Suddenly, the front door of the tavern swung open and slammed against the wall. This in turn caused everyone's attention to shift towards the one man standing in the doorway, who looked to have been running all that time, and who took that time in particular to catch his breath.
"Pirates..." the man said, through heavy panting, "Pirates are here..."
The other tavern-goers were murmuring amongst themselves, questioning whether to take it seriously. Gloria however, not wanting to take any chances, immediately rushed back over to the bar, where she kept a double-barreled shotgun for emergencies just like this. She also rummaged around for any spare boxes of ammunition that she may have stored nearby, but figured she'd press this man for more information while she was there. It could never hurt, after all, right?
"How many? And where're they coming from?" asked Gloria.
"I uh... From the North, I think," the man took a moment to collect his thoughts, "And she may be on her own, but... she's everywhere..."
"Wait, what?" Gloria was dumbfounded, "What are you on about?"
Everyone else was wondering the same thing, unable to make sense of what this newcomer was trying to say. As they discussed the situation with each other, however, one man rose from his seat and cracked his knuckles.
"You said there was just one, right?" he asked the newcomer for confirmation, "In that case, why don't we pay them a visit? Surely they'll run with their tail between their le-..."
"You don't understand..." the newcomer intervened, "One minute you have her surrounded, and the next... you're all fighting amongst yourselves... and all the while, she has all the time in the world to pick you off. Furthermore, everything you could possibly throw at her just goes straight through her body, like it's not even there. It almost feels like you're... trying to fight a ghost..."
More murmurs spread across the tavern. Evidently, these people have neither seen a Devil Fruit in action nor even so much as heard of the concept. However, this new entrant had seemingly did an awfully good job of describing the Devil Fruit that had been eaten by the infamous captain of the Sea Reaver Pirates, in spite of all of that.
Suddenly, screams could be heard outside, followed by pounding footsteps that would louden, quieten, louden and quieten again. From the looks of things, civilians were running southbound, and they'd been running as though their lives depended on it. If they didn't know any better, one would say that an attack on Shelburgh had already begun.
"Shit! I stayed too long," seemingly having gotten a sense of second wind, the new entrant backed away from the door, and prepared to take off, "You guys will... y-you'll have to save yourselves!"
"Wait a sec! We don't even know wha-... HEY!!"
And then he was gone. Trembling in fear, Gloria had gotten into a more frantic search for spare ammunition. Noticing this, one of the men that she'd shared a toast with prior had calmly walked around the bar, and kneeled down at her side, wanting to see how she was holding up.
"Hey. You doing OK?" he asked the barkeeper, before noticing the shotgun at her side, "You know how to handle that thing, right?"
"I, uh... Of course I do," Gloria reluctantly answered, after a brief sigh, "I'm sure you can imagine the type of asshole who'd try to show me up some day. Pirate or otherwise..."
The man nodded in understanding, and stayed by her side for the moment.
The meathead that was itching for a fight earlier had just picked his drink again, before noticing the lurkers at the corner table from the corner of his eye. In response to this sighting, he reluctantly set it back down, and pressed it against the table in his frustration.
"Seriously? More pirates?" he asked aloud.
"Calm down, you idiot! Those ones might not have anything to do with that one-man army wreaking havoc out there!" someone else shouted at him, "And even if they do, what would picking a fight with them even do for us here?! Huh?"
"They're still pirates, dumbass!" the meathead shouted back, before returning his attention to the pirates, "Who knows what they're thinking..."
The last Sea Reaver Pirates would have most everyone else's eyes on them as well, some more leery than others. Still, pieces of the puzzle were starting to form; all the pirates would need to do from there was put them together. This sudden attack on Shelburgh would be worth investigating, one way or the other.