EVENT DAY: New Years Day (01/01) New Years Day is a local holiday that occurs when the first tree within the Mayors Garden begins to show its first sign of leafage. By nightfall the Mayor himself sees to getting the word out as well as gathering up enough food to feed the whole town for an impromptu picnic party.

"What Goddess?"
"Yes, Goddess what do you need?!"
"Aha." The Harvest Goddess said once more, stretching her limbs outs, "It is the first day of Spring my friends, so we have a lot of work cut out for us." her group of four Harvest sprites all responded in different tones of cheer. It was true, Spring was a busy for the Sprites, they had to get all the flowers started in their bloom. They had to get all the animals waken up from their slumber, and they also had to get rid of all that snow from the previous winter. The Goddess sent out her friends as she sat near her pond that she called home. Valibree Village was the Goddess' pride and joy. She had looked over the town for hundreds of generations. She watched it grow from a small seed to a bustling town with tons of joyous faces. She granted plenty of wishes and made sure that people took care of themselves and the land that they lived on.
It had been exactly a year since the BigCo company had came in with plans of destruction for their amusement park and resort. The Goddess often wondered why couldn't people find amusement in the things Valibree had to offer at the moment? They had amusement! They had places to live and be happy. Perhaps it wasn't enough though. People were odd in that way, they could have everything they wanted but still have the drive and urge to receive even more. The Goddess let out a soft sigh, hopefully this new year would be a step in the right direction.
Meanwhile at the Mayor's house...
"That tree!"
"No, that one!"
"No, I want that one!"
The Sprites fought over which tree they would have start off the first growth on. The little hooligans found it hilarious to watch the village's mayor come out into his orchard and look frantically for any sign of bloom so that he could throw a party for being the first place to have any sign of Spring. The foursome fought for a few more minutes before deciding on a large tree near the front entry way of his home. That way people in town could spot the tree right away as well. After the decision was made, they began sprinkling seeds and the like around town to get the season on it's way. Most people could not see Sprites unless you were very still and quiet. Kids were the ones that saw them most, as their minds were not so preoccupied with work and other responsibilities.
After finishing their jobs they returned back to the Goddess' lake so they could have some fun of their own.
When the Mayor slept his beard wrapped around his head so that you could only see and hear his whistling nose. It was very comedic to say the least, but the Mayor lived alone so no one was able to witness the sight for themselves, just rumors. As his own snoring woke him from his slumber, he turned to his bed side table and place his glasses on. "A new day!" he exclaimed, jumping from bed. The Mayor of Valibree could be described as eccentric if anything, being the face of the town for what seemed like centuries. He promptly ripped the page from his calendar circling the first day of Spring. "Time for my day, my day, my day!" he sung to himself in an off-key tone as he proceeded to get dressed in his best attire. Going down several flights of stairs, slowly but surely he made his way outside to see which tree was in bloom that he could show off to the town.
With luck, he found the tree at the end of his walkway, a large cherry blossom tree with a bright pink blossom facing the town. "Good golly, she's a beaut!" he said rubbing his bald head as he looked up at the tree. As if this were a new idea, the Mayor would say to himself that this was a call for celebration! He waddled his way back into his home and started making phone calls to the residents of Valibree.
"Yes this is the Mayor! I want you and your family to come to my home at nightfall. Everyone bring something to share with the town and to share with me. Maybe presents to me?! It's the first day of the year for Goddess sake, that means we have to start off the month celebrating me- I mean not celebrating me, but MY tree having the first bloom. That's a pretty nice thing isn't it? How do I turn this thing off- oh there it goe-"
This is what everyone woke up to on their message machine this morning, do with it what you may, but today is considered a holiday. Everyone is invited to meet at the Mayor's home tonight for a celebration. For now, enjoy your day!