Qinglong's Characters
(OC Character)

Name: Mikhail Meyer
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (pre slam), 24 (post slam)
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 76 kg
Rank/Title: Lieutenant JG (Pre Slam)
Special: Image Feedback System
Alignment: Hero (pre Slam)
Pre Slam
Youngest son of the current head of Meyer Industries, Mikhail was drafted into the Earth Defense Command Land Base stationed on Mars as an Ensign and mobile suit pilot. Prior to joining Mikhail was enhanced with the Image Feedback System (nanomachines) allowing pilots to interface with various machines, however he complains he doesn't recall the procedure and it took much longer than his officers claimed it would. Mikhail appears bitter about the IFS and refuses to speak of his family, instead focusing his efforts on his duty. Mikhail's actions in regards to their mention imply instense disgust of the Titans and he would like nothing more than to be rid of the Decepticons which he sees as a thorn in the side of the EDC's mission.
Post Slam
After the Slam all contact and sightings of Mikhail were lost, causing others to presume he was killed during the event. However he has recently resurfaced in an extensively damaged Duel Gundam and seen engaging in terrorist strikes against supposed former allies, labeling them a threat to the peace of the Earth Sphere...
MS Mode
Waverider Mode
Name: MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
Type: Real Robot
Height: 19.6m
Weight: 27.2 metric tons
Strength: 35
Armor: 45
Firepower: 40
Performance: 55
Mobility: 55
Energy Output: 30
Sensors: 40
A limited mass production type mobile suit based on the delta gundam's designs. However due to being non standard mech it was difficult to incorporate into teams and was rarely used. Can transform into waverider mode for atmospheric flight across long distances thanks to its high thrust output. It is equipped with a bio-sensor, however it is less effective than the one installed into the Zeta Gundam.
60mm Vulcan Gun x2
Beam Saber x2
Beam Rifle
2-Barrel Grenade Launcher
Beam Cannon
Name: GAT-XR-102RE Renegade Duel Gundam Repair
Type: Real Robot
Height: 17.5m
Weight: 57 metric tons
Strength: 20
Armor: 20
Firepower: 30
Performance: 40
Mobility: 40
Energy Output: 30
Sensors: 30
Crudely repaired variant of the Duel equipped with scrap parts, Renegade Duel Repair's left arm has been lost in a previous skirmish, replaced with a camouflage sheet. The right eye was never fixed and instead a red optic was installed in its place. The missing left leg's foot was replaced with a "peg leg" to allow the unit to walk. A twin barrel beam gun has been strapped to the remaining right arm to make up for the losses in firepower elsewhere.
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS x2
Beam Saber
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
175mm Grenade Launcher
Twin barrel Beam Gun
Phase Shift Armor: Due to the addition of scrap parts, the right knee and left foot are not protected by PSA.
Name: BMD-00X-UR "Bermudeus"
Type: Super Robot
Height: 30 meters
Weight: 130 metric tons
(Final Stats TBA)
Presumed to be an experimental mech from a previously destroyed civilization the Bermudeus was recovered and outfitted for use by Mikhail after losing the Renegade Duel Gundam. Average pilots are incapable of moving the Bermudeus as the pilot must interface the machine. Sharpened Talons cover the left arm with a shield acting as additional defense (including a hidden energy gun) and hiding 3 Strike Daggers attached to the bottom of the machine. The Bermudeus utilizes "Odic Energy" for creating energy weapons and erecting a barrier. Strangely the machine is capable of performing a Higgs-Boson jump, allowing it to effectively teleport itself and certain weaponry.
- Odic Sword x4
- Claw Arm
- Shield (equipped with Odic gun)
- Strike Daggers x3
- Odic Cannon x3
Boson Jump
Odic Barrier
Image Feedback Control System
Signature Moves:
Odic Cannon Full Burst
A weapon capable of firing a wide arc, with caliber exceeding a battleship's main gun. The two wings flip over the shoulders revealing 2 cannons, along with a third cannon on its chest area, fires a wave of Odic energy at its targets.
