Avatar of Scarifar


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8 yrs ago
Current 乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚
9 yrs ago
A sentence you wasted 5 seconds to read.
9 yrs ago
Who came up with the idea to make our statuses quotes from philosophers, anyway?
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9 yrs ago
We could be doing something productive with our lives... instead, we're here.
9 yrs ago
A random quote from some philosopher that we'll forget in a few moments.


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"...Why did I agree to get in this car again?" Rumi asked to himself, clenching his seat belt like his life depended on it. Rumi didn't drive himself very often, but he was very certain people were not supposed to drive like an irresponsible lunatic. Rumi started to doubt the authenticity of Jamie's driver's license, but soon came to the conclusion that she both couldn't and wouldn't make a forgery, which only made the topic even more concerning. Fortunately, the ride had ended, so Rumi could relax a bit now. Taking a moment to calm himself, Rumi then looked out the window, looking at the cleaners' business site. It was unimpressive, and just as dreary as the other drab establishments around it. In other words, it was a perfect camouflage, as no one would look twice at this place. "Let's see if their 'cleaning services' are up to par," Rumi said, stepping out of the car.

Hardly any time had passed, however, before they were ambushed by some punk with a gun. Rumi was stunned. Not by the fact that they were ambushed, but by the fact that only one person armed with only a small caliber pistol thought he could take on three heroes. His point was further proven when the poor mobster was quickly dispatched by Jamie. Looking down at the man, Rumi shook his head, disappointed at their first encounter. "If he's still conscious, I do have a few," Rumi said, pressing a button on his utility belt. A small blue field emerged from it, enveloping him before turning transparent. This was a barrier designed to deflect fast-moving projectiles, capable of stopping short bursts of bullet or laser fire, but would not last any longer than that without recharging. He also ordered his nanobots to form pieces of makeshift armor, mainly protecting his chest and limbs. Crouching down, Rumi reached out and grabbed Ranucci's neck, keeping him down on the ground while using just enough pressure to keep him down while not choking him. Rumi began to order, "Hey, stay awake now. We need you to answer a couple questions. Who's the boss here, and how many of you guys are here?"

"Yeah, sure, give it here," Rumi said, taking the pamphlet. Early on, Rumi had thought it good for business if he was multi-lingual, so he had taken it upon himself to learn every spoken language he could think of, from Spanish to French to Cherokee. He had given up after learning 12, though, considering it to be too much of a waste of time at that point. Opening the phamphet, Rumi began reading its contents out loud, translating it into a language Blake and Jamir could understand. Much of it was nonsense, as it was quite clearly a poorly-disguised front. The phone number and address, though, was of notable interest to Rumi. "15 Running River Lane... I believe we have just found our next destination," Rumi said to Blake and Jamie. Gesturing at the Leftovers, Rumi added, "I'll call the proper authorities to take care of this. We'll continue investigating the Gugliano family's plans after they arrive." Taking out his phone, he speed-dialed the number and began to report what they had found in the warehouse.

Blake and Jamie handled the guards with ease, allowing Rumi to hang back and watch as the action unfolded before him. The mention of kidnapping heroes made him raise an eyebrow, realizing he had obtained another piece of the puzzle that was the Gugliano family's plans. Following the two into the Control Room, Rumi examined the damages Blake caused within it. He whistled, and said, "Goodness me, you're either getting better at controlling those flames, or you're really lucky that nothing vital got damaged." He looked down at the goons on the ground, wondering if he should check for vitals, but decided that he need not bother.

Placing a hand on one of the control panels, he wondered just how many secrets this one room held. Looking over at the computer Blake pointed out, he walked over to it while saying, "Leave it to me. I'll crack it open." He pulled out a black box with a wire attached to it, connecting it to the computer. The programs within it began to work their magic, bypassing the computer's security and unlocking it. Opening the folder named "Hero Plan", he opened a "missionletter.doc" where it talked about the change in plans. Rumi began to search for more details involving the hero abductions and come across a document labeled, "ZERO". He began running his decryption program, only to be greeted with a popup window. Rumi was surprised to see it pop up, as it had seemingly been prepared for him, and then the computer began to force a shutdown. Knowing he had hardly any time to act, Rumi forced his brain into Overclocking, having his nanobots form a pair of hands. He entertained the possibility of halting the shutdown, but decided there wasn't enough time for that and instead began to make a copy of the "ZERO" document and save it into his black box's storage.

