Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
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You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
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Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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April 10th - ???

This plan was a disaster. While Daigo had meant to be a shield for the less-equipped students in their party, they were too scattered and panicked to actually follow through on that. There were a million things to do and three people to protect and Hoshino wasn't even helping and he couldn't be everywhere at once and it was frustrating! Worse, his decision on who to save first was probably the worst possible one; he didn't owe Mira anything and most of this was at least indirectly her fault anyway. And speaking of faults, two people who had been dragged into the mirror because of him were about to get hurt or even killed over his blunder.

"H-hang on! I'll... uh..." Daigo swivelled his head in a panic, his hasty assessment of the situation offering little to the frantic planning in his head. Khepri wouldn't get to Sasaki in time. Maybe if it grabbed her, he'd have a chance to free her before she was yanked into the well. But then his persona wouldn't be around to protect Genki, and the hands didn't seem to have forgotten him either. He could ask Hoshino for help, but his aggression could've been the only thing holding the monster back for all Daigo knew.

The redhead practically leaped in fright as a fiery explosion sounded from a direction other than Hoshino's angel thing. Thankfully, the shadow hadn't figured out elemental attacks quite yet, and instead he was greeted with Sasaki safely... riding a dragon? Daigo's shaky grip on his spear tightened at that, his resolve bolstered by the assurance that he hadn't made a fatal mistake. At least until she blasted Mira in an even riskier way than he had. Was he really the only one that didn't outright want the feline girl dead?

While the teen had seemingly regained his composure, his momentary confidence was shattered when another explosion sounded behind him, coupled with some kind of gibberish shouting that he'd imagine some kind of orc would do right before it mauled someone. Thankfully, it conveniently masked the unflattering scream Daigo made at being surprised for the second time in too short a period. Daigo winced as he turned back, half-expecting some new shadow to have manifested that was preparing to pounce on him. It took him a second to register that the smaller figure who snarled in some unfamiliar tongue was an Awakened Genki. It was a burden off his back to know that he wouldn't have to try and fail at playing protector again, but it did raise the question of just who the hell he'd been dragged into this place with.

The authoritative shouts from nearby the shadow's main body drew the boy's attention back to the moment. Orders. He could follow orders. No guilt if things went wrong. He ran forward after the first flurry of attacks from the others, spear in hand and no idea what to do with it. Once in range, Daigo seemed to shift the weapon into a variety of different grips and stances as if to test optimal stabbing ability. When an umbral hand swiped at him, he yelped and raised the weapon overhead to thrust it downward into the mask repeatedly. Hoshino did say 'stab it', but he really didn't feel like he was doing much.

Hopefully everyone's own adrenaline rush would blind them to him looking like a fucking moron.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo

April 10th - ???

The shadow was bigger than Daigo expected. Okay, he wasn't really sure what to expect - and in hindsight, he should've expected something with such long arms to be massive - but when the first part of the thing's body peeked out of the top of the well and kept coming, Daigo was at a loss for what he should do. He'd done a good job so far; clearly they could hurt it if they got it outside, but with Mira being sucked in and restrained so easily, he wasn't sure how to go about attacking it. Even tugging it around was exhausting, and he hadn't even been the one pulling. Or... was he? Was Khepri him? Or thou? Thee? If someone last week told him archaic grammar might be the key to understanding his superpowers, he would've laughed in their face.

Unfortunately, biology class quickly became more relevant than Japanese as the shadowy ooze engulfed his persona like those white blood cell animations he also didn't pay enough attention to. Khepri thrashed and pulled away with surprisingly little resistance as the goop sloughed off and the beetle creature tore itself free. Judging by how Mira had faired, Daigo had to assume his own body wouldn't be so lucky. Or the other students, now that the shadow was no longer concerned with only their game of tug-of-war. Khepri dematerialized in a tuft of flame rather than wrestle with formless slime, and the ginger made a few evasive hops to backpedal from the encroaching monster. Physical attacks weren't working on the body itself, so the spear in his hand was essentially worthless. Maybe Hoshino needed to light it on fire again. He may not've known what a neutrophil was, but he knew the thing was definitely flammable by the way it screeched at the other teen's attack. Wait, couldn't he do that too?