Odic Gun Full Burst
The Bermudeus extracts ambient vital energy from its surroundings, and points the odic gun at the enemy, trapping the enemy with a stream of Odic energy. The shield is detached from the Bermudeus as it opens the third cannon in its chest area and flies up, connecting the shield to the cannon directly, and fires a destructive Odic blast at the entrapped unit, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion.
Final Odic Sword
The Bermudeus activates and deploys all of its Odic Swords at once, Boson jumping them into the opposing mech to pin them down before transforming the claw into a giant Odic Sword, boson jumping in bisecting the opponent before teleporting behind and above them cleaving them in half.
Final Odic Claw
The Bermudeus enhances the claw arm with Odic Energy before dashing forward and gabbing the enemy. The energy claw solidifes as it repeats teleporting around the opponent pinning them with multiple energy claws. The Bermudeus finishes it by enlarging the claw arm to triple its original size with solidified Odic energy while accelerating and slashing the opponent to pieces.
(Canon Character)

Pre Slam

Post Slam
Name: Eiji "Alberto Null" Asuka
Gender: Male
Age: 16 pre slam, 18 post
Height: 5' 7" (Pre Slam) 6' (Post slam)
Weight: 62 kg (Pre Slam) 69 kg (Post Slam)
Rank/Title: Gradosian SPT Pilot
Special: Human/Alien hybrid
Pre Slam
The son of an Earth born astronaut and a Gradosian noblewoman Eiji began his career at a young age as a pilot for the Gradosian empire upon urging from his mother, despite his pacifistic nature. Upon stumbling on the plans for the Grados Empire to invade Earth he decides to take matters into his own hands and steals the experimental Tracer "Layzner" to warn the Earth Sphere of the impending danger. Pursued by his former comrades in the face of his betrayal Eiji is torn between his ideals and the loyalty he swore to the Empire, going to extreme lengths to not kill his opponents. Little does he realize when faced with destruction the experimental Tracer will not go down quietly into the night, not until it fulfills its own preset objectives...
Post Slam
After the events of the Slam Eiji left the Earth sphere in shame, only returning months after the slam. Realizing his ideals could not save his home world Eiji has abandoned them and fights far more ruthlessly than before - which is surprisingly fortunate for him since the hunters from the Empire will spare him no quarter if they catch him.
Name: E-SPT-LZ-00X "Enhanced Super Powered Tracer Layzner 00 Experimental"
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 9.5 meters
Weight: 14 metric tons
strength: 20 (40)
armor: 20 (40)
firepower: 30
performance: 50 (60)
mobility: 45 (60)
energy output: 30
sensors: 40
The Super Powered Tracer is the premier weapon of the Grados Empire and was developed well over a century before they began plans of conquest. Originally created for construction purposes SPTs were later outfitted for military and reconnaisance use. Bipedal machines in design SPTs are equipped with multiple vernier thrusters for high speed maneuvers and come with over 20 different sensors. Primarily designed for use in atmosphere or space they can be used underwater but this was not a priority for their design specs and problems may occur at sufficient depth. The cockpit is located in the head and covered with a hardened armoured acrylic glass canopy. Wiring and lubricant cables run throughout the body with high power actuators for slow movements and low power pulse motors for quick combat motions.
