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Qinglong's Characters

(OC Character)

Name: Mikhail Meyer
Gender: Male
Age: 22 (pre slam), 24 (post slam)
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 76 kg
Rank/Title: Lieutenant JG (Pre Slam)
Special: Image Feedback System
Alignment: Hero (pre Slam)


Pre Slam
Youngest son of the current head of Meyer Industries, Mikhail was drafted into the Earth Defense Command Land Base stationed on Mars as an Ensign and mobile suit pilot. Prior to joining Mikhail was enhanced with the Image Feedback System (nanomachines) allowing pilots to interface with various machines, however he complains he doesn't recall the procedure and it took much longer than his officers claimed it would. Mikhail appears bitter about the IFS and refuses to speak of his family, instead focusing his efforts on his duty. Mikhail's actions in regards to their mention imply instense disgust of the Titans and he would like nothing more than to be rid of the Decepticons which he sees as a thorn in the side of the EDC's mission.

Post Slam

After the Slam all contact and sightings of Mikhail were lost, causing others to presume he was killed during the event. However he has recently resurfaced in an extensively damaged Duel Gundam and seen engaging in terrorist strikes against supposed former allies, labeling them a threat to the peace of the Earth Sphere...

MS Mode

Waverider Mode

Name: MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
Type: Real Robot
Height: 19.6m
Weight: 27.2 metric tons

Strength: 35
Armor: 45
Firepower: 40
Performance: 55
Mobility: 55
Energy Output: 30
Sensors: 40

A limited mass production type mobile suit based on the delta gundam's designs. However due to being non standard mech it was difficult to incorporate into teams and was rarely used. Can transform into waverider mode for atmospheric flight across long distances thanks to its high thrust output. It is equipped with a bio-sensor, however it is less effective than the one installed into the Zeta Gundam.

60mm Vulcan Gun x2
Beam Saber x2
Beam Rifle
2-Barrel Grenade Launcher
Beam Cannon


Name: GAT-XR-102RE Renegade Duel Gundam Repair
Type: Real Robot
Height: 17.5m
Weight: 57 metric tons

Strength: 20
Armor: 20
Firepower: 30
Performance: 40
Mobility: 40
Energy Output: 30
Sensors: 30

Crudely repaired variant of the Duel equipped with scrap parts, Renegade Duel Repair's left arm has been lost in a previous skirmish, replaced with a camouflage sheet. The right eye was never fixed and instead a red optic was installed in its place. The missing left leg's foot was replaced with a "peg leg" to allow the unit to walk. A twin barrel beam gun has been strapped to the remaining right arm to make up for the losses in firepower elsewhere.

"Igelstellung'"75mm Multi-barrel CIWS x2
Beam Saber
57mm High-energy Beam Rifle
175mm Grenade Launcher
Twin barrel Beam Gun

Phase Shift Armor: Due to the addition of scrap parts, the right knee and left foot are not protected by PSA.

Name: BMD-00X-UR "Bermudeus"
Type: Super Robot
Height: 30 meters
Weight: 130 metric tons


(Final Stats TBA)

Presumed to be an experimental mech from a previously destroyed civilization the Bermudeus was recovered and outfitted for use by Mikhail after losing the Renegade Duel Gundam. Average pilots are incapable of moving the Bermudeus as the pilot must interface the machine. Sharpened Talons cover the left arm with a shield acting as additional defense (including a hidden energy gun) and hiding 3 Strike Daggers attached to the bottom of the machine. The Bermudeus utilizes "Odic Energy" for creating energy weapons and erecting a barrier. Strangely the machine is capable of performing a Higgs-Boson jump, allowing it to effectively teleport itself and certain weaponry.

- Odic Sword x4
- Claw Arm
- Shield (equipped with Odic gun)
- Strike Daggers x3
- Odic Cannon x3

Boson Jump
Odic Barrier
Image Feedback Control System

Signature Moves:

Odic Cannon Full Burst
A weapon capable of firing a wide arc, with caliber exceeding a battleship's main gun. The two wings flip over the shoulders revealing 2 cannons, along with a third cannon on its chest area, fires a wave of Odic energy at its targets.

Odic Gun Full Burst
The Bermudeus extracts ambient vital energy from its surroundings, and points the odic gun at the enemy, trapping the enemy with a stream of Odic energy. The shield is detached from the Bermudeus as it opens the third cannon in its chest area and flies up, connecting the shield to the cannon directly, and fires a destructive Odic blast at the entrapped unit, resulting in a cataclysmic explosion.

Final Odic Sword
The Bermudeus activates and deploys all of its Odic Swords at once, Boson jumping them into the opposing mech to pin them down before transforming the claw into a giant Odic Sword, boson jumping in bisecting the opponent before teleporting behind and above them cleaving them in half.

Final Odic Claw
The Bermudeus enhances the claw arm with Odic Energy before dashing forward and gabbing the enemy. The energy claw solidifes as it repeats teleporting around the opponent pinning them with multiple energy claws. The Bermudeus finishes it by enlarging the claw arm to triple its original size with solidified Odic energy while accelerating and slashing the opponent to pieces.

(Canon Character)

Pre Slam

Post Slam

Name: Eiji "Alberto Null" Asuka
Gender: Male
Age: 16 pre slam, 18 post
Height: 5' 7" (Pre Slam) 6' (Post slam)
Weight: 62 kg (Pre Slam) 69 kg (Post Slam)
Rank/Title: Gradosian SPT Pilot
Special: Human/Alien hybrid

Pre Slam
The son of an Earth born astronaut and a Gradosian noblewoman Eiji began his career at a young age as a pilot for the Gradosian empire upon urging from his mother, despite his pacifistic nature. Upon stumbling on the plans for the Grados Empire to invade Earth he decides to take matters into his own hands and steals the experimental Tracer "Layzner" to warn the Earth Sphere of the impending danger. Pursued by his former comrades in the face of his betrayal Eiji is torn between his ideals and the loyalty he swore to the Empire, going to extreme lengths to not kill his opponents. Little does he realize when faced with destruction the experimental Tracer will not go down quietly into the night, not until it fulfills its own preset objectives...