"Oi, Sasaki-san, Mori-kun, get behind me," Daigo called out while he internally fumbled with command of his persona. Even if he did get it right, they were just as likely as the shadow to get hit while they jumped around unpredictably.

"Okay Khepri, um... fire? Or, uh... no, that wasn't it. Maybe... laser?" The redhead deliberated under his breath while his persona reformed to hover defensively before him. His face twisted into a frustrated pout briefly before he shouted, "Just blast it already," though Khepri was already in motion from the moment it sensed Daigo's resolve. Another Kouha manifested between the figure's horns as its master snapped his head around sporadically in search of a target. The beam earlier was pretty precise; Daigo could probably melt Mira free without collateral damage to the girl herself. Probably. No, it'd be fine! Besides, if he left it to Hoshino, his flames would burn the catgirl too out of spite if not inaccuracy.

Then again, it might not be a good idea to draw the thing's attention now that he'd foolishly volunteered to be the unawakened's shield. Whatever, they'd all get swallowed by goo if he hesitated. If Mira was free, it would have more targets to focus on and less means to attack Daigo and the others anyway.

"IfthishitsyouI'msorry!" He frantically yelped with barely a pause between words as he released the beam straight at the mass that held their feline companion, careful not to pierce any area that was obviously wrapped around one of her body parts.

@Hero@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo

This bitch was already getting on Max's nerves before he'd even sat down. Too bad he'd have to follow her directions like a darling student and sit next to Lilie - they weren't friends, apparently. He figured he'd come to regret the act, since she might end up bugging him about practice or some inane crap, but it would only be a matter of time until she noticed he was in this class and bug him anyway even if he did avoid her. At least he'd have someone new to shit talk; with Varis (allegedly) dead, Max had absolutely nothing to talk about with the girl.

Once the professor actually opened her mouth proper, Max couldn't help but roll his eyes. Yes, yes, he was sure she was very tough with that chip on her shoulder from only being allowed to teach Baby's First Dowsing Course. He figured the principle out in a day or two, for fuck's sake. All Max gathered from that spiel was that he had to actually show up, but otherwise he'd already passed. His only issue was that he didn't have a fun nickname for the professor yet, but that would surely come with time.

Max slumped down further in his chair as Professor Mara transitioned into the actual class, attentive but not enthusiastic. He'd have to note what materials blocked his magic more effectively for future reference. Probably a function of density, given her limestone-concrete dichotomy example. Or maybe porousness? Wait, was that technically the same thing as density? The more he sat in this class, the more Max assumed he could figure all of this out dicking around in a practice room. No wonder this lady was so insecure. The mention of a practice heavy course was equal parts annoying and welcome; he'd get to hear her talk less, but that also meant he couldn't just nap through the class. And apparently his talents were written in a file somewhere, judging by the look she shot him when she brought up natural talent. Either that, or she saw him obviously bored to tears in his chair and intuited precisely what his plan was in this class. Personalized exercise these nuts, lady.

Maybe if he pretended to be afraid of mage collectors, Ryner would strike the Taldrin crap from his record. No, all the professors here were probably under magical obediance anyway, she'd likely wave him off or throw him in counseling or something equally stupid.

Turning his attention back to the bitch in front of him rather than the one in the front office, Max had a couple questions, but none of them were appropriate on the first day. Namely whether Salem could dowse the stick up her ass or not.

"Well she seems pleasant," Max muttered humorlessly to Lilie as he finally acknowledged the girl's existence.

April 10th - ???

Khepri faded with none of the fanfare that preceded its arrival as soon as the door closed behind them, leaving Daigo with a vague feeling of unease. 'Awakened' or not, he felt practically naked without his magical protector looming over him, and he had no idea how to call it back. If he even could call it back. The redhead still wasn't certain what had even happened back there, just that instinct had kept him alive so far and that too much thought was probably counterproductive in circumstances this nonsensical.

Of course, with the short respite from the shadows' assault also came a chance to analyze his new appearance. Daigo was Mira's Sun now, was he? It beat the Devil label, at least, but what the hell happened to his clothes? A cursory overview of his new attire didn't reveal anything too unusual, in fact it looked almost familiar. There was a display case in the entry hall of Kaiseki Hinari that housed a roughly similar harness that tourists used to fawn over. Daigo concluded his self-exploration with a haunted gaze turned slowly backward as an unpleasant thought crept across his mind. To his great relief, no tail waited for him back there, nor any other unfamiliar limbs.

