Name: Eva Gwynn
Alias/Nickname: Eevee
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Country: United Kingdom
Brief Bio: Eva comes from a somewhat normal family. But due to problems arising from said family, she dove into the world of gaming to escape and quickly fell in love with it. She has no one she can really call a friend; in reality or the virtual world and because of that constantly bounces from one game to another trying to overcome the boredom and loneliness that comes with playing alone. One day as she was watching television, a 30 second commercial aired giving a brief look at what was being called “The revolutionary game that will turn current MMO’s on their heads”; Sword Art Online. Her curiosity instantly peaked, picked up the game the very day it hit stores and quickly immersed herself in what would soon become her virtual prison.

Current Skills:
1) Polearm Skill: Staggering Waltz – A ranged flurry of attacks that deals damage to a target.
• Use on a target with the “Azure Blood” status to deal additional damage, immobilize the target and reduce the target’s defense.
2) Polearm skill: Azure Waltz - While Active, each successful strike on the target has a chance to inflict the “Azure Blood” status effect.
• If Staggering Waltz is used on a target with the Azure Blood status, the target will receive extra damage, become immobilized, and have reduced defense.
3) Polearm Skill: Triangular Axus – Basic Swift 3 hit combo with weapon.
4) Call to Azure – Increases the attack, defense and resistance of you and any group members.
5) Azure Rush – An adrenaline- induced trance that increases your defense as your HP diminishes.
6) Transference – A variant of Battle healing.
• Allows the user to gain a small percentage of HP each time an attack is successfully landed to an enemy.
7) Stealth
8) Light Armor
Weapons: Polearm
Items: 5 Antidote Crystals, 2 Healing Crystals, 1 Teleport Crystal
Equipment: Armor of the Sky Lion Set
Level: 40 - [0/1000 Exp]
Strength- 20
Defense- 10
Speed- 100
Dexterity- 60
Resistance- 10