Avatar of SerenaKuni
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 8 yrs ago
  • Posts: 3 ( / day)
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8 yrs ago
Current I happen to be looking for someone...someone special to me.


Full Name: Serena Kuni
Name Meaning: Peaceful Worrior
Nicknames:Seren, Ren, Serie, Taboo Child, Little Bird, Lil Princess, Renee (Jack Only), Rocky Road (Sasuke Only), Sere-chan (Gaara Only), Sena-chan (My Panda-Puff Only) Give Me Some
Alias:The Taboo Child of Konoha & Suna
Age: Varies between 13 - 21
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Konohagakure no Sato
Current Residence:
Konohagakure no Sato
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Height:5' 4''
Weight:115 lbs
Scars:A large one on her chest
Tattoos:Uchiha Symbol on her right shoulder, Konoha & Suna Symbol on her left shoulder, Kage Symbol on her left side.
Ears, Angel Bites, Tongue
Registration Number:00233467
Ninja Rank:Jonin
Highest Tier:Anbu Special Ops
Mission Ranks: |S-5| |A-8| |B-7| |C-50| |D-250|
Occupation:Medical Ninja
Skills:Ninjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Weaponry, Poisons, Mental Manipulation (Non-Genjutsu Related), Current Jinchuriki of the Five-Tails.
Kekkei Genkai:
HĪRINGUAI - Translated to mean 'The Healing Eye' is a Kekkei Genkai passed down to members of the Kuni Clan. Once used by the clan know for being the leading clan on medical science and ninjutsu. The special kekkei genkai gives those who posses it heightened agility, physical power and regenerative abilities. It also gives the user a boost to their natural medical ninjustsu abilities. Though it also gives the user one special ability. The ability to bring another back from the brink of death at the cost of one's own life force. Each use shortens the life span of the user. Serena is the only living member of the Kuni clan, and thus the only one able to use her family gift.
Traits:Friendly, Reckless, Trusting, Excitable.
Quirks:Bubbly (Often Comes Off as an Airhead)
Habits:Speaks Faster When Nervous
Despite the horrid things that happened to her she is a friendly and loving girl, though she looks at the world with a more critical eye due to the trauma of her past. Not nearly as trusting to outsiders as she once had been. She remained close to the small circle of friends she maintained. Hesitant in allowing new people into her life. She it rambunctious and head-strong. A stubborn flame brews in her reckless heart.
Mother:Kimiko Kuni. Deceased.
Father:Suzuki Kuni. Deceased.
Siblings:Setsuna Kuni. Unknown, Jack Cadillac (Adoptive). Alive, Itachi Uchiha (Adoptive). Deceased.
Other Family:
Naruto Uzumaki (Biological Cousin). Alive, Kushina Uzumaki (Biological Aunt). Deceased, Minato Namikaze (Biological Uncle), Deceased, Mikoto Uchiha (Godmother), Deceased.
Sexual Orientation:Straight
Relationship Status:
Serena was the daughter of a high ranking leader in Sunakagure and a high ranking leader of Konohagakure. Both her parents passed away during a mission several years following the attack on Konoha by the Nine-tailed fox. Serena was only 2 years old. She was sent to Sunagakure to live with her father's parents as her mother's had passed away years earlier. Serena lived a normal happy childhood for several years until her grandparents were murdered and she was kidnapped due to her rare family gift passed from her mother's side. Upon hearing of her kidnap Konohagakure sent out a small team to fetch her and bring her back to Konoha where she would be placed in the care of her mother's long time friend, Mikoto Uchiha. She stayed within the Uchiha family's care until Itachi wiped them out leaving only Sasuke left. Serena spent many a year trying to keep close to the only remaining 'family' she had left. Sasuke, her childhood friend now distant due to the loss of his family and Naruto her blood cousin on her mother's side. Though at some point, it is unknown when, as a way to ensure her safety she was presented with Five-Tails after his previous host was killed. Making her the same as Naruto. Her seal is located on her stomach and is a blue crescent moon. She possesses a scar on her chest from when she joined the other's in trying to prevent Sasuke departing the village. He nearly killed her when his chidori pierced her chest. Her wound healed though the scar it left on her heart never did. She grew desperate, leaving the village to train herself. Joining the Akatsuki under Itachi's protection. She later left and eventually joined the team dedicated to locating Sasuke and bringing him back.

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