Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


EVENT DAY: New Years Day (01/01) New Years Day is a local holiday that occurs when the first tree within the Mayors Garden begins to show its first sign of leafage. By nightfall the Mayor himself sees to getting the word out as well as gathering up enough food to feed the whole town for an impromptu picnic party.


"What Goddess?"

"Yes, Goddess what do you need?!"

"Aha." The Harvest Goddess said once more, stretching her limbs outs, "It is the first day of Spring my friends, so we have a lot of work cut out for us." her group of four Harvest sprites all responded in different tones of cheer. It was true, Spring was a busy for the Sprites, they had to get all the flowers started in their bloom. They had to get all the animals waken up from their slumber, and they also had to get rid of all that snow from the previous winter. The Goddess sent out her friends as she sat near her pond that she called home. Valibree Village was the Goddess' pride and joy. She had looked over the town for hundreds of generations. She watched it grow from a small seed to a bustling town with tons of joyous faces. She granted plenty of wishes and made sure that people took care of themselves and the land that they lived on.

It had been exactly a year since the BigCo company had came in with plans of destruction for their amusement park and resort. The Goddess often wondered why couldn't people find amusement in the things Valibree had to offer at the moment? They had amusement! They had places to live and be happy. Perhaps it wasn't enough though. People were odd in that way, they could have everything they wanted but still have the drive and urge to receive even more. The Goddess let out a soft sigh, hopefully this new year would be a step in the right direction.

Meanwhile at the Mayor's house...

"That tree!"

"No, that one!"

"No, I want that one!"

The Sprites fought over which tree they would have start off the first growth on. The little hooligans found it hilarious to watch the village's mayor come out into his orchard and look frantically for any sign of bloom so that he could throw a party for being the first place to have any sign of Spring. The foursome fought for a few more minutes before deciding on a large tree near the front entry way of his home. That way people in town could spot the tree right away as well. After the decision was made, they began sprinkling seeds and the like around town to get the season on it's way. Most people could not see Sprites unless you were very still and quiet. Kids were the ones that saw them most, as their minds were not so preoccupied with work and other responsibilities.

After finishing their jobs they returned back to the Goddess' lake so they could have some fun of their own.

When the Mayor slept his beard wrapped around his head so that you could only see and hear his whistling nose. It was very comedic to say the least, but the Mayor lived alone so no one was able to witness the sight for themselves, just rumors. As his own snoring woke him from his slumber, he turned to his bed side table and place his glasses on. "A new day!" he exclaimed, jumping from bed. The Mayor of Valibree could be described as eccentric if anything, being the face of the town for what seemed like centuries. He promptly ripped the page from his calendar circling the first day of Spring. "Time for my day, my day, my day!" he sung to himself in an off-key tone as he proceeded to get dressed in his best attire. Going down several flights of stairs, slowly but surely he made his way outside to see which tree was in bloom that he could show off to the town.

With luck, he found the tree at the end of his walkway, a large cherry blossom tree with a bright pink blossom facing the town. "Good golly, she's a beaut!" he said rubbing his bald head as he looked up at the tree. As if this were a new idea, the Mayor would say to himself that this was a call for celebration! He waddled his way back into his home and started making phone calls to the residents of Valibree.

"Yes this is the Mayor! I want you and your family to come to my home at nightfall. Everyone bring something to share with the town and to share with me. Maybe presents to me?! It's the first day of the year for Goddess sake, that means we have to start off the month celebrating me- I mean not celebrating me, but MY tree having the first bloom. That's a pretty nice thing isn't it? How do I turn this thing off- oh there it goe-"

This is what everyone woke up to on their message machine this morning, do with it what you may, but today is considered a holiday. Everyone is invited to meet at the Mayor's home tonight for a celebration. For now, enjoy your day!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Once Aizum heard the message, he rolled his eyes, " Self centered mayor." And got up to his bland matress, having a white pillow with white sheets and a white blanket.

After getting dressed he grabbed two keys connected by a key ring, on of which has the number of his inn number, the other has symbol of a Raven clawing a skull. Slamming the door behind him and going down the stairs with an empty grocery bag.

With the theme song playing in the background he walked through the plaza, staring at a group of civilians talking about what they were going to wear at the party. Most commotion stopped as he walked by, finnaly stopping at the grocery store.

Entering it he grabbed 5 insta Rice's and about 10 insta noodles. Finnaly grabbing a gallon of water." Hello Luna, how was your day" Aizum said quietly, not expecting an answer, he payed her quickly and ran out.
Luna was one of few that he feared. He powered walked toward the bar, opening the door frantically, wanting a drink immediately

He dropped the leather bag next to him and sat, "Can I have a IPA, I really don't care what kind..." As soon as he got his drink, he began to swing and swig. The theme song in the background.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Astrid Peterson

Durins Cottage, near the mine

Astrid woke up in the small cottage as the answerphone bleeped away ceaseless rate. Atop a small wooden table in a cozy living room with a dusty grate from the previous nights fire that helped keep the cottage welcoming and warm it's thick stone walls holding the heat for hours after. A thick rug and a large dog lay on a bed lazing about enjoying the early morning, Fluffy thr newfound was like her owner, far more a night owl that early bird.

Walking up and opening the door as a rather large black furry shape wandered out slowly to answer the morning call.

"Come on then you big softy... Don't stray too far."

Fluffy was a rather hungry, but very freindly and complete softy of a newfoundland, her sister had give her as a companion, one eye blue, another green she was unique much like Astrid. Checking the answerphone message she listened to it ramble on, mayor's, party, trees, Sounded like it could be fun, and a intresting event at least.

Throwing something warner on and beginning the walk into the village after a black coffee on the porch watching her silly dog wander about thinking about how she probbly should remember to buy milk soon followed by fluffy.

"Good girl. Let's see of we can find some milk and a bone for you"

The Village shop, then bar with Fluffy

Walking in, she had grown to know where things where and the signs of activity round thr mayor's house, the gentle giant of a dog following, calm ernough to not need a lead, she could not hold her back anyway!

Swinging by the shop for milk and a few other things that where running low, handing over a small pile of notes before heading to the bar and sitting down with a well behaved fluffy chewing happily on a bone as a treat.

"morning, got a coffee, the cafe probbly not open yet, and a bowl of water for this big lump of loveable fur?

