Avatar of Scribe of Thoth


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2 mos ago
Current Yeah I just logged into my forum dedicated to elaborate games of let's pretend and thought I definitely wanna buy health insurance or whatever that bot is peddling on there
4 mos ago
You can tell who's still keeping their pictures on discord because the link breaks in like a day
6 mos ago
I think that’s just called playing dnd
7 mos ago
Y’all block people? I just flame them back
1 yr ago
Everybody I see complaining that this site is dead has like 3 IC posts total. My brother in mahz you pulled the trigger


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I'm late to the party, y'all full up on applicants yet?

Rokuto couldn't help but scowl at the scene before him. It was good to see that he wasn't needed, but these shopkeepers had far too much drama surrounding them for a group of people who were nearly mauled by a giant feline. Nice to see even Saffron was full of idiots hellbent on dying for their pointless principles just like everywhere else. He'd have to give that Cinnabar samurai his gratitude at the castle later when he wasn't in character. Sanctimonious as she was, she salvaged the situation expertly. At least the craftsman's nephew wasn't injured; being skewered on a persian's claw would definitely delay Rokuto's order, and he wasn't so heartless to haggle for a refund with a mortally wounded man or his bereaved uncle.

Though he would've liked to stay around and ensure the gate's security while the guardsmen scrambled around to address the fallout of their alpha Pokemon blunder, with everyone dispersing, it was probably prudent to leave before he caught any eyes. Besides, he had a hungry venonat to attend to. Rokuto shot an unamused glance down to the bug-type at his foot, who had already tilted his body upward to stare expectantly at its master. Spoiled fuck.

"Fine. Let's go," He sighed, beckoning his Pokemon as he turned back toward the inn. Poyo bounced after him dutifully as ever, its mandibles clicking out a happy chitter at the prospect of breakfast at last. Despite the lucky fact that he hadn't needed to engage with the persian, that incident had admittedly still soured Rokuto's appetite. He could probably manage to shove down some rice while Poyo gorged itself.

It was a small comfort that no one involved in the attack had returned to the inn - they'd probably do something stupid like want to talk about it with him - and even more surprisingly, that 'Ikoma' actually did save his meal for him. Poyo leapt for his food once or twice, not making much in the way of altitude but still reaching heights sufficient to catch Rokuto's attention - and annoyance.

"Down. You make a mess, so we're going outside to eat," The boy announced, bowl of rice cupped in one hand and fruit in the other. Once out in front of the inn - and certain no one thought he was stealing bowls or something by walking out - Rokuto gently set the procured fruit on the ground. Poyo wasted no time lifting up his meal with his grubby little paws to rip away the rind and gnaw into the succulent flesh inside, though his master dug his chopsticks into his own breakfast at a languid pace, his eyes drifting about listlessly as if boredly searching for amusement. The reality was quite the opposite; Rokuto could stand to avoid any excitement for at least the next week, but he'd probably have to look into the culprit behind that attack. At least long enough to confirm it really was a freak accident, a mere out of control alpha that strayed too close to the village and got hungry. Though unveiling a puppeteer that manipulated a rampaging Pokemon into breaching Saffron's defenses would doubtlessly ingratiate him to the Shogun, if it was the cover for an infiltration, they could already be inside the walls.

That was the possibility that really bothered him.

Rokuto's gaze turned down toward his lap bashfully as Sanzoku continued her interest in his story, though it slowly raised again after William took his leave. He was in the clear now, unless the brute of a woman next to him decided to strike up another conversation. Still, she was clearly a traveller, and it was much easier to spin lies to someone he'd likely never see again than a shopkeeper who he'd be in proximity to for weeks to come.

It seemed the universe was not quite so kind as to leave him to his vigil, unfortunately, because Rokuto's momentary reprieve from prying eyes was immediately ruined by an apparent Pokemon attack. What was an alpha doing this close to Saffron? And more importantly, how had the garrison not handled it already? Rokuto was right to be wary of this town's security, apparently. Unless the alpha was lured here as part of a targeted attack; all three warring clans obviously had their sights set on Saffron, and it would be easy for someone to slip in during the commotion.