Post Slam
After the events of the Slam Eiji left the Earth sphere in shame, only returning months after the slam. Realizing his ideals could not save his home world Eiji has abandoned them and fights far more ruthlessly than before - which is surprisingly fortunate for him since the hunters from the Empire will spare him no quarter if they catch him.


Name: E-SPT-LZ-00X "Enhanced Super Powered Tracer Layzner 00 Experimental"
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 9.5 meters
Weight: 14 metric tons

strength: 20 (40)
armor: 20 (40)
firepower: 30
performance: 50 (60)
mobility: 45 (60)
energy output: 30
sensors: 40

The Super Powered Tracer is the premier weapon of the Grados Empire and was developed well over a century before they began plans of conquest. Originally created for construction purposes SPTs were later outfitted for military and reconnaisance use. Bipedal machines in design SPTs are equipped with multiple vernier thrusters for high speed maneuvers and come with over 20 different sensors. Primarily designed for use in atmosphere or space they can be used underwater but this was not a priority for their design specs and problems may occur at sufficient depth. The cockpit is located in the head and covered with a hardened armoured acrylic glass canopy. Wiring and lubricant cables run throughout the body with high power actuators for slow movements and low power pulse motors for quick combat motions.

Knuckle shot x2 (attached to wrists)
Calf missiles x2
LDR-00R Lasered rifle

Onboard AI (increases success of maneuvers, aiming and dodging over time, gathers data on opponent's movement patterns, will move the mech in preset patterns if the pilot is rendered unconcious or unable to act)
Distortion Field (projected warp in space which deflects energy and gravity based weaponry to a degree, has a limited effect on physical attacks)
Boson Jump

Flight Mode

Name: E-MF-SPT-LZ-00X-2 Layzner Mk. II "Enhanced Multiple Form Super Powered Tracer Lazyzner Experimental Mark 2"
Type: Real Robot
Height: 9.9 meters
Weight: 15.6 metric tons

Flight mode:
Height: 4.98 meters
Length: 8 meters
Wingspan: 11.35 meters

TehChron's Characters

Name: Aaron Gentles
Gender: Male
Height: 6'6
Weight: 180 lbs
Rank/Title: Guild Tech
Special: Freelancing
Alignment: Neutral
Bio: Aaron Gentles is a gifted Engineer of the Junk Guild, his skills with machines compared to some of the organizations best, even at such a relatively young age. A child of mixed Native American and Caucasian descent, he is one of the few Naturals to have won the genetic lottery, appearances aside. With his own inquisitive mind, stark rejection from his home community, and outright staggering technical ability, Aaron joined the Guild at the age of 17, swiftly winning approval for Guild Tech status. Some time into the First Bloody Valentine War, Aaron's Guild team investigated a battlefield on contract with the Guild's governing body to assist Lowe Guele's team when engaged, along with Mercenary Team Serpant Tail, against Rondo Gina Sahaku. Arriving in the pitch of the battle, several crew members deployed in order to assist in the fighting, however the the power of the three prototype Astray mobile suits present proved too dangerous, and Aaron's comrades were butchered in the crossfire.

As the battle ended, Aaron was left alone to salvage the remains of the battle, both in an attempt to lay his team to rest, and also to acquire any useful technology. He succeeded in both respects.

Name: MBF-01ReGHOST Astray Gold Frame
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 17.99 meters
Weight: 69.2 metric tons

Strength: 55
Armor: 20
Firepower: 20
Performance: 55
Mobility: 60
Energy Output: 40
Sensors: 50

Description: After the death of Rondo Gina Sahaku at the hands of Serpent Tail leader Gai Murakamo, the remains of the Gold Frame Amatsu were recovered by Guild Tech Aaron Gentles, who went about rebuilding the machine aboard his teams Cornelia-Class Tender Ship, the Nava-Hoe, as a means of getting past their death and ensuring his own survival in the dangerous world around him. After several months, he was able to work out the mobile suits basic design, as well as repair it's trademark Mirage Colloid System and unique Maga no Ikutachi energy claws. It was at this time, that the engineer discovered that as...interesting as the mobile suits armament under it's previous owner had been, it didn't suit his personal approach to engagement. While the Mirage Colloid was a godsend with it's stealth capabilities, the Guild Tech found that the firepower it could bring to bear was largely useless to him.

And so, having stripped down the extraneous weaponry to outfit the Nava-Hoe with enhanced methods of self-defense (Phase Shift Harpoons always being a nice touch), Aaron found himself looking for what exactly would suit his fighting style best...


"Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS: Mounted in the Gold Frame Amatsu's head are two "Igelstellung" 75mm multi-barrel CIWS guns. These light projectile weapons are used to intercept missiles and to destroy lightly armored vehicles, although it is classified as Anti Air

"Maga no Ikutachi" Energy Absorption Claws: One of the most unique new weapons of the ReGHOST Gold Frame are its two prototype "Maga no Ikutachi" energy absorption claws, which are mounted on the back of the suit. These "claws" can drain energy from the batteries of enemy mobile suits through the use of colloid technology, weakening them while at the same time recharging Gold Frame Amatsu's own battery. During the design phase, it was meant to be a non-contact weapon that discharged colloid particles to cover the area surrounding the Amatsu and drained enemy units that stepped into this field. This system however prove to be inefficient and is later modified to require physical contact between the claws and the enemy unit.

