Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
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You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
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Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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If there was a difference between a musical and an opera besides the pretentious title, Max couldn't tell. He barely knew what an opera even was. Didn't some fat lady just come out and yodel for an audience of rich jackasses who only pretended to be entertained because they thought it was cultured to do so? He certainly wasn't going to ask, if the mere mention of musicals set the leech off on that tirade. He'd be stuck there all morning, which wasn't a bad prospect if not for the fact that he was stuck there with Eris.

"Considering humans have neither an eternity to rest nor any reason to be bothered by the rising of the sun, no, I haven't heard your little baby song," Max grumbled as he shifted his leg out from where Maxie had decided to sit on it. Eris probably didn't even know what progress looked like, he just wanted to sound invested because Max was worth some money now. Lucky for Max, he picked the easiest classes he could this semester - Dowsing was basically a free nap period and his grade in that stupid model class was negligible so long as he got the information he wanted out of it.

"I've got like-" Max paused to check the time on his phone, "forty minutes, that's plenty of time. Unless you're so eager to scream at me through the door while I take a long, hot shower, because I know you're fishing for attention right now." A warmer area to go sit in was a decent motivation to get out of bed, at least. Ryner better not've cheaped out on the heating bill for the main buildings, though, or he'd probably have to pretend he vomited to get out of his later classes.

"That reminds me, did Feliks have my coat delivered yet?" The armor was warm but not that warm, and ditching it in favor of one of his old coats wasn't happening. It felt weird enough not having an obnoxious weight across his chest when he was walking around his quaint, mostly-vampire-free hometown, he certainly wasn't going to interact with leeches and mages unarmed.


Max rolled over in his bed and turned an unamused glare toward the door as Eris started... singing? It sounded like it could've been a song, at least. Luckily for the vampire, he was already awake and didn't need to start throwing things at Eris for waking him up, but he'd planned to lay there and do nothing for at least another twenty minutes. The mage sat up, pulling the blanket up with him rather than risk having to watch Eris eyeball his figure. It was cold in there anyway, and he doubted Eris even knew how to turn on a heater, let alone find the motivation to do it. Which naturally meant it was even colder outside, which was another reason to not step out of bed today. Maybe he could pretend to be sick. Eris was an idiot when it came to the mortal condition, he'd be easy to fool, but - no, he'd have to show up for the first day of the semester, if for no other reason than to gauge the wackjobs the academy calls professors.

Something looked off about the leech today and Max wasn't sure what. Maybe he really did get replaced with a Sinnenodel body double - it would explain the weird cheeriness, though Max was all but certain Eris was just getting his kicks from bothering him with the little display. He probably didn't meet his attention quota last week because Ismene was mad at him, poor thing. Max was less amused that the dog even teamed up against him - he figured it was just whining for food or something. Traitorous rat.

"Don't audition for any musicals anytime soon," He grumbled, punctuating the statement with a yawn. The brunette reached for his phone to dismiss all the pointless notifications that popped up overnight rather than deign to give Eris his full attention, "You're in a good mood. You must want something."

It was tempting to throw in a jab about married life treating him well, but Eris would have an easy out of that argument with class starting so soon, and Max really didn't want to discuss Eris' sexual escapades in his bedroom of all places. Plus he'd promised to hold off on that or whatever. Stupid plan. Whatever, he could put it off until Eris gave him his first extracurricular assignment about Varis. Judging by the entrance, it was just as likely Eris had a task for him at that very instant as it was he simply wanted something to entertain himself. Couldn't he just go do his hair or something equally pointless like he usually did in the morning?


Dates: December 22nd - January 5

Evidently animals didn't like Kellen, or the other way around; the feeling was often mutual. That was actually a good bit of information to know; Auberon assumed every noble son in Faerghus - and a Fraldarius, at that - that didn't stand to inherit his father's title had aspirations of knighthood. Kellen was probably too shy to protest if Auberon had forced him on a horse during combat exercises, so better to know now than assign one of his teammates counterproductively to the whole House's detriment. He didn't know about indoor chores; Jorah only mentioned the ones outside, but surely weed pulling was within the boy's capabilities if nothing else.

Auberon politely chuckled at Lienna's joke - at least, he assumed it was a joke. If there was some strange peasant custom of crawling around on one's hands and knees, it was certainly barbaric enough to be genuinely laughed at and he shouldn't feel bad regardless. He almost responded, though the sudden clattering of metal promptly cut him off. That sounded like quite the kitchen accident - no, that wasn't right, it continued for too long. It sounded like a fight. His head swiveled toward the doorway, where he caught a flash of some fleeing figure and a procession of guards in pursuit. Did one of the students already get into enough trouble that he needed to be wrangled by armed men? He could only imagine the disgrace that would accompany being dismissed from the academy on day one over a grievous breach in conduct.