Knuckle shot x2 (attached to wrists)
Calf missiles x2
LDR-00R Lasered rifle
Onboard AI (increases success of maneuvers, aiming and dodging over time, gathers data on opponent's movement patterns, will move the mech in preset patterns if the pilot is rendered unconcious or unable to act)
Distortion Field (projected warp in space which deflects energy and gravity based weaponry to a degree, has a limited effect on physical attacks)
Boson Jump
Flight Mode
Name: E-MF-SPT-LZ-00X-2 Layzner Mk. II "Enhanced Multiple Form Super Powered Tracer Lazyzner Experimental Mark 2"
Type: Real Robot
Height: 9.9 meters
Weight: 15.6 metric tons
Flight mode:
Height: 4.98 meters
Length: 8 meters
Wingspan: 11.35 meters
(OC Character)

Name: Mikhail Meyer
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (pre slam), 24 (post slam)
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 76 kg
Rank/Title: Lieutenant JG (Pre Slam)
Special: Image Feedback System
Alignment: Hero (pre Slam)
Pre Slam
Youngest son of the current head of Meyer Industries, Mikhail was drafted into the Earth Defense Command Land Base stationed on Mars as an Ensign and mobile suit pilot. Prior to joining Mikhail was enhanced with the Image Feedback System (nanomachines) allowing pilots to interface with various machines, however he complains he doesn't recall the procedure and it took much longer than his officers claimed it would. Mikhail appears bitter about the IFS and refuses to speak of his family, instead focusing his efforts on his duty. Mikhail's actions in regards to their mention imply instense disgust of the Titans and he would like nothing more than to be rid of the Decepticons which he sees as a thorn in the side of the EDC's mission.
Post Slam
After the Slam all contact and sightings of Mikhail were lost, causing others to presume he was killed during the event. However he has recently resurfaced in an extensively damaged Duel Gundam and seen engaging in terrorist strikes against supposed former allies, labeling them a threat to the peace of the Earth Sphere...
MS Mode
Waverider Mode
Name: MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
Type: Real Robot
Height: 19.6m
Weight: 27.2 metric tons
Strength: 35
Armor: 45
Firepower: 40
Performance: 55
Mobility: 55
Energy Output: 30
Sensors: 40
A limited mass production type mobile suit based on the delta gundam's designs. However due to being non standard mech it was difficult to incorporate into teams and was rarely used. Can transform into waverider mode for atmospheric flight across long distances thanks to its high thrust output. It is equipped with a bio-sensor, however it is less effective than the one installed into the Zeta Gundam.
60mm Vulcan Gun x2
Beam Saber x2
Beam Rifle
2-Barrel Grenade Launcher
Beam Cannon
Name: GAT-XR-102RE Renegade Duel Gundam Repair
Type: Real Robot
Height: 17.5m
Weight: 57 metric tons
Strength: 20
Armor: 20
Firepower: 30
Performance: 40
Mobility: 40
Energy Output: 30
Sensors: 30
Crudely repaired variant of the Duel equipped with scrap parts, Renegade Duel Repair's left arm has been lost in a previous skirmish, replaced with a camouflage sheet. The right eye was never fixed and instead a red optic was installed in its place. The missing left leg's foot was replaced with a "peg leg" to allow the unit to walk. A twin barrel beam gun has been strapped to the remaining right arm to make up for the losses in firepower elsewhere.
"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS x2
Beam Saber
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
175mm Grenade Launcher
Twin barrel Beam Gun
Phase Shift Armor: Due to the addition of scrap parts, the right knee and left foot are not protected by PSA.
Name: BMD-00X-UR "Bermudeus"
Type: Super Robot
Height: 30 meters
Weight: 130 metric tons
(Final Stats TBA)
Presumed to be an experimental mech from a previously destroyed civilization the Bermudeus was recovered and outfitted for use by Mikhail after losing the Renegade Duel Gundam. Average pilots are incapable of moving the Bermudeus as the pilot must interface the machine. Sharpened Talons cover the left arm with a shield acting as additional defense (including a hidden energy gun) and hiding 3 Strike Daggers attached to the bottom of the machine. The Bermudeus utilizes "Odic Energy" for creating energy weapons and erecting a barrier. Strangely the machine is capable of performing a Higgs-Boson jump, allowing it to effectively teleport itself and certain weaponry.
- Odic Sword x4
- Claw Arm
- Shield (equipped with Odic gun)
- Strike Daggers x3
- Odic Cannon x3
Boson Jump
Odic Barrier
Image Feedback Control System
Signature Moves:
Odic Cannon Full Burst
A weapon capable of firing a wide arc, with caliber exceeding a battleship's main gun. The two wings flip over the shoulders revealing 2 cannons, along with a third cannon on its chest area, fires a wave of Odic energy at its targets.