She well behaved lady"

Looking round, it was quiet and a holiday, the village was slow to rise and shine this morning. Giving fluffy a quick fuss for Lieing quietly by the bar.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Indieman
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Indieman The Indiest Man

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Charlie Lerner

Charlie wasn't exactly a fan of celebration. So, when the Mayor's message came through the answering machine (he heard the phone ring, didn't pick up) he groaned, feeling both annoyed and pitiful at the Mayor's annual attempt to get people to actually care about the New Year. Although he would admit there was one thing that always brought a smile to his face during any one of the Mayor's picnic's, and his eyes glance over to the numerous goldfish swimming around in his fish tank in the corner of the room.

But that would have to wait for later. A New Year didn't mean much for the fishing business. The fish to be caught for the day weren't going to give him an easy time just because the calendar had struck anew. In fact his day would most likely prove to be harder, what with all the people celebrating on the beach, making fools of themselves as that's all the celebration was for; an excuse to act like an idiot.

Cylie had been out last night (probably all night) and so he wasn't going to be getting her help today. He could hear her snores from the kitchen. But he made her breakfast (something to break her hangover with as well) with eggs, bacon and salmon, and made something small for Mom, before bringing it into her room on a tray, carefully pushing the door open with his back.

The room is dark, cluttered, and stuffy. The windows have been closed for he doesn't know how long, the curtains drawn along with them, because Mom said the light "hurt her eyes". She isn't awake yet, but he places the tray on her bedside table, replacing it with the other one, the food half-eaten. And then slowly, he leaves the room, closing the door with a soft click.

Letting out a sigh, Charlie puts most thoughts out of his head and gathers his fishing equipment; his two fishing poles, one old and rusted, the other brand new, his bag of bait, his basket to put any caught fish in for the day and a small knife. Two fishing poles on his back in a bag, the bait clinging to his belt next to the basket, knife carefully placed in the waistband of his pants, he moves towards the front door, the floorboards creaking under him.

But before he leaves, he takes a long look at the house behind him; the house he's lived in all his life, a house scarred with memories and an endless amount of emotions Charlie could hardly begin to label and tag as events in his life. He took a look at the house he'd most likely die in.

A New Year, a new me, he heard people often say. What a load of crap.

He opens the door into the sun, and closes it behind him.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


The familiar hissing sound filled the small blisteringly hot dome shaped building that was known as the Redson Forge as the only blacksmith in Valbree went about quenching his hundred and sixtieth horseshoe. As per usual a healthy grayish smoke was pouring from the single chimney at an extremely steady pace as a tell tale sign to everyone in town that Red was in fact hard at work despite the early hour.

Sighing for no one to hear Red mentally kicked himself for having pushed this specific project to the last minute possible, not that this was an uncommon occurance-though thinking of the regularity he found himself in this position made him all the more upset. Having known about this particular order from out of town for over three weeks he had more than enough time to have finished the job at a leisurely pace...as per usual though instead of working his actual job he had found himself procrastinating, each time promising himself that "after I catch this next fish" or "After I finish this sketch" he would "get right on it" only to find yet another distraction.

In similar fashion though he was here finishing the order in just the nick of time-all he had to do now was let his latest monotonous creation cool from its currently oil covered steaming state, add it to the wheel barrel filled to the brim with similar finely crafted pieces and take them outside for a quick hose down. It was true that all the oil was mostly cooked off from the sheer heat of the metal but Red always thought a quick clean up gave them a particularly nice shine, because of this he always took the few extra minutes to do so before dropping off all his hard work in the drop box out front of his home for collection in the morning.

Through the few trees that separated his home and the road to town Red caught the briefest glimpse of Astrid and her dog walking by. Red, currently wheeling his cart full of metal, almost called out with a "Mornin!" but then remembered that saying hi could end up leading to an actual conversation. The thought of talking right now just sounded abhorrent after his all nighter-no, instead of talking Red was determined to just mind his own business, finish his work, and go to bed. He found himself pondering maybe making a sandwich or something before crashing in his bed when his train of thought was interrupted by what Red thought was the most annoying sound in Valbree.


"Mornin Red! Atleast for me anyways, I can tell by your sweaty soot covered nastiness that you probably haven't been to bed at all. Not to mention those awful bags under your eyes along with the-" Hope, Red's younger sister by several years, had seemingly appeared out of nowhere from Red's point of view. Having (intentionally) caught her brother in the middle of shoveling handfuls of horseshoes into the old collection box for the family forge. The way she held her hands confidently on her hips like some sort of super hero while beaming her signature giant toothy grin was almost comical in the way it contrasted her brothers blank, almost scowling, face.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it, Ok? I look like fertilizer. Somebody has to keep that damn forge churning though, not to mention feed the family. Oh, and we can't forget Dad's weirdly expensive medicine that doesn't work at all." Red punctuated the sentence with an unnecessarily strong toss of the horseshoes into the collection bin-with a loud clanging clatter they landed on the growing pile inside.

Raising her hands up as if in surrender but not dropping an inch of her smile Hope didn't skip a beat in the conversation "Sorry, sorry. Just tryin to get the point across that you need some sleep. Cooked you some eggs and bacon the way you like em, also woke up a little early and went ahead and took care of dad's meds. Tried to get him to eat but, well, he did his best."

The way Hope talked made Red sigh for what seemed like the thousandth time, though this was an expression of his own self loathing as opposed to any anger or stress caused from his sister. In reality Red found himself hating the way he still wanted to snap at Hope despite what he knew was her best efforts to just make life more bearable. Like always though he made no attempt to acknowledge this. "Allright, well, thanks. I might have a bite before I turn in for the day, make sure you give Dad his second dose later tonight because I might not-"

"Nope!" Hope cut him off "We are goin out tonight. Both of us. You know what today is?!"

"Uh...Monday? Rot it, I didn't forget an order did I?!"

With a single chuckle Hope interrupted her visibly shaken brother before he could panic any further. "No, no, nothing like that. Least not that I know. No, I was talking about a certain painfully long winded message we got on the phone. You musta missed the call while in the forge."

The words long winded message immediately got the gears moving in Red's head "Mayor McByrd?"

"The one and only. Mcbeardy called to tell us the big news-It's New Years Day!" Obviousley haveing been waiting for this exact moment Hope took her right hand, grabbed a handful of something from the pocket of her green leather jacket, and threw what turned out to be an odd mixture of sparkles and confetti into the air.

"What the-Where the hell did you get that?!" Red hollered as he waved the concoction out of his direction in vain.

"Totally worth ruining my pocket"


After yelling at his sister for his now sparkly state and then eating his hot breakfast/dinner that had been prepared by the aforementioned glitter thrower Red went about going to his room. Last he had seen of Hope she was headed for town and Red found himself thanking the Goddess for this small miracles. Sitting atop his bed in his rather sparse room that contained little more than his dresser, a few bookshelves, and an impressive array of fishing equipment complete with accompanying small framed pictures of many memorable catches hanging from the walls. Surprisingly despite his clear interest in fishing he had no stuffed and mounted fish anywhere to be seen.