The chair falling drew his attention back to his housemates, where Lienna had gotten to her feet in record time. Honestly, Auberon was impressed with her reflexes, even if she looked more akin to a startled deer there. On the other hand, Kellen surprisingly didn't look like a startled deer for once. Auberon couldn't begin to fathom what strange mental gymnastics was going on in his head that ranked introducing himself as scarier than confronting the source of that commotion - Goddess above, he even reached for his hip like he was ready to stab the poor culprit - but he could only assume Kellen really was serious about physical training. Good for him.

The shouting was Auberon's first indicator that something serious may have happened; those words weren't the mewling of a student who got caught doing something he shouldn't, it was a rambling madman. Maybe a crazed pilgrim that made the trek up Fodlan's Throat and finally snapped at the splendor of it all - Goddess bless his heart. Still, the young lord could hardly find much sympathy for a doomsayer that had the audacity to defile such hallowed ground with his crimes and spout off ominous heresies when brought to justice.

"Disgraceful. Garreg Mach should be a welcoming place, but blasphemers like that likely ruin it for everyone," Auberon muttered in agreement with the other Lions' comments, "At least the guards handled it quickly. I hope that isn't a common occurrence."

The approaching crown prince seemed far less shaken by the spectacle than most in the dining hall. In fact, if Auberon wasn't certain that Kayden was present, he would have assumed the Adrestian simply missed it all given his casual demeanor. Perhaps the Imperial Palace had a regular issue with deranged intruders and he was just desensitized. Either that, or he was desperately trying not to seem out of place while he dined with the enemy, as it were. Surely the Eagles didn't tire of their own prince so quickly that he needed to search for other dinnertime company.

"You can sit back down, Kellen, His Highness doesn't need his seat warmed for him," Auberon offhandedly advised before giving Kayden his full attention. Respect was fine, but outright capitulating to a foreign noble just looked weak. He gave an inviting, open-palmed gesture toward the unoccupied chair beside him as he continued, "By all means, Your Highness. We were discussing chore assignment, I think. Will the other Eagles be joining us or have they banished you from their table already?"

@Obscene Symphony@Hero@ThatCharacter@POOHEAD189

SWAT gear was too heavy. Daniel wasn't sure if it was for protection or just so he'd look the part, but he was pretty sure it accomplished neither. He looked like a shut-in cosplayer trying desperately to look like some military character in a bulletproof vest, and the fact that his shoulders felt like they had an elephant sitting on them wasn't helping him avoid any fireballs. At least nobody tried to hand him a rifle this time.

The inhabitants of the lobby seemed to disagree with his assessment on his appearance; everyone was on edge the moment he stepped in the door. They were probably assuming 'crazy shooter' and not 'wimpy-looking fed' though, so he wasn't totally wrong. He swept a lidded gaze across the room in search of any security rushing to detain him, then made his way toward the front desk. Better to avoid a panic if at all possible.

"Agent Telem, FBI," He announced as he flashed a badge at the flustered desk worker, "I need access to the penthouse floor."

"Team is entering through the balcony right now," Daniel's earpiece helpfully chimed in while the woman was floundering for a key behind the desk. Even if she was paid off and alerted the inhabitants, it'd be too late. The worker sheepishly handed him one of housekeeping's spare keys that the boy took with an impassive mumble of gratitude. He approached the elevator at a leisurely pace - preferably, he'd like to arrive after the other agents had done their work - and he could blame it on the elevator being slow if needed.

When he stepped inside, any worries he had evaporated upon looking at the panel of buttons. Fifty-four floors, good god this guy lived way too high up. A key needed to be turned for the elevator to ascend to the top five floors, and with any luck it'd be a direct trip up. Surely VIPs didn't have to deal with forty-eight floors of people stopping the elevator to get in.

"Status report," Daniel muttered to the microphone wedged inside his respirator.

"No shots fired," The agent on the other end of the line - Miller - informed him, "they surrendered peacefully and are cooperating."

"Who's 'they'?"

"Two bodyguards with him, suspected fellow gang members. Maid's not working today."

"What do we have on this guy?"

"Nothing that'll hold up in court. I could barely get the search warrant we do have."

