"I was gone for far to long and I knew things had changed completely... I was now living a life I thought I'd never think would exist for anyone, but here it was. My past was gone and my life had passed. It was only like as if it were yesterday that it all started where I had met Amy and Shino, and everyone else. I never really called him by his name. The day I remember staying at a fancy hotel avoiding my guardians and then getting out the next day so I wouldn't have to pay. I woke that morning by the sound of a woman who broadcast-ed the seen of the explosion. Early that morning when I left I sat outside on the hotel's side walk that lined the street. I was on the corner on a curb thinking and there a few fire trucks had flown by with that one word that started it all "hel-" hello. The girl that tried to say hi to me from the other side of the road as fire trucks passed by. Funny how if I never heard that, I might have never followed her and know the life I now have. There was so much to our story that just vanished and could never come back. The memories of the people are so hard to hold on to now. The cop, no investigator Helsing... no that couldn't be his name or was it... the man was one who knew what was right and who did what was needed. Why the hell did he ever even use that one riot gun(COP .357 Magnum). It was interesting how he made it work like a shot gun though. That kid with the black hair, I had forgotten his name too... Alex? The one who would start everything. The explosion and the fire was so vague and he was the one in the middle of it. He was the one who started it all even though he didn't know... When he came into my life he claimed to had forgot his past... Helsing was the first of us to met him... Wait I forgot about Amy... She had a major part in that eventful day... Didn't she lose control at the scene? Something had happened with her that day too and I think Akoma was to blame for it! Akoma had been a problem, but yet he was a valued member of the team. Though Amy had to sometimes suffer because of him. Akoma was some kind of demon that lived inside of Amy attached to her blood. Akoma took forms as different things too. ...Amy, Shino, Alex, Helsing... there were more... one with the power of electricity... There was also that guy on that motor cycle who fought Alex... or was Alex that guys name? I don't know that was part of a story going on that I wasn't apart of. I remember though that this guy had a similar power to one of Shino's. The last thing I remember doing during that time was when I was with Shino at the one "Black" member's house..... That bridge was the last of anything else I could remember... Alex had been shot and Helsing and some other cop that joined him had guns pointed at a man that had the motorcyclist restrained on a bridge. Amy was there too where she was also wielding Akoma. There things got blurry when the c4 went off.... ". It was a entry from a few years ago and now it needed to be forgotten.
Who would have known that I would have become part of "Black". Black was the enemy and Black was the entire reason life was how it was since that day of the explosion. I was now a high ranking member of the "Organization" who had a very large role in the fight against what I used to call the "Gifted"? Me becoming part of the Black organization seemed like something that would never happen in a million years, but not because of what their purpose was, but who I was. I had come into contact with some gifted souls and Black thought I was likely a gifted as well. I was a bum. A under aged bum who grew up wrong, who was nothing more than a run away with no outstanding features. There was no way that I would be accepted as one of Black's organization, given my background and skills. They wanted nothing to do with me or would have if it weren't for the one who found me...
The situation was out of control and ground zero was to late. The problem was escalating impossibly faster than expected and containment was a lost option. There was no recovering after our mistake down there. But, how was it supposed to fix itself after what we started. It was like Man's curiosity that made Eve eat the fruit that brought upon the world's illness. Looking, watching, testing all of which was to blame and now again we see god had tested us. This time the illness would result in our end...