"...Why did I agree to get in this car again?" Rumi asked to himself, clenching his seat belt like his life depended on it. Rumi didn't drive himself very often, but he was very certain people were not supposed to drive like an irresponsible lunatic. Rumi started to doubt the authenticity of Jamie's driver's license, but soon came to the conclusion that she both couldn't and wouldn't make a forgery, which only made the topic even more concerning. Fortunately, the ride had ended, so Rumi could relax a bit now. Taking a moment to calm himself, Rumi then looked out the window, looking at the cleaners' business site. It was unimpressive, and just as dreary as the other drab establishments around it. In other words, it was a perfect camouflage, as no one would look twice at this place. "Let's see if their 'cleaning services' are up to par," Rumi said, stepping out of the car.
Hardly any time had passed, however, before they were ambushed by some punk with a gun. Rumi was stunned. Not by the fact that they were ambushed, but by the fact that only one person armed with only a small caliber pistol thought he could take on three heroes. His point was further proven when the poor mobster was quickly dispatched by Jamie. Looking down at the man, Rumi shook his head, disappointed at their first encounter. "If he's still conscious, I do have a few," Rumi said, pressing a button on his utility belt. A small blue field emerged from it, enveloping him before turning transparent. This was a barrier designed to deflect fast-moving projectiles, capable of stopping short bursts of bullet or laser fire, but would not last any longer than that without recharging. He also ordered his nanobots to form pieces of makeshift armor, mainly protecting his chest and limbs. Crouching down, Rumi reached out and grabbed Ranucci's neck, keeping him down on the ground while using just enough pressure to keep him down while not choking him. Rumi began to order, "Hey, stay awake now. We need you to answer a couple questions. Who's the boss here, and how many of you guys are here?"