Pulling a cheap bottle of "Rotgut Whiskey" out from under his bedframe he just simply stared at the amber brown liquid for what felt like several minutes. Finally he unscrewed the cap and took a few long gulps straight from the bottle. After a few moments of letting the liquid devil work its wonders Red pulled out his old flip phone and began formulating a text to someone he hadn't talked to since he had been asked to leave the local bar one night-he hadn't technically been kicked out but the shear shame of being asked to leave had left him to embarrassed to return let alone talk to the regulars or the owner.

Blunt and to the point the text simply read "You going to the picnic Wheaty?"

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SolusFalcon
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SolusFalcon Birb of Prey

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Long before the Mayor woke up, Grayson was already getting a head start for the day, rushing down the stairs towards the kitchen. He had to, after all, there were plenty of early risers in town and Grayson liked to have the cafe open for them so that they could enjoy a fresh cup of coffee or some fresh pastries if they came into town. Just because it was a new year didn't mean he could slack on his self-imposed responsibilities, and he definitely had a lot on his plate to get done before he could open up. If the past was any indication of how today would go thanks to the Mayor's nature, Grayson knew he'd need all the time he could get this New Years day.

So naturally, Grayson began the process of opening up the cafe. It all began with a flick of a switch here, a press on a button there, turning on all the various appliances so that they could heat up in preparation for potential customers or just some simple requests from the Mayor for tonight. Hopefully, he'd go easy this year on requests, it wasn't exactly like they had 8 hands anymore working the place. Grayson winced slightly at that thought, causing him to pause slightly before he sighed under his breath. Everything was fine, he told himself, just a bit more work... Just a bit more work...

Thankfully the phone began to ring loudly as if on cue, snapping Grayson out of his depressive thinking for good as he muttered a "Oh thank the Goddess..." under his breath before reaching for the phone. It was immediately obvious that it was the Mayor, who sounded slightly more ecstatic than usual, which was because he had found the tree like he always does. Grayson couldn't help but laugh a little at the self-absorbed man's attitude, rolling his eyes with a smile as the Mayor managed to once again seem rather unpleasant. At least his ending, Grayson thought, was a nice way to end that catastrophe of a phone call.

"Still though, what I should I bring? Coffee that late would be odd to say the least... What about some stuffed croissants? Quiche? Maybe a chicken tender salad too!" Grayson said aloud, putting together several dishes in his head to prepare for tonight. Not too many, he didn't want to overburden himself, and he was sure other people would bring something for tonight. Definitely not for the Mayor, he even wasn't doing this for the Mayor, but more for the community he'd come to love and defend.

Regardless, it was still early in the morning and that party would be for later. Right now, it was time to open shop, and feeling confident everything was done and ready for business once more, he flipped the sign on the door so that read from closed to open.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Olivia Frenwich

Olivia stretched her arms out, yawning while rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She hopped out of the bed, made her bed, put on a white robe, and opened the windows. The soft glow of the sun was the first thing that greeted her in the morning, something she often took as a sign that this will be a great day. From her bedroom at the second floor, she could see the vast lands of Valibree, a small town yet so brimming with life. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of newly-blooming flowers and the soothing grape smell that comes from her orchard. She was very thankful her parents let her live on her own in this beautiful town. Living for a long time in a city full of tall, steel buildings where people were always on the run, Olivia felt constricted as if she couldn't breathe. This place right here is where she truly belongs.

Another day, another chance to live, she thought to herself.

She went downstairs and could already hear the heavy thumping of Humphrey's paws. He bounded over Olivia, jumping energetically around her, as she knelt down to hug and scratch his ears and chin which the St. Bernard really enjoys.

"Hey boy. I see you're excited to start the day as me. That's the spirit!", she said to the dog.

Humphrey responded with happy barking and tail-waggling. Olivia chuckled and rubbed his head before going to the kitchen. She took out his favorite biscuits from one of the cabinets and put a healthy amount on his food bowl while putting milk on his drinking bowl. Humphrey barked excitedly before eating. Olivia simply got a bowl and put cereals and milk in it. She sat down and ate, admiring Humphrey as he quietly and patiently took his time on eating his meal. Well, as quietly and patiently as a dog could do.

Olivia suddenly straightened her back and hurriedly dashed outside the house. If she can’t find them inside the house then it means they're only wandering outside near it. True enough she found what she was looking for. She breathed a sigh of relief as she found Winda the Hen and Claud the Rooster at the doors of the coop. She walked over to them and knelt down to greet them. "Hello, Miss Winda! Greetings, Sir Claud! Wonderful day we have, isn't it? I'm sure you're very hungry as well. Hold on, I'll be right back", she said to the chickens as she opened the coop and heard Humphrey bounding over, no doubt to play with the chickens. She went to the supply room at the back to get chicken feed. While walking out, she can't help but feel sad about how spacious and empty this coop is. If only she knows how to properly raise farm animals then she would've been the town's farmer herself. Alas, the only thing she knows how to grow are grapes. Since she's not technically the farmer, she took it upon herself to clean the farm and ask for carpenters to keep it nice and sturdy.

She went outside and spread chicken feed as the two chickens walked over and pecked on their breakfast while she sees Humphrey barking and chasing a butterfly. Olivia smiled at the heartwarming scene as she went back to her house to finish her breakfast. She picked up her bowl and ate as she went to her message machine to hear any news for today. Olivia was very delighted to hear the mayor is hosting a feast for everyone tonight at his house. She rolled her eyes whenever the mayor would say something narcissistic. He may be self-centered at times but for her he's really a kind-hearted softie usually. For her. Usually.

She raised her brows as the mayor said something about bringing anything for the potluck tonight. Olivia pondered. She's been in the town for quite some time now but the only thing she brings for a feast is wine. She's worried the people might be quite sick of her bringing wines every single gathering so she thought of something different to bring. While thinking, she caught a whiff of aroma coming from her vineyard from the open windows. "Ah hah", she said.

Olivia washed her utensils, picked a basket, and then went outside to her humble frontyard garden. It may be a bit small for a vineyard but it's always been enough for her to create an ample supply of wines. She paused at each grapevine, admiring and complimenting how green their leaves are and how plump their grapes are. They say plants grow more wonderfully if you compliment them so she decided to do it ever since they sprouted from the ground. Other people might say that's a crazy idea but hey, all the best ideas are.