Which unfortunately meant Rokuto would have to throw himself in the way of danger if he wanted to keep a solid eye on everything. It shouldn't be too hard to evade a single Pokemon - powerful as it may be. Even if it engaged, maybe he could embarrass the local defenders enough that the shogun might start to take him seriously.

"Sorry - save that meal for me, I have to go," Rokuto called to Ikoma as he dashed out the door. Poyo was definitely going to end up hungry and annoyed if Rokuto was forced to unleash him before breakfast, but he didn't like his odds handling an alpha with just a tanto. The boy kept his gaze skyward as he traversed the streets toward the southern gate, on the lookout for an easy way to scale the walls and get a quick aerial view of the incident. Every way up he could find seemed blocked by archers as they clambered up to their roosts, and Rokuto clearly didn't have time to explain himself to suspicious guardsmen at the moment.

Filing in behind the assembled warriors at the gate at last, Rokuto kept one hand on Poyo's ball and the other on the handle of the blade tucked in the small of his back. He remained tense as his eyes swept over the area in a quick appraisal of the situation, though he allowed himself to relax a tad once he noted the samurai on scene. That Cinnabar girl probably had the situation in hand, if what he'd heard about her around the castle was true, and despite the carnage in its wake, the persian didn't look like it'd withstand the barrage being thrown at it much longer.

The shinobi foolishly assumed he was in the clear until a lone snowflake landed on his nose. His head tilted upward for a brief moment in confusion before his reflexes took over and he threw himself under a nearby awning with far more deftness than Rintaro the diffident mountain climber seemed like he would be capable of, narrowly avoiding a falling hailstone. Too preoccupied to chide himself for his break in character, Rokuto searched frantically for a second threat, only to scowl as he followed the trail of Powder Snow back to some foreigner with a discolored vulpix. His thumb scraped the latch on his Pokeball, releasing his venonat at his feet.

Poyo looked up at its master curiously, its mandibles clattering in an unspoken inquiry about breakfast.

"Relax, you'll get your food in a minute," Rokuto grumbled quietly, "I want you on standby in case the situation gets out of hand. I don't trust Snowflake over there."

Ugh, so much for not being questioned. Then again, one could afford to be nosy when they were the size of a fucking tree. Rokuto certainly didn't look like someone who regularly ventured into the mountains, but neither did he look like someone that scaled fortifications in his spare time, so at least he had that going for him. Still, that didn't leave him very many excuses that were likely to satisfy her.

Naturally, Rokuto let none of his exasperation with the woman show on his face, and instead lowered his gaze and offered a bashful chuckle at Sanzoku's prying. The nephew came to his defense, at least, but Rokuto doubted it would help. The very idea that there was a secret to be kept typically pushed people over the threshold from curious to suspicious.

"It's- It's fine, really," Rokuto stuttered with his hands raised placatingly in response to William's outburst, "I'm heading north to Mount Moon; I wanna see if those magic sky rocks up there are real or just a silly fairy tale." He'd seen one before, up by Cerulean Bay, but the mechanics of these 'moon stones' actually falling from the sky seemed dubious. If it wasn't just a traveller's story, it was probably the work of some powerful Pokémon and Rokuto had no desire to get anywhere near its domain. They didn't have to know that though.

Turning back to William, Rokuto bowed his head in thanks. "And you don't have to rush if you're busy, I'll be in Saffron for a while anyway." The longer he took, the better, actually; Rokuto was stuck in town at the Shogun's whim, and only Celebi knew when the man would stoop to utilizing a shinobi with questionable allegiances over his own trusted men. It would be ideal to have an excuse keeping him in town than coop himself up in the castle because the townsfolk started recognizing him.