"Then why am I here?" He slumped back against the wall, watching the floor number tick higher and higher. If he went through a whole fifty-four floor elevator ride for nothing, he was going to be seriously irritated. He was thrown into this operation on short notice and with minimal briefing; if they just wanted to search this guy's house, Daniel shouldn't have been contacted at all.

"I'm sure he moved anything incriminating out of his suite after our last few visits. We're skipping the courts; you're authorized to execute."

"So I'm your patsy when this gets uncovered."

"We'll handle the fallout, don't worry. The penthouse is secure, you're clear to move in."

The elevator opened into a spacious entryway decorated with tacky art pieces that led into the suite proper. The furnishings were sleek and fashionable, if a bit drab, aiming to state the owner's wealth without outright flaunting it. Telltale signs of a search were strewn about, though it hardly looked thorough or complete. An extravagant wall-to-wall window looked out over the balcony and pool, and before it was a cozy parlor where three well-dressed men were being cuffed at gunpoint by Mal'akh SWAT officers.

"Oh great, more of them," The central, slightly pudgy man snarled, "I already told you, I'm not talking without my lawyer! You got nothing on me - I'll have you and your bosses ass-deep in lawsuits for this! You- Fuck." The man paused when Daniel finally stepped into his field of view. Evidently the guy recognized him, by the way his blustering stopped and he sunk in on himself like a toddler caught stealing from the cookie jar. That made things easier. Unfortunately, Daniel couldn't say the same. What was this guy's name again? The mal'akh had barely gotten a chance to look over his file. Some big name narcotics distributor. It didn't matter now, he supposed; the guy would cease to be anything more than an obituary header soon enough.

Daniel stood before the kneeling man and let out a long exhale, forcing a hiss out of his mask. Some of the agents told him it was intimidating, made him come off more inhuman, more robotic; like he was ready to execute his job with cold pragmatism unhindered by frivolous concepts like mercy or compassion. Daniel thought it made him sound like a cheesy movie villain, but Drug Lord Chucklefuck certainly jumped when he heard it. "Let's not make this difficult. Tell me where the drugs are."

One of the bodyguards swiveled his head around in confusion, evidently trying to fathom why his boss had been rendered speechless by some scrawny kid that looked like he'd lose a fistfight with a wet paper bag. The other bodyguard, a stonefaced daeva, simply hung his head, whether in resignation or simple nonchalance. The rest of the agents slowly backed away, though their rifles were kept trained on the men. Daniel suspected they'd been given orders to remain until his starmark flared.

"No idea? That's okay, I didn't need a confession out of you anyway," He continued humorlessly when his demand was met with silence. Narco clearly knew as well as Daniel did that his operation hadn't been compromised and he was facing no consequences here. He needed to change that.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about," The man stammered at last. Daniel needed only to shift his arm forward listlessly to send the man collapsing onto his back as he squirmed to get away. "Wait! Wait! Y-you can't do that to me! I've done nothing wrong!"

"Please back away," Daniel requested politely, taking his eyes off the man before him briefly to speak to the surrounding agents, "This could get dangerous."

"I'll talk, I'll talk- I'll tell you everything you wanna know! Please!" No conviction, typical. How this man was considered 'ruthless', Daniel would never know. Terrorists met their fate fearlessly, choking out 'Death to America' even as they drowned in their own blood. Common criminals just begged like dogs in the end. "The warehouse down on 25th Avenue! It's under a proxy company's name!"

"D'you get that?" Daniel asked into the microphone.

"Confirmed." Agent Miller responded after a short delay, "Take them out."

The mal'akh regarded the man coldly as he knelt down beside him. The fat bastard was halfway to a heart attack, judging by the way he was panting; his eyes darted about rapidly in search of any threat from the diminutive Starweaver as sweat pooled on his greasy brow. He obviously hoped - prayed - that Daniel had simply moved to pick him up and drag him into custody. He was wrong. A crimson light emerged above Daniel's brow at the apex of his starmark and slowly traced the rest of the shape downward, like spilled blood trickling down a surface. He clamped his hand over the unfortunate victim's mouth in an uncharacteristically lively movement, barely giving him a chance to yelp before his fate was sealed. The soon-to-be former drug lord thrashed wildly on the floor like a restrained animal, screaming muffled agonies into Daniel's palm as infectious gas was pumped into his lungs.