She picked out some grapes and put it in her basket. Humphrey was near as well, barking and chasing around a bee this time while the chickens are pecking around as usual. She went inside the coop and went to Winda's stall to get some eggs. She went at the back again to light a candle. She placed each of the eggs near the flame of the candle to know if they're fertilized or not. Olivia was quite bummed when she found out all the eggs are unfertilized. It would've been cool to see a whole flock of chicks playing around the farm but she's sure one day Winda and Claud will be comfortable enough with each other to make them.

Olivia went outside of the coop after she blew out the fire. She went inside the house and placed the ingredients at the kitchen counter. The problem is she has no idea how to bake and ff she wants to make some grape pie then she better do it right just in time for tonight. The cafe owner crossed her mind. Cafes not only serve coffee and tea, but also cakes, muffins, and more too! She took a shower and put on her clothes. As she locked the house's main door, she whistled to call over Humphrey. "Hey Humphrey, why don't you say we go for a walk?", she said to the dog as she rubbed her head. Humphrey happily replied with a bark and followed Olivia towards the town to visit the local cafe.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wᴀᴄᴏɴɪᴀ Wʜᴇᴀᴛʟᴇʏ

The scratching noise had drove Waconia up the wall for the entirety of Winter. All the squirrels that called Valibree home had taken it upon themselves to inhabit the walls, ceiling, and crawlspaces of The Silver Fish; Waconia's family bar that she had run now for a little over eight years. "For all that is holy to the Goddess! Be quiet! It's too early for this!" Nia exclaimed as she shoved her pillow over her entire face, her spread of pinkish curls peeking from the pillow- the only thing she was adorning under the sea of blankets.


The light mew had came from the most recent addition to the family, a small white cat named Mello, a play on his marshmallow looks. The cat proceeded to jump up into the bed and lay down right next to the young woman. She reached her hand down and scratched underneath his chin, "I love you, but I wish you weren't so useless." she said in a baby tone, pursing her lips in a kissing face as she belittled the feline. He was really useless but he was so damn cute that she couldn't see herself doing much without him.

Climbing from bed, leaving Mello covered up Waconia proceeded to get dressed and ready for her day. Most of the time the bar took care of itself, the town had been good to her- filled with heavy drinkers and heavy tippers. She wouldn't consider herself well off, but she was definitely well fed and living happily. Most if not all of her profit went back into improving the bar and updating product. Waconia found pride in giving her customers the best of the best when she could. She even took special requests when a particular town member enjoyed a certain drink. Several of her specialties were named after town members and she felt that made the place feel more like home.

After getting dressed and feeding the cat, Waconia went down stairs to the actual bar and turned on all the lights and proceeded to take stools from the top of the tables and place them on to the ground. She went around and wiped every counter top, table, and surface alike. This job could easily be done by a worker but Nia took everything upon herself as she felt that it was her duty to run the place like her parents did. The blinking of the phone's answering machine caught her eye whilst in the middle of her morning cleaning routine. Reaching to it she pressed play and listened to the Mayor babble on about today's festivities.

The young woman would admit she wasn't all too thrilled about the events that took place in town, but it was good for business and she often got a good tip from the Mayor when she brought a variety of beverages from her stock. While thinking of a fancy concoction for tonight she felt a small vibration in the pocket of her apron. A text message!

You going to the picnic Wheaty?

It was Red.

Waconia smirked. Red was something else. The two had grown up together and as kids they had a lot of happy adventures, but ever since Red's father had gotten sick a new side of him had appeared. Nia couldn't blame him for being upset, but it was because of their strong personalities they had grown into the two often were just too much for one another. She was slightly upset with him for not coming by the bar anymore. They used to spend every night together but when he had gotten into a heated argument with another customer Waconia had to ask him to leave. She had meant to apologize to him, but her pride kept her from doing it- waiting for him to apologize himself. They never did, avoiding one another for what seemed like a few weeks now


Waconia replied, a simple, barely one word answer. Something that she knew Red would hate. Causing problems before the event wouldn't get them anywhere though, she knew that. She didn't want problems this early in the day either. It was not fair for either of them.

Sorry. Ya, I'll here there. You going? Would like to see you.

That was a bit more approachable.

Waconia shoved her phone back into the front pocket of her apron as unlocked and propped open the front door. The Spring air was cold but fresh. It felt nice to air out the bar after a month of being stuffy. First through the door was Aizum. Aizum was a regular customer that Waconia was still trying to really figure out. He was a bit of an oddball in the scheme of things, nice enough but often had a way of making people feel uncomfortable. Waconia was used to all types of people though so she did what did best and put on a gentle smile, "Morning! Coming right up." she took to the tap and gave him a hearty size glass of ale.

Next on the appearance list was Astrid. A young woman who had rumor had it: she had taken over the old mine and got it back into working order again. Waconia had to admire a work ethnic that was like her own. "Coffee maker not quite done, but the pup drinks for free." Waconia joked, grabbing a shallow bowl and filling it with water and a few ice cubes for the dog to have something to keep it occupied. Turning on the coffee maker to get it started. "You know, I hate to tell you this but I know for a fact Grayson has that cafe open and more spotless than this place will ever be." Nia said, a bit of jealousy in her voice. She was prideful of her work, but she couldn't compete with that boy's work ethic. Plus he had delicious food! Waconia couldn't cook to save her life despite her mother's hard tries. Nia could enjoy food surely, but create it- she was pretty hopeless.

As the coffee deemed itself ready, Waconia poured a mug for Astrid, leaving a small pitcher of creamer and some sugar cubes if she preferred her coffee not black. She left the two to their early morning drink as she began testing out some mixes so that she could bring it to the party tonight, in between attending to any guests that would come in.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Jude Jamison

A Week Ago

The wanderer had traveled long and far from where he had once started.

For four years, he had drifted from place to place, meeting new and interesting people and trying out new and exciting things. Now, he found himself sitting in some diner just outside of a city, sipping from a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. It was there that he found an advertisement, looking for workers for a farm in some backwater town called Valibree Village.

He had heard of the place. Back when he worked at BigCo a few higher ups talked about their plans for it, and how they wanted to tear it down to build an amusement park. He never cared to look too much into it, and it seemed like working on this farm would be pointless; BigCo almost always got what it wanted, didn't matter who they had to take it from.

However, he knew this farm thing would probably be short-lived, and that was his favorite kind of thing. And hell, working on a farm was something he had never tried before, so what's the harm in it? BigCo would probably come and tear it down before he even got bored of it.