VPS "Tomahawk" Heavy Axe: A one-off prototype melee weapon, designed as a testbed for ZAFT's Variable Phase Shift technology, a future improvement upon the Phase Shift technology introduced during the war. At the cost of a steady drain on the units power supply (a major reason for why it didn't go into mass production), the Tomahawk would obtain a shifting hardness that would adapt to whatever it was striking against, sharpening and increasing it's durability to better match and thus overpower it's opponent with sheer brute force.


Mirage Colloid Stealth System: This system is inherited from Gold Frame Amatsu and allows the suit to disappear from both visual and sensor detection

Enhanced Sensor: An additional, ZAFT inspired sensor mounted in the head.

Phase Shift Armor: This feature is only limited to the right arm as it originated from Blitz Gundam.

Abilities: Aaron is a prodigy in mechanics, with an intuitive aptitude towards understanding and applying any new information. There have been hints that this applies to more than just mechanics, given the level of automation that allows the Nava-Hoe to function with a one-man crew. Also decently athletic, if malnourished.

Signature Moves:

The ReGHOST drops it's invisibility behind an opponent, before either draining the enemy unit with it's energy claws, or simply cleaving it in two.

Canon Character:

Name: Ali Al-Saachez
Gender: Male
Age: 35 (Pre-Slam)
Height: 190 centimeters
Weight: 81 KG
Rank/Title: Mercenary
Special: Hard to Kill, Trolling, Expert Mechjacking Skills
Alignment: Colossal Dick

Bio: A Former Freedom Fighter for the Republic of Krugis, noted warmonger Ali Al-Saachez quit the trade after discovering the unfortunate fact that, while hilarious, sending children to fight gigantic walking machines of death was not an effective battle tactic. Having allowed that mess to clean up after itself handily, Saachez went in search of the next big battle, and joined the PMC Trust, where his skills enabled the organization to remain relevant in the modern era. Was also attached to the French Foreign Legion under the alias Gary Biaggi.

Secretly works for "mysterious sponsors" who enabled him to obtain the location of, and ability to hijack, Gundams derived from GN Drive technology. Incredibly skilled in all forms of combat, most especially self-preservation, Saachez is is a shameless and unapologetic warmonger.

Also an excellent driver. His drifting skills are worth dying for. Some people already have.

Name: GNW-002 Gundam Throne Zwei
Type: Real Robot
Height: 18.6 Meters
Weight: 67.1 metric tons

strength: 40
armor: 30
firepower: 40
performance: 50
mobility: 40
energy output: 60
sensors: 40

Description: The Throne Zwei has something of a checkered past. Originally created in order to be a cheap knockoff of the Gundams possessing the True GN Drives, Throne Zwei and it's two sister units in Team Trinity went around mucking things up and generally being incompetent in the art of killing, given that each of the pilots had the emotional maturity of a five year old. Seeing this and getting fed up with all the kiddies getting the Good mobile suits, Ali Al Saachez got sick of the unfairness of it all, and asked one Laguna Harvey if he could get in on the GN Drive action.

In spite of his blatantly superior abilities, his request was denied, and thus took it upon himself to go and take one for himself. Tracking down the Trinity siblings in an outdated flag, through acts of pure cunning, ruthlessness, and the backing of one Alejandro Corner, Ali Al-Saachez convinced the Trinity's to speak to him face to face. This resulted in the immediate death of Michael Trinity, and the complete emasculation of his brother Johann shortly afterward. Amused, Saachez allowed Johann Trinity to board his Throne Eins before hijacking the dead Michael's Throne Zwei, and swiftly murdering him in Mobile Suit combat. The Throne Zwei has been Ali Al-Saachez's personal Mobile Suit ever since.


GN Drive Tau: The technical data of the GN Drives are regarded by Celestial Being as one of their most important and valuable secrets. In order to prevent exploitation, most of its data was kept within Veda at its highest security level and is impossible to directly steal. Regardless, the Corner Family obtained the information through an investigation team from the Corner Family that visited the satellite Europa, which the team found a Haro that contained data of the GN Drives. In the early stages of development, the focus was on complete replication of the original solar furnaces. This was to the point where even the first GNX-603T GN-X series was built with specifications that catered towards their usage. Their efforts on replicating the original GN Drives was eventually abandoned since they were unable to produce the special cores needed and focus shifted to creation of the pseudo solar furnaces instead.

GN Drive Taus (or pseudo solar furnaces) are imitations of real GN Drives, and while they are able to perform the same functions as real GN Drives, they are incapable of semi-perpetual energy generation or storage because they lack TD Blankets (the aforementioned special core), a component relevant to GN particle generation and utilization. The GN particle energies that derive from such drives disperse orange-reddish hues. The earlier Tau Drives that appeared in A.D. 2308 produced GN Particles that are optimized for beam weaponry, but produced a toxic form of the particles with high concentrations of it in beam weapons, which were harmful to the human body, such as shown with the cases of Louise Halevy and Lasse Aeon. By 2312, this issue has been resolved and conventional Tau Drive beams are no longer poisonous.

