Avatar of SgtEasy


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1 yr ago
Current Bro, how does this site stay the same but change so much in just a few years. Damn
3 yrs ago
Damn its been 4 years and it took a car crash, medical school and a pandemic to get me back here. Memories be crazy
7 yrs ago
I'm gonna be away to the islands for three days so I'll be back Tuesday NZT <3 Will try and get online but I'm pretty sure there's no signal
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7 yrs ago
Got an 18 hour flight ahead of me today, wish me luck y'all :)
7 yrs ago
Merry Christmas from NZ to RPG, have a fun one and hope you have prezzies <3


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Here it is. Still not sure if I can join but wanted this here just in case I can :)

Edit: Really not my best piece of work but I can always flesh it out


I can make a CS if thats easier? I can collect all my ideas there in which you or someone else can review
<Snipped quote by SgtEasy>

Right, that's fine. Any expanded background?

Still have to think about that, want to make something interesting

Not god-tier levels of intelligence of course, think of the average buddhist monk. Very spiritually inclined, know how he and others work intrinsically but knows bare minimums about technology and science, basic grasps you would say
<Snipped quote by SgtEasy>

So you're aiming for an orc Monk with the strength of Mr. Incredible or something along those lines. That sounds really cool to me. I'm fine with that. Just understand that, once he shows up, he may not be the biggest fish in his new pond, and he'll have to grow. I see potential in it.

Pretty much, maybe a little stronger to prove he ain't completely useless. And Im completelt ok with that, I like develipment :) Happy birthday btw


Pretttyy much

Again I wanted to ask cause Im interested. Might join probably after new years because of time constraints but still not sure (January is a big month for me)

Not WoW, I meant OG Warcraft. Its pretty great still

I went to them when I was a kid. Basically a room full of computers where you can hire a fast computer with faster internet than you usually would. Also has printing services and the like. You usually pay by the hour and you have games on every comp like CS GO, Starcraft 2, Warcraft, Dota 2, Lol, things you can play LAN and online.

Its hella fun to play LAN CS in an internet cafe, I used to do that when I was 8
So uh, I was thinking of a incredibly, almost ridiculously strong orc looking character but not as invulnerable as everyone else and is almost debilitatingly strong constantly (thus needing to spend much of his focus on restraining himself and therefore looking very buddhist a lot of the time)
<Snipped quote by SgtEasy>

How often do you think you'll be able to post? I'm thinking we can tie several things together with your Dellesantos story. I was going to try and have Paige run into Jamal inside the ballroom.

Most likely a lot in the first two weeks. Last two I'll most likely be contstrained to internet cafes but will still be able to post

Edit: We can sort this stuff out in PM if you'd like?
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