Nodding, the wanderer made his way to the phone and called up the number in the ad.

"You've got yourself a farmer."

Which leads to now, with Jude entering Valibree Village on the first day of the new year. He stood in what seemed to be the town square; there were a few buildings, such as a coffee shop, a clinic, a bar, an inn, and the like. He didn't really know where to go first. The farm could wait, he thought; after all, it was rather early in the morning.

So, he settled on the first building that caught his eye, the coffee shop. Jude figured he could use a little pick-me-up to get himself through the day. He entered the establishment, finding a young blonde man (@SolusFalcon) hard at work. "Excuse me," the drifter announced, "I'd like to order something."
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sewer Rat
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Sewer Rat Friendly Neighborhood Lurker

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After Aizum stopped drinking he payed Waconia a decent amount of money, about 30, smiled gently at her.

He always had liked her, seems to be the only person there that can make eye contact. She was nice enough, though he would get on her bad side, with his lack of social skills, he had got on her nerves sometimes." Thanks Waconia."

Speaking of eye contact, and the lack of it, he didn't like people being afraid of him. Being an edgelord is not his suiting, he thought back in his childhood, I don't want to be the main character, I'd take the side role thank you very much.. He watched a lot of anime then, and now. He wants to not be lonely, it sucks not being able to talk to people, with his stupid feelings in his stupid house. As he looked lazily toward his watch, he was late for a funeral.

He walked not that far to his work place, the Graveyard. He seemed to be more comfortable there. As he walks towards the edge of the woods of which contain the Graveyard. No there is no fog rolling in, but the trees had died long ago, he had no idea why, but they never seem to grow leafs and such, as if it is forever winter there. At night, it is almost the same, though that's what he though. Inside the yard, it was a creepy yet beautiful. With grass and plants all around, precisely cut to a specific inch, on the far edge of the yard, was a group of people dressed in black.

Aizum walked toward a women, he assumed she was the wife of the now deceased man because of the was she was crying, he looked toward her and almost began to talk, giving her a minute to morn. He saw two children, one looks about 16, and the smaller one, a young boy about five, hugging her leg.

"Mrs. Shepherd, your husband died," He told her bluntly, he choked when he thought of something, that choke soon turned to a chuckle, then a laugh, then that laugh was loud, his laughter echoed through the Graveyard. The women stopped crying and stared at him, not mad, not sad... just, staring at him.

Remembering his manners he stopped, looked down guiltily, and muttered so only the wife could hear," He died from overdose, now I may not be a police officer but, have you seen Mr.Shepherd use drugs?" He said it in monotone, no emotion in his voice. She didn't say anything, she just shook her head and then she began to cry again, "Sorry for your loss, death happens all the time, it's best you let it go. he said coldly, he hated it when people cried, especially for a long time.

He turned away from the family and walked toward another small building in the woods, the Morgue, as he walks away, the women was crying, and people were burying the coffin. The coffin was stainless steel, most likely he was in a black suit with a red tie, Aizum guessed in his head, around him would be blue pillows.

As he entered the moruge, he saw his Tech, [Enter anyone who wants to work in the morgue with my character], sitting on a chair waiting for him. Aizum, for the first time this morning smiled, "Hey!"

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by MojaveCourier
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Robin Nightingale

The Carpenter's House

A simple tune blared from an alarm clock somewhere near by, and an arm escaped the mess that was a duvet to shut it up. Robin let out a heavy sigh, breath misting up the air like a dragon puffing smoke. Again‽ She exclaimed, How many times do I need to wake up freezing cold before i learn to shut my windows? Getting up, she rushed quickly to put some warm clothes on, before closing the window quite forcefully in her haste. Next came a lovely warm hearth, Robin set aside a few logs from her pile, and loaded them into the fireplace, smallest to largest, before adding kindling, newspaper and of course a flame.

Another sigh escaped Robin's lips, this time relief. The fire grew nicely as she collapsed into an armchair just within the glow of the flame. A little tittering announced the arrival of a little sparrow sitting on the outside windowsill. Looking down at her watch Robin smiled in amusement " Mr Edelweiss" she whispered, mock-sternly, " You're early again, but you know that don't you?" She said, suppressing another beam. Opening the window the bird, sorry, Mr Edelweiss flew straight in, heading directly for the fridge where he knew his breakfast would be stored. Robin followed and indulged his silent plea, swing the door open and taking out a small dish with miniture fat balls on it, humming quietly to herself as she lay it on the table.

"The time has come" the Walrus said "to speak of many things;
Of shoes and ships and sealing wax,
Of cabbages and kings,
Of why the sea is boiling hot and whether pigs have wings"

She sniggered slightly, before muttering quietly to herself " Even I know pigs don't have wings" she paused momentarily, thinking, before continuing "but imagine if they did, imagine what wonderful creatures they'd be". The little sparrow on the table seemed to choke slightly, almost at the thought of it. "Oh, no. Mr Edelweiss, I didn't mean that. You're a wonderful creature, but you know how intriguing the unknown and unreal is, don't you?" She left the question hanging, whirling around picking up a few needed supplies before heading down towards the main bit of the village. She needed more food, both for herself and her 'pets', so she headed out the door, forgetting to pick up several things like always (her purse for example this time), not realising her answering machine was flashing: she had a message.

Town Centre and Café

As she strolled quietly down the lane, she heard small birds chirruping in the trees, and other small mammals like wild hogs snuffling on the other side of the hedgerow. It was a short walk however, and she had walked faster than expected, meaning some of the shops she had wanted to visit were still closed. Robin instead settled for a pot of tea and decided to head towards the café. Her anxieties rose however when she saw a flaxen haired man walk into the coffee shop, someone she didn't recognise, and she had to follow him in. As he stopped at the counter to order something, she slipped as she came to a halt and almost ploughed into the back of him; her cheeks flared instantly to a shade almost as bright as the hair on her hair on her head before she whispered "S-s-s-sorry" timidly, scooting off to find a seat and wait until Greyson was free.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lᴜɴᴀ Aʙᴇʀɴᴏᴠᴀ

Aʙᴇʀɴᴏᴠᴀ Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ Sᴛᴏʀᴇ
Sᴘʀɪɴɢ: Dᴀʏ 1

“Of course, this is exactly how I want to start my morning. Thank you, Mr. Mayor.” Luna muttered as her long, frayed pink hair covered a good portion of her face as she pushed the phone in her hands back into its place on her nightstand. Her tone was sarcastic and monotone, but the Mayor didn’t seem to care all that much as he ended the phone call in a huff. Luna didn’t even think if he had been paying attention he would’ve realized that Luna wasn’t being genuine in her thanks. Then again, who would be genuine being woken up to that? Certainly not Luna Abernova.