GN Drive Taus possess weaknesses that will always make them inferior to their genuine counterparts. Firstly, its particle output rate is less than a GN Drive's, meaning that one-on-one, the performance of a Tau Drive will not be able to keep up with a true GN Drive. Another handicap of the Tau Drives is that they require a special starter machine to charge and "activate" the Drives. The only known exceptions to this are the Gundam Thrones, who possess their own miniature start-up machines. It is unclear at this point whether these miniature start-up mechanisms were ever adapted in future Tau machines post 2308. However, the biggest weakness of the GN Drive Tau is that these drives depend on electrical power to continuously generate GN particles and is not self-sufficient without recharging, meaning that Tau Drives will have a limited operational time compared to true GN Drives and, ironically, technologically-inferior, solar-powered mobile suits, such as the Flag and Enact, which are lower in terms of performance. Because of these shortcomings, any machines powered by these drives will always have limitations against original GN Drives. While original GN Drives are superior due to their perpetual operations, the GN Drive Taus' advantage is that they are very easy to produce. In order to take advantage of this "ease of production" trait, large output mobile armors are installed with multiple Tau Drives.

By 2312, the Tau Drives used by the Earth Sphere Federation have been upgraded and improved as such their output performance can rival a 3rd Generation Gundam's GN Drive. However, because the original GN Drives have received further upgrades since then as well, the Tau Drives of 2312 still lag behind the Original GN Drives of the same period in performance. Prior to the latest (2314) Tau Drive mobile suit models, Tau mobile suits like the Ahead are equipped with sub batteries to help supply electrical Driving force (things other than beam weaponry, armor and thrusters). The latest Tau mobile suits are not equipped with a sub-battery due to the increased output of the latest Tau Drives.

GN Composite Armor: A defense mechanism used by GN Particle mobile suits. The GN Composite Armor is a system in which GN Fields are deployed within the small spaces within the armor in order to improve its defense capabilities.

GN Handgun: Used by the GN-002 Gundam Dynames and its successors GN-006 Cherudim Gundam and GN-010 Gundam Zabanya, the GN Pistols are used for short-to-mid range firing. The pistols are weaker than a standard beam rifle but have rapid fire capabilities. Newer generation pistols have secondary functions to double as a hatchet/axe. Unlike Eins and Drei, GN Handgun is attached to the left forearm of Zwei. Under Johann, Zwei rarely uses its GN Handgun as it often deploys its Fangs more often for ranged combat.

GN Beam Sabers: Stored on Zwei's shoulders. As the size of the beam saber used by the Thrones are larger than Exia's, its power increases as well.
As of 2307, Beam equipment in the Anno Domini continuity is still in the process of being developed by most military powers as a 2nd generation mobile suit armament. Celestial Being's Gundams are the first series of units to actually employ them on the battlefield. The sabers function by emitting a positron field which holds condensed GN Particles in the form of a blade. When in contact with another surface, the positron field breaks and releases the condensed particles directly onto the contact surface.Though such weapons are more versatile than solid blades, the GN particles composing the blade body may be subject to dispersion and other forms of disruption and grow less effective in different atmospheric environments. The blade sizes of beam sabers are also constant to one size for Celestial Being's units in 2307, however the 2312 saber models possess the ability to vary their beam saber size and shape depending on the needs of the situation, or just the wielder-pilot's preference

GN Fangs: Housed in two GN Fang Pods on Zwei's waist, GN Fangs are a collection of 8 guided weapons that can be used to shoot or pierce its enemies. When deployed, the Fangs would unfold their wings for flight and attack its target(s). Depending on the pilots discretion, the Fangs will proceed to either shoot down or stab through enemy mobile units. Due to their limited GN particle capacity, they need to return to Zwei in order recharge. In addition to being able to generate beam daggers, they also possess the ability to pierce GN Fields

GN Buster Sword: The GN Buster Sword is a large vibrational blade. The sword is attached to the Zwei's right shoulder. The main strength of the GN Buster Sword is impact from the heavy force the sword wields due to its huge size. It is also used as a shield because of its enormous size. It possesses the ability to generate a beam saber at its tip.


Hard To Kill: Ali Al-Saachez utilizes the survival instincts honed over decades of combat and terrorism to possess a nearly supernatural aptitude for escaping otherwise deadly situations.

Terrorist Mastermind: Skilled at brainwashing otherwise vulnerable children into religious fundamentalists, put to good use in creating the KPSA.

Mecha-NTR: Can steal other people's machines with relative ease via his superior hand to hand combat skills and pure talent in piloting. Poor bastards are generally left crying afterward, now bereft of their relevance in the wider scope of things.
SaintSaga's Character(s)

Name:Prince Loternus, The Envoy of Destructa.
Height: 1.89 meters
Weight: 90 kilos
Rank/title: Prince/knight
occupation: knight Leader and sole member of the invasion division, as well as the prince-soon to be king of his kingdom.

Power Above all,that is how the kingdom of Destructa strived and became the only kingdom in their world.
The world of Destructa was built on those ideals,holding power as the only value of ones worth,the strong shall be the one to rule and lead and protect,while the weak
still have value doing lower tasks such as cooking,building and cleaning.
From a young age, Loternus believed in that ideal more then anyone else ,as the next in line to rule this land.
As to be expected from someone who would become the leader of a world such as this, Loternus is the best warrior in the land, being a master at all of their combat
Techniques from Swordplay to Magic to even the rarest combat ability of them all, negotiations.
And so,only the final test to any future king remains, his ability to conquer an entire world on his own.

Mecha : Alternus, The pride of Destructa.
Type : Liberation mecha(Super robot)
Dimensions: 35 meters
Weight:1300 tons

Knight mode:

Strength: 30
Armor: 70
Firepower: 60
Performance: 40
Mobility: 40
Energy Output: 30
Sensors: 30

Annihilator mode:
Strength: 100
Armor: 10
Energy output:20
Sensors: 20

(While in Annihilator mode his mecha often gets damaged since its body can't handle its power)


The pride and Joy of the destructa empire, Alternus is the pinnacle of both their magic and engineering might.
Created for Loternus since Birth, it is tailor made to support all of his abilities,including his versatility in magic.
In Knight mode,the mecha is covered in Armor made from the toughest material in his world, enchanted even further with the use of magic.
In Annihilator mode however, said armor transforms into a Gigantic blade, however it puts a lot of effort on the fragile interior body of the mecha to swing it so it
often ends up damaging it, and it also only leaves one free hand at most which is why it can only cast one spell at a time in this mode.


