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<Snipped quote by Server>

You won’t, most likely. Unless you meet family.

Oh! What's your family like?
<Snipped quote by Server>

It’s true. I suppose the more descriptive answer would be that I was born in Tainaron, but that really doesn’t mean much of anything. It’s not a planet or any place on any world.

That's incredible! I'll be sure to remember that name, just in case I meet someone else who lived there. Tainaron.
<Snipped quote by Server>


*My eyes widen in surprise*
Really? You don't look much like a spaceman or an alien at all.
<Snipped quote by Server>

*Stops to watch you do the second loop and then continues behind you*

Where are you from?
<Snipped quote by Server>

Things can get fuzzy in areas of the mind that are out of focus, that’s all. Has the potential to be dangerous, but it wouldn’t be anyone’s fault.

Well, in that case let's make double sure to stick together.
*Doubles around a dried-out oak twice and continues walking forward through the thick brush, every now and then snagging on brambles*
<Snipped quote by Server>

I’m less concerned about a forest’s opinion of me and more concerned about being subjected to the chaos of a region of the mind separated from the host’s presence.

You think it would do anything bad? I don't have any ill will toward you.
<Snipped quote by Server>

*Turns my head over to face you*
As long as you don’t wander away when I’m not looking.

I don't plan on going everywhere. Just stay in sight; the forest isn't very kind to outsiders.
<Snipped quote by Server>

Kind of. It wouldn’t be wrong to call it that.

Got it.
*Eventually the mudlands filters back into a dense forest, with what seems like twilight peeking through the trees*
Be careful here, you can get lost real quick.
<Snipped quote by Server>

It's a mere manifestation. No different than something I'd do in the real world.

<Snipped quote by The Odeoron>

I'm not terribly sure we'll actually find any spirits of that sort here.

Sort of like an apparition?
<Snipped quote by Server>

Interesting, but... huh... *Waves my hand in front of myself* It seems that this entire region of the world has that intrusive energy mixed in with the general aura, i wonder why it felt concentrated on those critters...

Ah... i meant how did you exit your universe...

What do you mean by intrusive? They're native. And for leaving, my dad taught me how. I don't know how he learned. But ever since, it's made my parents so proud for me to be out on my own.
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