Speaking of suspicious, Rokuto needed some food in front of him if he intended to blend in for much longer. Otherwise he'd have to milk the giant lady for conversation, and that sounded like a recipe for disaster if she got curious on him again. He waved the server over hesitantly and fumbled out an order, tacking on an extra helping of fruit for Poyo's sake. Not that he was particularly keen on letting it out of the Pokéball around his food - or a houndour, for that matter - but with the way he'd seen venomoths chew through fabric, a hungry venonat was the last thing he wanted around his lovely collection of disguises.

Maybe he could be a homeless beggar next time he switched up his persona if it became a problem.


Mornings in the city should be calm. No threat of raids or rampaging Pokémon, minimal threat of waking up to a knife at one's throat - granted, Rokuto was tucked away safely in the castle, much to his displeasure, but one could never be too careful. Still, the rapid scuffling noise that he awoke too was far too close to be the antics of an overeager servant. As the boy shot up alertly in his futon, he was greeted not with an intruder but a large puff of purple that fidgeted and vibrated in the corner.

"You better not be chewing holes in my clothes again," Rokuto wearily groaned as he rose to his knees for a better look at what the venonat was doing. While not quite mischief, its claws scraped frantically across its face and antennae in a sort of preening gesture, sending wisps of purple dust descending to the ground beneath it.

Pulling a blanket over his mouth to avoid breathing any of the poisonous refuse in, Rokuto finally stood to shoo his Pokémon away. "Ugh, you're gonna kill someone - do that outside. Back in the ball," He ordered with the bug-type's Pokéball brandished. Poyo offered nothing to defend itself, and it merely tilted curiously and gurgled in response before complying. At least the thing knew how to listen. Unfortunately, Rokuto was left with the challenge of getting poison powder out of a tatami mat.

Ugh, whatever; the servants could handle it. If the Shogun's men were so insistant that he stay in the castle, it was the least they could do. As Rokuto made his way out of his room and into the mazelike corridors of the castle, he immediately scanned the area for one of the castle staff. Petty or not, he didn't want some housekeeper ending up sick because they blundered into his room with a broom unprepared.

"Can you do me a favor? Tell whoever cleans my room to be careful when they're sweeping; there's venonat dust everywhere," Rokuto offhandedly mentioned to the first servant he passed. He lingered just long enough to ensure the man understood, then quickly went on his way. The earlier he could vacate the castle, the better; it was hard to put on a convincing act when half the town had witnessed him leaving the Shogun's palace an hour earlier. Luckily, he could stuff a wig under his haori easily enough.

Rokuto ducked out of the gates at the tail end of a samurai's procession under the veil of a wide-brimmed hat, then made his way immediately to the inn. Not for the food, but to catalogue any new travellers that lingered in Saffron. Anyone he recognized would surely be of interest to the Shogun - and spirits knew, Rokuto needed all the help he could get ingratiating himself to the man - but more importantly, it told him exactly who to avoid when a visitor fumbled in bearing Viridian Clan heraldry.

The inn itself was as it always was; a few merchants already in a rush to attend their business, a passing warrior or two seeking their next client, and of course, that machoke of a woman that Rokuto had seen around town lately. The boy settled on a cushion across from the monster in question, hoping her outlandish stature would draw lingering eyes away from him. It wasn't until he heard a vaguely familiar voice that Rokuto realized he'd miscalculated. The assistant - or nephew, apparently - from that shop where he'd commissioned a new grappling hook was right there. Normally it wouldn't bother Rokuto in the slightest, but that purchase was a bit hard to justify for an ordinary traveller. Then again, this guy didn't seem like the type to ask many questions.

"Oh hey, you're that guy from the shop!" Rokuto enthusiastically pointed out, suddenly wide-eyed and eager in contrast to the sullen expression he'd nursed all morning, "D'you know when your uncle - I think you said - will be finished with that climbing gear? The order was for Rintaro." At least this would save him a trip to the market today to check up on the status of his order.

Working on a shinobi that I’m mostly done with, I’ll probably have it up soon.
I was expecting one of these RPs but only 4 days after release is pretty impressive. Either way, sounds neat.
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