The ArcRazer: A blade's hilt that can channel magical energy, it's the last relic remaining from the kingdom of giants that opposed Destructa centuries ago, now it's
a family treasure passed down from one king to the next.
The Monarchy cape: A cape that changes its properties depending on what form Alternus is using, in its base form it can deflect projectiles.
ArcRazer, Crimson Glory Bringer mode: Loternus casts a flame Glyph on it,causing a blade of pure flames that burns what it touchs to manifest on it.
ArcRazer, Ice cold Reaper mode: Loternus casts an ice Glyph on it, causing a freezing scythe the causes anything it touchs to Freeze, in this mode the cape provides invisibility to the mecha.
ArcRazer, Lightning Flash Excutioner mode: Loternus casts a Lightning Glyph on it, causing a rapier of destructive electricty to take shape which is able to increase its length at lightning fast speed and even cause other mechas to malfunction from the shock , in this form the cape produces electromagnetic waves that mess up the various systems of the mechas around it.
(more to come as the rp progress)

It also serves as the hilt for the armor sword in Annihilator mode.

Abilities: Can open a dimensional portal to his home dimension to bring in different spare parts for his mecha
Very knowladgable about magic,can create glyphs with hand gestures to use those spells. He only needs one hand per spell so he can cast up to 2 at a time.
Dumb Zombie's Character (Deceased)

Name: Kazimierz Lux
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Height: 174 centimeters
Weight: 65 KG
Rank/Title: Petty Officer
Special: Psychodriver
Alignment: Heroish

Kazimierz Lux is a pilot for the Earth Federation, selected for use with the SIMARGL not due to her piloting skills but rather due to her status as a Psychodriver. The SIMARGL itself was salvaged from a rogue faction which seeked to create a black hole engine without Extra-over technology, allowing them to be mass-produced for combat purposes. Unreliable and prone to failures, it fit Lux's flight record pretty well. It was around this point it was discovered that the energy system was actually a modified gravicon that used Psychodriver energy to push its potential over the edge. So despite her rather brash nature she managed to complete missions with her new mecha, and this luck of hers made her a capable guinea pig testbed for the new mecha. As for the titans and autobots, she's more or less completely content with how the titans due things, as well as the autobots. As long as they don't mess with her or anything in her way.

Name: 477-SIMARGL
Type: Super
Dimensions: 19.5 meters
Weight: 87 Metric Tons

Strength: 65 ( 45 )[15]
Armor: 45 (45) [45]
Firepower: 0 (70) [120]
Performance: 60 (30) [10]
Mobility: 50 (30) [10]
Energy Output: 50 (50) [50]
Sensors: 30 (30) [30]
( ) =T-Link Linkup
[] = Uranus Mode
The SIM is a mech created by polish scientists in attempts to replicate the successes of famous Mecha such as that of the Granzon and even Sanger's mecha with limited success on any of the fronts. It's surprisingly lithe and due to its energy requirements seemed to be fitted with a minimal amount of weapons, giving it a rather crippling overspecialization. It's outfitted with rather standard equipment such as a Tesla Drive.
Notable Equipment:
Modified Gravicon System taped [read:attached] to a T-Link System[Codenamed T-Gravity by a scientist that is bad at naming things]: A Gravicon system which was modelled as a leadon to an experimental knockoff of the Black Hole System. To make up for its shortcomings it's jury-rigged to a T-Link System in order to increase its performance to far above average levels. This enables it to not only reduce damage to it from attacks depending on the amount of energy being output into it, but through combination of the Tesla Drive allows it to rapidly manuever through the air from the reduced amount of weight. It also lets the user increase the gravity of their shit but that's better explained elsewhere. It also has self-repair cells in it in the off-chance it gets damaged, but they heal far too slowly for it to be used practically in a fight unless it lasted several days for whatever reason.
[Locked] Uranus System: Hooked up to the T-Link system as a backup, and by extension the T-Gravity system. Due to the intense nature of the Uranus system when activated it's capable of producing power comparable to that of a Black Hole engine, although the high damage it inflicts to the mecha's core and user it's incredibly risky to use. Currently it remains an undiscovered function of the Mecha.

Named by Lux, the weapon in question is a large blade, shaped much like a claymore, able to change its length and width, increasing its mass to suit new sizes. It has been produced from attempts to recreate the technology modeled after the Zankantou used by the famous Sanger. The metal framework is controlled by an ionization system that utilizes pre-set configurations to manipulate the metal into the shape the pilot has determined to be best suited for the situation. The ionization system additionally acts as a field allowing it to survive contact with high energy blades, in addition to increasing the effectiveness as a cutting edge. The blade is also capable of neglecting the liquid manipulation properties in favor of generating a charged ion field with a significantly larger range, however, the energy cost of this mode is ridiculously high due to the unstable/cheap knock off nature of the technology. Making it only useable with the T-Link system and even then putting a dangerous strain on the jury rigged knockoff.
Gravity Well: The T-Gravity System enables Lux to greatly increase or decrease the overall functions of gravity around oneself. As such Lux can greatly increase the power of the SIM's sword swings, and weight for example. It also enables SIM to create an anti-gravity field around itself, enabling it to simulate flying if its tesla drive is ever damaged, as well as greatly lessening the power of physical slugs shot towards it.
Clairovoyance: Taps into the T-Link System to boost Lux's psychic abilities, increase the sennsory ability of the machine by +30 for 3 posts. Afterwards sensory ability is damaged until given time to repair, halving it.

