Name: Sophie Karasu
Epithet: Steel-Bubble/ 000
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Blood Type: F
Age: 16
Height: 5'0Weight: 110Lbs
Role In Crew: Doctor
Arges: Swabbie
Bounty: 80,000,000 Berri
Dream: Get her revenge on the Navy, Acquire Saturnus, and rebuild the Kakusareta karasu no su society
Personality:Generally Sophie is a bubbly young woman, who enjoys trying new things, and exploring. It's hard to get her down thanks to her natural optimism and natural ability to rationalize events so as not to take it personally, at least as well as any teenager can not take a problem personally.
At heart Sophie's a scientist and engineer. She loves learning almost as much as she likes creating, improving and perfecting. She has one hundred percent faith in the human ability to understand the world, to a point where her outlook is one of determinism. Which also leaves her very forgiving of human folly in the vast majority of situations.
That being said, the one group of people she will not forgive, and even seeks to destroy utterly is the world government with its navy. She understands they've done some good. She understands they're people working in a system and doing things with brains that have made decisions before the consciousness has even gotten the question. She doesn't care. She wants them turned to ash.
Biography:Sophie wasn't born into Kakusareta karasu no su society, but made. Her birth was the result of years of genetic engineering. It was with her, the Karasu hoped to finally be able to not only locate the legendary weapon Saturnus, but bypass its guardian and turn it to the hidden village's will.
As was the original plan Sophie spent her earliest years in the village, learning little bits of information among science minded residents. Unlike the original plan, the village's leader, a man known by the 001, decided it wouldn't do to have their village's greatest hope for Saturnus to remain there, stagnating within their walls. So it was decided Sophie, along with a group of highly capable individuals would venture out in order for her to study abroad. Sophie's learning in the outside world came to a stop on when several members of her party became nervous, citing they had lost communication with the home base. So they sail for home.
The group had begun to lose home long before they reached their home, as even hundred of miles out, there was the undeniable towers of jet black smoke climbing from the island. Hope had been all but lost by the time they came on shore, and made their way towards the center of the island, where a false mountain stood, wheezing smoke like a dying giant, dying of lung cancer, but refusing to give up his cherished cigars.
Despite Sophie's best judgement of abandoning her home, the other members of the group decided press on for information, a decision most would not live to regret. As it would turn out, the invaders were none other than the world government's navy. Which were on their way out as Sophie's group headed inwards to learn more. The scuffle was short, and only Sophie was fast enough to flee further into the recesses of the base.
The marines shouted commands as they hurried after the young woman, a decision they would not live to regret. Despite the flames and smoke bellowing out of the building, the air inside wasn't toxic. The ventilation system was working well. The lights worked well too. Everything seemed to be working, so long as it wasn't on fire. Strange.
Stranger still was the large, man-shaped golem with one eye that stood towards the end one of the rooms Sophie rushed through. Arges was getting on in years, but it was still the most advanced defense the island had, and yet, it stood perfectly still, without so much as a scratch on it. The thing hadn't been in combat. It hadn't put up any fight. There was even layers of dust on it!
Sophie was a smart girl, it didn't take her long to work out that someone had removed the Driver Unit from Arges, and the whole island, her people, were killed because someone on the inside had set things up. Rage boiled inside her. She moved towards the giant, and with a few quick taps of her fingers, the machine opened up like a flower, and the young woman stepped inside.
Breathing hard, she waited for the marines to rush inside after her. When they did she screamed in furry. They screamed their commands, and then fear. It didn't take Arges much to make short work of the soldiers. Even their leader didn't take much effort.
After the battle, Sophie set to work, reinstalling creating a rudimentary driver unit for Arges, before making her way off the island, with her protector.
Without a home, and fully aware of the hunt for her, Sophie set out to Hachinosu, the pirate paradise, where she was quick to join up with the sea Reaver Pirates, assuming with their large size, she'd be able to blend in and stay safe for awhile.
Surviving the honorstar Garrison Raid Battle wasn't easy. It wasn't hard either. It came down to luck, really. Sophie, inside Arges, had found herself at the forefront of the surprise attack. The assault was so quick and brutal, she didn't have time to attack. One moment there was an explosion and the next thing she knew, she was falling into the sea, with the better part of the ship she was on close behind. By the time she hit the sea floor, there was no way to get around the massive remains that landed hard on top of her. By the time she was able to reach freedom from the debris, the battle was lost. There was nothing left to do to retreat, and regroup.
Combat Information
Combat Role: Corsair / Mecha pilot
Haki Prowess:Observation Haki-S
Armament Haki-D
Conqueror's Haki-N/A
Physical Capabilities:*Sophie's stronger than she looks, but not by much. She's strong enough to pick up pieces of equipment and tools withou "Much" help. Her biggest asset, outside of Arges, in combat is her speed, and dexterity. Though she's not much capable with doing fancy things like flips, or parkour.
*Arges on the other hand, is something of a physical powerhouse. Its strong enough to easily crush Wootz steel with one hand.
The Arges unit is exceptionally durable and can withstand high levels of heat, pressure and cutting/ blunt force trauma.
That being said, the unit's movement speed is lacking. Basically, it can keep up with a normal human.
Fighting Style:Sophie(Outside Arges): fights with her gun Pinaka, firing the special bullets to either assist Arges, or make way for her to get inside the golem.
Arges(Without Sophie): While Sophie is not piloting Arges, the Driver unit is limited to purely strength based attacks, and is not able to use its onboard weapon. Also it's full strength is limited to 50% output. Though it is capable of implementing more complex maneuvers like brawling or leading an enemy's strikes towards a center point, these will only be attempted with direct commands from Sophie.

*Achlys Shot-Bullets that upon impact, explode and release a thick black gas, that burns eyes, nostrils and throat.
*Dionysus Shot-Black spheres which upon explosion release a slippery black fluid which is similar to oil.
*trishula Shot-Bullets with drills at the front. After firing the three will start to spin, and upon impact will burrow through whatever surface they made contact with.
*Vajra Shot-Bullets with dart ends that upon impact release pulse of electricity.
*Mercury Cannon-Arges' left palm has a hole which fires standard bullets at speeds similar to a Gatling gun.
*Oceanus (Left) Cannon-A cannon located on Arges' "belt". Its capable of firing fluids, or fluid like substances, at high pressure. There's a tank that can contain a limited supply of liquid, and more fluid can be fed by suction devices located on the bottom, and sides of Arges Feet.
*Theia-Arges right fist is plated with Sea Stones. This fist is also capable of being fired out, attached by a thick black cable, and rapidly reeled back.
*Typhon (Right)Cannon-A cannon located on Arges "belt" which is capable of blasting superheated white plasma.
Special Techniques:Apollyon Mode-Arges energy production is pushed to the max, increasing its strength output by 250%. This creates a lot of heat and light. Which in turn makes it hard to look at Arges while in this mode, and even harder to touch as it's scalding hot.
Even inside, the temperatures are sweltering. Without the use of Armament haki for protection, Sophie would quickly find herself suffering 3rd degree burns. Even with haki, she still gets burned, but not blister.
At the most, the unite can stay in Apollyon for one minute. After that, there's structural issues and Arges will deuterating from the strain.
Miscellaneous Information
The Arges drive intelligence is on level of a four year.