The young adult groaned in discontent as she moved her eyes to the window that overlooked the village. Despite the Mayor being her wakeup call, she couldn’t exactly roll over and go back to sleep. Not that Luna particularly cared about inconveniencing anyone came to the store looking for supplies – but at the end of the day (and start of the morning) she was a professional; just like her grandfather had been. Her grandfather’s saying of “an Abernova never being unprepared” still rung true for Luna even though she hated everything about the village she lived in. But before she got the store in order and opened the doors she would need a shower and an Irish coffee.

It’s five o’clock somewhere.

When her morning regimen was done and over with she would go over the shipment manifest from the city before ensuring everything was perfectly organized. For a short time, it seemed she was “allowed” to relax behind the register, a coffee cup firmly placed in her hand alongside her breakfast, a fruit-based assortment of crepes with only butter for a topping and toast with bacon on the side. She got to enjoy the benefit of no human interaction for most of her breakfast as the only sound present being that of the jazz record she had put on to help her focus on working. It was blissful in a way and for a little bit, she didn’t have to bother with thinking about what to present the mayor later on in the evening.

Until she got her first few customers of the day, that is. Fortunately for Luna they didn’t really want to talk and had other business to attend to; a sentiment Luna definitely appreciated given her particular disposition and preferences. When both customers left she took to her plate of now empty food and returned it to the backroom where she disposed of the plate and silverware in a utility sink for the time being. It didn’t take her long to move back to the register where she went through, her manifest, customer orders, and her own personal scrapbook where she jotted down her own idle thoughts from time to time. A few days ago it was some morbid poetry about the village. A week prior to that it was the first draft of a musical composition. One of the hobbies she liked to do when she found the time was centered around music; not that anyone in the town was really aware of it. Much like her other hobbies (such as cooking), she didn’t exactly want the town clamoring for her to perform for them. That would be the worst torture she could ever imagine.

A few revisions and I’ll be happy with it. Maybe.

The thought came and went as she poured herself another coffee, the whiskey bottle underneath the counter soon finding itself poured into the cup to make another serving of Irish coffee. Luna didn’t have a drinking problem; she had a drinking solution. So far, it was a good morning.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Javier poured himself a cup of coffee as he pressed the play button on the messaging machine. A few messages about reservations popped up and Javier wrote them down nearby in a small agenda. Things were normal until he heard’s the mayor’s message about the potluck happening. ”Guy just wants another bottle of wine, hmmph”.

He walked out of his living area which was located right infront of the desk to look around to it. The morning newspaper had just arrived, well he was subscribed to a few editions of it really, to give his customer’s a sense of variety. He grabbed the top one, being his favorite and the one his brother worked at: “The City Times”. On it was another legal battle that BigCo was incorporated into. A local village that was a few hours away from Javier’s was fighting a construction notice by BigCo to build a new big box store. The legal battle went on for years and years until finally, it ended with BigCo agreeing to settle. It was a shame really Javier thought, villages are often thrown under the bus knowing that even if they reject BigCo, they’ll simply come back with more money until someone gives the greenlight.

Javier looked at the clock for a moment, before he went towards a red book labelled “Ledger and Guest list”. Javier opened it up and briefly skimmed it over before he nodded to himself. He then dialed every phone at the hotel and left a convenient message. ” Good Morning to you all, Javier speaking, and you need to pay up if your staying for this upcoming week. Come to the main desk before Tuesday evening and pay. Other then that, food service resumes normally today. Ask the front desk for the specials.” stated Javier before releasing the button. Javier then nodded towards Eugene, his assistant to the man the front desk. He walked out of the inn and simply proceeded to go to the general store, to place an order for some goods.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by T Risket

T Risket

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hope, one of the younger members of the community at the age of eighteen, had made her way down the old dirt road that lead in to the village. As was her typical routine she walked her usual route at an extremely leisurely pace-keeping closer to the river than the treeline of the woods she snapped a few pictures of the occasional fish breaking the surface or when she thought the sun was hitting the water just right. Using an old collapsible Polaroid camera strung around her neck she was given the instant gratification of being able to hold a physical copy of the moment in time she had just captured on camera.

Those that knew her in Valbree were well aware she wore the aforementioned camera almost everywhere; even more gossiped about thought, and rightly so, was her propensity to try and photograph people without them knowing. She always claimed it was to capture the real essence of a moment but on more than one occasion it has gotten her in varying degrees of trouble.

As always upon entering the village proper she began passing out greetings followed with a genuine smile to any and all she passed: she also did her best to specifically say "Happy New Years!" as often as she could. Known by most as an extreme extrovert with an overly positive outlook on almost everything while retaining a decently witty and dry sense of humor-especially when it came to her brother.

She had been mulling over whether or not she wanted to stop in for a quick coffee and hello at the cafe or pop in to Abernova's general goods to restock her now depleted glitter supply: being an item of particular low demand within the overall town the only real place to get her crafting supplies was in fact Abernovas. Because of that reason Hope had spent longer than she remembered trying to snap a photo of, in her opinion, the rather grumpy Luna Abernova while in her natural habitat.

The decision on where to go was quickly made for her as she watched Javier make his way into Abernova's-spur of the moment she decided she could sneak in on the same bell ding the would signify Javier entering the store. From there she just had to have a quick trigger finger.

Camera ready in hand Hope threw caution to the wind and followed Javier's footsteps into the shop before the door was able to close. "Say cheese!!" Wasting no time she took the first picture she could with a bright flash that was quickly followed by the noisy whizzing and whirling of tiny gears spitting the image out of the front of the camera.

Red stared in disbelief at the glowing blue screen in his hand; he was genuinley surprised by both the speed Waconia had answered and the very fact that she had answered at all. He could almost hear her sighing in between messages before choseing to be the bigger person-Red just hoped he could do the same.

He took another swig from his bottle.

After a moment of thought his fingers slowly played across his keypad in a manner that made it clear he was not used to texting.

Maybe. Going to sleep now-I know Hope will try and make me go though. Just wanted to ask if you'd keep an eye on her if I don't go?

Mulling it over for a minute he reread the message a few times before pressing send, all the while secure in the belief (somewhat drunkenly) he had definitely not come across as specifically wanting to talk to or see Waconia. Having grown up with each other for almost their whole lives she probably found the attempt at deception laughable.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SolusFalcon
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SolusFalcon Birb of Prey

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Grayson was busy writing down inventory, taking note of how much of his current dry goods he still had on the shelves when he suddenly heard the ding of a bell come from the front door. His first instinct was that it had to be someone who didn’t have their own business to attend to, but he supposed they could have taken the holiday off, so that didn’t really help in the end. Setting down the bright yellow notepad he had on the counter, he turned in the direction of the door to face his customer.