Signature Moves:
T-Link Surge: Sky Cleaver: Activating the T-Link system Lux holds out their sword, surging their psychic energies to give it a boost before holding it up into the air. Causing the sword to swell up with ionized psychic energy, at which point it can then be swung in a variety of ways to completely wreck everything in the general direction of the sword. Pretty much usable only once per 12 hours, otherwise the energy core may short-circuit temporarily.
Mutually Assured Destruction- Uranus Mode [Locked]: By bringing the mental strain of Lux to the limit while the robot is critically damaged, the excess energy starts to overload the core to the point a singualirity is formed. At which point the T-Gravity Core destroys everything around it. This pretty much kills the user as well, but oh well. Useable -once- for obvious reasons.
Art of Run's Character(s)

OC Character

Name: Ezekiel Prinn (Prinn 01)
Gender: Male
Age: 13-14 (Pre) 15 (Post)
Race: Human (Spacenoid)
Height: 5’8
Weight: 9 stone
Rank/Title: EFSF Ensign, Test Pilot
Special: Cyber Newtype (Failure)

As is the story with most Artificial Newtypes, Ezekiel is an orphan of the One Year War, his parents lost when Zeon attacked Side 1. Those years are blurry for him, part due to trauma and him simply being too young at the time. For the duration of the One Week Battle, he was sealed away in a shelter in a last ditch effort from his parents.

Ezekiel was soon found by rescue teams, alive but malnourished. Upon his arrival on Earth, he was given an opportunity; to abandon his past, undergo the Artificial Newtype creation process, and become a weapon of the Earth Federation. To the young, tried and grief-stricken Zeke this was a no-brainer choice - a chance to get back at the ones who attacked his home.

Once the Newtype Research Facilities were established 2 years after the OYW, Zeke was one of the first ‘volunteers’ to undergo the long process. At the time, it was unrefined and dangerous, Zeke being a testament to this. Through out the process, he suffered through many dangerous incidents, even going through one of the first recorded incidents of Synaptic Breakdown. He survived, but came out a failed Cyber Newtype. What does that mean exactly? For starters, Zeke lacks a lot of the benefits of being a Newtype; his enhanced spatial awareness is intact, exceptional even, but he cannot detect other newtypes or the intents of others. To add to this, he also suffers from minor incidents of Synapse Syndrome after mind intensive activities.

In recognition of having gone through the Artificial Newtype program and his decent piloting abilities, he was assigned to the Earth Federation Space Forces as a test pilot, sent into conflict zones of all varieties to test the capabilities of a mobile suit.

Zeke has a personal, seething hatred of the Decepticons and Zeon forces, although his time at the Research Facility dulled it along with many other emotional responses. He’s not one to get angry, but the sight of a Decepticon is usually enough to set him off. Although it was Zeon who are primarily responsible, the Alien nature of the Decepticons only makes them much worse in the eyes of Zeke. The Titans, with their general distaste of Spacenoids, have not got a pleasant place on his list either.

He’s incredibly neutral when it comes to other factions. If they are his enemy during that battle, he will fight them to the best of his ability. End of.

As expected of a war orphan, Zeke has some issues. Outside of the safety of a mobile suit sudden loud noises frighten him, suffers from insomnia and is generally uncaring of social faux pas’. Where Zeke was once a passionate and angry child, he has become far more muted and mellowed out since going through the Artificial Newtype process.

Sloth-like would be a good way to describe Zeke outside of his Mobile Suit. He likes to to just be lazy, taking whatever opportunity he can to catch a moment of sleep in lieu of his insomnia. This often gets him into trouble with his superiors, as it can even happen when they’re speaking directly at him. It’s quite the effort to get Zeke to do things that are not pilot a mobile suit.

As an odd hobby, he likes to take unflattering pictures of the people who he serves alongside, his reason being that ugly photos are more memorable than the pretty ones.

When people actually get close to Zeke he’s very reluctant to let them go, clingy even. The deaths of his comrades hit him hard every time, and it’s easy to see how. When sad, he sleeps - a lot.

When deployed, Zeke could be described as the ideal soldier; He’s a very good pilot, follows orders to the dot, and has an uncanny sense of battle flow. His leadership skills are essentially non-existent.


Name: Jegan Alpha
Type: Real
Dimensions: 20 meters
Weight: 45 Metric Tons


Strength: 30
Armor: 25
Firepower: 46
Performance: 30
Mobility: 30
Energy Output: 35 (40 conditionally)
Sensors: 53

The Jegan Alpha is exactly that, an early prototype for the next generation of Mass Production Mobile Suits. With more manoeuvrability than the standard GM II and a high quality detection suite, the Jegan Alpha is well suited for skirmishes in closed or open spaces. It suffers from OS glitches and occasional clunkiness, there's still a lot of work to be done before it's ready for mass production.

Beam Saber x2
Precision Modified Beam Rifle
3 E-pacs
Vulcan Gun Pod
3-Slot Grenade Rack
Smart-Missile Launcher (2 Shots)

Enhanced Spatial Awareness: Zeke senses of location, distance and direction are top notch, to the point where he does not have to be directly observing something to be aware of it. It acts as a sort of sixth sense. For example, should someone be approaching him at an angle he cannot see with his eyes, he’ll still be able to ‘feel’ its presence. This also gives him a talent for marksmanship and detecting battle flow.

Photographer: He likes to take photos of things. It’s a hobby.