A million questions about what 'Awakening' entailed raced through his head, but Hoshino seemed intent on rushing ahead despite Mira's warnings. The room they'd arrived in was almost homey, familiar even; no reason to ruin it by agitating the evil well so quickly. He could've at least waited until Daigo knew how to help out now that he apparently could. Even that was a development he hadn't quite processed fully, but he took it with the same grain of salt one takes the contradictory happenings of a strange dream. Daigo thought they were in the clear when Mira yanked Noriaki back toward the group, only to be promptly proven wrong when that shadow hand creature from before made its return.

Daigo hopped backward as one of the hands swooped for him, momentarily taken aback by how light on his feet he was now. That had to be part of the awakening - or maybe it was a side effect of the outfit. Was there a functional difference between the two? Unfortunately, the hand was far less impressed with his newfound agility, and curved back around for another attempt. Right, he had to look out for the other two as well, he couldn't just dodge until someone else solved the issue.

"Um. Sword?" Daigo called out experimentally, unsure of what to do besides mirror what Noriaki had done earlier. No sword answered his call, unfortunately. The teen persevered in lack of better options, flailing his arm as though he were swinging a weapon with each evasion. The shadowy appendage seemed to catch on to his tactics, and missed by a smaller margin on each attempt. It shot forward and Daigo made one last desperate swing, answered by a torrent of blue fire that extended from his palm to meet the aggressor. The hand drew back as it made contact with flame now solidified into blade, deterred but not defeated. Daigo held the newly-formed polearm before him awkwardly, as if he were unsure of the proper way to grip it. He wasn't even entirely sure what it was. It wasn't quite a spear; the point was curved like a slashing weapon, more like a sword with a very long handle. A glaive, maybe?

Whatever, he could worry about the semantics later. He heaved the weapon at the hand in an aimless tantrum, which only seemed to taunt him as it danced around his clumsy attacks in a mockery of his earlier dexterity.

"Get. Back. Here- Khepri!" Daigo tried at last as the burst of cyan in his periphery tipped him off on how to summon his Persona again. The Sun card fluttered into being before him, and just as the butterfly that preceded it, it shattered inside Daigo's fist in a blaze. A swell of fire leapt out of his chest and the armored figure seemed to materialize from it. No sooner had Khepri's hand coalesced did it seize hold of the shadow's wrist and shift its weight backward as plumes of golden fire exploded from beneath its elytra, attempting to outright yank the shadow out of the well by one of its arms. Daigo himself maneuvered around his terrifying other self, his weapon at the ready to sever the limb in case of any surprises.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo

Auberon didn't like the somber atmosphere that still clung to the class. He was guilty of it himself, in part, but the sight of it in others left him uneasy. It wasn't solemn determination that arose from tragedy yet, it was the uncomfortable silence of people troubled and in pain, and the debriefing that Michail seemed intent on hosting would only serve to rip open wounds that hadn't quite healed yet. Still, it was something they needed to hear if they wanted to improve.

Auberon listened intently to the professor's assessment of the class, sure to note every flaw and whether or not he had noticed it himself. Kayden was perhaps a more valiant man, or maybe a more stupid man, than he thought, if the prince had been willing to throw himself in the middle of several opponents at once. Kellen's internal conflict was an obvious liability, but it probably would've elicited more annoyance than sympathy from Auberon had it actually resulted in consequences back in the village. He made sure to nudge the boy's arm reassuringly as Michail singled him out regardless.

Derec's mistake was one the blond had both witnessed and failed to register. Sure, obviously anyone who had been tossed through a wall like a toy had to have done something wrong, but his moves seemed reasonable and sane at the time. If folly lied in the assumption his opponent was a mere mortal and not some wicked demon set upon them, Auberon personally found it understandable. The lesson Michail had used the redhead to illustrate was important, though, so perhaps that explained the gravity.

He was in the midst of patting Derec's shoulder for encouragement - Saint Cichol above, he might become a hugger if this continued long enough - when Michail commended him and Jorah of all people. Auberon knew he was impressive, the adjective was practically written in his blood, but every time he played that sequence in Luin over again in his head, he found his performance merely satisfactory. He never would've beaten that brute in a fight, but his pride wouldn't allow him to do something productive instead. In the end, he didn't help those people enough, and that wouldn't stand.

