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Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
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You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
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I think that’s just called playing dnd
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Y’all block people? I just flame them back
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Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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Max took up a spot beside the gathered mages out of necessity only. He didn't see the appeal of all being together, but if Lilie wanted to pretend they were all friends and not in varying degrees of political cold war against each other, he wasn't going to contradict her. If he left to go sit alone, some jackass would surely walk over and start pestering him, and he certainly wasn't going to go hang out with the vampires. At least, not yet. He'd have time for games later in the night once conversation started winding down and everyone else's guard had relaxed a tad. Besides, Eris had told him to shut up and watch, far be it from him to disobey.

Madison or whatever her name was had already started getting eager to meet everyone, which meant he was probably seconds away from the usual introductory questions people ask when they first meet someone. The Revel just kept getting worse and worse - first he gets roped into a shitty murder case, and now some dead kid's replacement gets to bother him.

"I'm Max," He responded coolly, not eager to engage beyond that. Hopefully she'd gloss over him and find one of the other ones more interesting. Women who couldn't tell the difference between someone playing hard to get and him actually wanting nothing to do with them were annoying, doubly so now that his association to Eris made him a catch or something.

Kho shrunk a bit at Xavier's initial comment, then sent an accusatory look toward the bird on his shoulder. His mouth opened briefly to start chiding Teken when the sudden chill prompted him to snap it shut as both parties returned their focus to the Magus. At first, Kho briefly considered Xavier was casting some unpleasant spell as a punishment, though he quickly pushed that thought aside once he noticed the sensation wasn't mere thermal manipulation; Xavier was summoning... something.

The flame caught both master and tutelary's eye, easily impressed as they were, and both their heads synchronously canted to the side in mesmerized interest. When the small inferno finally took form, Teken's feathers ruffled up defensively until the bird came to the conclusion he couldn't eat the creature that had emerged. Kho had no such reservations, and instead began inching to the side for a better look at Drygnir. That was a pyromancer's tutelary; all flames and stone and images of destruction. It made the eyes of the man it rested on seem mundane by comparison.

Kho's body jerked rigidly upright when he was addressed again, flashes of embarrassment faintly visible on his face after he assumed he'd been 'caught' taking too much of an interest in Xavier's tutelary.

"Uh, right. It won't be a problem." He couldn't say he considered Teken his equal, and he certainly didn't rank the bird higher than himself in status, but there was still a sense of novelty that lingered. Teken wasn't some animal on the level of the bees his family's servants tended to behind the manor, or even comparable to the servants themselves; he was a creature of the Aether. Surely that warranted some level of respect, even for an entity as juvenile and undignified as Tekenkhasut. Probably useless sentimentality he had yet to rid himself of.

The boy followed along, using the scenery to distract his mind from what he considered subpar performance on his part so far. Familiarizing himself with the area was probably prudent, in case he was sent on errands in the future. But with everything around them moving in such perfect harmony, Kho began to grow self-conscious that his mere presence would disrupt this careful rhythm. For the first time in quite a while, he felt out of place in his own city, but even so the splendor of it all dwarfed his misgivings.

His attention dutifully returned to Xavier as the man spoke again. The magus' words carried a great deal of weight to them; once again Kho had been thrust from jovial morning stroll into his role in Photep for the rest of his life. Not unexpected, but pressuring all the same. He wasn't worried; Xavier seemed to think he was up to the task, and Kho had no reason to doubt his own abilities, nor would he be lacking in opportunities should he somehow fall short of the cult's standards. Still, the Magus intended to invest time, hopes, and who knows what else in him, and he needed to reciprocate, even when faced with heavy questions he wasn't sure how to answer yet.

"Thank you for this opportunity, Magus. I'll try my best to not disappoint," Kho sputtered as he formally bowed before Xavier in a show of gratitude, "But, um, do I have to choose now? That's a bit of a big question. I mean, I want to be useful. I love Photep, and I want to give back to her for everything she's given me. But, I'm not sure if that's what you asked..."