"You ca- you can't do this to me!" He gasped after Daniel released him, still floundering uselessly against the magitech restraints on his wrists. The other agents swiftly made their exit and retreated to the balcony, content to watch the show from behind the window rather than risk any chance of exposure.

"I coopera-" The man started before he was cut off by a sudden coughing fit. A cloud of gaseous death emerged from his wheezing to consign his two associates to the same grave. Ever the stoic one, the daeva followed soon after, doubling over in weakness and pain as symptoms started manifesting. The final bodyguard managed to force himself to his feet and staggered toward the door, though the starmark above his head made it quite obvious that last bit of rebellion was futile.

Daniel flexed his tattered wings and chambered his hand at his side to ready a spell. Ribbons of light swirled about his fingers and the air turbulently rippled before the boy's palm; it wasn't much, but it'd be enough to knock the fleeing gangster over. He couldn't let this guy leave, but if Miller ordered them killed by Contagion, he probably didn't want bullets involved. Too many questions they wouldn't be able to answer during the autopsy. When the vibrations reached their crescendo, the mal'akh thrusted his hand toward the fleeing man to send a bolt of kinetic force into his back and force the poor damned soul back to the ground for execution. "You're already infected. Running accomplishes nothing."

He'd learned to tune out the screams and pleading by now, but it brought him no joy that he would have to stay at least until the trio was too sick to even struggle. Quite frankly, he wanted out of this vest - it really was too heavy. Settling for a short rest instead, Daniel made his way back to the entryway and took a seat on a chair he'd passed on the way in.

"Good work. The cleanup crew is waiting for the all-clear," Daniel's earpiece alerted him.

"Isn't he more valuable alive and in custody? He did confess," The Starweaver pondered allowed for Agent Miller's benefit.

"We bent too many rules here having you threaten him like that, and this guy has enough pull with local prison gangs that locking him up won't stop him. It's safer this way; forensics wants nothing to do with your targets. Once we have the warehouse, their whole operation will collapse anyway."

The mal'akh audibly sighed. He was still convinced Miller dragged him into a river of shit for an anticlimactic payoff. Probably had a promotion riding on taking down the dealers around here and felt cocky enough to skirt the law to get it.

"Don't give me that attitude," Agent Miller continued, "The higher-ups are extremely impressed with your work. I heard the CIA pulled your file; you might be due for reassignment."

"The CIA? Great." Just what he needed, to get shipped off to take part in bioterrorism in Nowhere-istan. Maybe that was the plan all along and the feds just finally decided he could keep a secret; he certainly sat through enough lectures on discretion the first time he got a security clearance. Daniel shot a glance back to the men writhing on the floor in the other room. They'd started developing pustules by now; he was certain if he could still smell through his mask, the telltale metallic tang of blood would be heavy in the air. As disheartening as it was, there was probably little difference between his current work and any tasks he'd be assigned from the CIA. They knew he wouldn't refuse anyway.

It wasn't much of a surprise Lienna had been grouped with the commoners, she was merely betrothed to a noble and not quite one herself yet. Whoever was in charge of boarding arrangements probably gave a passing glance to her family name and moved on - or maybe they'd just watched her eat something. Seriously, she was dipping her fingers in that? That wasn't even ignorance, it was just dirty. No, that wasn't quite fair - she'd probably seen someone picking apart a dessert bread with their hands before and assumed all pastries were consumed that way.

She seemed a bit prickly, though Auberon supposed that could be attributed to the mix-up. Maybe she got into an argument over it. All the more reason to whip her into shape, if she was going to take her status that seriously. It wouldn't reflect well on her if she tried to leverage her husband's title against someone and the slighted party later caught her using a salad knife to butter bread. A shame she missed the sermon, too; as Derec said, it truly was remarkable. Auberon would have to discuss attending as a group with them, but some people were very private with their faith and he didn't want to impose.

The blond worked on his meal while Lienna continued, in no rush to respond. The sauce did indeed salvage the dish, and he had to admit it certainly beat many dishes from Faerghus in the flavor department. Not that he was surprised, the climate was hardly ideal for growing spices. Kellen's addition caught him a bit off guard; he didn't expect the resident timid mouse to be very lively about the combative aspects of their education. If he intended to build confidence through prowess on the battlefield, though, Auberon certainly couldn't blame him. Besides, he was never going to trample the Black Eagles banner into the mud and rub His Imperial Highness' face in it if he was the only one devoted to their cause. A companion with a warrior's spirit was welcome and encouraged as far as Auberon was concerned. He set down his utensils on the plate and dabbed a bit of sauce off his lips with his napkin before responding.

