Razielle watches as the two enter the building. Police cars come whirring down the street and she quickly steps inside, making sure that they don't see her. She sighs carefully and steps around the litterbots as she heads toward the room once again. She nods to Lee as Lee sets Ethan down and steps back for her to work. Her X-Ray eye flips down in front of her right eye again and she begins to scan over his body once more, mostly focusing on his brain.
In the background, she hears Lee ask Yuri a question about how he knows what they are and Razielle takes a deep breath as Yuri responds with a yes. Or at least, sort of a yes. Razielle leans over Ethan and focuses in on his head. He is definitely going to have a concussion, but it isn't going to be too bad. He's just going to have where sunglasses for awhile and not move for the next couple hours unless they want puke everywhere. She then examines his upper body. He seems to have bruised a few of his bones, but he would mostly just be sore rather than extremely harmed. She does not want to touch him, just in case he has a fear of things like her. She then examines his arm and notices that his shoulder is displaced from his socket.
She coughs slightly and looks over at Lee and Yuri. "He has a dislocated shoulder. It's an easy fix, but it will hurt." She looks at Yuri and Lee and asks, “Will one of you pop it back it? I feel that he will not like a stranger touching him.” She steps back way from Ethan’s unconscious form and gestures for one of them to walk up.