The announcement of a new student broke his ruminations, a reminder that replaying the event in his head wouldn't be any more productive now than it had been the night before. The Galatea heir twisted himself in his chair to get a good look at the new Eagle, though he couldn't say he ever accomplished that. His eyes swept over the nondescript figure that stood over a desk in the rear at least twice before his brain registered even a single facet of the kid's appearance. The newcomer was a pale, waifish boy that barely looked big enough for the amice around his shoulders that he seemed to cower under. House Bergliez sounded more impressive in the storybooks, all things considered; Auberon would've figured he'd been fished out of some gutter rather than a prominent Imperial line. All they needed was a soft-spoken Goneril and the Rose Unit would have a complete trifecta of failed sons from renowned military families. The blond's eyes trailed away from Rudolf and over to Kellen. He liked his failure better, most importantly because Kellen never actually felt like a failure when Auberon spoke to him. On the other hand, the Adrestian oozed 'pathetic' from every pore; he'd have to rib Kayden about that sometime.

As he returned his gaze to the front of the room, Auberon's thoughts returned in force. Three Deer receiving praise while his two Lions were criticized didn't sit right with Auberon, even if he couldn't find any flaw in Michail's assessment. He likely would've said something similar if they'd asked him, and the harshness toward Derec might've been out of place, but not unwarranted. Worst of all, Auberon didn't even have anyone to be angry at. Sure, his housemates' failings sounded bad on paper, but back in Luin he didn't see grievous flaws, just simple mistakes anyone could've made. Perhaps the blame lied in himself; he couldn't even get Lienna to go, let alone keep them all in formation once they got there.

The Goddess would see him through, as always, but the period of uncertainty that preceded it was always a difficult tonic to swallow.

"We should train together sometime this week," Auberon announced to the other Lions, "Can't let the Golden Deer outperform us this early." That didn't sound as encouraging as he'd meant it. Actually, it sort of sounded like chastisement. The blond's mouth parted to clarify the statement, though words never came. He had no inspirational speech prepared, no assurances of comfort or support, no way to transform the formless sentiments in his head into concrete language. If he just fumbled his way through it, he'd probably end up sounding like that Adrestian kid just did and accomplish nothing anyway.

When Rudolf had first received the missive that he'd be transferring into the unit personally selected by the Archbishop, he'd assumed it was a joke. When Professor Malathice had reiterated the statement to him in person, he'd prayed it was a joke. Things were going so well; he was pretty sure no one had even learned his name yet, and then, somehow, he was thrust into the top class at the academy. He hadn't even done anything yet! His performance in training couldn't possibly have warranted his placement in a more advanced class; he did horribly! Okay, so maybe he vaporized that hay bale with a target painted on it, but anyone could've done that. Besides, that guy from the ass-end of Ochs territory kept knocking him over, and that should've been proof enough he was an incompetent one trick pony.

And yet, here he was, seated in the midst of a group - with the future emperor - that had already saved an entire village of people from demonic beasts, if the rumor mill was to be believed. Or maybe they said it was a guy that looked like a demonic beast? He wasn't really listening when he heard those Leicester students talk about it in the courtyard earlier. Though, with the way the blond professor talked, Rudolf wasn't certain that the rumors hadn't underestimated the situation for once. Explosions? Seriously? Whole villages had sent gifts to some of the students here for their heroic actions and the faculty thought the runt of House Bergliez would fit in? Why did this always happen? Couldn't they just pay attention to him?! At least this guy seemed to take his appraisal of the students seriously. With luck, he'd send Rudolf packing just like Raymond and Valerica or whoever he was just talking about.

His hopes were dashed mere seconds later when Michail revealed he had no clue Rudolf was even in the room. Of course. As usual, the boy would skirt by on failure and be praised for it.