Signature Moves:
Through the Barrel: Zeke takes a moment to focus, and in a display of inhuman marksmanship and awareness shoots to disarm the enemy(s) or peel away their defences. If the enemy is aiming in his direction, it will most likely be a shot aimed for the barrel of the ranged weapon.

Synapse Surge: Only accessible in the most stressful of battles. Zeke’s spatial awareness is enhanced to a disturbing degree for a short amount of time. No longer is it that he can just ‘feel’ things around him, he straight up knows where they are. Once this state fades, he suffers from his Synapse Syndrome.

Deployment & Crossfire
Synapse Surge
Kurou's Characters


Name: Schwarze Feuer
Gender: Male
Age: 38
Height: 6'3
Weight: 225
Rank/Title: Mercenary
Special: Due to years of service across various battlefield Feuer possesses an instinct for battle bordering on precognition. His cybernetic eyes and brain allow him to analyze his surroundings giving him up to date information on what he's surveying and allows him to react to the situation accordingly

Bio: A child soldier raised to fight for his planet Elesium, Feuer learned from a young age the ins and outs of combat. In an effort to boost the capabilities of their soldiers Elesium started implanting them with cyber brains and eyes linked to a data hub owned by the Galactic Federation. Ultimately it proved useless as the other planets decided to crush Elesium with their combined might. Even though the quality of Elesium's soldiers were greater they proved no match for the overwhelming forces and in the end their planet was destroyed. Only a few people who recognized their impending doom were able to escape the destruction of their planet and leave the solar system.Feuer escaped on a GF supply ship that brought ammunition and various products to the small solar system. After laying low for a few years Feuer returned to the battlefield as a mercenary
and earning himself a reputation as a ruthless killer with his mech "Apokalypse". Hearing about the current conflict going on in the universe,Feuer sets out to find more information on what's happening and hopefully make some extra money

Name: Apokalypse
Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 25 meters
Weight: 60 tons

Strength: 25 (20*)
Armor: 20 (10*)
Firepower: 50 (65*)
Performance: 50 (60*)
Mobility:60 (75*)
Energy Output: 35 (10*)
Sensors: 60

overdrive: Cast off *

Description: Apokalypse is mech designed for Feuer for combat in all kinds of environments in order to accommodate Feuer as the situation calls for it. However, it isn't suited for sustained punishment and it's low operating time of only a few hours means operations with it must be carried out swiftly or else it over heats and needs to charge.

- Beam dagger located on the outside of its left arm
- 10 Throwing knives located in a compartment on the inside of its left arm
- A blade attached to it's right arm which vibrates at high speeds for extra cutting power
- A beam Rifle with variable output that can be modified into a sniper rifle attached to it's back
- Twin Vulcan head cannons
- 5 E-packs
- Secret weapon

- Optical camouflage
- Special coating that allows it to deflect beam/energy based weaponry in small amounts
- Synch which allows Feuer to connect directly with Apokalypse with his brain allowing him to control it with his mind increasing it's performance.However this puts a strain on Feuer so he can only use it a few times a day
- Overdrive: Cast off;: Casting aside some of it's armor and pushing it's power to the max while Feuer is synched, Apokalypse gains a temporary boost in it's stats at then cost of it's remaining operating time

Second Mech

Name: Inno Di Morte
Type: Super Robot
Dimensions: 70 meters
Weight: 300 tons

Strength: 50
Armor: 30
Firepower: 65
Performance: 50
Energy Output: 55
Sensors: 20

Description: Inno Di Morte (Hymn of Death) was a mech designed by the Black Throat's race named so because of it's unbridled power and the fact that it takes the lives of loved ones to reach it's full potential. It is made out of an unidentifiable material that is extremely durable but lightweight, able to withstand extreme temperatures and is equipped with powerful thrusters allowing the giant mech to move at extremely high speeds.The mech is powered by an unknown energy produced in it's drive that becomes stronger when souls are sacrificed to it.and replenishes itself over time. Feuer can manipulate the energy in the drive for various effects, however at he moment, Feuer only knows how to manipulate temeprature

- A Bastard sword nearly the same length as the mech attached to it's back. The sword is made from the same material the mech is and can heat up to temperatures of 4000c for a moment by gripping the handle with enough force
- Shoulder Cannons capable of firing as automatic fire or continuous beams
- A Particle Beam capable of firing from it's chest
- Grappling hook which it can use to pull in far away targets
- Capable of launching it's fists at high speed
- A badass motherfucking cape for style

- Coating that allows it to ignore un-sustained fire from beam and archaic weapons
- Capable of heating the area around it to extremely high temperatures high enough to melt enemies or low enough to freeze them
- Capable of creating temperature clones of varying mass through extreme heat or cold
- Able to create ice daggers that can be thrown in order to freeze targets
- Able create explosions in its vicinity by manipulating the energy from it's drive


Name: Lance Blood-Storm (Sugar storm)
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180 pounds

Special: Alien/machine hybrid
Rank: Drug Lord, Kingpin, criminal outlaw

Bio: Lance was once part of galactic special forces. However, bored with his military duties he defected. Using his Charisma and charm he persuaded 3/4 of the galactic special forces to come with him taking all of the equipment and resources with him. Using these resources he started his own criminal empire and within 3 years moved to the top of the most wanted list. His crimes range from Drug and human trafficking to mass genocide, him and his forces having been responsible for wiping out more than 3 different species of alien. His own prowess in battle earned him the name Blood-Storm.One day during a raid Lance came across a mysterious temple. Decided to raid it for treasure he stumbled on to a mech. Not knowing what it was he approached it.