"I did. No word on curriculum yet, but I can't imagine they'll make us wait too long. From what I hear about past years we have live combat exercises once a month or so, but the Archbishop did admit he intends to change things up. Professor Michail only gave me a quick overview of my responsibilities before I was whisked off by the Golden Deer's leader to meet the Crown Prince." Or delegated the task to Jorah, in any case, "I wouldn't worry though, I'm sure we'll be sparring in no time." Auberon nodded toward Kellen, taking his question as a sign of enthusiasm. "I'm in charge of assigning you all weekly chores around the monastery, so if you have any preferences or decide you have a sudden urge to do menial paperwork with me, do let me know. Since I don't really know any of you yet, I haven't quite decided on the specifics beyond that. Evidently a lesson in dining etiquette is in order for those of lower birth," He made an open-palmed gesture toward Lienna's plate, "and Kellen should probably go meet with one of the tailors and do something about those sleeves, but those are both easily accomplished and shouldn't take more than an hour. As always, I'm open to suggestions."

Being an authority figure here was hard - the academy wasn't structured in a way that made sense with the natural order of society. House Leaders weren't the sole figures meant to command - Kayden aside - and the rest of the House members weren't simply lessers meant to be commanded. Other than Derec, these were his future peers. Kellen even outranked him theoretically, though it would rely on the entire chain of succession before him dying tragically to occur in practice. Auberon had the burden of guiding their growth when he was in the same position they were. It was reassuring that they all expected grand plans out of him so soon, but the fact that he had nothing to give them without more information was a tad disheartening. He'd have to ask the Archbishop for guidance; at least one of his advisors among the Church must have an idea of what he could do to most effectively supplement the curriculum.

"I was invited to tea with Lady von Edmund and the Archbishop earlier, so perhaps I'll have something more concrete for you all once I have more context on what exactly goes on here at the academy. Apologies, I'm a bit underinformed at the moment. Just know I won't settle for anything less than a total Blue Lions victory and I hope you all feel the same."

@Obscene Symphony@Hero@ThatCharacter

Nerve-wrecking. Landar's ballsack, this girl was trying to test him. A room full of fucking nerds was the last thing that would make Maxwell Alderman nervous. Was that what she thought he was? Some insecure little shithead hiding behind fifteen coping mechanisms of being offputting because strangers are scawwy? Did she know who his vampire was? She was lucky they were getting kicked out, quite frankly, because any further conversation with Madison was bound to end in disaster.

Speaking of disasters, Lilie was back to simping in record time. Yes, the Retriever probably got yelled at and yes, he looked tired. That was par for the course, what the fuck was she so worried for? They'd always been on each other but this was a new level. Or maybe Max just hadn't been paying attention previously. No, this was definitely new. Ugh, they probably had some ugly moonlit makeout session like one of Eris' corny romance films and now they think they're being subtle. Horny fucking animals. Whatever, it'd be good blackmail if Aaron ever got too difficult with him. And surprise, surprise; Salem jumped in for sloppy seconds. These people were getting too predictable, though Salem might've just wanted to talk about... what the hell did Eris say they were up to? Illegal basket weaving or something. As long as that hippie wasn't chasing after him, he didn't really care.

Max stood from his seat and made his way to the exit, if only to stretch his legs while he waited for Eris to finish whatever inane mingling he was wrapping up. As tempting as it was for him to just walk home on his own, Eris talking his ear off on the way home and then getting a bedroom door slammed in his face was far more manageable than Eris throwing open said bedroom door upon his return and leaving Max with no escape. The mage took a haughty pose as he passed Aaron, peering down his nose at the blond in the briefest of acknowledgements, as one would any hired help.

"Mmm... Indubitably... Have a good evening, Mister Starag, hmm, yes," Max tittered with the most obnoxious nouveau riche accent he could manage, "Send my regards to the constabulary and the good senator... mmm, quite." He dropped the voice soon after with a flat glance in Aaron's direction. "Miss Dionne, pfft. You're such a cornball." Was he still a bit mad at Madelton and taking it out on Aaron? Maybe. Did Aaron deserve it? Probably. Max clicked his tongue with a cheeky grin and turned away from Aaron before he took up a spot near the door, casually crossing his arms in anticipation of Eris' exit.