"Um. Hello," Rudolf finally spoke up as he was introduced, rising from his seat to help gather everyone's attention. He figured they'd never spot him if he sat there quietly like he'd wanted to. His eyes flitted about the room as he gave the class a few seconds to locate him just in case - he'd need it to gather his thoughts anyway. Guilt stabbed deep into his gut as some of the gazes around him shifted from unfocused curiosity to actually seeing him. He shouldn't be here. They'd depend on him to back them up in whatever dangerous escapades this class was evidently thrusted into, and all he'd be able to do is cower like an idiot. Then they'd even pat him on the back as they died in front of him because he couldn't support them.

"You guys are... uh, sorry. First of all, it's nice to meet you." Public speaking was never his strong suit. His voice was too soft, his eyes always drifted down to his feet rather than out at his audience, and his posture was improper and reserved. No one ever noticed that last part. They always assumed it was the very image of military discipline; after all, they hadn't seen anything to the contrary, and how else would Count Bergliez's eldest son stand? "I don't know if you heard yet, but everyone's talking about your mission the other day. You guys sound really impressive. I don't really know if I can live up to that standard, if even half of the rumors are true, but..." Rudolf's voice trailed off as he stared cluelessly at the table in front of him. Idiot. That tutor that called him a genius should've been fired. "Um, I forgot where I was going with that."

Rudolf paused to collect his thoughts awkwardly, and though he opened his mouth once or twice as if he intended to continue, no words ever came. He eventually just bowed his head and returned to his seat wordlessly.

April 10th - ???

No, he didn't want to jump right into it. He wanted to wake up and forget any of this ever happened. He didn't care about his 'potential' or corrupted people or anything, he just wanted one of them to drag him out of this hell already before those hands came back. Mira just reinforced what Daigo already knew; they couldn't even hurt that thing, they'd just have to play damsel in distress until Hoshino handled it. He hated being powerless, he never knew what to feel or how to act in that situation. His eyes stung, but he knew he shouldn't cry - no one else was crying. It wasn't his failure to cry over, he was simply a victim of unfortunate circumstance, as usual.

He forced an uneasy smile. "Please take care of us, then." It sounded lame even to him. The redhead trailed along with the group as they moved, wringing his hands together in a constant nervous fidget to stop himself from outright clinging to Genki. Maybe that girl - Sasaki, right; she gave her name - would play with his hair again if he asked. No, he'd just look pathetic if he did. The shadows that descended from the ceiling shortly after left any hopes of comfort unfulfilled anyway.

Mouths were even worse than hands; hands would drag him off to some dark corner, but these shadows left no question whether or not he'd be eaten if they got to him. He was nothing but a burden here. The only act he could manage was to not break down again, no matter how much he wanted to. Hoshino seemed agitated enough that he had to protect them, he'd only start to resent the fiery-haired boy if he had to stop and comfort him every time he was spooked too. Demon or not, Daigo really didn't want his new friend to hate him after only a day. It was easier to just pretend he was coping well enough.

As a shadow swooped past, Daigo finally collapsed on his ass in his best attempt at fleeing. Luckily for him, the creature refocused on the more pressing threat as Noriaki sliced one of its brethren in half. The redheaded teen turned and crawled away on his hands and knees as he sucked in shallow breaths, fighting back tears the whole time. He probably didn't have enough air in his lungs to start wailing that he didn't want to die. Maybe they'd call him brave at his funeral.

That face you wear doesn't suit you.

A voice that sounded almost like his own reverberated through Daigo's head, each syllable rattling in tune with a throb of sudden pain in his skull. The boy clamped a hand to his forehead and squeezed his eyes shut on instinct, curling in on himself on the floor. Was this the demon hand's doing? Or one of those mouth things? He dared a glimpse back up at his surroundings, his eyes now alight with a familiar golden hue. At least the mouths hadn't begun circling him like a pack of hungry dogs yet, but that was a small comfort.

Your mask is a poor imitation of the real thing; you don it only because you believe you have no recourse but to meet your bitter fate with dignity. That forced optimism will offer no solace to you. To do nothing in the face of calamity is to reject every outcome more favorable. Even if your demise is assured, the other self within you longs to discard the facade and resist to the very end.

The second bout of speech forced his eyes closed again in a futile attempt to alleviate his headache. Renewed nausea followed, which caused Daigo to instinctively clamp a hand over his mouth and left only a wobbly arm to support his slumped-over torso - not that he could bring himself to even sit up. What did the voice even mean? He had no choice but to cower behind Hoshino, unless it thought suicide was preferable to whatever those hands wanted to do to him.