@Dead Cruiser

Like clockwork. The only part of that Eris heard was 'nobody'. Yeah, some actor's face on a bottle of cologne was certainly on par with being in line for a seat on the council. And look at that, he opened his mouth and then he lied! The leech definitely didn't 'avoid lying as much as he possibly could'. Hell, he didn't have to lie at all! Vampires must have a hard time understanding that honesty was an option or something.

It brought Max a small degree of petty satisfaction that Eris still had no idea what do with him. Even better, it was apparently delegated to Ismene to decide now - he'd made the right move endearing herself to her. Or... whatever the hell he did back there. Though it was a bit ironic that Eris wanted to him to practice at playing high society when Eris didn't seem to be evaluating the situation himself. He just wanted to watch Benji flop. Not that Max really blamed him, but was anticipating problems in advance really that much of a hassle?

Of course it was, the leech lied everytime he opened his mouth; this party was business as usual, hardly even worth a move on Eris' corny chessboard.

"I listen and care more than you might think, Eric, it's how I know you're a liar," Max offhandedly commented as he brushed past the vampire and picked up a briefcase full of the stupid iron rods Eris wanted him to turn into something pretty from the kitchen counter. Maybe he could shape it into a giant dick and get politely asked to leave the party. With his magic bearing most of the weight, he gripped the neck of the bottle with his free hand and rested the base on the top of his otherwise-occupied hand. Because carrying a bottle with one hand is classless or something, apparently. Vampires just didn't know how to drink, honestly.

"And what happened to fashionably late? I thought that was your whole gimmick."


Max turned to actually address Eris himself instead of the asshole in the mirror, having grown tired of looking at himself already. Not that he looked bad - actually, the fact that he didn't made the whole sight worse - it was just an annoying thing to look at. The flat look he turned on the vampire was hardly any better, though. Seriously? All this work just to tell Count Bemdalin or whatever the fuck his name was that he was a loser? Should've spent all the party decoration money on hiring Max to do it for him. Hell, Max would've done it for free.

"And we're invited because...? Don't answer that, I know why. Still, you assert he has a plan for every one of the guests except yourself. He couldn't get away with inviting all the nobles except one, that'd be insulting. But you? You're nobody. You can be excluded." He knew he'd be getting an earful about the 'nobody' comment but the point stood; Varis didn't need Eris to be there, and in light of their recent line of investigation, Max couldn't help but assume this was less a 'keep your friends close' and more an 'and your enemies closer' type of party.

"You may not be the star of the show," Another earful for that one, "but I'd be shocked if he didn't have some plan in mind. I know you lie through your teeth everytime you open your mouth so I'll spare you the 'be careful' spiel, but if Aaron gets too nosy I'll try to let you know something's up anyway." He definitely didn't feel like playing word games tonight, at any rate. No gambling unless the deck was stacked in his favor, otherwise his only job was to put on a show like a trained seal and tell anyone who tried to get him to exert himself beyond that to go fuck themselves.


While intellectually Max knew struggling would only make it worse - Eris having to wash off the black smears across his face and then reapply the makeup all over again was double the work - the sight of the eyeliner triggered some primal, innate defense mechanism deep within him. He subconsciously tried to rip the faucet free of its holdings, only to be met with a loud thunk as the sink tenaciously resisted his advances. Hardly even budged, damn it. At least no one could accuse Ryner of cheaping out on the construction.

"There's metal in that stick, y'know," Max commented bitterly after Eris had him sufficiently wrangled and he'd calmed down. "Could snap it like a fucking twig."

After Eris once again released him, Max grimaced at his own reflection, and the implication that he and Flower Boy were a thing only soured his expression more. Eris had some nerve calling him a lust-crazed animal when he was only invited because he was fucking the host. Not to mention he'd just finished pinning Max against the wall of a bathroom. "If the Astorio mage tries making out with me, he'll be hanging from the chandelier well before you have a chance to see, don't you worry. Keep your mind on your own boyfriend, he's plotting something." The illegal fighting ring was news to him. Was that what they talked about when he didn't show up to their study group? For all he knew, that might've been what they talked about while he was present; he tuned them out half the time.