In response to his presence it awoke and bonded itself to his soul. Not realizing what had happened and having believed he had been hallucinating Lance left the planet. It wasn't until one day Lance woke up and found the ship he was on had been ripped in half and that he was once again in the presence of the mech that it had somehow followed him and after trying to communicate with it learned it was bonded to his soul. Not being able to discern anything else from the mech Lance decided he'd keep traveling until he found answers. For the past 3 years Lance has mastered control of his mech and has vowed to use it to spread his criminal empire.

Lance has an almost irresistible urge to consume large amounts of sugary drinks and has contracted diabetes. His friends and associate took the liberty of naming his empire the Kool-Aid brigade vowing that together, they would give the whole universe diabetes


Name: Anima Superiore

Dimensions: 50 meters

Weight: 400 metric tons


Strength: 80

Armor: 20

Firepower: 60

Performance: 30

Mobility: 30

Energy Output: 70

Sensors: 10

Description: Anima is bound to Lance' soul. As such he can summon the mech anytime he wants and using varying amounts of energy he can summon parts of Anima or it's weapons and tech in varying sizes and with variable output. He can even summon multiple parts at the same time. Doing so uses up a lot of his own energy, but as it is part of his soul, when the return to him his energy is restored. Should he choose to he can even pilot the mech himself. Because of the nature of his mech Lance can even use it to augment his own abilities and strengths, however, should his mech receive damage the pain transfers over to Lance. To much damage would cripple Lance and cause him to be unable to fight

Weapons: 4 60 meter long retractable lances in it's belt. Each blade is capable of breaking atomic cohesion. The lances are dubbed, "Gryphons" . Two Charged particle Ion beams dubbed the "Brionic spears". Countless miniature spikes capable of being shot in any direction and exploding at the tiniest vibrations causing massive damage dubbed, "Tathlums".

Also equipped with a kool aid beam as well as a variety of other sugary drinks

Abilities: Anima is capable of launching countless nanomachines and using them to control and refract light, being able to focus them to create lasers or optical illusions. Dubbed "The Eye of Balor". Anima also possesses shields capable of withstanding attacks below magnitude 7 but can only be sustained for a limited time

battle theme

Byrd's Character(s)

Name: Terry
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 6'1
Weight: 195
Rank/Title: Mercenary/ Former Soldier with the Earth Federation
Special: He is rather charismatic, cheerful and friendly. He is considered a genius in combat possessing years worth of experience. He also has clairvoyance, enabling him to sense others when they are nearby. He is also extremely adaptive and a master martial artist able to use chi energy.

Bio: Born as a orphan in the USA. Terry grew up in the streets, often participating in streets fights and brawls. He was known the "Legendary Hungry Wolf" for his thirst of battle until one day he fought and lost to an Earth Federation Officer. The Officer saw potential in Terry and recruited him into the Earth Federation. About two years after joining the force, the One Year War took place. This is where Terry would gain his extensive experience as a pilot. He has participated in The Battle of Loum where he was noted to save numerous comrades from death at the hands of Zeon. After that battle however he was shipped back to Earth on orders. His participation in Operation Odessa earned him the nickname " Hungry Wolf", due to his tenacity to charge at his targets like a wolf who hungers for its next meal. However after witnessing his commander killing Zeon soldiers that surrendered, Terry got into a heated argument and which he proceed to beat the ever lasting shit out of his commander... He was dismissed from the EF, he then went into isolation becoming a Merc-for-hire. After the war ended, he came across a strange mech located in Egypt during one of his jobs. Located on the side of it was the letters ASTRA-S. He decided to claim it as his and get it tuned up, leading him to discover that the mech contained many black boxes. Terry now looks for work occasionally reading the news and coming across this mysterious war involving whatever hell is called an Autobot.

Type: Real Robot
Dimensions: 22 meters
Weight: 47.6 tonne

Strength: 30
Armor: 45
Firepower: 60
Performance: 40
Mobility: 65 (75) *
Energy Output: 30 (20) *
Sensors: 30

*Light-Shift activated

ASTRA-S1 is a lightweight mecha . Terry discovered the engine is design using protons, electrons, and neutrons.. all configured to give out the best energy output it can possibly have. The wings on the back are the thrusters and there is a cooling system located in the back of the robot. It excels in Air, Land, and Space combat and does fairly decent in water too. Its origins are unknown but its been concluded that it they may be more of them due to the S

-beam sword located on the right side of its arm
- A detachable beam rifle located on its right leg.
- Misses that are stocked in its shoulders.
- A pistol that is placed on its left side.
- Located in it's back above the cooling system are weapon modifications that enable it to modify its rifle into a cannon or adjust the barrel to set-up for long range sniping.
- A standard shield that has anti-laser coating.

-Afterimages that have mass due to the immense heat its thrusters produced
-An energy barrier that can last for 5 minutes, that completely protects the mecha from energy based and regular based weaponry
-AI that constantly learns and adapts, much like Terry, improving performance and combat effectiveness.
-Light-shiftv: Powering up its Thrusters to the max enables this mech to move at speeds that has it seem like its teleporting: often used together with the Afterimages..- Energy consumption increases...
-Black Boxes
Sorry have been lurking and wanted to correct some things I saw

back to the shadows for now, I am a little too busy for another RP at the moment
- saber's regen even with avalon is pretty low tier even in her own verse, practically all of the DAAs, several aristoteles, the True Ancestors, ctchulumonster etc. all have better
-saber flat out states her magic resistance doesn't protect her from the true magics, the phantasmal species, and Caster would wear her down after subjecting her to to her magic for approximately 24 hours
-her magic resistance does nothing to magical weapons see every encounter with gilgamesh
- her magic resistance does nothing to magical summons see Zero Caster
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