But are all endings not also beginnings? The hour of creation draws near; the moment where vapid echoes of possibility may be actualized from nothingness. The cycle cannot be broken, yet each morning brings the promise of something new. Will you hold to this pitiful course as all you hold dear fades into the night? Or do you possess the resolve to seize the day, knowing your radiance may still be extinguished come twilight?

When he peeked an eye open again, Daigo was greeted with an unexpected visitor; a butterfly, glowing an ethereal blue. The insect descended listlessly to the ground and perched just within arm's reach. That was what started it all. That damn butterfly. William, Mira; they were all connected somehow, they all tricked him into a fate he didn't want. Daigo reached out tenderly at first, a pleading hand extended to beg the little creature to save him. His limb paused just before they touched. It was this thing's fault. It led him to the mirror on purpose. The cat might've wanted Noriaki, but this thing had wanted all of them in here. It wasn't salvation, it was just taunting him in his final moments. Steeling the rest of his resolve, Daigo forcefully slammed his hand down to crush the butterfly underpalm. It didn't feel like he'd just splattered a bug into paste. It didn't feel like anything but the ground, as if he'd imagined that anything appeared in front of him at all. Even so, he hoped the little bastard had felt even a fraction of the pain reverberating through the ginger's skull.

A genuine face at last. Very well. Let us begin the contract.

I am thou, thou art I.
If thou hast chosen this dawn to begin anew,
let thine emergence from thy false shell pierce this darkness
and stand astride the world as the brightest light of all!

The pain shooting through Daigo's head ceased immediately as he curled his fist around the butterfly he'd crushed. But it was no longer a butterfly; it was a key - the key from that weird dream, from that damn contract that dragged him into this mess. A card laid on the ground before him, depicting a sun with a face on it. It didn't interest him; he knew what he had to do now. Daigo rose to his feet calmly, despite the shadows now closing in on the easy prey.

The key felt smaller in his hand now, lighter. It wasn't a key. It was a match now. He didn't question it, just struck it along his sleeve to produce an unnatural flame of the same cyan hue as the butterfly. Daigo extended the match out toward the encroaching shadows, letting his eyes briefly follow the hypnotic dance of the fire rather than size up the foes before him.

"Carve a path," His mind supplied a name as surely as he knew his own, "Khepri." He dropped the match with the intuitive knowledge it would land right where he desired - right on the sun card. It caught with the same turquoise flame as the match, which smouldered only a moment before the whole card flared in an inferno that engulfed Daigo utterly. A horned figure rose out of the blaze, all sharp points and chitinous armor, glaring down at the shadows before it as intensely as the sun beats down upon the desert at noon. Daigo swept his arm aside as the looming creature mirrored him, dispersing the pyre around them in a single gesture.

The boy stood now in archaic clothing, his hair catching the light in all the colors of the sunrise as it shifted in the updraft of the supernatural flames. Gold-trimmed black lamellar, reminiscent of samurai of old and emblazoned with a prominent orange sunburst across the breastplate, rested over a dark shitagi that clung to his form despite its bagginess. Daigo was still hardly the picture of a fierce warrior; the cuirass lacked spaulders and provided nothing to hide his narrow shoulders, and his glasses still framed his face as boyish and unthreatening, though the rims had darkened a few shades. Nevertheless, there was a determination in his eyes that promised he wouldn't stop until he'd reached some far-off goal, as if the enemies before him were negligible obstacles that could be bypassed effortlessly.

A mote of light burned to life inbetween the forked horns of the Persona at Daigo's back, and its elytra spread angelically like wings about to take flight. A thin beam shot forward from the glowing ball above its head that seared a trail in the ground as it swept right through a shadow before him, which left the bisected halves of the monster to fall to the ground in a sizzling heap before dissolving back into the formless goo they'd originated from. Daigo then took an assertive step forward and Khepri responded, gaining altitude as golden flames burst forth from beneath its elytra like thrusters on a rocket.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo
April 10th - ???