"Wait, why would you set up an illegal fight club in a place where there's already a legal fight club?" As far as Max knew, the arena managers were fairy content to let people beat the shit out of each other on their own time as long as no one died. "And why is his partner in crime one of the least intimidating people on campus? And most importantly - what fucking street are you on that talks about mage fighting rings to a vampire?" Then again, Salem knowing absolutely nothing about subtlety was believable. Maybe the dumbass actually hung up posters.


Max paced aimlessly around his room as he resisted the urge to start picking at his outfit before they'd even arrived at the venue. Eris had, thankfully, decided he wanted to look halfway normal this time and thus never tried to force Max into something ridiculous, but even the bare minimum of formal wear was annoying for the mage. Too stiff, his armor didn't fit under it, and it gave him unpleasant memories of his trusty salad fork defense. In a room full of leeches. One of whom he was actively working to undermine.

Turning back toward his bed, he made a move for his charging phone when he heard the door crack behind him and before he knew it, he was a mess of flailing limbs being forcefully corralled into the bathroom. "I will nail you to the fucking fence and piss on your ashes when the sun comes up," The mage threatened uselessly as he aimlessly grabbed for a weapon - a brush, a towel, something - and in his arms' failure, he turned to his magic instead. The mirror rattled against the wall. A razor vibrated off the counter and into the sink. He swore he heard water running for a second, but he had no idea which faucet he'd turned in the confusion.

Eventually he resigned himself to just letting the indignity occur, and when Eris finally relented, Max's posture sunk while he glared daggers at the leech's reflection. He looked like a tool. He fully expected Eris would come in to play stylist at some point, but not with that kind of intensity.

"Yeah, great, I'm sure I'll be the talk of the room. How long do I have to sit there and look pretty again? I'm assuming the good count doesn't serve alcohol at his events and everyone in attendance is annoying." He had one little trick up his sleeve that might make the night more worthwhile, but the odds of pulling it off were slim enough that he wasn't banking on it. Maybe someone'll get murdered behind the building again; always makes for a fun night.


Khotanebre took a place in the midst of the crowd, hoping to use the body heat of the other novitiates as a ward against the cold that still lingered before daybreak. The same pristine white cloak was pulled tight over his body to conceal a bright but otherwise unremarkable tunic, and he'd forgone the ostentatious jewelry of the previous day. Internally, Kho was grateful he did; the elder sorcerers seemed so casual as they went about their early morning duties, and he didn't want to seem out of place no matter what his parents lectured about the importance of being seen. Even his care to arrive early for his first day was matched by several other overeager or simply early-rising novitiates, and he was never without a group of people to simply blend into. Even Teken, normally lethargic at this hour, was attentively surveying the crowd from his perch atop Kho's shoulder, ever careful not to rip any clothing with his talons.

The boy tensed noticeably as a hand landed on his shoulder, though he quickly shrunk into a more relaxed posture once Xavier's presence registered in his mind. His lesson... started with breakfast? The Magus really enjoyed food, it seemed. Possibly by design; it made him personable where the glowing eyes certainly did not. Not that Kho was complaining, he was eager but not exactly in a rush to become sorcerer supreme of the whole Dijat to the point where he couldn't accomodate his mentor's friendly mealtime gestures.

Kho fell into step obediently beside Xavier as the man led him away from the Dijat. An odd choice, in Kho's opinion; he'd expected the Magus would take his meals inside the pyramid, though perhaps he had a favored food vendor that he wanted to purchase from personally. At the Magus' questioning, Kho tugged innocently at the collar of his cloak in thought. "Oh, anything's fine. I'm not all that hungry."

"We want fish!" Teken interjected.

"You want fish," Kho corrected with a sideways glare.

"Do you not want fish?"

"I just said I don't care."

"Then we'll take some fish, please," The bird chirped triumphantly at Xavier.

Kho sighed in concession, returning his attention to the Magus as well. "Fish, then, if that's okay. Something light." Apologizing for his tutelary's actions seemed like an exercise in futility in front of Xavier, no matter how embarrassing. The man would surely see Teken make many more blunders over the course of Kho's apprenticeship and wasting his breath every time would just make him look incompetent. Still, he'd have to chide the falcon later on principle.