Immediately his face began to beam at the sight of someone extremely unexpected, forcing him to take a second and regain his composure. It wasn’t often, or well, ever that someone so new would come to the café before Grayson had the pleasure of meeting them beforehand. What a way to start the new year! It was definitely a better surprise than the Mayor’s phone call where he bragged through a short speech. If only the first signs of spring showed up somewhere else, it would have been a nice change of pace and taken the mayor's narcissism down a peg.

Regardless, thinking about the Mayor was definitely not important right now, and he reached under the counter for a white paper notepad for taking orders, doing his best to contain the excited smile he had as the new person spoke.

“Of course of course! Ahem, take a seat at one of the booths or take a chair here at the counter! If you’re looking for a brief menu, above the counter has several of the more popular breakfast and lunch items on the blackboard. The other one has several types of coffee that you can choose from. Overall though, I have a much more broad selection than that, so if what you want isn’t on there, don’t hesitate to ask!” He replied, feeling it was rather a mouthful and a bit too much to take in at once, but it just felt like a momentous occasion that needed a long explanation.

It was so amazing he didn’t notice the local carpenter, Robin, enter, and when she suddenly bumped into the new guy after slipping. His eyes widened in shock for a brief second, feeling it had to be his fault. Was the floor still wet from his mopping from last night? Wait, they couldn’t be, he knew it was dry... It made him slightly question how clumsy Robin was. He didn’t really know her like he knew some of the others as she was a bit reclusive, but he supposed in the end he was just glad to have business and her company. And seeing as she seemed to wait for the new person to order, Grayson turned his attention back to him.

“Anyway... It’s nice to see such a new face in town! We don’t get visitors or the like that much. In any case, just order whenever you’re ready and don’t be afraid to ask any questions too!”
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Astrid Peterson

The Village bar, with Fluffy

Astrid thanked Waconia for the coffee pouring some cream into her cup and stiring it with a upside down spoon, tinkling gently against the cups edge. The stranger who thanked the bar person left for wherever.somthing defenitely odd about them and even fluffy clocked her head somewhat unsure what to make of them. Astrid was slightly puzzled as they seemed to all but ignore everyone but the person they paid and left.

They where definitely a strange egg, somthing of about them that even fluffy could not be sure of.

"There a odd one... Like creepy odd. Thanks for ice cubes, she loves ice and winter."

Marking him on list of people to maybe avoid in the future, she turned back to her rather large dog who was seemingly happily crunching on ice cubes if not splashing thr floor abit while doing it.

The sun was shining into the bar as things began to wake up it seemed in the village, and a few shadows of people on there errands began to become more regular. Unsure as a newcomer about the whole party thing she decided she better ask, the bar woman was probbly round the corner. First turning to her overlarge softy of a newfoundland.

"Stay Fluffy. You do make a mess, silly girl. "

Fluffy was a rather silly newfoundland, dark furred and thick coat the over sized dog was sometimes seen as abit scary on occasions, but her temperament was much more preferring a fuss and a itch behind the ear. Curled up by thr bar her lapping and ice crunching had made the floor a little wet.

"Hey... I'm kinda new in town, know anything about the party? Mayor seemed to be enthusiastic.

They seemed... Enthusiastic. "

She had been new to village and most of her time has been taken up by reopening and repairing the mines tunnels and setting up new machines. Still she was unsure if she had earned the village's respect. She was confident about that ngs but always worried, ways having to prove she could do her job. It was not always the easiest choice of profession.

Still sat about the bar, it was nice to finaly get put the deep places of the earth and get some sunlight. At least her sisters gift laying next to her feet kept the lonely news away. Fluffy had been a very good companion over past few months and grown slot to be a rather large lady.


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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MissCapnCrunch
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MissCapnCrunch Pᴏʟɪᴛᴇ & Pᴇᴄᴜʟɪᴀʀ / Pɪʀᴀᴛᴇ Pʀɪɴᴄᴇss

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Wᴀᴄᴏɴɪᴀ Wʜᴇᴀᴛʟᴇʏ

"The pleasure is mine. Take care now Aizum!" Waconia said to Aizum with a soft smile as he departed. He might have been an oddball but he always paid well and that was something Waconia could appreciate. She often wondered what went inside that man's head. She told herself she'd have a deep one on one with him one of these days, but she hadn't done it just yet. It would have to be in daylight and in public just in case the rumors of what was keeping his business running were true.

Back to her mixing station Nia decided something that was cherry blossom themed would be the most appropriate for the event at the Mayor's place tonight. His orchard consisted mostly of the gorgeous pink toned tree. Nhia mixed together ingredients and racked her brain for recipes she already knew. She took out a pad and pen from the front part of her apron that she usually used for taking orders and begin to write:

2 tbsp red sanding sugar
1/3 part grenadine + rim
2/3 part Sambuca
2 part milk
Maraschino cherries for garnish??

It was a sweet adult milkshake. She thought that she'd also make a virgin batch as well so the kids and non drinkers alike could also enjoy the drink. From her pocket came a familiar buzz. Waconia assumed it was Red replying to her texts from earlier as she pulled out her phone and swiped a finger across it to open up the screen.

Maybe. Going to sleep now-I know Hope will try and make me go though. Just wanted to ask if you'd keep an eye on her if I don't go?

He was going to sleep now?

"Lazy motherfu-" Waconia begin to say but held her tongue. Waconia loved Hope, she had always wanted a little sister herself so she kind of borrowed Red's when they were younger. As they grew up the relationship faded away but Nia would take care of that girl no matter what. She pestered Red just as badly as Waconia used to, so that was a bonus.

Sleeeeepy head 😴

She sent the message and then followed with another,

Ya, I'll watch her. But if you don't come you owe me one.

Sending she dropped her phone back into her pocket as she turned to Astrid asking her a question at the bar. Pursing her lips she listened to the woman talk as she nodded her head. "The Mayor is enthusiastic alright." Waconia responded a hearty laugh escaping from her lips. McByrd was a character, and he never seemed to lose that gung-ho sprit. "Most use it as an excuse to get out of the house tonight and enjoy the warmer weather. Some people think it's just an excuse for the Mayor to get some free gifts and others just use it for free alcohol." Waconia stuck her tongue out, looking around Astrid and taking a look at the mess her dog had made on the floor. She almost asked Astrid if Fluffy was any good at squirrel hunting but decided not to.