After the computer shut down, Rumi sighed and disconnected his black box, placing it back into his utility belt. "I've done what I could," Rumi reported. "And whoever these people are, they're going to regret insulting my intelligence."
Rumi Bers Polamor


"Well, I could always give some of my gadgets a little extra field testing," Rumi responded, then proceeded to raise a finger in the air and add, "Just give me a minute." Rumi clapped his hands twice, then a panel slid out from the wall and turned itself around, revealing Rumi's bodysuit armor that served as his costume, as well as utility belt and four canisters that held his nanomachines. Rumi then walked over to his suit and held his arms up in a T, issuing another command, "Armor up." Instantly, robotic arms extended from the wall, ceiling, and floor, programmed to get the suit onto Rumi. One arm began to glow red and hum gently at its tip as it dragged its head along the middle of the suit from neck to groin, effectively cutting it in half. The rest of the arms grabbed both pieces of the suit and slipped them onto Rumi, fitting them and holding them properly while the arm that originally cut it began to glow green instead and ran its head at the cut line, repairing the suit as if it had never been cut in the first place.

After the arms retracted themselves back into their original places, Rumi began to stretch a little, fully breaking in the suit and making sure it was comfortable. He grabbed his belt and canisters and equipped them as well. Finally, Rumi looked through his tables and shelves, methodically searching through them for tools and gadgets that would aim him in this mission. It took a few minutes, but Rumi was finally ready.

"Alrighty then, let's get going," Rumi said.
Rumi Bers Polamor


"Please don't," Rumi said, though clearly his words fell on deaf ears. Sighing, Rumi added, "You can't move them, Jamie." Jamie tried to move the holograms, to no effect. Her hand simply passed through it, blurring the images. "You don't have the biometric authentication to access my equipment. Now please, let me do my work here." After shooing away Jamie's hand, Rumi continued to search through the collar, sorting his way through the various functions and safety measures within it until he came across a tracking beacon within in.

"Oooo, now what do we have here?" Rumi muttered his thoughts out loud, expanding the hologram of the beacon. If the collar was truly attached to an Iguanosaur, it made sense that people would want to keep track of its location. The only question was: who were those people? "Track the beacon's signal," Rumi commanded, the hologram now displaying a pulsing signal icon next to the beacon, directed toward a map of the world. It didn't take long to get a lock on a location, and the map magnified further and further until it pinpointed a location: Watervale. "Bring up 3D imaging of the location," Rumi commanded again, the table displaying a blue-tinted 3d map of Watervale. A red light indicated the building the beacon was sending the signal to. Rumi spread his hands to magnify and pinpoint the exact location, revealing a warehouse next to a place called "Sam's Fish Market."

It didn't make sense. A fish market capturing Leftovers for whatever insidious practices? Rumi was sure it was merely a cover for some other group. "It's not Google, that much is for sure," Rumi answered Blake. Rumi gave it a second of thought, and it clicked: "GUGL", or in other words, the Guglianos. "The Gugliano family, though, makes more sense. It would also explain the 'GUGL' found on this collar," Rumi said. Sighing, he continued, "So we have a crime family now trying to handle Leftovers. They're either not doing it very well, considering you dispatched the Iguanosaur so easily, or it was only a test for more vile purposes. My main concern is where they're getting this tech from. I don't recall the Gugliano family being able to produce this level of tech."
Rumi Bers Polamor


Chris was standing several feet away from the front door when Blake made his announcement to Polamor Inc's reception area. Stepping forward, he said to Blake, "My name is Chris, Mr. von Brandt. And yes, Mr. Polamor informed me that you would arrive. Follow me, please." With that, Chris would lead them through into a hall, entering a door to Rumi's office. It was a nice place, with a few bookshelves lining the wall, and an oval-shaped rug was laid in the center of the room. At the end of the room was a long wooden desk, with many drawers at the side and a phone and computer on its surface. Chris picked up the phone and dialed a number into it, then opened a drawer that held a false bottom, revealing a liquid metal scanner. After placing his hand inside, the rug in the center of the room moved to the side like a roomba, and a panel of the floor opened up, revealing a staircase. Climbing down the stairs would finally lead to Rumi's personal workshop.

"They're here, sir," Chris announced to Rumi, who had just finished prepping what he would need for the scan.

"Great, thanks, Chris," Rumi said. "You can go now."

After Chris left, leaving Blake and Jamie with Rumi, Rumi told them, "Just place that collar on the table. Let's see what secrets it's got for us." Once Blake placed the collar onto the table, it would begin to scan, a band of light moving across the screen like a printer. A holographic image would then construct itself in the air, with all the parts the collar was constructed with, both large and intricate. Rumi made gestures with his hands to separate the individual components into separate layers, enlarging a certain part if he found it of particular note.