@Dead Cruiser

Huh. Max expected more from that. Maybe not Eris demanding an explanation but at least a snide comment or two. He just... conceded. Max must've put the leech in check more skillfully than he thought. Sure, he was abrasive and hardly proactive at the chickenshit political games vampires play at all the time, but Eris had to have known from the moment he stepped in the door in a hoodie that Max fully intended to topple Eris' entire house of cards that day. The mischief didn't just end the moment Eris was out of sight and Max was alone with the favorite pet.

This guy was definitely not as crafty as he thought he was, in any case.

"That sounds awful. You have fun," Max dismissively muttered as he paced back to his room. Even Eris' taste in bad TV was quintessentially Eris. Instructional manuals on mage rearing were more Max's speed - especially the ones written by well-meaning but ultimately patronizing 'activists' who hadn't yet managed to differentiate mages from poodles. Then again, Eris probably ranked his dog and his mages on the same level anyway, so he wouldn't get the humor. Nobody got the humor around here. He didn't talk to anyone enough to even know if they'd get it except Aaron. What the fuck, was the Retriever really his best friend now? He didn't even like that guy.

Max flopped face down on his bed with a groan, letting the muffled sounds of Lady Anabelle's unconvincing acting from the other room drown out his thoughts. It didn't work. Was this how workaholics like Ismene formed? High society was so insufferable and full of backstabbers that a mage had to simply bury themselves in their work to distract from the boredom? He'd assumed the tedium of secretarial work was just as bad, but he wasn't even out of school yet and Eris already had him wrapped up in the nobility's literal mind game. Explained why the leech took his loss so gracefully back there; he was probably weighing the benefits of bossing around an uncooperative asshole that had some drive against some easily-managed basket case and decided it was easier to trick a wolf to serve than train a sheep to hunt. Now he'd even spoiled his own victory. Great.


Kho stayed rigid and attentive as the Magister made what seemed to be his closing remarks. Hopefully the man hadn't found him distasteful; Khalophis was dismissive now, but what could one so low in the hierarchy expect from a Magister? The fact that he addressed them at all was a good sign. Probably. He seemed more interested in Zahra than anyone here anyway, though Kho couldn't make up his mind whether the implication a girl covered in burns should be a pyromancer was fitting or tasteless.

'The whole plaza can hear you thinking, you nervous wreck,' Teken teased in the back of his mind.

The boy's brow furrowed in visible irritation at the unheard comment as he worked his jaw in silence. Still respectful of the authority in their presence, his head subtly cocked toward the falcon on his shoulder, unamused, only for both novitiate and tutelary to immediately snap their attention to the feather in Khalophis' hand as it flared to life.

The white glow had Teken completely enraptured; the bird's head tilted and turned as its eyes pointedly followed the fire wherever it moved. The gleam in its eyes faded as Khalophis made his demonstration of the fire being harmless, but the falcon continued to watch until Toruk had carried the feather out of sight. Likewise, the tension in Kho's body visibly melted in the heatless flame. It looked to be such a simple spell - at least he assumed, it was just as likely a flame that didn't burn was the Magister's way of reinforcing the skill gap between them - but Kho could only think of what it would be like to do that himself.

Khalophis was long gone by the time Khotanebre snapped back to attention and stiffened with embarrassment at Radaam's farewell. He hoped the other novitiates hadn't noticed him standing there with his mouth parted in wonder like a drooling simpleton.

"Erm. Yes. Nice meeting you too. And, err, good luck," Kho rambled as he tried to get his thoughts in order. Right. He needed to talk to his family too. Wait, no, his magus was more important. He really needed to know how sorcerers were supposed to talk to each other before he ran into anyone else with a title around here. Dismissing himself with a quick bow to Khaemtir, Kho made his way back toward the dais they'd been inducted on, scanning the crowd for the imposing man with the embers for eyes.

When he finally located the man, Khotanebre approached to present himself before Magus Xavier with a stiff bow of his head. "Apologies if I kept you waiting, Magus."

@Obscene Symphony@Achronum@Dead Cruiser
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