Odic Gun Full Burst
The Bermudeus extracts ambient vital energy from its surroundings, and points the odic gun at the enemy, trapping the enemy with a stream of Odic energy. The shield is detached from the Bermudeus as it opens the third cannon in its chest area and flies up, connecting the shield to the cannon directly, and fires a destructive Odic blast at the entrapped unit, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion.
Final Odic Sword
The Bermudeus activates and deploys all of its Odic Swords at once, Boson jumping them into the opposing mech to pin them down before transforming the claw into a giant Odic Sword, boson jumping in bisecting the opponent before teleporting behind and above them cleaving them in half.
Final Odic Claw
The Bermudeus enhances the claw arm with Odic Energy before dashing forward and gabbing the enemy. The energy claw solidifes as it repeats teleporting around the opponent pinning them with multiple energy claws. The Bermudeus finishes it by enlarging the claw arm to triple its original size with solidified Odic energy while accelerating and slashing the opponent to pieces.
(Canon Character)

Pre Slam

Post Slam
Name: Eiji "Alberto Null" Asuka
Gender: Male
Age: 16 pre slam, 18 post
Height: 5' 7" (Pre Slam) 6' (Post slam)
Weight: 62 kg (Pre Slam) 69 kg (Post Slam)
Rank/Title: Gradosian SPT Pilot
Special: Human/Alien hybrid
Pre Slam
The son of an Earth born astronaut and a Gradosian noblewoman Eiji began his career at a young age as a pilot for the Gradosian empire upon urging from his mother, despite his pacifistic nature. Upon stumbling on the plans for the Grados Empire to invade Earth he decides to take matters into his own hands and steals the experimental Tracer "Layzner" to warn the Earth Sphere of the impending danger. Pursued by his former comrades in the face of his betrayal Eiji is torn between his ideals and the loyalty he swore to the Empire, going to extreme lengths to not kill his opponents. Little does he realize when faced with destruction the experimental Tracer will not go down quietly into the night, not until it fulfills its own preset objectives...
Post Slam
After the events of the Slam Eiji left the Earth sphere in shame, only returning months after the slam. Realizing his ideals could not save his home world Eiji has abandoned them and fights far more ruthlessly than before - which is surprisingly fortunate for him since the hunters from the Empire will spare him no quarter if they catch him.
Name: E-SPT-LZ-00X "Enhanced Super Powered Tracer Layzner 00 Experimental"
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 9.5 meters
Weight: 14 metric tons
strength: 20 (40)
armor: 20 (40)
firepower: 30
performance: 50 (60)
mobility: 45 (60)
energy output: 30
sensors: 40
The Super Powered Tracer is the premier weapon of the Grados Empire and was developed well over a century before they began plans of conquest. Originally created for construction purposes SPTs were later outfitted for military and reconnaisance use. Bipedal machines in design SPTs are equipped with multiple vernier thrusters for high speed maneuvers and come with over 20 different sensors. Primarily designed for use in atmosphere or space they can be used underwater but this was not a priority for their design specs and problems may occur at sufficient depth. The cockpit is located in the head and covered with a hardened armoured acrylic glass canopy. Wiring and lubricant cables run throughout the body with high power actuators for slow movements and low power pulse motors for quick combat motions.
Knuckle shot x2 (attached to wrists)
Calf missiles x2
LDR-00R Lasered rifle
Onboard AI (increases success of maneuvers, aiming and dodging over time, gathers data on opponent's movement patterns, will move the mech in preset patterns if the pilot is rendered unconcious or unable to act)
Distortion Field (projected warp in space which deflects energy and gravity based weaponry to a degree, has a limited effect on physical attacks)
Boson Jump
Flight Mode
Name: E-MF-SPT-LZ-00X-2 Layzner Mk. II "Enhanced Multiple Form Super Powered Tracer Lazyzner Experimental Mark 2"
Type: Real Robot
Height: 9.9 meters
Weight: 15.6 metric tons
Flight mode:
Height: 4.98 meters
Length: 8 meters
Wingspan: 11.35 meters