. With that resolve came the desire to learn more about Duel Monsters, and she had found a place to do just that: Margrail Duel School.
Monsters: 1. Silent Magician LV8 x 1 2-3. Silent Magician LV4 x 2 4. Silent Magician x 1 5. Silent Swordsman LV7 x 1 6-7. Silent Swordsman LV5 x 2 8-9. Silent Swordsman LV3 x 2 10. Silent Swordsman x 1 11-12. Silent Paladin x 2 13-14. Shining Angel x 2 15-16. Marauding Captain x 2 17. Field-Commander Rahz x 1 18-19. Magical Something x 2 20. Effect Veiler x 1 21. Honest x 1 22. Summoner Monk x 1
Spells: 23-24. Level Up! x 2 25. Forbidden Dress x 1 26. Emergency Provisions x 1 27. Swords of Revealing Light x 1 28. Shooting Star Bow - Ceal x 1 29-30. Hippo Carnival x 2 31. Mystical Space Typhoon x 1 32. Silent Sword Slash x 1 33. Silent Burning x 1 34. Reinforcement of the Army x 1 35. Card Trader x 1
Traps: 36-37. Royal Decree x 2 38. Mirror Force x 1 39-40. Dark Bribe x 2
Other: Rainbow Kuriboh
(To be earned later) Name: Silence is Golden Spell Type: Quick-Play Effect: Activate only if you control a face-up "Silent Magician" or "Silent Swordsman" monster. Target 1 Effect Monster your opponent controls; that face-up monster your opponent controls has its effects negated until the End Phase. This card's activation and effect cannot be negated. You can banish this card from your Graveyard; add 1 "Silent" Spell card from your Deck to your hand, except "Silent Doom".