There was a certain point where it seemed easier to just clamp his hands over his ears than listen any further to the cat... girl... thing's explanation of the shit creek they'd just drifted up without a paddle. He didn't know what 'corrupted' meant, or who she could possibly mean when she said someone close to him, or what that made him tasty to demon hands. Last he checked, nobody he knew was friendly with some giant shadow monster, unless it was Hoshino and his new tail, but kitty seemed to think he was on her side. Daigo believed her too; if he wasn't, he probably wouldn't have bothered to pull Daigo away from the mirror, futile as the act was. The glowing thing she pulled out of his chest was more worrisome anyway. Was Potential what made Hoshino look like that? Daigo didn't want to be turned into... whatever his new friend was, but if devil horns was the preferable transformation, he'd hate to see what corrupted potential looked like. And of course, the only way out was blocked.

The redhead stayed rigidly in place until the girl had walked away. Friendly or not, he didn't want her anywhere near him until he figured out what exactly was happening, and maybe even after that. It didn't sound like anyone really understood what was going on, and everything Mira, apparently, explained left him with more questions than answers. Genki at least seemed to take everything in stride, or maybe he just had a good poker face. He looked like a good person to hide behind for the time being; at least he was still fully human. Then again, if that hand wanted Daigo specifically, he wasn't sure hiding would do him any good. Quite franky, he wanted to pass out and rip up that stupid contract he'd signed while he was asleep if that was the cause of all this. William couldn't just put 'evil hands will murder you' in the fine print and expect to not get a complaint or two!

"Hinari Daigo," He introduced himself bashfully, "Um, thanks. For trying to help. Sorry I got you all roped up in... whatever this is." The boy fidgeted with his sleeves, keeping his gaze downturned rather than make eye contact with anyone. Once he'd collected his confidence a little, Daigo upturned his head and forced a sheepish grin, "I'm sure we'll be okay." He didn't believe it for a second, and his resolve faltered as quickly as it came.

"So how do we kill a shadow?" Might as well get straight to the point; more questions about where they were only led to more answers he didn't like and more stress. If they had a chance, it'd be less time spent in this place. And if they didn't... well, same result.

@Asura@RiverMaiden@Lord Orgasmo

Well. That wasn't the response Auberon had been looking for. He'd meant the question genuinely, but he hadn't actually considered what to do if Kellen responded negatively. He wasn't hurt; hurt people didn't run that smoothly. Kellen was just scared then. Auberon's first instinct was to yell at him, but that hardly seemed fair. He hadn't done anything wrong - and more importantly, he hadn't totally given up. Saints, Auberon was scared too, he just wasn't going to give these bastards - or Jorah - the satisfaction of seeing it. Still, if the Fraldarius boy stayed distracted like that, he was as good as dead the moment someone swung at him.

There wasn't exactly time for an impassioned sermon on the protective embrace of the Goddess, either, so Auberon sorely lacked in concise pep talk ideas.

"Hold it together a little bit longer," The blond consoled him awkwardly, "I'll watch your back, but you have to calm down and watch your front too." He didn't bother to look back at the other boy, instead keeping his eyes on the scuffle in front of him. Another consequence of Kellen's freak out was that he'd stopped moving toward the mages, which meant he was no longer the bandit's prime target. Professor Euphemia seemed to have stolen that honor, and Auberon could only tense in horror was he snatched her up by the neck in preparation for an execution. If he used her as a hostage, they were stuck. Auberon's eyes flicked to the side, which granted him minor relief that the ritual looked to have been disrupted. The village was at least safe, regardless of anything this monster of a man could do.

No, it was over for the chief regardless. If he tried to bargain his way out, Auberon had already made up his mind to charge him anyway the moment Euphemia was out of his reach. He probably knew that, though, which meant he wouldn't hesitate to kill her. Fortunately, he banked too much on his strength and gave little thought to his own defense, and the professor had wriggled out of his grasp while she delivered the most solid wound on him yet. His blood simmered at Michail's order, aching to deliver a decisive blow. There wouldn't be enough time for Auberon's Crest to flare again if things continued like this, but a reprieve from all of this stress was hardly something to complain about even so.

"You heard him," Auberon ordered brusquely just before he pushed off the ground at a full sprint toward the behemoth in front of them. He raced in toward the man's injured side with his axe low, holding his strike until he'd finished skidding and his feet were dug squarely into the dirt. From there, he hefted his weapon in an upward swing with the intent to sever the brute's already-wounded limb completely at the armpit.

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