"I'll be going, so if you want to check it out- you'll have at least one person to talk to." Waconia offered. Astrid was a cute and young woman, Waconia wondered how the young lady hadn't been courted by the many singles in the area. "Unless you have someone to go with already." Waconia said with a dirty smirk on her face, she raised her eyebrows up and down almost comically- always excited to hear gossip from the patrons at her bar.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by mickilennial
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mickilennial The Elder Fae

Member Seen 1 day ago

Lᴜɴᴀ Aʙᴇʀɴᴏᴠᴀ

Aʙᴇʀɴᴏᴠᴀ Gᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ Sᴛᴏʀᴇ
Sᴘʀɪɴɢ: Dᴀʏ 1

Seriously? Seriously?!

Luna’s brows narrowed as she was taken back with coffee in hand as Hope Redson stormed through the general store’s front door. After all, she wasn’t expecting Hope to do such a thing while she prepared to attend to the actual customer that was in front of her. It was a situation where Hope almost had the advantage. Almost.

Luna wasn’t sure why Hope was so gun ho about getting “the perfect picture” of her, but for the last several years the two had interacted Hope hadn’t exactly been successful. Luna always seemed to be ready for her – as if her wits were sharpened enough to be able to counteract whatever inane camera shot Hope was aiming to take at a given moment. Despite matching Javier’s footsteps and entering the shop in the most “stealthy” way she could devise, Luna’s hand immediately reached for the notebook next to her and by the time Hope took her shot she discovered that Luna had obscured her face by moving the notebook in front of the camera’s lens. A grumpy sigh followed.

“Don’t you have anything better to do?” Luna uttered as she sat her coffee down on the counter, notebook still placed firmly in front of her face.

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Howilng Zinogre
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Howilng Zinogre Tamer of Fenrir

Member Seen 1 day ago

The music blared loud and echoed throughout the shop. it was one of alexs favored playlists and as it was started by none other than Diva. She was always right on time with it, all it took was a peck to the play button and as soon as that happened (Just Awake by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas started) and just as the music started a loud "KWEH!!!" was loosed causing Alexs eyes to shoot open and a smile to form on his face as he spring boarded from the bed and stretched. He looked over toeard diva before clearing his throat, and calling diva to attention as she stretchedd and spread her plummage.

"Noones around you dont have to try and steal thespot light!" Alex said as he tossed his pj bottoms at the flaunting peacock. That was the start of there morning argument and as the two squabbled the phone went unanswered. The song had ended and the ping of the message was heard. "Good Job you made me miss a call" He said in false anger followed by a slight chuckle.

it didnt take long for the message to be heard, "HEY DIVA, ITS THE MAYOR HOLY SHIT ON A PEACOCK WE GOT A PARTY TONIGHT" He exclaimed as she seemingly gave him the dogshit look. if peacocks could speak odds are she would have clearly just said FUCK YOU.

Alex hd gotten up and showered and headed downstairs for the day banging his head to the music that had switched. (Skyhunter by Dethklok) Alex would open up his shop as he had begun to change the clothing on all the mannequins and get them redressed for the appropriate season he had done pretty well last season but it was about to warm up and that meant it was time to dust off the old sketchbook and get to work on new designs. As Alex had begun to flip through his sketchbook his fears had come to fruition, "GODDESS NOOOO WHYYYY MEEEEE" he began before killing the drama and shouting upstairs "Diva come on we have to go get more sketchbooks." it hadnt dawned on him that she had followed behind him and was already downstairs heading out the front door toward Abernovas. after locking up he quickly followed behind.

The trek was short and as Alex walked the town was beginning to awaken and how could it not the the sun had awakend the townspeople were smiling and he couldnt contain himself, one good feeling led to another and Alex had begun to belt out (Shut up and dance by walk the moon) as he nodded and shook the hands of the townspeople that smiled the few that werent morning people looked at him as though he was crazy, this bothered him not a bit any attention was attention that was his.

Bursting through the door of Abernovas he gave a hearty hello "GOOD MORNING CITIZENS OF VALBREE HOW ARE yoU ALL IT IS I ALEXANDER TAILOR EXTRODINAIRE OR JUST THAT GUY THATS ALWAYS IN A GOOD MOOD EVERYONES CLOTHES ARE TEAR FREE I PRESUME AND IF NOT STOP BY THE SHOP LATER AND GET THAT TAKEN CARE OF RIGHT AWAY" Alex said as he noticed Luna and hope already in conversation. "forgive the intrusion ladies but i am in dire need of sketchbooks for as you know a new year is upon us and that means new designs. My dear Luna would you be so kind as to point me in le Directo of my required item please. He asked as he felt a pecking at his leg "WHAT DIVA" He asked excitedly "Oh oh oh im sorry after you finish your conversation with young hope hear that is forgive my intrusion." He said and looked to Diva "Is that better" He asked "kweh" She responded.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 21 min ago

Astrid Peterson

The Village bar, with Fluffy

Astrid smiled, the woman seemed helpful and finaly gave a few answers that made more sense about the mayor and the party. Well if she wanted somthing as a gift, well she had no shortage of rocks.

Astrid could not help and she had been somewhat a stranger on edge of village, only coming for supplies or to collect the purchases for repairing the mine. Being a social human was probbly a good idea. They probbly thought she was abit strange being a female miner.

"sounds like fun. I might have some nice qautz crystals that i dug up. Beats a rock! "

Fluffy looked up from her ice cubes, one green eye, one blue looking over and gave her a look carefully before slowly climbing up and smelling Waconia trying to work out if to trust her, or not. Deciding she seemed honest Fluffy moved her rather large head a abit to allow to be fussed, and a scratch behind ear.

With her dense dark fur, large webbed feet and build she was a great swimmer and would happily dive into waters people would freeze in. A little too willful at times bit still not fully grown at least in mentality.

"I like free! Il see you there then, probbly should be social or they think I'm some strange dwarf up there!

Oh. Been busy up there. Not got anyone yet! Last person was in thr city... They moved on to work for big Co... "

Cutting her answer shorter, they had left to work for big Co, she had started her own little mine. Somethings just do not add up and make 2. Everyone had different life goals and some didn't match up. She was somewhat open with the bar woman but hey, thr village seemed nice and might as well try and make a few freinds, she had to live there after all. Maybe even love if things went well, but that was in thr future.

"thanks.. Good coffee. It's nice to have a quiet coffee in morning. "

Mentions, @MissCapnCrunch

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