Once Aizum heard the message, he rolled his eyes, " Self centered mayor." And got up to his bland matress, having a white pillow with white sheets and a white blanket.
After getting dressed he grabbed two keys connected by a key ring, on of which has the number of his inn number, the other has symbol of a Raven clawing a skull. Slamming the door behind him and going down the stairs with an empty grocery bag.
With the theme song playing in the background he walked through the plaza, staring at a group of civilians talking about what they were going to wear at the party. Most commotion stopped as he walked by, finnaly stopping at the grocery store.
Entering it he grabbed 5 insta Rice's and about 10 insta noodles. Finnaly grabbing a gallon of water." Hello Luna, how was your day" Aizum said quietly, not expecting an answer, he payed her quickly and ran out.
Luna was one of few that he feared. He powered walked toward the bar, opening the door frantically, wanting a drink immediately
He dropped the leather bag next to him and sat, "Can I have a IPA, I really don't care what kind..." As soon as he got his drink, he began to swing and swig. The theme song in the background.