Avatar of SgtEasy


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1 yr ago
Current Bro, how does this site stay the same but change so much in just a few years. Damn
3 yrs ago
Damn its been 4 years and it took a car crash, medical school and a pandemic to get me back here. Memories be crazy
7 yrs ago
I'm gonna be away to the islands for three days so I'll be back Tuesday NZT <3 Will try and get online but I'm pretty sure there's no signal
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7 yrs ago
Got an 18 hour flight ahead of me today, wish me luck y'all :)
7 yrs ago
Merry Christmas from NZ to RPG, have a fun one and hope you have prezzies <3


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Can I stil apply?

It's definitely still open ^_^ Just look at the 0th post on OOC for the Nation sheet and the OOC. Available countries will be there

0th post has the latest map on it with all user controlled countries
gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang gucci gang

In spammmmmm 7 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

vulgar slang

stupid or untrue talk or writing; nonsense.

talk nonsense to (someone) in an attempt to deceive them.

nice writing tho

Ok sweet, thank you! Ill think of my idea and flesh it out a little more before even thinking of making an interest check but thanks for the help.

I'll try and overcome this fear
Don't be too strict or too lax. You don't want a RP to go fully off the rails, but you also want to keep your players from rioting because you're forcefully railroading them through the plot. Players are distracted by someone? Tie them into the plot somehow--perhaps they've been sent to assassinate the players or something like that.

Make sure to read sheets so your players can't try to pass something vague as part of their sheet. I'm normally not picky on this, but if people say they're strong, it's still hard to imagine them lifting a bus without superpowers. None of that "but the sheet says they're strong!"

Thank you :)

Okay so I have to be pretty flexible right? But I also have to sometimes force things onto the players at times? By the way, if there's some sort of clear ending to this, should I be flexible about that too and instead base the ending on the player's choices? Or would this be too complicated?

@Holy Soldier

Thanks a lot! Your advice is hella useful. You mentioned taking you time with it. How long should I spend lore building? Or should I build lore along the way?
Hello there,

You might have seen me in and around the Guild or lurking in your thread or actually know me but I've always been hesitant about actually GMing. I've seen so many big RPs die and I very, very rarely in the four years I've been roleplaying have seen an RP run its course or actually finish. I've had an idea that's been bothering me for a while now and this might be the first time I've actually shown interest for GMing because of my previous fears. Despite having the pleasure of roleplaying under many GMs on this site, I'm uncertain as how to manage a roleplay. I'm pretty clueless and wanted some advice. For my RP, I'm thinking of about five to six dedicated characters put into a story. There is a beginning and an end but the players choose how they get to that end, at least that's how I envisioned it. I do know that players have a tendency to go off the rails but I guess I just adapt, right?

I just need some advice on this because if I'm going to make a roleplay, I want it to be as good as I can possibly make it (if I do get over my fears and actually do this thing).

If it's relevant, the roleplay is like Stranger Things mixed with Bridge to Terabithia (as described by a friendly man on facebook). A fantasy? story set in a modern? setting where a group of children are imagining their adventures through a mystical land. However, children in a park as the sun goes down tends to lead to bad things. Things go awry, dark stuff happens and the children struggle to know the difference between their own imaginations and reality. At least, that's the rough idea for now.

Thanks for reading and I hope I get some advice on this ^_^
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