"Blood calls to Blood."

Tristan Alexander Juran
Appears in his late twenties
Sexual Preference
Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned
Mother, Father, Younger Brother and Sister
Significant Other
None yet
Sânge's Call
Tristan is able to form blood contracts with lesser creatures, such as animals, sharing a few drops of his blood with them in order to bind them permanently to his will. Likewise any Vampire or Human who, by happenstance, comes to ingest his blood may feel compelled to obey him, though the effect is only temporary and it's efficacy is dependent on the amount of blood consumed. In Humans, prolonged exposure to this state can eventually result in more permanent results.
Iarnă's Touch
Tristan also has dominion over the element of Ice. Able to freeze water into shapes, project it through the air and even call on the moisture in the air, as long as it isn't too dry out.
Tristan is a confident and charming man, always at ease in a crowd and quick with a disarming smile. His charisma is the result of decades of schooling in courtly etiquette and manners, hard learned skills that allow Tristan to cover up possibly his biggest personality flaw: Tristan has little regard for anyone outside his own family. Whether humans or even other Aristocratic families, if they are not in any way related to the Juran bloodline, they are beneath him. Fortunately, as previously mentioned, he covers up this arrogant trait of his well while in the public eye. In truth the only people in the world that Tristan can truly be said love and respect are his immediate family, particularly his siblings. He tends to respond to any insult or threat against them, no matter how small, with violent action.
*WIP while the Juran Family is fleshed out*

Tristan Alexander Juran
Appears in his late twenties
Sexual Preference
Pure Blood/Aristocrat/Turned
Mother, Father, Younger Brother and Sister
Significant Other
None yet
Sânge's Call
Tristan is able to form blood contracts with lesser creatures, such as animals, sharing a few drops of his blood with them in order to bind them permanently to his will. Likewise any Vampire or Human who, by happenstance, comes to ingest his blood may feel compelled to obey him, though the effect is only temporary and it's efficacy is dependent on the amount of blood consumed. In Humans, prolonged exposure to this state can eventually result in more permanent results.
Iarnă's Touch
Tristan also has dominion over the element of Ice. Able to freeze water into shapes, project it through the air and even call on the moisture in the air, as long as it isn't too dry out.
Tristan is a confident and charming man, always at ease in a crowd and quick with a disarming smile. His charisma is the result of decades of schooling in courtly etiquette and manners, hard learned skills that allow Tristan to cover up possibly his biggest personality flaw: Tristan has little regard for anyone outside his own family. Whether humans or even other Aristocratic families, if they are not in any way related to the Juran bloodline, they are beneath him. Fortunately, as previously mentioned, he covers up this arrogant trait of his well while in the public eye. In truth the only people in the world that Tristan can truly be said love and respect are his immediate family, particularly his siblings. He tends to respond to any insult or threat against them, no matter how small, with violent action.
*WIP while the Juran Family is fleshed out*