Slighted again. The Goddess truly did see fit to keep Auberon separated from his housemates until dinner. Probably for the best; if he had to repeat the exact same introduction to separate people over and over again any more today he'd likely consider throwing himself off the monastery wall. On the upside, Kellen rushing off with some student Auberon didn't recognize meant the boy was at least making friends, so perhaps he'd misjudged how much of a complete wreck the Fraldarius was. A weird phobia of public speaking was far more manageable than... whatever it's called when someone consistently sticks their foot in their mouth during every interaction.

With all of the other Lions unaccounted for, the boy had little else to do but wander. He'd seen most of Garreg Mach's facilities only in passing, and while quite a bit of it didn't particularly interest him, familiarity with the campus was essential. Especially since he was evidently an authority among the student body now, for whatever reason the Archbishop had in doing so. He really should've asked while he had His Holiness' attention. He had heard rumors of a sauna on the grounds, which was probably the closest thing to a guilty pleasure Auberon could see himself indulging in during his time at the school. The bathhouses in County Galatea were positively divine in the winter months, if only because soaking in one was the only opportunity he had to feel his toes for a bit. It might not have been that cold this far south, but they were still atop an impressive mountain and the monastery was hardly a sunlit shore in Brigid.

Auberon's tour of the grounds ended at the dorms, and he'd only just opened his first trunk when the dinner bell rang to interrupt him. Well, there went any hope of getting his things put away tonight. He'd probably get roped into attending the Leicesters' party, if only because social convention demands he make an appearance, and he definitely couldn't afford to blow through his dinner and quickly retreat back to his dorm now that he had a guarantee his housemates would finally be assembled outside the classroom for once. After all that, it would probably be time for bed, and then he'd have classes to contend with the next day. For a day full of what felt like nothing, he really was still behind. Such thoughts brought him petty pride and fear for Fódlan's future in equal measure, given that he was evidently one of the more responsible students in attendance. Oh well, Enbarr wasn't built in a day, as it were.

The dining hall certainly exceeded his expectations, even under the assumption the first day warranted a grand feast to welcome the incoming students. If they were going to eat like this every night, Auberon would have to consider pleading with Ioannis to let him join the clergy at Garreg Mach, should his claim to Countship ever be successfully contested. Fish seemed to be the theme of the night, which was hardly the boy's favorite - he considered it too much of a commoner's meat to enjoy on special occasions - but the aroma wafting off whatever sauce they'd covered one of the dishes in was too enticing to ignore.

Though, as famished as he was, the food wasn't truly his objective. The party would likely have some manner of snacks, provided Jorah and his partner in crime that proposed the event weren't already hated by the culinary staff, and stuffing his face would be a convenient excuse to not participate in any of their 'Leicester hospitality' that was doubtlessly asinine and embarrassing for all involved parties. Once Auberon had finished questioning the mystery sauce on his plate with his eyes - unfortunately, it revealed none of its tasty secrets to him at a glance - he turned his gaze across the room until he caught sight of the other Lions.

And what a sight they were; Kellen looked like he'd gotten his horribly-tailored sleeves confused for his napkin - Goddess above, the boy really needed to get that fixed soon. Lienna was using the wrong fork, and she hadn't thought to rearrange the other silverware to even attempt to cover up the glaring hole in her place setting. Then again, Auberon shouldn't have been surprised; from what he'd heard, peasants barely even used forks; when their hands failed them, they were content with wooden spoons and chopping meat using the same filthy daggers they cut everything else with of all things. For once, he was actually thankful for the Golden Deer's existence - they'd make his house look more refined by comparison.

"Lord Fraldarius. Miss Orhneaht. Derec." He greeted them each in turn with a nod of his head as he approached, opting for a more formal approach with the duo he hadn't properly acquainted himself with yet, "Might I say you are all very difficult people to get ahold of." Auberon lowered himself into a seat across from Lienna, unable to stop himself from eyeballing the hole where her dessert fork had been. He reached for his dinner fork in an exaggeratedly slow manner; hopefully she'd take the hint and he wouldn't have to start a degrading lecture on etiquette the next time they ate together.

The blond blinked a few times and refocused on the food in front of him. Nitpicking a serf on their eating habits would last him all night; it wasn't productive. "I hope you're all settling in well," Auberon added politely. He was eager to talk to them, but more pressingly, he was hungry, and it wouldn't do to constantly hold up the conversation while he was chewing. Lazy platitudes was the safest course to start with, even if he was evidently dining with a pack of animals.

@Obscene Symphony@Hero@ThatCharacter

This is the corniest edgelord crap I've written in a hot minute. Let me know if you want anything editted or elaborated on.
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