Rumi raised an eyebrow at the information he was receiving. "See? Now that's much more interesting," Rumi said, amused. "You know where to find me. My secretary Chris will show you in." Rumi then hung up and handed the phone back to Chris. "You know what to do," Rumi said to Chris. "Of course, sir," Chris responded as he left Rumi's workshop.

Rumi turned back to his microbots. "Let's get you guys cleaned up," Rumi said, raising his hand and snapping his fingers. At once, the microbots began to surge back into the boxes they originally came from, pouring into them while stacking themselves neatly. In mere moments, the testing chamber was empty again. Rumi took off his wristbands and visor, placing them into an open compartment that automatically closed itself after. He then pushed a small button that popped out a box with an opening at the top, filled with what looked like liquid metal. In actuality, it was a multitude of nanobots that scanned everything that would stick its hand in, from fingerprint to DNA to pulse. Rumi stuck his hand in, letting the scanner do its thing. After the confirmation of his identity, the table sunk into the floor, and it was soon replaced with a new table that was far more technologically advanced.

"A collar meant to track and possibly control Leftovers, huh? Don't see many of those everyday," Rumi muttered to himself. "And GUGL... interesting."

Rumi outfitted himself with a pair of glowing bracelets and his visor, entering his testing chamber. Several large boxes lined a wall, but the room was otherwise empty. "Alright, we will start initial testing of 'Cerebellum', beginning with movement and shape tests," Rumi announced. He raised an arm and snapped his fingers. The boxes began to shake, and a mass of tiny machines burst out of them, all converging towards Rumi. They were not the nanomachines he commonly used, however. They were the predecessor to them; a larger machine called a "microbot". Still very small, but gargantuan compared to a nanobot. Rumi had quickly moved on from them due to the lack of easy storage while traveling, which was unacceptable for Rumi. He still didn't have a solution as of yet, but he would just have to think of something. For now, he would test.

The microbots began to stack on top of each other and form a giant hand, moving left to right as if waving hello, then began to form various one-handed gestures. "Seems good so far," Rumi said as he began to step up, the microbots forming stairs as he climbed up a cylindrical tower. The tower then collapsed, the microbots moving as if they were liquid, except for a a group that formed a surfboard shape to keep Rumi on the surface and allowed him to "surf" on them. Rumi extended his flailing arms out, trying to keep his balance.

Rumi then spread his arms out, dispersing the microbots away from him, and brought his back back together, palms apart while fingertips met. The bots stacked up and around him, making a barrier around him with honeycomb shaped holes in it. He clenched his fist, causing the holes to close up and leaving him in darkness. With a spinning wrist and a slashing motion, the bots began to open up and spin around him, gathering together into a ball and split apart as if slashed apart. "Hmm... pretty good performance, but a little slower than I had hoped," Rumi said. "I'll have to do some finetuning."

There was a knock, and a door slid open, revealing his secretary Chris. "Sir, you have a call," he said, holding up a phone.

"I'm a little busy right now," Rumi protested. "Leave it on voicemail if it's not important."

"It's from 'Blake Ignatius von Brandt', sir," Chris continued.

"Fire Tweety? The heck does he want with me?" Rumi asked. In the end, his curiosity won out and he took the phone. "This better be good." Pressing the answer button, Rumi brought the phone to his ear, answering with, "Talk to me."


"A 'collar thingy'," Rumi responded. "Come on, Blake, you're gonna need to give me a bit more information than that to make it worth my while. Y'know, like, what does it look like, or what was wearing it before you got it?"
So what's the status on the duel? Any progress made?
Rumi Bers Polamor

Rumi looked through his various programs again and again, searching for any way to improve them further. It was in vain, however; he had done the best he could. The main component, the one designed to disable Phantom and extract it from Skylar, was still incomplete, but that was inevitable as he could not complete the code without studying Phantom's original coding. The next best thing he could do was include a function that would scan the virus and produce a copy of its coding into an isolated storage unit. The biggest problem with this was that he would need to be in close proximity to Phantom in order to do this, and he could not simulate an outcome where he'd have enough of an advantage to achieve this goal.

Of course, he realized what the problem was: he had reached his limit. Nanomachines and a reinforced bodysuit alone was not going to be enough to combat and/or subdue Phantom. Rumi needed an upgrade to his current gear. Fortunately, he knew where to start. He still had old prototypes lying around, and he could easily draw up some schematics for new machines to aid him. All he needed was some time. Grabbing a toolbox from a nearby countertop, Rumi took out a drill and began to get to work.
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